September Stars

Yay go Scarlett! Btw I love the name Scarlett. My best friend when I was little was called Scarlet (with one T!) and it was an unusual name then and I always thought it was beautiful. I have seen a few people on here with babies called Scarlett this year, so it must be coming back! Gorgeous name. I've noticed a lot of Holly's as well this year, whereas that wasn't all that common before the last couple of years. Emma was so popular when I was at school. I went on holiday to Portugal when I was 15 and joined the teen club thing and there were 14 Emma's LOL!

I've just bought some Heinz Baby Custard, which is actually milk mixed with fruit puree, so will be giving some to Holly tonight to see if she likes it. I'll probably try her on a breadstick as well seeing as she liked the toast!

My HV came this morning- I can't remember if I said or not but the Senior Health Visiting lady that I complained to came to visit me just before Christmas. She was sooo apologetic and the top and bottom of it was that they'd had a shift around and I had got lost in the system, so I didn't have a named Health Visitor. She was very unhappy and said that she'd given the team in my area a kick up the bum and that I was meant to have had an initial visit (which I did have, but it she turned up unannounced and it lasted 10 mins), a follow up and 4 weeks and a follow up at 8 weeks... neither of which I got. So she appointed me a new HV and asked her to come and visit me and she did today. She did my PND screening (that I was meant to have at 8 weeks) and she was really nice. She said Holly is clearly developing well. I mentioned about Holly fussing on her bottle and she suggested it is probably her teeth bothering her and she also said that as she is 5 months old now, it might be that she is ready for solids rather than all that liquid. I was surprised that she suggested that and asked about the guidelines. She said that the guidelines were still 'around 6 months', but she said Holly is 5 months and the size of a 6 month old. I said about her taking my toast and I let her eat it and she said that was fine, she said if she is taking food and eating it of her own accord, then she is ready to try new things. She also said to give her a break mid bottle and I could offer her some food at this time if I wanted and offer the rest of her milk a bit later. All in all she was very nice!

Anyway Holly is starting to cry, so better go see to her!

Speak soon x
Something to make you chuckle...

My mummy has had me for nearly six months now. The first few months were great . I cried she picked me up and fed me anytime day or night... Then something happened! Over the last few weeks she has been trying to STTN (sleep through the night). At first, I thought it was just a phase, but it is only getting worse. I've talked to other babies, and it seems like it's pretty common after mummies have had us for around 6 months. Here's the thing: these mummies don't really need to sleep. It's just a habit. Many of them have had some 30 years to sleep - they just don't need it anymore. So I am implementing a plan. I call it the Crybaby Shuffle. It goes like this: Night 1 - cry every 3 hours until you get fed. I know, it's hard. It's hard to see your mummy upset over your crying. Just keep reminding yourself, it's for her own good. Night 2 - cry every 2 hours until you get fed. Night 3 - every hour. Most mummies will start to respond more quickly after about 3 nights. Some mummies are more alert, and may resist the change longer. These mummies may stand in your doorway for hours, shhhh-ing. Don't give in. I cannot stress this enough:CONSISTENCY IS KEY!! If you let her STTN (sleep through the night), just once, she will expect it every night. I KNOW IT'S HARD! But she really does not need the sleep, she is just resisting the change. If you have an especially alert mummy, you can stop crying for about 10 minutes, just long enough for her to go back to bed and start to fall asleep. Then cry again. It WILL eventually work. My mummy once stayed awake for 10 hours straight, so I know she can do it. Last night, I cried every hour. You just have to decide to stick to it and just go for it.BE CONSISTENT! I cried for any reason I could come up with. My sleep sack tickled my foot. I felt a wrinkle under the sheet. My mobile made a shadow on the wall. I burped, and it tasted like pears. I hadn't eaten pears since lunch, what's up with that? The cat said "meow". I should know. My mummy reminds me of this about 20 times a day. LOL. Once I cried just because I liked how it sounded when it echoed on the monitor in the other room. Too hot, too cold, just right - doesn't matter! Keep crying!! It took a while, but it worked. She fed me at 4am. Tomorrow night, my goal is 3:30am. You need to slowly shorten the interval between feedings in order to reset your mummies' internal clocks. P.S. Don't let those rubber things fool you, no matter how long you suck on them, no milk will come out. Trust me. Babies, I would like to add that if ANYONE else looks after you for the night, whether its your daddy, granny n grandpa, mummies friends you should ALWAYS sleep through the night. That way no one will have any sympathy for your mummy and she will have to look after you every night. Do not break her training she really doesn't need a night off.... Because I can..
Wow Emzy, how is Holly 5 months already? Doesn't time just fly? Happy 5 months Holly!! I almost passed out at baby clinic yesterday when I had to confirm that Sam is 20 weeks old! Argh no!! Slow it all down!!

Emzy, also, glad you got sorted with the HV issue, sounds like your new one is pretty nice! I like the idea of a sensible HV who will address the issue of food/weaning without judging on the 6 months issue!

BTP, car was gorgeous!! Bye bye car, hello cash!! I hope things get better for you really soon. Rosie sounds soooo gorgeous, little love!!

LBB, love that little STTN thing, I think I saw something similar when Jack was a baby, and it was just so apt!! So glad to see little James is better, bet you're breathing a huge sigh of relief!!

Mrs J, go Scarlett!! She's doing so well, little love!!

Teeny, good to see you!! And yay for Riley doing so well with his food!! It's brill!!

I have forgotten everything I was going to write. We're having problems again with the brother in law and future sister in law. I am so sick of it, really getting me down now. Really not worth it, but trying to preserve things for DH's sake.

Anyway, took Sam to baby clinic yesterday... he's now 18lb 3oz! Chubsy!! But he's only put on 10oz in the last 4 weeks, which is slow for him, and I'm pleased. He's the size of the average 6 or 7 month old, bless him!! He's now slept through 11 or 12 hours for the last 6 nights, but I'm still not holding my breath. He is really starting to love his food too. I'm still only trying him at lunchtime, but next week I might think about starting to introduce some breakfast, eeek!! Today, he had about 2 big dessert-spoonfuls of pureed apples and strawberries, and ate the lot, so I mixed him up some aptamil baby porridge, and he ate that too! DH was laughing as Sam was getting so excited about the food and screeching for it!! I think he is definitely ready to be weaned!! I'm enjoying it now too, and the boys really love sitting with me when Sam has his food, I think they feel more involved.

Hmmm, what else? Not sure. I will attempt to be back with more! x

Emzy - I have always loved the name Scarlett - my Mum and I used to watch Gone With the Wind over and over again and it's one of my favourite films, so I knew if I had a girl it was always going to be Scarlett. DH chose her middle name - Melody. I think it is slightly more popular this year but the only person I know with a Scarlett is a friend of a friend. Since having her I've been told that Mel C's daughter is called Scarlet and someone I don't know in Coronation St (I don't watch it) has a daughter called Scarlett so that could account for it becoming a little more popular I guess? The only other Scarlett I can think of is the actress Scarlett Johannson (sp?) I think one of the reasons it appealed to me was that it isn't very popular but it's not weird either. When she is a mischief maker I call her Scarlett O-Horror :rofl: I've also found that my family often call her "Miss Scarlett" or "Little Miss Scarlett" which I think is quite cute.

Happy 5 months Holly x

LBB :rofl:

Asher - I can't believe Sam is over 18lb already - these babies are growing up too quick.

I gave Scarlett some more porridge at tea time when Daddy came home. The little monkey took two weaning spoons full! Surprisingly, she had a massive feed before bed - both boobs twice each?! Bit bizarre because after having a little porridge I expected her to want less. I suspect it may have been part comfort feeding because of her poorly teeth but the thing that surprised me the most is that she didn't bring any of her milk back up at all - no posseting which is very unusual. After messing around for the best part of an hour she went down to sleep at 9.10 so it will be interesting to see how she goes to night. There was a nap from 3.30 to 5.50 this afternoon too which is also a little unusual. No two days are the same at the moment so we are definitely going through some sort of routine change. I just hope she doesn't get herself sorted over the next couple of days just in time for her next lot of injections on Thursday to mess it up again.....

Sleep well everyone x
Hi Asher was only thinking yesterday that id not seen u on here for a few days :) Wow good boy Sammy pants!!

sorry blonde moment...STTN??? lol x
Aw Jayne you're lovely! I'm crap at the moment, not too bad on FB but rubbish at posting on here, have been reading and lurking! I know, isn't Sammy Pants being good!! xx

And STTN = sleeping through the night. xx
Asher just been on fb and had a suspicion sil2b was still playing up....... Hugs x. Fantastic weight for Sammy!

Mrs j glad the porridge is agreeing with her! Hope it continues X

Wow must be tired just fell asleep whilst posting this, bed for me !
WOW hapy months Holly :cake: going to start offering Rosalie food around 5 months I think.

LBB that is too funny and SOOOO true

Rosalie is driving me mental in the night she refuses the dummy in the night and will only sleep if attatched to me :cry:

Whats everyone got planned today? My dad is coming up from Notts to see the girls so got to find something to do ha ha
Good Morning!

Happy 5 months Holly, goodness this is going really fast! :hugs:

Lbb, funny, I think babies just know this! Rosie didn't even want anything this morning, boob, NO, up on shoulder for a wind, NO, nappy NO, cuddles, mmm perhaps, up and out of bed YES that is the one Mummy! :thumbup:

Asher, Yes the car was gorgeous but I am not a very materalistic person, I like people rather than things, I never had much when i was little, my sister wanted everything, she was the eldest and tended to get it, I just didn't see the point, and I am the same now, I spoil in love and attention, and sometimes food!
I like 'things' for the children, and like new clothes for them, because it was always hand me downs for me so I like them all having new!
Not sure what he is doing with the money, he wants to get a wardrobe, and wants to treat the girls, I suppose it is hard having new clean and shiny with so many children so my engagement ring is my only 'treasured thing' that is not flesh and blood!:hugs:

Blob, not sure for today, My eldest has his girlfriend over, I will be taking her home later, and i have to go to an argos for a Jessie doll for my 7yr old who will be 8 soon, she wanted the talking Jessie doll, they are like gold dust but i found one in argos, just not a local one but you end up doing these things for your children! I want a Lotso interactive bear, I love him!!! So pink and cuddly, I have seen the film and i know he is a bit of a sad bear but i am sure if i own him he will be happy:dohh::haha:

MrsJ08, I love the name Scarlett too, very pretty name, I do think we have some lovely names though for our little stars :hugs:

Well back later, hopefully with my Jessie doll! I am going to look round a few shops too, not sure who is coming with me yet!
Next week my toddler is 3, and 11 days later her sister is 8! The toddler is taking her 2 best friends to pottery painting, and the 8 yr old is having a disco!

:hi: back later, have a nice day all xxx
Hello ladies!!!

Asher, your SIL is a cow!!! Go Sammy!!!!! Hope is catching him up on weight!!!

Blob, have a nice time with your Dad!!

BTP, hope you get your doll!!!!

Well just done all my housework and washing!!! Murphy has been walked and Hope is just having a bottle!! Need to go to argos and get a stairgate!! Also need to get some eggs as I fancy a fritatta for tea!!!
Morning all hope you have good days at Argos with dads or making frittatas ;)

Happy 5 months Holly you are our team leader !

We out tonight for dh birthday taking the girls to see a few friends in the pub.

Fishy we got our pack today for the handprints thankyou we will get them dine and retuned and pay the invoice. Paul knows he is getting the cufflinks and is very excited xx
Hi ladies

Feeling a bit miserable today so just a quickie to ask a question

GG - where did you get the pain you used to do the girls feet? I'm thinking of nicking your thank you card idea. xx
Honest answer mrs j I nicked it from work but it's washable childrens paint you can buy it in early learning centre I sat them in the bumbos painted their feet with a brush and pressed the paper across their feet I'm going to do the same on some blank canvas frames too x
Full-blown sinus infection.
Plane travel in five days.
So much packing and planning and stuff to do and I just want to go hide myself in bed with big mugs of tea and sleep all day. :(
Wow so much to catch up on!

BTP, glad the car got sold! How are you feeling hun? I hope things are picking up but I guess it's going to take time. :hugs:

Asher, I forgot about the SIL. Is she up to her usual tricks? I can't believe how big Sam has gotten! Good work!

LBB thanks again for the bottle. We were out for most of today so haven't had a chance to try yet but I've defrosted some milk I expressed the other day so my dh is going to try and give it to Harry tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. And thanks for the info re the highchair at Asda. For that sort of price we're not too worried about it not being 100% perfect but having said that, the reviews look pretty good. Online apparently it's only £12.50 but it's sold out. Oh and I also think that STTN thing is hilarious!

GG, glad you got the wipe kit ok. If you need any tips on how to take the prints just let me know but basically put the ball of the hand/foot down first and then roll the hand/foot down on to the paper, spreading out the fingers as you go.

Mrs J sorry to hear you're feeling down. Hope you are ok :hugs:

Emzy, sorry I'm not sure why Holly is being tricky with her food and sleep but what LBB and the HV said makes sense. So glad you finally have a good HV to get advice from. And happy 5 months to Holly! Time is going so fast!

I've been doing the same as BTP and giving Harry tastes of food. I've puréed apple, pear and banana and keep offering it to him. He's not ready yet for weaning but I like the idea of him just sucking it off my fingers. He seems interested at times but generally it comes straight back out again or he gags. My HV said they now recommend weaning at 20 weeks which will be in less than 2 weeks time but like you all say, each baby is different. I'll keep offering food to Harry but I'm not forcing it on him and he's still getting plenty of boob action.

:hi: Teeny, glad Riley is doing well and good to see you back! x
no worries fishy...i have everything crossed for you! :)

Its a year today that i got my :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since James was ill he wont take a bottle of formula, but we also changed to aptimal around the same time so it may be that or teething who knows!?! lol x

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