September Stars

aww becs that's really sad about the cat :hugs: I remember when we had our doggy put down :-(

Fishy I was a PA once too, but in the NHS to 3 Directors of Public Health. It's a blinking hard job!! And a thankless one as well!

BFPs... I got mine on 28th December. December was our 2nd month TTC and we'd been away in York for Christmas. AF was late but I just assumed it was because my body was settling after coming off the pill. On Christmas Day Matt said that he knew I was pregnant, but I didn't think I was and I didn't want to test til I got home. When we got back on 28th, I did 4 internet cheapies and didn't believe them, so we went out and got a digi!

Oh and well done on the year off the cigis Jelly! I missed my anniversary too! It was a year on 29th December! I was a heavy smoker and smoked for years and I never even think about cigs now, funny how things change!
Emzy that was lovely both of your messages are great matt sounds fab!

I went to the baby music class and it was lovely but having just read the fees it all has to be paid in advance and I just can't afford it I'm so dissapointed i feel like I'm letting the girls down
Awww these are so sweet, my OH is totally not romantic so I cant really give any :rofl:

He sometimes makes dinner and cleans up the dog the moment thats all I've got :lol:
I still haven't taken Ellie to any classes yet but all of the ones you've been to sound great. Baby singing sounds fun!

I got my BFP on 31st December, New Years Eve. I thought that my due date was 7th September based on that but I was due 14th from my growth scan so I think I must have got a VERY early BFP! probably about 8-9 days past ovulation!!

Woke up early this morning to take Ellie for her last lot of injections until she's 12 months. She's such a brave little lady, she only cries for literally about 6-7 seconds while the injection is in and then she stops and *touch wood* we've never had any problems after the injections. She's been lovely this afternoon, all smiles, laughing and screaming to herself. She's asleep now in her bunny.

As for bottles, Ellie usually has 5 6-7oz bottles a day and doesn't usually wake until 10am every morning...I usually have to wake her myself too! we need to get in to a routine though, we don't put her to bed early she stays downstairs with us until 11-11:30pm then we put her to bed when we go to bed and she sleeps til 10am but if you think about it, they're supposed to be sleeping roughly 12 hours anyway so
that explains why she's a late sleeper.

Also had her weighed last Thursday at 18weeks and she was 12lb 4oz. The HV came out again on Monday to talk about weaning and weighed her again and she was 12lb 9oz! she gained 5oz in 4 days! I think she must be having a growth spurt.

Has anyone else not started to wean their baby yet? Ellie suffers with TERRIBLE eczema which she's unfortunately inherited from her Daddy and his side of the family. Her skin is red raw and cracked all over her body and she's started scratching chunks out of herself. She had to go and see the dermatologist last week because no creams were really helping her and they gave her some mild Hydrocortison and some special baby tights/mittens to stop the irritation. We also have to rub Epaderm over her whole body 4 times a day and bath her in it too. We've been told weaning her before 6 months could make her skin even worse and because my OH is allergic to everything(also has asthma and hayfever) that she could have reactions to food too. Luckily, she isn't hungry enough for solids yet so I think we might just be able to hold out until 6 months before we start her.

Emzy - Congrats on 1 year without ciggys :D I wish I could say the same but I quit when I was pregnant with Ellie, and I dont actually smoke completely now but I do have the odd one here and there when I've had a few drinks!

Fishy - Ellie doesn't usually nap in the day but I've been trying to encourage her to more often, she never wants to sleep because she wants to know what's going on around her all of the time! when she does nap it's usually for about 25-30mins.

Speaking of naps...Ellie is just waking up now so I better go, will catch up more later!
Awww SR :( poor little girl I hope shes not that bad with food :hugs:

Emzy :wohoo: sorry luv I missed that well done you :thumbup:

I do FAR too many groups I only have mondays where they dont have something on, and most times we're at soft play or visiting friends :blush:
aw Genies was it rhythm time? I was looking at that and thought about the free trial, but then it's £5 per session but payable up front, so I can't afford it. Have you looked at your local sure start centre? Ours do tiny toes and boogie babies which are similar and it's free!

aw SR poor Ellie! Holly has eczema but not as bad as that. She takes after me with her skin, poor love! The HV woman that came over just said to keep an extra close eye when weaning, but I'm not allergic to any foods and nor is Matt. Matt is allergic to dust mites and pollen though so I'm only trying her on bland foods like porridge for now then will have to keep a close eye on her when we start being a bit more adventurous! Not long til she is 6 months now, she is 5 months on Friday!!
Awww these are so sweet, my OH is totally not romantic so I cant really give any :rofl:

He sometimes makes dinner and cleans up the dog the moment thats all I've got :lol:

Ahhh Blob, that's my girl say it how it is!:rofl:

I am still thinking, I could do one for each of my children, they are all totally gorgeous all in different ways!

My dh did buy me the engagement ring i really wanted, he said I could choose and i picked the second most expensive in the shop:haha:
He does the school run lots for me, I noticed when we first met how fantastic he was with his son, and he is a great Daddy with the girls.
He has no bad habits which i think is unusual for a man! He doesn't burp or pick his nose! He only farts in his sleep, how funny is that!!!! He does leave his washing everywhere and is untidy but i digress into bad things!!:dohh:
He makes me laugh, he is a big kid which can be good and bad, but generally its good although a little embarasing at times!
There I think that is pretty good!

Oh I hope that is the end of the storyline in Ee, no one in soaps ever manages to be honest or say anything, I hate sitting there thinking..JUST F@@@ING TELL THEM!!!!!'

Emzy I was keeping Rosie and dh awake too last night, it is so frustrating, like you i seem to get worse not better, just as i think its a bit better it isn't!
I really want some sleep tonight but the coughing is still going, and my head is throbbing now, after about a 5 day headache i thought it had gone but all the coughing has bought it back. Not nice :hugs: Hope you feel better soon xx

Becs, that is amazing your 6 year ttc, I cant imagine how that felt, 9 months was hard going, Rosie feels so precious when i hold her, not that the others arnt just that she seemed so 'wanted' when I tried! :hugs:

Genies, that is a real shame, perhaps there is something else locally you can do, or even start yourself!

Back later xx:hugs:
Hi ladies

Louise and Emzy your Ode's to your DH's brought a tear to my eye!

BFP - I got mine on the 5th January, it was very early about 10dpo. It was officially our first month of trying and I know how incredibly lucky I was and have never taken it for granted. I can't really explain why but I "knew" I was pregnant, I had the funniest feeling in my stomach and it was like nothing I'd experienced before. I bought a FRER on the 4th and decided to use in the next morning with FMU and got a faint positive. Despite thinking I was pregnant it was still a shock and it took me a few days to get my head around it and believe it was happening.

Sister Rose - I haven't started weaning Scarlett yet and don't intend to do so before 6months. We have asthma/eczema/hayfever in our families and everything I have read says that if you have a family history waiting until 6 months is advisable. There will always be exceptions, people who started weaning early and never had problems but with her having a family history on both sides I just don't want to take the risk. Scarlett has some sore dry patches on her legs and Oilatum is working at the moment, thankfully. I am still BF and although Scarlett has increased feeds in the last couple of weeks I know she is getting enough at the moment as she is gaining well. I am a little concerned that she might start needing food before we get to 6 months, as she is definitely taking an interest in food already.

Congratulations to the ladies that have given up smoking for a year - that's brilliant :hugs:

Ode to my DH
The depth of his knowledge on just about every subject never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes I wonder if there is anything that he doesn't know and I'm in awe of his intellect. I love his sense of humour and his ability to make me laugh. I love his tenderness and the way he makes me believe there isn't anything he wouldn't do for me. Although he isn't one for big romantic gestures he bought me a huge one carat diamond engagement ring which cost him a lot more than a months wage. On our Wedding Day he gave an amazing speech which made everyone laugh and cry in equal measures. DH has an innate sense of what is right and wrong, and is passionate about it and will stand up for what he believes in no matter what. I know he will always protect me and back me 100%. Being with him makes me feel part of a team and I don't think there is anything we couldn't do together. The way he is with Scarlett melts my heart, sometimes I leave him to change her and always come back to find him playing with her. Scarlett gave Daddy her first smile and her first giggle and he has taught her to poke her tongue out at me.

I could go on and on but I better go and feed Scarlett as she's waking up

GG I've also been looking into baby groups and found them to be extortinate (sp) in price. I've decided to contact my local sure start centres and see what they have to offer

BTP / Emzy hope you both feel better soon you must feel so drained!

SR I'm not planning to wean James inthe near future and hope to last until five months but as he's a big boy he may need food sooner. He s on 8 oz now five times a day so think I may need to move onto hungry milk sooner but not sure if it will really make a difference.

Blob lol to your short but Frank ode to DH

Called midwifery liason to organise my birth debrief

Sorry got to go crying baby again xx
Louise - :thumbup: on the cookie recipe! So fast to mix up, too.
Simon ate fistfuls of the batter. I tried to stop him, but I was laughing too hard.
I take Sophie to a playgroup on a friday, there are Mums there with babies too, there is a mat and baby toys and plenty of space aside for the little ones, It is a free group, and you get a coffee and the children get a drink and they have cheese and bread sticks and rasins, it is a really well run nice little group ran locally, there are plenty of other things going on, we have quite a diverse community with lots of polish mums with their babies, and the community seems to accomodate everyone nicely.
We did try another group but it was a mad free for all of kids and mothers, and we were not keen!
I will look into swimming once a week but apart from that I am happy just having time to do our own stuff with the girls.
Sophie having a hot chocolate with us!
Right back again

Becs sorry about your parents cat xx

I'm going to try and find the poem I wrote about DH for our wedding day and share with you

Contacted me about debrief as still want to know what went wrong at 2nd stage etc they are arranging a meeting with my consultant that I had on the day

Picked up James clay hand and footprint today will try and get a photo on fb to show you all

Oh I think eastend storyline has been cut short because of the no of complaints
hi ladies i have been catching up with this thread but had to do things in between like feed the boys dog included and clean etc so probably missed loads now...
Btp rosie is so cute she is really filling out nicely and sophie bless her with her got choc! X
Fishy im hoping to get to town tomorrow so will post the bottle to you! X
blob my oh sounds just like yours lol x
emzy Matt sounds wonderful!
have any of you heard of baby sensory? It included some signing and singing and they have lots of equipment to stimulate the senses! We have it at nursery and its very good! X
Well I decided to email the singing group it's called Molly moo cow music and said I wouldn't be taking a place as it was too much it's 30 pounds registration fee then 8 pounds each session paid in advance per term they have said I could pay half termly so I'm going to join after all there's no spare cash really but dh said he would work an extra Saturday to pay for it so I'm glad I can sign up.

I got chatting to another mum who said how great I looked and how her friend with twins never goes out so I was feeling very chuffed.

Il be back with my ode to dh
Thanks LBB but honestly there is no rush, I'm just so grateful that you are sending me it!

Aww.. ladies... you are all so sweet with the odes to your partners / babies!

Becs sorry to hear about the cat being put down :hugs:

Ok here's my ode to my dh..

He regularly buys me flowers just because ... every day he tells me he loves me ... he is not afraid to cry with love of me and Harry ... he often leaves me messages that pop up on my phone ... he will do anything for his friends and family ... he cries at OBEM ... he created a treasure hunt incorporating places that mean something to the both of us before he proposed to me ... he loves me just the way I am, stretch marks, saggy belly and all ... he loves my family and often suggests seeing them ... he is a great cook ... he never lets me sleep in the other room even though I sometimes snore! ... he often takes me out to buy clothes or some other treat as he thinks I deserve it ... he tells me I'm a great Mum and Wife ... for Christmas he gave me a locket with a photo of my little family in it ... I could go on and on!! xxx

So I will ...

He loves poetry, he is fluent in French and when I hear him my knees go weak, he is so passionate about so many things, he is super intelligent, he has very strong morals and will speak up if something isn't right even if there is pressure to keep quiet, he never gossips or talks about people behind their back, he makes me want to be a good person, he is incredibly good looking and sexy! He loves to read, he is generally an expert in anything he puts his mind too.. snooker, computers, cooking, wine tasting... you name it. He always asks me fashion advice! He wears his heart on his sleeve, he works so hard to ensure a good future for us all, when we were desperate for a job for me and had run out of money he refused to let me go back to work as a shop manager as it brought on a migraine and wore me out completely, Harry is his world, he loves staying in with me although he used to love clubbing...

Becs - Sorry to hear about your family cat. :hug: Our family cat lived to be 22. 20 is a very grand age for a cat. xx

Loving the dedications everyone !!

SR - sorry to hear about Ellies eczema - Its terrible isnt it. My 2 year old niece has it really bad and has to be bathed in ointment every night and often wakes up scratching. Hope that weaning wont be too much of an issue for her. x

We do the following during the week
Monday : weigh and stay (babies get weighed then get free play in the nursery)
Wednesday : baby clinic (again free play) and HV for any help etc
Thursday : Church group with play and cakes an tea etc etc. The mums also get together once a month for a night out. I have been taking my nieces to this for the lasy 3 years and love it !!
Friday : Massage class

Re : EE storyline. Im pretty certain that its not the end yet. They were saying it would be ended by spring unless they have done another massive turnaround and made it even earlier. I am absolutely hating it but feel unable to turn it off. Grrrrrrrr

PROUD MUMMY MOMENT !! Olivia rolled onto her front on her own today for the 1st time !! xxxxxxxxxxx
my friend who is expecting twins is in labour she thinks!!! :)

gg how considerate of your Hubby bless him! Did you ask if you get a second child discount? X
its not a problem Ann just excuse the bag im sending it in i didnt have anything more suitable lol x

isnt natural yoghurt supposed to soothe sore itchy skin? X
GG, thats fab, my baby signing class is a pay upfront, its £40 for 12 weeks, which I didn't think was too bad! Luckily we have a very good surestart centre, each session is 50p, the do mini movers etc, its fab!!

LBB, how exciting!!!

Fishy, your OH sounds like mine!!

Emma, hope you feel better soon x

SR, I have psoriasis on my scalp and a few patches of eczema, I just hope Hope doesn't inherit my skin!

Jelly, hope you get some answers! I have my hospital appointment with my consultant next Wednesday, I have asked her to go through my notes with me. I have some unanswered questions, namely why they left me so long to push knowing I had been in labour for nealry 3 days and pushing for nearly 2!

Laura, go Olivia!!!!

Well thank you all for your kind words, I went and saw my folks earlier and they are so upset, my Dad has buried her in the garden with the rest of the family pets.
It was lovely earlier I was making Hope belly laugh, she is so cute!!

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