September Stars

Hi all!

Optical :hugs: sorry you're having a rough time of it, and sorry Izzy is having troubles :( Hope it sorts out soon.

Becs, I think you're doing amazingly well, you're a great Mummy and Ian is obviously a brilliant Daddy too!

Last night Lilia slept from 12.50am till 7.30am! Wooooooooo!! She had only been to sleep once during the day though, we had the photoshoot (she was a bit on the crabby side so didnt get everything done that was planned so will be doing it again!)

Still bfing, still painfull on right hand side... but I don't want to stop because I do love it, I will miss that one to one feeling we have at dinner time!
Louise, sounds like Lilia is doing fab!!! Least you got a decent amount of sleep!! Can't wait to see the pics!!

I am so lucky with Ian, he is so hands on with everything, good job really as I still feel like poo!!! Things must be starting to heel down there as its a bit itchy, just want the tiredness to go!! boy James xxx


the mini weigh in! x


...all dressed for home, until i pooped and had to be completely changed!!


...cuddles with Mummy xx


...i love how tiny he looks how Chris has his hand on his and phoenix is the other side of him! xx

SDC102581.jpg fave pic so far!! xxx

Hope everyone is well today :) xx
Awwww becs you poor thing, and Louise wow Lillia is a good sleeper!! xx
This is the only picture we have so far, she did this one for us as a taster and the rest will follow over the next few days or so... I love it!

lilia shoot.jpg
Hi Guys

Came on here last night to update and for the first time since i started going on this website it was down for maintenance!! Typical

Well very briefly this is what happened over the weekend....

My waters broke at 9.30pm Friday night and I was with my parents so they took me home. I noticed that the waters were slightly green and so i rang the hospital and they said i should go straight down to get seen. They later told me this as common for overduee babies. My contractions started after about ten minutes of my waters breaking and within about 45 minutes were coming every 4 minutes. Dh asked me if i was sure whether that was right but i checked and they were. We got hospital (i think - its very blurry!) about eleven and were taken straight to a delivery suite. They checked and i was already 3cm dilated and I started using the gas and air straight away and then ended up being violently sick from the gas and air (i had just eaten chips from the takeaway and chocolate!). I had some pethadine and some anti sickness medication at about 1am. Then shortly after i asked for an epidural. It had been agreed with the anaesthetist before labour that i was going to avoid an epidural due to back problems (mild spina bifida) so i was begging the anaesathist to give me the epidural and he looked through the notes and refused. i then asked to have remifentanil as that is the painkiller that we discussed at an earlier appointment and she said that she would check how far along i was and said no because i was already 9cm and this was sometime after 3am. I had gone from 3 to 9cm dilated between 11pm and 3am - ish. So at about four i had the urge to push and she was born at 4.24am. All in all very quick! I had stitches.....ouch.We went up to the ward at about 10 Sat morning and i was discharged yesterday evening at 5pm.
So in total i had only gas and air and pethadine.

I spent most of my time during my hospital stay stressing about breastfeeding. i had tried on my own on the morning she was born and she did take to it, but only for about ten seconds at a time, and just wouldnt latch on. Soo i kept perervering throughout the day but itjust wasnt happening, she wouldnt latch properly then i was getting sore from it. I spent the whole of that night awake because she was crying and i couldnt feed her properly and me and baby were getting stressed ( ii was crying) i had about four midwifes try and help me with poistioning etc but still didnt work. So the next day another midwife went and got a 'milking machine' as she called it and we tried to express something, we got a bit and she said i was producing colostrum, in fact loads and baby was eager to suck everything around her - fingers, jumpers blankets etc, but it just wasnt working for us. So we gave a bottle of formula just to give her something. since then i have been making up a bottle of formula and trying her on the breast before a feed and really trying to perservere, but it just isnt working and she just wont stay on loing enough so i decided this morning to stick with the bottle and have given up on breastfeeding. I was adamant that i would perservere, but after spending the whole first fourty eight hours of her life worrying about feeding i have decided to stop feeling guilty. We tried but it just wasnt for us. It makes me feel like i have let her down bt DH says i shouldnt beat myself up about it....
This is the only picture we have so far, she did this one for us as a taster and the rest will follow over the next few days or so... I love it!

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Wow that is such a lovely photo, i want something similar but just going to try do it a skinflint! haha Chris' Dad is going to take some family protraits of us too!

Wayne looks like he has a tear which makes it even more special...bless! xx

Congrats Emz! xx
Genies - I love my V pillow aswell. It goes everywhere with me @ the moment !!

stmw - Glad Roxy is doing well on the Aptamil. I hate it when you seeing a baby struggle to go to the toilet. Its not nice is it.

Louise - That is rubbish about OHs ex. She seriously has some issues. What a cowbag!

Asher - Happy 1 Month to Sammy ! Gosh that went quick. Olivia is going to be 1 month on Friday. Im abit sad that its going so quickly !

Becs0375 - Oooo have fun looking at the NEW house. Thats nice about the flexi time for your OH.

lilbumpblue - Congrats on the birth of James - He is rather scrummy !

Optical - Hope that 'orrible thrush clears up soon. I know how horrible it is for an adult never mind one of our little 'uns.

emzdreamgirl - Congrats on your little girl ! What did you call her? Dont beat yourself up about the BFing. Lots of people have tried and not everyone is succesful. You have to do what is best for you and baby. xx

Hello and :hugs: to anyone else I missed. I am trying to keep upto date with everyone but struggling to keep my eyes open today !

Here are a few pics of Olivia. She is doing well. HV is coming again on Thurs so FXd she is still putting weight on...
In her makeshift bed at my parents !!
Hello world !
Snuggles with mummy :cloud9::cloud9:
I LOVE this - So delicate. x
And just because !

Sorry about size - PB was playing up and wouldnt resize but I didnt wanna lose my post !!
lilbumpblue congratulations on the birth of james! love the pic's he is beautiful xxx :wohoo:

LittleAurora lovely to hear Amelia is such a good little girly :cloud9:

optical sorry that Izzy is still poorly :hugs:

Genies i think snuffles are doing the rounds, not helped by this bloody weather, a few days ago it was hot now it freezing whats going on? :shrug:

Louise, love the picture, well done you for persevering with bfing and yay for Lilia sleeping thru! :happydance:

becs you will get there with the tiredness hun, like you i am really lucky as Andrew is very hands on with Ollie and helps out loads :)

Huge Congratulations Emma, love your pic's on fb Eleanor is gorgeous!!! well done :flower:

Olivia is beautiful, gorgeous pic's!!!

Had a busy weekend with OH's sis and bf coming up to see Ollie.
Thanks everyone, i don't know why i care about what OH's dad said :shrug: your all right, he's our son and we love his name!! so he and everyone else who has a problem with that can feck right off!! :gun:

Carnt believe it's the 1st of Oct on friday :shock:

Christmas is just around the corner, has anyone started xmas shopping yet??
Daisybell, I haven't even thought about christmas!! All I know is that we are having a family christmas and going out for dinner with my family, we are just buying for my neice and nephew and Hope this year and thats been agreed by my sister too!!!

Laura, Olivia is gorgeous xx

Louise, thats a fab pic, we are going to have some done soon!!

Emma, Eleanor is gorgeous xx Well done you xx

Lilbumpblue, James is so cute, those pics are fab xxx

We have had a relaxing afternoon, took Murphy for a little walk and just generally been chilling out!! Hope has been wide awake, she is now taking 4oz, right little guzzler!! Our new house is fab, about twice the size of this one!! We even have a utility room!! We get the keys 2 weeks on Friday, I can't wait to move now!!
heya everyone =)

Roxy has been an absolute dream these past few days. Eating and sleeping well! She looks so much happier for it aswell!

First bean - happy 1 month to Ollie!

Opticalillus5 - sorry to hear Izzy had to go to doctors again - hopefully the medication for the thrush will help soon - poor little thing!

Becs0375 - glad to hear Hope wasnt too affected by the PKU! Brave girl!

Genies girl - sorry to hear the girls have temperatures. Try and get a sleep in between for yourself (easier said than done, I know!) *hugs*

Louise3512uk - talk about getting a decent nights sleep! That picture is beautiful!

Lilbumpblue - those pics are amazing!

Emzdreamgirl - firstly - congratulations! Secondly - dont worry about the feeding issue - as long as shes being fed, shes happy and your happy, thats all that matters =)

Laurak1982 - olivia is beautiful!!

Daisybell - I have been looking at little bits and bobs for xmas! Especially for the little madam - I dont have a clue what Im going to buy family though!!

hi al!

I love reading about your babies!! Its amazinf that we all fund out we are pregnant together and now are raising our babies!!

Amelia is now 8lb 6oz at 7 weeks old!! whoop!
Little A, thats brill news about Amelia xxx

Just had a lovely long soak in the bath, got Ian to check my stitches and he said that its heeling nicely and that some of the stitches look like they are dissolving!! Things certainly feel less tight!! The thought of sex at this moment in time scares me, luckily I am gonna wait till my 6 week point and even then I will see how I feel!! Can't believe my little lady is still asleep, although she is due a feed soon so I expect she will be waking up for a bum change!! I checked the size of some of Hope's newborn sleepsuits, no wonder they are short int he leg they are only for upto 8lb!!! Its weird how some places newborn stuff is upto 11lb and some smaller!!
Newborn stuff is still swamping Lilia! We had to go out and buy early baby clothes for her which is mad because she was on time, and not 'that' tiny! She went down to 6lb3 but she was 6lb 15oz last week when she was weighed so I can only imagine she's 7lb something by now!!
I've got to buy the tiny baby stuff aswell! Roxy is now 6lb 12 but the newborn clothes still drown her haha!! xxxx
I feel awful that most of her sleepsuits she hasn't even worn and isn't going to, gonna have a good sort out tomorrow and take to the charity shop. I refuse to throw them away when they have alot of life left in them!!
Hiya everyone! I don't know where the time is going! I want it to slow down so Sam stays small. I look at him, and though I know he's still dinky, he is so much bigger than he was and I don't like it!! He is getting so much more aware and I'm sure a smile isn't too far away. :cloud9:

Lovely to hear about all the new mummies and babies, and so nice to see more and more of us moving over here!

Aw the littlies in their tiny baby clothes! Sam was only in newborn for three weeks, now he's in 0-3 months! I've never had a big baby before, the others were both tinies. It's weird having a bigger baby!

Louise, that pic is beautiful. :kiss: Isn't Lilia doing well with her sleeping! I am jealous!

Laura, those pics of Olvia are so sweet! What a very pretty little girl she is!

Emma, Eleanor is lovely, you did so well!

Becs, I had completely forgotten you were moving so soon! A new home! Sounds lovely, and Hope sounds as though she's doing really well. Yay for starting to heal. I always think it's a miracle how our bodies heal so quickly after the trauma of birthing something so big through something so small!!!

stmw, Roxy sounds as though she's doing really well now, and you sound so much happier!

Aw optical poor Izzy and her thrush. I hope it clears up soon. It's so much more tiring when your little one is not feeling good. Big hugs!! I loved your comment about feeling as though your ovaries were going to fall out!! When I resumed my dog walking (too soon, you would think I would have learned after 3 babies!), I said it felt as though my womb was about to drop out! It's a rotten feeling. Now a bit longer has gone by, I don't feel too bad at all, and the swimming made me feel so much more like me! I am aiming to go twice a week for now, if Sam allows, it wakes me up. And I am subconsciously always pulling my tummy muscles in when I swim, which can only be a good thing!!!

Well, for now, Sam is sleeping soundly in his carrycot. He's been awake a lot today, just a couple of hour and a half long naps. I am hoping he might do well tonight if he's been more awake in the day, but I know that doesn't necessarily follow! I can cross my fingers and hope for the best though! He's a very pleasant little boy when he's awake. He gets fed up if he's laid on the playmat or pram or sat in the bouncy chair for too long, but I think most babies do! He loves his cuddles, especially from me. It's lovely when he's with someone else and he's niggling and whingeing, and then I take him and he stops straight away. :cloud9: Makes me feel all special! :kiss:

Right, I'm off to chill and watch a bit of telly before he's up again. xx
Asher, Hope gets fed up up too, she loves Mummy cuddles!! Its nice when they settle straight away in your arms, makes everything so worthwhile!!

Hope is now awake after 4 hours, she is having a bottle with Daddy then I think we will go to bed!! Why is it when you change a nappy they always poo in a clean one!!! Makes me laugh!! Just got Hope ready for bed and changed her nappy and now she is feeding and doing a poo, bloody typical!! My hormones have behaved today, haven't felt teary at all!! Fx'd thats a good sign!!
Aw Becs, good to hear you're feeling less teary today! It's nice when you feel more like yourself! Just beware, those tears appear when you least expect them! I think I'm fine, then something really minor happens and I am blubbing like a teenager with a big zit. It's awful! Ha ha it's funny when they poo in a clean nappy!! xx
I told the mw about feeling teary and she said if I still feel like it in a couple of weeks to see the Dr. I am sure I will be feeling much more like myself by then!! Can't believe my little guzzle guts has just had 4oz and is now asleep again!! Fx'd she sleeps for another 4 hours!!! Mind you Ian is doing night feeds haha!!!!

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