September Stars

hey guys, real quick question

been told i can have a sweep on the 4th and be induced on the 6th.. is it worth trying the sweep even though its 2 days before the sweep?, also does having a sweep hurt?

... still hoping she will come before then but always worth knowing now.. keep a seat here warm for me xxx
Kara my sweep imho didnt hurt but I think everyone is different.... I would have it done though - There is a chance it will do something (hopefully !!)

So good to see it getting busier in here with lots of new mummies joining us. Can anyone else who had a cesction tell me how long they bled (down there) for or if they still are.

Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep. xx
Good morning from a new graduate to the parenting thread!:flower:

Just popping in to say hello, first night quite tough from feeling rubbish and not being able to keep and eye off Rosie!
She was a bit mucusy and kept sicking it up, but i remember this from the others, they just bring up gunk, poor little things!
Feel a bit better today, still fragile, she has a good suck and is not keen on taking loads of boob in so am a bit sore boobied, but managed to have a non stingy wee by pouring warm water on myself as i went!:happydance: (what a thing to get exited about!!)
Hope to gradually feel better!

Big :hugs:, will try and keep up but need lots of rest next few days!!:hugs:

:baby:tp xx
Congratulations BabyThinkPink!! x x x
Daisybell, I haven't even thought about christmas!! All I know is that we are having a family christmas and going out for dinner with my family, we are just buying for my neice and nephew and Hope this year and thats been agreed by my sister too!!!

Becs that sounds like a good idea, we have a big family and i think we will need a bank loan to buy for everyone :rofl: We are just sticking with grandparents, parents, sibblings and our daughter and son.

Little A, Thats great news about Amelia's weight xxx

ladykara ive never had a sweep, sorry i carnt give any advice but i know some ladies who have had a sweep and it worked for them :thumbup: and they went into labour naturally, fx your lo will make an appearance before then and you wont even need a sweep or induction xxx

babythinkpink Congratulations :flower:
i still use the warm water trick it's fab aint it :happydance:

Asher i know what you mean Ollie is getting so big now aswell (and heavy) time go's so fast when they are small.

Well ive woke up with a cold sore :nope: havent had one for nearly one year so i'm gutted!

After Ollie went to 4hourly feeds he has changed his mind and is back to 2hourly feeds :dohh: he loves to fight his sleep too and still wont settle with a dummy unless you hold it in his mouth for ages (which i don't like doing)
Ladies sorry for my absence. I'm reading (usually in the middle of the night) but not posting. I'm feeling quite down at the moment as I'm struggling with breastfeeding and Scarlett isn't gaining weight. I'm trying to carry on and also express but I just feel like a milk machine at the moment and however much I produce it's just not enough for her. I seem more concerned than the MW's are with her weight. I wish that when we are being brainwashed about breastfeeding they would be a bit more honest about how hard it is!

Sorry for the lack of personal's but I just can't manage it today and I know my little madam is going to want feeding very soon.

:hug: to all x
hi ladies :wave: hope you are well , glad babies are all well

Eoghan was 3 weeks yesterday and health visitor came this morning , he is now 9lb 90z a chunky monkey :haha:

Lady kara , my sweep was uncomfortable but wasnt to painfull :flower:

congrats to all the new mummies, nice to see all the babies comming thick and fast :wohoo: xxx
Hi all!

Sorry I'm going to be selfish...

DH isn't deploying to Afghanistan now until November at the earliest! (was supposed to go tomorrow!)

It's because of the new issues with his ex and kids, we're applying for full residency now and we've appointed a solicitor this time. So he's been delayed as there's too much on his plate.. when he goes depends on courts etc. Wish it wasn't for such a sad reason, but I have to say I'm so happy!
Louise, thats fantatstic news, I know its not ideal but at least he will see Lilia for a lot longer xxx

LadyK, mine didn't hurt at all!! I would have it done!!

Mrs J, so sorry you are feeling down, I have to say for selfish reasons I am glad we went straight to formula, I don't think I would of coped after the birth to be up all night feeding xx

Apaton, thats great news, aww a right little chucky monkey!!

BTP, good to see you over here!!! You make sure you get plenty of rest xx

I took Hope out on my own in the car this morning, my forst time driving for about 2 weeks!!! All went well, it was so nice just to have some Mummy time and it gave Ian a chance to have some him time!! Bloody knackered now tho so gonna have a nap now she has had her feed and is settled!!
my lil man today 3 weeks 3 days 8lb 13oz :) 100% booby fed x
Congratulations BTP and all the other new mummies I have surely missed. :flower: xx

Went to the clinic today to have Riley weighed as I am paranoid that I don't have enough milk to feed him properly. Good news, he now weighs 9lb 9oz and has put on 12oz in 12 days :happydance: which I am really pleased about and it has helped calm my worries. However, I am going to see the BF counsellor on Thurs for some tips and just some general advice.

Riley is still up in the night, but had a really good feed from 2am-3am and then slept through until the alarm woke him at 6.15. I know this doesn't sound great but it was for me!! :winkwink:

I am so in love with him.
OH has been a superstar. I even got a lovely back massage to relax me before bed last night. :thumbup:

Best go, he has just woken up.
Take care ladies and enjoy your babies. xx
Louise that is fab news! Like you say, sorry it's for a sad reason but at least you get to keep your hubby for a bit!!

ladykara when I was examined at hospital and was 2cm they gave me a good old stretch then and it didn't hurt, it just felt uncomfortable. It helped move things along and so I'd have it if I were you, you never know it might kick things off!

MrsJ, so sorry to hear you're feeling down. I know how that feels as I went through it myself. I really don't think they provide you with enough support for breastfeeding. I think if I had more support, Holly would have got enough to eat and I wouldn't have had to switch to formula. Big Hugs :hug: xx

Erm.. forgotten everything else!! Been having a bit of a nightmare few days. Holly will just not settle. Yesterday she didn't nap ALL day and I couldn't put her down to do anything. I was waiting for her to have a nap so I could nap, as hadn't had much sleep the night before but she wouldn't sleep. She just cried and griped all day and seemed to want feeding every 5 minutes. I think we've hit the 6 week growth spurt! I was sure as she would sleep last night after being awake all day, but I really felt like I was losing my marbles when it got to 2am and she was still awake. I burst into tears and felt like I couldn't manage anymore! Fortunately, she fell asleep just after my mini melt down and slept til 6. She then fed and I took her up to sleep in my bed... for some reason at the moment she will only sleep in the pram carrycot on the lving room room. She will not sleep in our room at all, be it in the moses basket or her carrycot and she definitely won't sleep in her cot. So, I've been sleeping on the sofa with her in the carrycot on the floor. So at 7am I took her up to my bed after Matt got up and she slept in there with me on and off until 10am. She's been awake again most of the day, but is now napping. I really hope she sleeps tonight, as I can't continue like this!! I'm going to try and persevere putting her to sleep in our room, if only in the carrycot rather than her moses basket, but we will see.

I was brave and took Holly to a new baby group on my own today. I was meant to be going with a girl I met at antenatal classes but she pulled out, so I went on my own. I was a bit worried what with Holly being colicy and crying a lot, but she was ok. She cried when we got there but I fed her and then she was ok (after vomiting all over me and farting REALLY loudly and making everyone laugh!) Holly was the youngest baby there, all the others were 3 or 4 months or older. I was wondering why there were no younger babies there, but I think it's probably because they are all scared like me that they will cry all the way through it lol

I had Holly weighed after baby group and she is now 10lb 8oz at 6 weeks old, which is exactly where she should be so I'm pleased!

Hope all you lovely ladies and babies are all well xx

My birth story!

I'm so glad that I finally get to join you girls, I'm so tired now and both of my breasts are engorged. I'm putting her to the breast every 2-3 hours but she's a fussy little miss at the moment because my boobs have changed shape and the milk is coming out so quickly. She won't suck if she's so much as fluffed in her nappy (last night we changed her nappy 7 times in 30 mins, it was a nightmare!) and she hates any wind in her stomach. It's making for a tiresome first week. I know it'll settle.

I hope I can catch up with you all
Heya everyone!

Asher I know how you feel about when your LO setltles in your arms after being fussy for others - lovely isnt it!?

becs0375 I couldnt help but laugh at your comment about them pooing in new nappies! Roxy has a thing at the minute , that the moment I change her she has a wee! Yesterday after bath time - she pooed in 3, yes 3 nappies before she finally stopped. I should have learnt my lesson and not put a new one on until I knew she was completely done! I know now!! Glad to hear your feeling less teary now aswell! I havent driven my car for about 5 weeks now haha! I think ive forgotten how to drive!

ladykara Id go for the sweep - it may get something going! Good luck with your decision!

babythinkpink Im not sure whether this would be of any use to you - but when I was BF and got a bit sore - I used lansinoh cream - Its bloody amazing!!!

MrsJ08 Sorry to hear your having a bit of trouble with breastfeeding at the minute :( it is hard work! See how you go....big hugs though and well done for carrying on with it! Hopefully your LO will begin to put some more weight on soon xx

apaton glad to hear LO is putting on the weight well!

louise3512 wooo hooooooo on the news about your DH not being deployed! Yay!

that girl gorgeous pic!!

teeny weeny Glad to hear LO is putting on the weight! Roxy is waking every 3 hours during the night - and shes being formula fed - so with Riley waking up when he did sounds amazing!

emzywemzy sorry to hear about the trouble you have had with Holly :( sometimes it is good just to have a good old cry about it all! As you said, shes most prob hit that 6 week growth spurt and it will hopefully all die down soon! Good news about the weight gain and Go You! for going to the baby group!

snoozie Firstly - congratulations and welcome! Dramatic birth story - but its all worth it when you look at your LO isnt it!

Well Roxy is continuing to be a beaut! Shes feeding every 3-4 hours now and taking around 70-90mls. She was weighed the other day and is now 6lb 12, which is good as she was 5lb 15 born. She has had terrible dry skin aswell (which she blatently gets from me and her dad as we are both quite pale) but its settling down and her skin is now lovely and soft! She's now sleeping peacefully in her moses basket =)

right ill try to remember everything but i have no brain at the moment....

Laura- my bleeding is just starting to slow now its been a month after my section

Louise- so pleased to hear you have more time with hubby

Emzy- i hope you have a better night tonight

hang on got to go back and re read
congratulations BTP

that girl- cute pic

Mrs J- hope you start to feel more positive soon, if you end up on formula its really not the end of the world so dont worry

The girls had a okay night last night still feeding every three hours and its at different times from each other but i had five hours sleep on and off so was happy with that .

Layla is still suffering with cold so i left her with my mum for the first time today because i was going to work for my bosses birthday and didnt think a room full of children was a great idea so i took amelia who slept for the whole time.

Im off to do bath time now , i find that sometimes if they have had a bath they sleep a bit better an ill try anything :)
Great news, Louise!

Congrats to all the new mums and welcome to all the new little stars!

I need to join the Tired Mummies Club. Wee Toby has gained well these past few days and I got great counseling at our BF clinic. Turns out I don't have thrush, I have something that feels an awful lot like it: Raynaud's phenomenon - in my freakin' nipples! I was noticing that they were turning white after nursing and pumping - apparently that can be caused by thrush or by other trauma - like, say a hungry newborn gnashing down on them with his little gums! So I have all sorts of medications and encouragement to keep up the pumping. I did break down and buy one can of formula. Toby is guzzling back as much as we offer him in EBM, formula or the boob, so to give myself and my poor abused boobs a break, I have offered about 6 oz of formula over the course of a day. Not enough to affect milk production, and what I need to do to heal.
It's all about compromise, eh?

I have reached that overtired stage where I have trouble sleeping even when I get the chance. Ugh.

Just a quick one from me!!

Snoozie, welcome aboard xxx

Stmw, thats brilliant news about Roxy, Hope has dry skin too but its calming down now!!

I had a lovely 3 hour sleep this afternoon, this bloomin cold has knocked me for 6, I am sick of blowing my bloody nose!!! Got a bit stressy with Ian earlier when it wasn't his fault!!! Naughty hormones!!!
My post from september stars

I spent most of my time during my hospital stay stressing about breastfeeding. i had tried on my own on the morning she was born and she did take to it, but only for about ten seconds at a time, and just wouldnt latch on. Soo i kept perervering throughout the day but itjust wasnt happening, she wouldnt latch properly then i was getting sore from it. I spent the whole of that night awake because she was crying and i couldnt feed her properly and me and baby were getting stressed ( ii was crying) i had about four midwifes try and help me with poistioning etc but still didnt work. So the next day another midwife went and got a 'milking machine' as she called it and we tried to express something, we got a bit and she said i was producing colostrum, in fact loads and baby was eager to suck everything around her - fingers, jumpers blankets etc, but it just wasnt working for us. So we gave a bottle of formula just to give her something. since then i have been making up a bottle of formula and trying her on the breast before a feed and really trying to perservere, but it just isnt working and she just wont stay on loing enough so i decided this morning to stick with the bottle and have given up on breastfeeding. I was adamant that i would perservere, but after spending the whole first fourty eight hours of her life worrying about feeding i have decided to stop feeling guilty. We tried but it just wasnt for us. It makes me feel like i have let her down bt DH says i shouldnt beat myself up about it....

since then....We have been feeding her formula, but i have tried to breastfeed and she still wont latch on. I bought some nipple shields and she seems to like that probably because its like using a bottle. My milk seems to have come in because i can now express some but im worried that because she was getting a lot from the formula that she wont get enough from the breast feeding so my plan is to breastfeed using the nippple shields over the next 24 hours and see wht happens. I just worry that Im gonna starve her ( stupid i know) but my mum has convinced me that if she is hungry she will cry so im going to carry on with the breastfeeding only now and cut out the bottle, it will mean reducing the amount she is having cos she is currently taking up to 60ml five or six times a day but i guess that if she wants more she will cry for it.

...didnt ever think it was gonna be this tough.

Any sort of advice on this would be appreciated...its a bit weird i know because im weaning backwards from bottle to breast but im hoping its possible. Im hoping that im producing enough milk (im expressing from one and leaking a lot from the other at the same time so its there. Just worried that she is used to having more milk than maybe i can produce.
Emz, good on you for perservering!!! I admire you so much. I have no words of advice or anything as I went straight to formula.

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