September Stars

Evening all!!!!!

Relaxing in my pj's watching rubbish tv!! Hope is fast asleep in bed, she has hardly slept today so fx'd she sleeps through tonight!!!!
Evening ladies, thanks for your lovely supportive comments about future SIL. It's all going wrong. She is brainwashing BIL really badly and now is trying her best to split up the relationship between us and BIL and MIL and FIL. She's very destructive. My friend who is currently studying for an MSc in psychiatry thinks she has all the characteristics of a borderline personality disorder. It's just not good news at all. MIL has phoned BIL today to ask him to make contact with us to discuss the issues, and about ten mins after that she put a really malicious FB status on. All our friends are wondering what the hell is going on. It's awful. The only good thing is that MIL is now on FB (for the purposes of spying on SIL) and has seen all this with her eyes. I have been feeling so upset about it all, wondering if I've done or said something to cause it all, but I haven't. I don't generally seem to have a problem making or keeping friends, but she does. Argh I am driving myself mad with it all.

Sam's been a good boy today, although he did get up in the night once last night. Ah well, more cuddles for mummy hey!?

Hope you had a good day with your Dad and the girls, Blob!

MRSJ, hope you feel better tomorrow. Hugs. x

BTP, wow a busy week up and coming for you!! Enjoy all those lovely special birthdays. xx

Genies, enjoy your time out for DH's B'day. x

Fishy, 20 weeks for weaning does sound sensible to me, although all babies are different! It's a lovely exciting time though. I was convinced Sam was ready, and he wasn't. But he certainly is now, he was screeching at the food again today!

Aw LBB, how lovely about your 1 year anniversary from your BFP! So much has happened in a year. x

Right, I'm heading to FB for a while to show SIL that her actions don't bother me. Pics of Archie building Lego coming up! Bless him, he's spent all day building from instructions for the first time. We took him to Tesco to spend some Xmas money and he was so pleased with himself choosing a lego model to build. He's got loads of lego, just hasn't moved on to following instructions until now!
Hubby has told me he would like another when paige is two, which means we could start trying start of next year.... unless im pregnant now but it was only one night i forgot to take the mini pill, anyway i cant get pregnant now i think i have just brought my dream pram and unlike hubbys dream pram (icandy peach) mine doesnt turn into a double...hubby said if he manages to get me pregnant before he is allowed to buy a icandy peach... he seems to want sex a lot more !!!

Bloody weaning advice has changed yet again, even with all high tech crap no one really knows whats the right thing when it comes to weaning.. was only last week anyone who tried to wean before 6 months would get jumped on and told off... I kind of agree that mother nature makes you grow teeth when your ready to wean, but it cant do any harm to have a play with foods from when you think your baby is ready... Oh and did anyone hear that those who ONLY breast feed their baby for 6 months can cause their babies to have allergy's !!! this is crazy... everything we were told is a fact is now a load of bull !!! it really frustrates me as MW and HV can give new mums a hard time about not doing it “properly” but there is no such thing as the “right” way and all this proves it... <she steps off the soap box>

I have been busy looking into prams, but i wont go into it now until Tuesday !!

LauraK- im finding it hard to express now, i can get some out if i squeeze my breasts while i have the pump on them but if i dont do that hardly anything comes out, never used to have thi problem !!!

BTP well done on the weight gain x
sarah- hope your feeling better and go lefty !!!!! i had a honda prelude i loved, tell hubby i understand his pain..

Emzy- i read this ages ago and it bugged me as i couldnt remember where... i have cut and pasted it now.. cheers for posting, i cant imagine Holly screaming, she seems like she is happy all the and OMG 5 months..

LBB- The spin is amazing, it reminds me of my dream pram which is the stokke... but doesnt have the height or the major price tag, i love the winter cover it comes with... thought it was a very nice pram.. managed to get a mint condition maxi cosi and easy fix for £50 !!! bargain ! Great news on your friend, im also Great news about james putting on weight, paige was that weight two weeks ago, wish they stayed small forever !!! Loved the baby instructions i was crying with laughter when reading to hubby..

Becs- paige is the same, i must have walked miles up and down the hall way trying to settle paige

Teeny weeny- hey honey, glad its all going well, and looks like you may be announcing a BFP soon then i havnt come on yet and im not breast feeding full time but i am expressing.. but i am now on the mini pill

Usher- sorry to hear about your SIL, my ex husband’s new wife has caused the same sort of thing.
Sarahkka - :hugs: hope your feeling better in time for your flight. x

Genies - Thats a fab idea about the canvas. Im going shopping tomorrow now !!

Had loads more to add but feeling majorly bleurghhhh so will be back later. xx
Claire, she is a nasty piece of evil work!! You are lovely, its deffo not you, so don't worry!! Psycho cowbag!!!! Loving the pics on fb!!

Kara, whats your dream pram?!!!

I can't believe Hope is 17 weeks on Monday, the time is going far too quick for my liking!! I have my hospital apointment on Wednesday, I think I may have PTSD from my birth, Ian and I have only had sex 3 times since Hope was born. He is lovely, everytime he initiates sex I clam up and all I can think about is my birth, although I was very dazed at the time I remember and I can't get the feelings and images out of my head. I hate being like this, I have gone off sex so much when I used to have the most highest of sex drives! I still feel like Hope settles better with Ian than she does me and I sometimes find myself distancing my feelings. I get angry with Ian over stupid things, I fly off the handle about picky things. I don't feel depressed as I have had depression in the past and know the signs, I think I was in the begining but I have got my head around it. In a way I think I am resentful towards Ian, I feel like he gets all the good stuff while I trudge on with the mudane things. Sorry if I am rambling, probably doesnt make much sense!!
Becs that totally makes sense. :hugs: Not sure I have any advice to offer though as really don't have much knowledge about it. xxx

I hope you ladies don't mind me asking your advice regarding my jewellery but I've had an idea for a range and I'd like to know if you think there might be a market for it. Basically I've noticed that no other imprint jewellery company prints scan images on to jewellery. I thought it could be a nice way for ladies to break the news of a BFP to their partners or parents? Also on a sadder note, it might be nice for ladies who have lost their baby post scan but weren't able to get a hand or foot print for whatever reason? What do you think?

I've attached a sample using Harry's 12 week scan.

I'm just not sure if it's a bit of a silly idea or if it's just something that no one else has thought of yet.
becs- its the stokke pram not everyone cup of tea but the 2010 model to me is amazing !!and the only pram which has ever made me want to spend the £££.... Sorry to hear what your going through.. but your going to seek help which is a good start, i think its very common for women to get like that after child birth... hugs hon xx

F&C- fab idea !!!! great keepsake
Fab idea Fishy!!

And Becs, I think your "ponderings" re Ian and Hope are normal ones. I think I completely underestimated how different I things would be with a baby when we had Archie, and I thought I should be "it" when it came to looking after him. I would feel quite inferior when DH made him happy and I couldn't. These days, I call it "freedom" when DH entertains them though!! I do still feel that I do the mundane things and he does the nice things. Can't really comment on the sex thing as my interventions were never so bad. My lady parts still don't feel good after Sam though, quite sore still. x
Fishy just discussing your new idea with dh we think it's fab defiantly a niche in the Market lots of people would definatly pay for those! Good luck with it x
Asher she sounds jealous to me of what you and Hubby have together - 3 gorgeous boys and a whole lot of love x x x

fishy fab idea! X

Becs i can totally empathise with you hun at least Ian is understanding and ok with it :) x
Lady K Hubby told me he wants us to start trying for baby no 2 in six months ! Need to satrt getting back my AF's first as i'm now CD50 still with no signs, even took a pregnancy test this afternoon but it was a BFN.

Becs - your not alone with how your feeling. A friend of mine has still not had sex with her partner after 8 1/2 months and the longer shes leaving the worse she is feeling . Also in regards to Ian 'being best', I have the same exact feelings sometimes with my DH and can feel quite low and upset. DH had a habit at the begining of saying 'daddy knows best' grrrr. It's only now that I realise James loves both of us equally and we are both as good at looking after him ......... I've known others that haven't had partners who are so 'hands on' and I now feel very grateful that we can share the responsibility and workload.

F&C - I think the scan idea is great

Asher archie's Helicopter was great, such a proud big smile. I read OH's comment and I felt quite choked, your Husband truly adores your boys and I can see by what he's commented on in the past that you two make such a loving family and home for your three boys.
Need to be quick as it's way past my bedtime, I have the boys and my mum up so been busy!

Fishy, I love it, i think it's a really good original idea!

Becs :hugs: Same offer applies to you, I'm only the other end of the phone hun xx

Have you seen the thing in the paper about this bomb disposal bloke, Ian martin or something his name is... he (apparently) disposed of 12 bombs in 24 hours, the most ever in one go in Afghan.... he's been in the papers and he's a massive hero.... well..... MY HUSBAND was actually in charge of the team who had to go out and actually FIND the bombs! He then tells him 'there's a bomb there'.... Not saying his job isn't dangerous but I think it's at least as dangerous walking down these roads and finding them before people tread on them....well... all due respect to him but I know who MY hero is!!!
Louise - I'll say he's a hero - extraordinary work! :thumbup:

Ladyk - I LOVE Stokke design and the Explory! Too bad it's so freakin' expensive, eh?
We have the Tripp Trapp chair for Simon and intend to buy one for Tobe, as well. It's pricey, but a wonderful design that has worked really well for us.

I had to giggle at all the OHs who have their own ideas about TTCing! Lots of very happy dads out there, it sounds like. :)

Fishy - the scan looks quite cool and it's definitely original. I can't think of anyone else doing that. I had such a neat scan of Tobes in utero where he was all spread-eagled - I loved it! I'd get that put on a piece, for sure.

Blergh. Still feeling like absolute shit. I'm really bummed. I had a lot of things I wanted to get done and I just have no energy.

Asher - I think I must have missed all this stuff with you SIL but she sounds like a right cow! Good on your MIL for spying on her at least now you have someone to back you up. I agree that she sounds like a destructive, jealous person

Lady K - I agree with you on the weaning issue. I've decided to go with my instinct and have discovered Scarlett loves baby porridge. Yesterday was the second day and she's already opening her mouth for the spoon and pulling the spoon towards her.

F&C great idea

Becs - :hugs: I can relate to some of what you are saying. My sex drive is non-existent and this is largely related to my low self esteem & how uncomfortable I feel in my body

Happy 4 months to my beautiful girl :happydance:
hey girls :wave: don't know if you will a remeber me from last year? But just wanted to say it's lovely that you girls have kept this thread going for a this time and all of your babies are beautiful :hugs:

ps Fish & Chips I finally got here :dance: :bunny: xxxx lov n hugs xxxx Caz
Yay! So well deserved Cazza! How are you feeling? X

Im feeling good thankyou huny, tired like all the time & have constant heartburn but its all good :winkwink:. Been feeling bubs move these pase couple of weeks so its all the more real & he/she has a lovely HB of 155pbm. Weve decided to stay team yellow which is gonna be a killer but my OH wants a suprise bless him :cloud9:.

How r u hun? how does it feel being someones mummy? amazing isnt a big enough word i bet :kiss: xxxxx
Wow that's amazing that you and feel him or her! I really miss that feeling. Can your oh feel the kicks yet? I cried the first time my dh felt Harry. And well done for being on team yellow! I was just too impatient so had to know. It is amazing being a mummy. I won't lie, the first 6 weeks were tough but it's so worth it especially when they smile back at you! Weirdly though it still hasn't sunk in that I'm a mummy and that I have a son.

I hope you get some relief from the heartburn. I was OK until the last month when I lived off Remegels! I think as Harry was a big baby I didn't get the relief from him dropping.

As I said on your journal, if there is anything I can do or answer please don't hesitate!

I'm so incredibly happy for you! Xxx
A web site had the stokke pram for £331 with carry cot ... worth £900 + i thought it must be a mistake, I was going to wait till the next day to order it but i rang them and doubled checked and brought one... Its coming Tuesday apparently.... i used a credit card just in case... This one is in green grey, so not the best colour (hence why it was discounted more than the others) all the other colours were £699 but you can buy any of the other colours for £160 as a style kit. I looked for it again the day after and it has been taken off the web site.... I said to hubby i have a strange feeling im not going to get this but we will see on Tuesday, not getting my hopes up, getting a £900+ pram for £330 ?!? and i got a £10 voucher too so brought the maxi cosi adapters for it. I also had to buy a maxi cosi and a isofix.. got both for £50 from someone on netmums and its in MINT condition.. If by some miracle this pram turns up, i think ill wet my knickers...... but i reckon they will call to stay my orders been cancelled...

Paige slept till 730am ... and this is because we are following a routine done by a well known author which i cant mention on this forum... but so far its worked and its only been the first day, we will see what happens tonight.

Jelly- OMG 6 months !!! ill be so jealous..... so guess we wont be due the same time again... I havnt come on .. but dont want to do a test.. rather not know until im further along...

Cazza- hey cazza welcome back xx

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