September Stars

I wasn't sure whether to sterilise bowls or spoons etc either! I don't think you have to as the food you are giving isn't sterile if you know what I mean! My weaning spoons live in the steriliser box with the dummies, so they are sterile anyway and I have these little plastic bowls so I usually chuck one in when I do the bottles in the microwave steriliser. That's more for my peace of mind though, as I say the food isn't sterile so it's fruitless really!

Holly has Cow and Gate Porridge and seems to like it. That's also made with water. Last night I gave her pureed peas which she didnt' seem to like and I also tried her on a bit of my spag bol that I was eating and she seemed to love that! I don't know why but I felt so funny about giving it to her, I was like, but it's proper food! lol She also grabbed a bit of my toast yesterday and started munching it and she loved it, so I did her a slice last night and cut it up into soldiers and put them on her highchair. She helped herself and loved it! That to me shows that she is ready for weaning, as she is feeding herself. The guidelines are just guidelines and every baby is different, so I think you just have to go with your instincts and ignore the guidelines as they always change anyway.

Holly has become really difficult to feed and put to sleep lately. A couple of weeks before Christmas you might remember me asking about her fussing on her bottles? Well she is still doing it. I kept putting it down to different things, at first teething, then it was christmas and people were here, then we were at my mums and now she's got a cold. But it's become a real struggle to get her to finish a bottle. She takes half a bottle then stops so I wind her as usual, then she shakes her head and pulls away from the bottle like she's had enough, but then cries for more. It's doing my head in!! I don't know what's going on. I've tried teething gel before a bottle, she's still on infacol, tried gripe water, ashton and parsons powders, feeding in a dark quiet room.... I don't know what else to try! Obviously she's got this cold now, so that isn't helping, but she's been doing it since before the cold.

Also, about a month before Christmas she started crying and struggling when I was cuddling her to sleep (this used to be the only way she'd sleep) so I had started putting her down in her cot awake and eventually she'd fall asleep. She'd got in a really good pattern for naps and night time. But at about the same time she started struggling on her bottles, she's been really difficult to put to bed. She cries if I cuddle her, but also cries if I put her down. In recent nights, I've had to resort to lying her on my bed with me whilst I hold her dummy in her mouth (otherwise it falls out straight away and she cries) until she is asleep and then transferring her to her cot. Do you think it's just all the disruption over Christmas, etc? It's really stressing me out.

Yesterday was a really difficult day with Holly, partly as I wasn't feeling well myself and nor was she. Matt got home from work and went straight out to play squash and wasn't back til late. Holly screamed for pretty much the whole time he was out in the evening and when he got back I was sitting there crying. I hadn't known what to do, so I just put her in her swing and left her to cry a bit. I felt like an awful mum, but it didn't seem to help whatever I did. She seemed more stressed if I picked her up than if I left her there. Matt tried to put her to bed but by this time she was mega overtired and it took until 12.45am to get her off to sleep, as I say with me laying on my bed with her holding her dummy in. I can't keep doing this every night! It might just be her cold but as I say she's been funny since before then. She just went down for a nap with no problem this morning though... any ideas?

I have been using cow And gate fruity porridge mixed with water I don't steralise the spoons.

I have so many sample packs of hipp and organix baby rice I won't use if anyone wants any of them I'd be happy to send them seems a shame to throw them out pm me if you want some x
Emma, Hope is like that with her bottles too. Its frustrating as she cries and tturns her head from side to side. Its like she gets angry!! The only way she falls asleep at home is walking around!!! Its tiring! I don't know what to say really as I am at a loss myself. Just hoping she grows out of it!!!!
That's what I've been saying becs, it's just a phase, she'll grow out of it etc etc lol I guess I'm frustrated as she'd got into such a nice routine before Christmas with feeding and sleeping and now it feels like we've gone backwards and all the old tricks (cuddling to sleep, swaddling, walking around, gripe water, infacol, etc) don't seem to work anymore!
MrsJo8, good luck on the ww, it seems a long way off but once it starts it comes off, just finding the last push a bit hard to get inspiration when i feel so shitty atm!:hugs:

oooh had James weighed today and my dinky boy is now 12lb 13oz! x
Rosie is 12lb, they are dinky arn't they!

Oh! And forgot to add that Tobe weighed in at just shy of 16 lbs and measured 23.5 inches in length. This puts him in 75th centile for height, 50th for weight, and still at 90th for head circumference. And that's off one boob! Go Lefty! :holly:
Go Lefty! Are you very lopsided? Mine have settled now and don't look much bigger full of milk, just a bit firmer and shiner!:hugs:

BTP, thats so sad. There was a girl on another forum I go on that lost her baby over christmas and they are having collection for her, her LO was born sleeping at 38 weeks. There is no justice in this world. Lovely idea about the star xx Its really hard to know what to say isnt it.
Hope isn't too fussed about food, she takes rusk and porridge but isn't bothered about having it so I am leaving it and just trying every week just to see how we go, while her bottle is enough I am happy to leave it it longer, no point in rushing, some of my friends have weened their babies and it feels like they have forced them, iykwim?? Really sad, its like they want them to grow up too quick!!

So hard to know what to say, I think i say the wrong thing most of the time but i would rather have said something, I can't imagine how she is feeling, it is awful:cry:
I think food they let you know when they are interested, they watch you eat and try and copy, Rosie is only interested in boob so leaving her with just the odd teaspoon of a different taste for now.:hugs:

I am always broody, and in some ways the more the merrier, if you can leave gaps it does make it easier, i think 2 in nappies would be hard, and twins must be such crazy hard work! Sophie was just potty trained when Rosie came along, I went from changing a toddler to a teeny little bum, it was very strange!

Sterilise i think you are supposed to do til 6 months so i suppose as weaning is suggested at different times there is nothing written about it!
Most people have dishwashers which sterilise with the heat, if i make some stuff up i just pour boiling water in the bowl and on the spoon first.
I cant express milk either so i use stuff made up with water, cow and gate is mainly water made up stuff, and is useful for teeny starting amounts, but i will be getting the blender out and making up ice cube trays of food soon, and bagging it up in the freezer, you can just start with one cube of puree that way and if baby is not keen add some baby rice to make it a bit less strong.#
Going to do apple, carrot, brocolli, maybe pear, and at a later stage potato as a mixer so one carrot one potato melted down together for a mixed flavour!
I like the stage when they just have everything you do so when i do a roast i shove a bit of everything in a bowl and mash it! I steam everything anyway so i dont need to worry about salt.
Will say it is very important babies do'nt eat our foods at this point because of all the salt that gets added to stuff like ready breck etc, I think it has vastly improved but still too salty for babies.

Anyway i digress as usual, back later, dh is selling his car today, I am not holding my breath but i REALLY hope it goes and everything is smooth, it is such a waste, he doesnt drive it, bloody thing sits there draining money, since he hurt his back he cant really get into it, but it still needs tax, insurance etc, Please go today car, I love you but we have outgrown you now!!:haha:

Back later, big hugs to all, I know i have forgottern something but it will have to wait now!:thumbup:

Can reccomend this for babies not willing to give in to sleep!

and this is briliant but doesn't last long as it has a light out the top you need to move it when baby can stand, so 9 months in some cases, but i find Rosie and Sophie really love it and it works, they love setting it off themselves when it stops, if they are still awake!>WINNIE+THE+POOH.htm
Thanks for your advice ladies.

I've decided to try the porridge at lunch time. I asked my Mum and she said she used it with my brother (he's 12 years younger than me) because he didn't like Baby Rice. I have no idea whether she will take it but I figure if I don't try I won't know?! I've got the steriliser out as I don't have a dishwasher and have given it a de-scale. I haven't used it since the week Scarlett came home from hospital and they insisted I gave her formula top-ups. I only did it for a couple of days and then told them to bog off.

Scarlett is laying on her mat watching tv - honestly she is such a tv addict, I'm going to have to watch out for that as she get's older.

I've managed to resist the urge to eat a biscuit 3 times so far this morning. I'm so hungry because of the BF and haven't had anything since my porridge at 7am. I'm going to have to have a piece of toast or some grapes. I'm not going to make it until 1pm otherwise :rofl:
BTP - I've got the Seahorse - I took it to hospital with me. Scarlett loves it :hugs:
:wave: Hi ladies...I try and read all the pages but never have any time to post it seems...right now I am typing one handed whilst feeding Riley! :winkwink:

On the subject of weaning I am weaning Riley atm and he LOVES food! He was waking up every hour at night for a feed and wouldn't settle. So on the advice of my HV she suggested to wean him (no wheat or protein until 6 months). He still isn't sleeping though- :shrug:
I do not sterilise his bowls and spoons and he has been absolutely fine I just wash them in hot soapy water. Every morning he has creamy porridge for breakfast and for lunch he has one flavour of fruit or veg that I have made- so far he has had: parsnip, cauliflower, brocoli, banana, sweet potatoe, pear, carrot, pototoe and avocado. The only one he didn't like was carrot!
He eats like a trooper and gets so excited...sometimes I cannot get it in his mouth quick enough!! :haha:
He is able to push the food to the back of his mouth so none really comes out which is a sign that he is ready. He is so interested in what we are eating that I thought I would give it a go. It works for us which is the main thing. He still has tons of breastfeeds so I guess he is just a hungry :baby:.

On a side note for those of you Bf...has anyone had their period return? I know we shouldn't but we do use it as contraception! Saying that my friend was BF but fell pregnant when her son was 4 months unknowingly..she found out at 21 weeks and is due today...such a short age gap and it should teach me to use condoms! :haha:

I can't believe how much Riley is changing now- he is so alert and taking interest in toys, people around him and of course food! They grow up too fast. He loves his playnest and gym which keeps him amused for a while and encorages him to sit up.

I would usually write on ode to DF but as we are not talking I will leave that for another time. :blush:

At the moment he now has his hands in his mouth muttering...the muffled effect makes it sound like he is saying 'mama'....well, I can kid myself!

I hope you are all keeping well this morning and I hope I can get on here more often. Sorry about the long post. xx :kiss:
Ok cant read much as SO busy today :cry: Got to get a train to town GRR I hate not having my car.

Rosalie still isnt really eating but I always just poured boiling water on Tabs bowls/spoons but that was all I did until she was about 6 months but too much steralising isnt great either :shrug:

On the sleeping front, hang in there. Babies go through phases all the time you think its clicked and bam they change and you have to figure it out again :hugs: :hugs: They will get over it they will learn to sleep :hugs:
what car is it btp??

Emzy i think its when it goes cooler that they stop drinking James does the same...i make it fresh so just pop it back in some hot water hehe x
I was wandering that teeny!!

Fishy i noticed u were looking for a hghchair well the asda baby event starts saturday 18th and they have a lovely graco highchair for £25! pink or blue!! x
Toyota Supra, and now we don't own it:happydance:

It was lovely to pose in, and goes like shit of a shovel but dh has out grown it, he looked like he was having a mid life crisis driving it now!!!

Dh is heartbroken :rofl: He is trying to console himself by counting the money:rofl:
yay...good way to console himself lol!! lovin the 'miid life crisis' remark :hehe:
BTP - :rofl: DH sold both his motorbikes before we had Scarlett - I caught him looking at them on Ebay the other night and told him to "dream on"

Bad Mum Alert - I've just been to the shops to get some Batteries for Scarlett's swing. It's been out of action for 2 days and I've really missed it. Now she is sat in it watching Cbeebies while I have a very late lunch.

Well, I did it - I gave Scarlett some Porridge in the middle of her lunch time milk feed. The first time I was going to try, she cried as soon as I took her off the boob as she wanted more milk. The second time she took the Porridge from the spoon and swallowed it straight away. Then, she cried when I took the spoon away. :rofl: so I put her back on the boob. I'm going to try another spoonful at tea time when DH is home. I might actually let him give it to her... I ordered some food potioner's from Amazon last week but they haven't turned up yet. Amazon are making me wait until the 20th (despite the estimated delivery being the 12th) before they will do anything about it. I've asked my best-friend to pick up some silicone ice cube trays when she goes shopping tonight so I can make some purees at the weekend.
:wave: Hi ladies...I try and read all the pages but never have any time to post it seems...right now I am typing one handed whilst feeding Riley! :winkwink:

On the subject of weaning I am weaning Riley atm and he LOVES food! He was waking up every hour at night for a feed and wouldn't settle. So on the advice of my HV she suggested to wean him (no wheat or protein until 6 months). He still isn't sleeping though- :shrug:
I do not sterilise his bowls and spoons and he has been absolutely fine I just wash them in hot soapy water. Every morning he has creamy porridge for breakfast and for lunch he has one flavour of fruit or veg that I have made- so far he has had: parsnip, cauliflower, brocoli, banana, sweet potatoe, pear, carrot, pototoe and avocado. The only one he didn't like was carrot!
He eats like a trooper and gets so excited...sometimes I cannot get it in his mouth quick enough!! :haha:
He is able to push the food to the back of his mouth so none really comes out which is a sign that he is ready. He is so interested in what we are eating that I thought I would give it a go. It works for us which is the main thing. He still has tons of breastfeeds so I guess he is just a hungry :baby:.

On a side note for those of you Bf...has anyone had their period return? I know we shouldn't but we do use it as contraception! Saying that my friend was BF but fell pregnant when her son was 4 months unknowingly..she found out at 21 weeks and is due today...such a short age gap and it should teach me to use condoms! :haha:

I can't believe how much Riley is changing now- he is so alert and taking interest in toys, people around him and of course food! They grow up too fast. He loves his playnest and gym which keeps him amused for a while and encorages him to sit up.

I would usually write on ode to DF but as we are not talking I will leave that for another time. :blush:

At the moment he now has his hands in his mouth muttering...the muffled effect makes it sound like he is saying 'mama'....well, I can kid myself!

I hope you are all keeping well this morning and I hope I can get on here more often. Sorry about the long post. xx :kiss:

Hi Teeny,

Well done Riley on the weaning, hungry little boy, my first just loved food, it was easy weaning him, the hardest bit was getting it into him fast enough, he would get really impatient!
Oh wow that is a bit scary having another baby so soon, but it's not like we don't know how it happens! I bf but my coil is hormone so has caused spotting, and i don't think my periods come back now it's in, the least i have had no periods was 3 months bf'ing, the most 6 months bf'ing, I think it is just so different in everyone.
Whoops on the df, hope your talking again soon lol
Rosie said 'd' today, and worried it may turn into da i have been saying ma, ma,ma all day to her:rofl:
Nice to hear you are doing good, and your little man xx

Well dh still 'quiet' about his car going, so funny, the cheeriest I have been in ages, it sat there going nowhere and still costing tax, insurance etc, we only need 1 car, and now i have no school run to do and the shopping delivered that is debatable!

MrsJ08, That is not bad parenting, its occupying baby! Rosie gets bored fairly fast atm, she likes lying and kicking on her change mat, I put the baby gym over it, the jumperoo she has limited play time in it b4 she gets bored but i think she needs to grow into it more, she is still very 'little' and just likes cuddles and attention.

This is our high chair, in a different pink pattern but still with the toys on the tray, it is a nice chair, but a little big, Sophie was always swamped in it, need to look for an insert for smaller babies! It folds but is still pretty bulky, it is in the attic atm, debatable whether i use it or not, i really liked Sophie at the table on a booster type chair, she liked it too, but we don't have as many chairs now and Rosie may need the high chair to sit up!>HIGH+CHAIR.htm

Bye for now xx

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