September Stars

Very good although I think i MAY have used too many smarties :rofl: I used 1 giant tub ha ha ha!
Yay lets have a 'big up' our men chat!!

It goes like this:

'My man is wonderful because'.......

MY man is wonderful because....well so many reasons, but last night he told me that every night before he goes to sleep he watches the first video we took of Lilia smiling at 4 weeks old, and he said he cries every single time ... if he ever goes out with the lads he will always buy me a rose, a book, bottle of wine and a tub of jelly beans to keep me company...... he talks in his sleep, and once he started shaking his leg in his sleep, I asked what he was doing and he said 'the squirrel was biting me'.....He got me take that tickets for christmas!! AND a posh hotel for me and his sister the night before and after..... He has driven a 10 hour round trip every other weekend for 5 years to get his kids, AND pays for them, more than he has been told to, because he does what is right by them...... He is a brilliant daddy ......the night he proposed to me, i got in from work to find him in a tuxedo, having cooked a 3 course dinner, and the room was lit up with 100 candles.... and he is saving so many lives everyday by finding and getting rid of bombs and mines, putting his own life at risk ...he is my hero!! Love him so much :cloud9: and miss him so much it physically hurts...

this is all even though he shaves his head and leaves the hair on the bathroom/kitchen floor for me to find, he snores, cleans compulsively and preens! Every day I come downstairs to find all our photos and ornaments and things have been switched places! He picks fluff out of his belly button and picks at his toes and walks around in his pants and he's scared of spiders.... but he's mine :cloud9:

Sorry for pathetic post!!!
Blob I always use at least double the amount of choc chips it says to use!!

Louise - I'm gna make cookies now!!! Must go out and get ingredients soon!!

Mobiles - I got my first phone when I was 12!!! A nokia 3210!!!! Since then i've been through about 15 phones!!!

Genies - Definitely complain!! Thats shocking!!!

I got my BFP on the 8th January last year...but didnt believe it...took another one a week later and got another...:)

Jobs - Well i dont have a job as such, but am hoping to study Childcare and look at owning my own nursery for children with learning/physical disabilities....

I cant remember anything else sorry!!!

Sorry have been AWOL recently...things have been tough at home. Things between me and my OH are not good atm and we might seperate....its not what I want but if it comes to it, then it does.

I do love him and I know he loves me but its just been soooo we'll see what happens!!!

Hope everyone is okay

Jelly...we got our bfp on the same day!!! I remembering us getting the test from superdrug in town and we got home and i was really scared to do it incase it was negative and it got to 8pm and i bit the bullet and took it!!!

awww louise thats made me all emotional...i was have to have a really good think about that one for my oh lol!!
Youngmummy :hugs: I hope it sorts itself out for the best hun, the fact that you're both addressing whatever problems you have is a good start, you seem to have a good outlook on it...if you love each other hopefully it will all be ok :hugs:
Louise it may sound crap but i get the pasta and sauces in and have them for lunch but i add frozen veg to make them a bit more substantial! i had a mild cheese and brocolli and added more brocolli and cauliflour to it...then when Chris gets home from work we have a cooked tea but that really filled me today so i just had a ham & cheese toasty for tea! x
god dam you people bringing up cookies when im on a diet... I did cut and paste the recipe and was set on going up tesco to get everything but then realised im 2 stone over weight and need to lose the weight in 3 months.... I then text my friend at work and asked her to order me some larger sized trousers without my team knowing.... !!!! i dont have much confidence in myself keeping to this diet.

Is it normal for a baby to dribble ALOT ??? Paige makes bubbles out of her dribble now, we first thought it was cute but now its going everywhere... !!!

Emzy- thanks for posting you routine will be of huge help for when i work out a routine for Paige, i dont even know how long they are “normally” awake for until they get tired.. maybe when i have a few others routine ill be able to see a rough pattern

Sarahkka- OMG girl.. im so proud of you, loved reading your post, i could picture it all. !!! I got my BFP on the 16th of Jan and i brought a teddy and kept the receipt with it as memory of the day. Ill be getting him out on the 16th, cant believe its been a year !!!

MrsJ, i went to the london college of fashion after school, but never stayed in the fashion industry as i got pregnant with my son. I wanted to be a buying if i couldnt be a designer..fantastic job to have.

G.G- I would complain like mad !!!!!! thats very dangerous im glad she was ok but they should be told !! BTW how has the controlled crying gone?

Jelly- 16th of Jan for me too !!!I still look at paige and cant believe how i could love her so much, i want to kiss her all the time... grant asks me sometimes what im doing, im smelling her !!!! he thinks im strange but that baby smell doesnt last forever, my 12 year old just smells of sweat now, its not the same !!
that makes 3 of us then i was 16th too! I did giggle before when you said about paige in her jumperoo bless her she is obviously very contented and laid back x
Tabs used to dribble like that it was awful would soak her in seconds was just her teeth but I think some are more than others :nope:
Louise lovely post made me all teary I'll have to do one when I get a sec I ought to do him justice

Lady k the controlled crying at bedtime is going okay she hasn't so far cried for more than 15 mins I only do it when I'm certain there is nothing wrong, she was defiantly playing us and somehow Layla sleeps through it, she just wakes every three hours :)

I'm going to a free trial of a babies music class today I am facinated to see how it's going to work
I think it was the 15th or 16th I got my bfp, it is in my diary and i still cant remember!

I will big up dh when i can, I love him very much but i cant bring myself to write his wonderful points without thinking he is a liar, which kind of ruins the rest of it, step at a time, I love him, and we have 2 beautiful daughters together:thumbup:

Still feel rubbish, very bad night, coughing, and either one of the youngest up, Rosie is very frequently up during the night atm.

So what about Eastenders? it that it? will she hand baby back and confess all or back out of this one too? :shrug:

Back later, trying to ignore all cookie talk!

I'm not sure about eastenders, i thought it was supposed to drag on for ages! Surely now kat has seen him she will know its her baby?! Maybe they've shortened it because of the complaints?

I got my bfp on the 30th december! Wayne was in the bath when i did the test, so positive we were that i was pregnant! How romantic, peeing on a stick in front of my husband!
I'm not sure about eastenders, i thought it was supposed to drag on for ages! Surely now kat has seen him she will know its her baby?! Maybe they've shortened it because of the complaints?

I got my bfp on the 30th december! Wayne was in the bath when i did the test, so positive we were that i was pregnant! How romantic, peeing on a stick in front of my husband!

I hope they have shortened it!

I was ovulating new year, so only just testing next week, after 9 months of bfn's and thinking I couldn't make any more babies I got the bfp!!! She was so worth 9 months trying (really hard!!)and 9 months growing, she is the loveliest baby and even when she has me up all night when i have the tail end of flu, I still adore her:cloud9:
Morning girls

Apparently they have had to shorten Eastenders because of the complaints! It was initially intended to drag on til the baby was older, but they've had to finish it soon because of all the complaints they've had about it!

I had a bad night last night, went and slept in the spare room because I kept waking Matt and Holly up coughing, then I heard Holly crying at 7am and she was wide awake so had to get her up. Now I wouldn't mind 7am, but a) she only went to bed at 11 and normally sleeps til 9.30! b) I felt like crap! She had her bottle and went down for a nap at 9am and is still asleep now. Perhaps I'll be able to put her to bed a bit earlier tonight, although last time I did that she woke up at 3am! This cold keeps getting worse and worse, it won't go away! Every time I think I feel better, I wake up feeling worse again!

She's just waking up now so back later xx

YM, hope things work out for you xx

Louise, lovely post xx

BFPs. I didnt get mine till the end of January, after we had been trying for 6 years we kinda thought it would just be us 2, then I was ill and hated the smell of coffee in the fridge, so that Friday I went to tesco to do some shopping and picked up a test, Ian had been joking that I was up the duff, he was at work and I called him and told him!!! I was nearly 9 weeks gone by then!! So Hope was very much wanted and hoped for.

On a sad note, my parents had our family cat put to sleep this morning, she was 20. My parents are really upset.
LBB I also have pasta n sauce for lunch!

Emzy and Mrs J, I used to work in fashion too. I was a PA for Armani in the UK then I was a Showroom Manager for a Danish company and then a sales rep!

Have to go as he's blimen waking up already!! xx
Aww Louise that was so sweet about your hubby! Ok, here's mine...

On our first valentines day together, he cut up hundreds of paper hearts and scattered them all over my halls of residence room. It must have taken him hours... When he proposed, he bought me the jacket I wanted and he intended to put the ring box in the pocket for me to find, except it didn't have pockets so he sellotaped it inside!!...he wrote 2 beautiful readings for our wedding, there wasn't a dry eye in the house...when I had 'morning sickness' during the night, he got up every time and held my hair and rubbed my back...he quit drinking with me when I was pregnant... he rings me every lunchtime without fail... he is a fantastic writer, he has 2 published poetry books (most of which were poems written for me), has been a journalist and has written many other things such as film scripts... and he always writes a poem in my Christmas/birthday cards...he is a fantastic Dad, but he always thinks he could do better...he always cleans up when the cat is sick (which is a lot lol) because he knows it makes me feel sick...he knew I was pregnant before I did... he also knew I would have her early...he reads The Gruffallo to Holly every night, complete with silly accents for each of the characters... he would do anything for anyone... he wears his heart on his sleeve :kiss:

And I thought I'd do one for Holly too!

When she was born and I was holding her for the first time, she blinked her eyes so fast as it was so bright- it is my favourite memory of her birth... her favourite thing to do is take her dummy out but then she cries because she can't get it back in... every morning she wakes up and says "agoo" to her cot mobile, then I say "good morning baby" and she gives me a big gummy grin... she has these really cute tufts of hair that stick out over her ears... and she has loads of hair at the front, but is balding at the back....when I change her nappy she always says "ageee" and I repeat it back to her and she says it again, we do this over and over and over again lol... her legs are too chubby for her bumbo... when I put her dummy in she looks at me expectantly as if to say "is this food?!"... she sucks on thin air when her dummy falls out... she loves to SCREAAAM in delight... when I walk back in the room she always looks at me and excitedly kicks her arms and legs like she's really pleased to see me :cloud9: love her so much!

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