September Stars

cazza- when i started feeling the movements thats when it all got very exciting ... My friend who is about 20 weeks came over and i gave her my two bottles of gaviscon... you would have thought i gave her a sports car... she is suffering and i brought 4 bottles from costco but i prefered tum tums tablet form so never used them... thats one thing i dont xx
Yaaaaay Cazza!! 18 weeks woop woop! So happy for you chick. I bet you can't wait, I'm so excited for you! Oh and I don't miss the heartburn, lived on bottles of Gaviscon!

Fishy I love love love the scan photo idea! I think it's fab and very original.

Genies LOL @ Team Leader Holly!

Mrs J Happy 4 months to Scarlett!

Forgotten everything else... duh!!

We've had a nice weekend. Went shopping yesterday and spent the money my Gran sent for Holly. We bought Holly a new playmat at Christmas (fisher price 123 gym) and sent her old one back with my mum and dad so she'd have one to play on when we go there, but I was so disappointed with the new one. The dangly toys are only stuck on by velcro and so Holly can just pull them off right away and she gets really bored with it. So yesterday we got her a new playmat. We also got her a sit me up cosy thing that is an inflatable ring thing, that you can change to a little seat, and a dress, some vests and a sleeping bag, so she did well out of my grans money! I've also just ordered a swimming trainer seat, as I really liked the one we borrowed at the pool and thought it'd be nice to have our own. Last night we went out with a couple of friends to a new Chiqitos and took Holly with us. She was a star and when our dinner came, I just put her back in her carseat and she went to sleep! I couldn't believe it as she ALWAYS kicks off when I get food and I usually have to hold her and eat with one hand.

And we had an idea about the fussing. Until now, she had been wanting a bottle every 3 hours, I guess because she was sleeping so long at night that she had to have them 3 hourly to get her 5 bottles in before bed. But with her fussing I wondered if it would make a difference if we tried stretching it out to 4 hours between bottles and maybe dropping the 5th. So yesterday that's what we did, she fed every 4 hours instead of every 3, so she had 4 big bottles then I topped her up with a few oz before bed. She fussed a lot less on her bottles, so I think it might be that she wasn't really hungry when she was crying for her bottles every 3 hours! Also we've tried to re-instate the EASY routine a bit too to try and get things back to normal after Christmas. We'd kind of stopped doing it as I thought she would prefer to do what she wanted when she wanted, but I think she prefers the familiarity of a little routine, albeit a very loose one.

I am so proud of Ollie since Monday he has been in his cot in his own room and slept 8 til 8 and is a very good routine.

Sorry for the selfish post. Hope all you Ladies are well.
Lady K are you doing the CLB routine by the lady with the initials G and F? lol We are doing the EASY by the one with the initials T and H! Only loosely though. For example she doesn't go to bed at 7 and get up at 7 x
Yaaaaay Cazza!! 18 weeks woop woop! So
We've had a nice weekend. Went shopping yesterday and spent the money my Gran sent for Holly. We bought Holly a new playmat at Christmas (fisher price 123 gym) and sent her old one back with my mum and dad so she'd have one to play on when we go there, but I was so disappointed with the new one. The dangly toys are only stuck on by velcro and so Holly can just
And we had an idea about the fussing. Until now, she had been wanting a bottle every 3 hours, I guess because she was sleeping so long at night that she had to have them 3 hourly to get her 5 bottles in before bed. But with her fussing I wondered if it would make a difference if we tried stretching it out to 4 hours between bottles and maybe dropping the 5th. So yesterday that's what we did, she fed every 4 hours instead of every 3, so she had 4 big bottles then I topped her up with a few oz before bed. She fussed a lot less on her bottles, so I think it might be that she wasn't really hungry when she was crying for her bottles every 3 hours! Also we've tried to re-instate the EASY routine a bit too to try and get things back to normal after Christmas. We'd kind of stopped doing it as I thought she would prefer to do what she wanted when she wanted, but I think she prefers the familiarity of a little routine, albeit a very loose one.


Thios shows me that us getting paige into a routine is a good thing, i dont have a clue how much sleep or how many feeds she should be having during the day, if she cried i would try feeding her and then try getting her to sleep by walking up and down the hallway for miles.... i wasted a lot of formula !!! after reading some routines i realised she doesnt need as much feeding or as much sleep, she must be crying because she is bored. I cant mention the name of the routine on here (A mod removed it from my post a few days ago) but they say not to let them sleep between 3pm and 7pm bed 7 and wake them fully for their 11pm feed.... first time she has slept till 7.30am !!! may be just a one off we will see x
Well done Ollie and Paige! I am so jealous of you ladies with babies sleeping through the night! Harry was getting better and going 4-4.5 hours between feeds at night but the last two nights he's been waking between 2-3 hours. Still he's getting better at sending himself off to sleep so if I keep it up hopefully it will become the norm and we can start trying to stop his night feeds.

Ladyk are you following the more hard line approach or the softly softly version (EASY)?

Thanks ladies for your encouragement re the scan jewellery. I've just got to convince my sister that it will catch on. Then maybe we can make a sample to see if it will work. The only problem is that the materials are so pricey that if it doesn't it's £££ wasted. Hey ho.

Emzy, it sounds like Holly has got lots of nice things from your Gran! Does she like the new sit up playmat thingy? x
Wow I don't think Harry would last without sleep from 3-7pm. He usually has a nap around 4pm and then is knackered by 6.30pm!
Thanks for the heads up on the gaviscon, ive just been hammering the milk so far and it soothes it alittle but nothing to shout about. I must add Gaviscon to my list of musts.

F&C no babe my OH cant feel bubs just yet but i dont think it will be long, he's so excited to feel him/her. Ive had fluttering type flips? for 2 weeks n just this past week ive felt POKE POKE POKE hahaha i love it :) the best reassurance i could ever ask for :cloud9:

I'll pop in now and then to see how u r n let you know how my LO is getting on, my 20 week scan on the 28th of this month so keep me in your prayers that bubs is healthy as can be :winkwink:

Thanks girls xxx Lov Caz xxx
F&C - Scarlett is the same in terms of sleep I think it's harder when you BF as they can smell the milk on you all the time. I have been trying to push her to go a little longer between feeds during the day. At the moment there is no consistency in her night feeds - the most she will go now is about 5-6 hours and that's only one stretch from 8/9pm to 1/2 am then if I'm lucky she will go another 3-4 hours after that feed. It's a bit frustrating as pre-injections she would sleep from about 10pm to 5am which was great in terms of allowing me to get sleep. I'm finding it hard not getting to sleep until 11pm myself and then being woken at 1am sometimes. The little devil woke at 6.15 am this morning having fed at 4.30am. I decided to try not feeding her because I didn't think she could be hungry. Bizarrely I changed her bum and then put her back in her cot with her mobile on and she slept until 8am. This was a bit of a surprise as I honestly didn't think she would go down without a fight. I'm finding she is settling herself on her own a lot more now and I almost always put her down at night when she is sleepy but not quite asleep.

Lady K and Emzy - I haven't read any of those books and keep wondering whether to buy one. I'm not very good at being rigid in my approach. I don't know anything about CLB but have read a little about EASY in another book. This is roughly what happens for us now anyway - I tend to put Scarlett on her playmat, in the swing or we read a book after a feed in the day and then eventually she either falls asleep at home or we go out in the pram. I try and avoid feeding at playgroups if possible so I'm not sure the CLB would work for us as 10am is too late for a feed. My real problem is early evening, I know that what I need to do is somehow get her to go down at 7pm and then wake her up to feed at 10pm and then she will go down until at least 4am or 5am maybe later. I think this is going to be my challenge for the week! I have the same problem as F&C I don't think she could last from 3pm to 7pm without a sleep - Scarlett is currently having her nap and has been there since about 4.15pm. It's usually about 4pm I start feeling knackered from the lack of sleep the night before!

Cazza - Congratulations x
LOL yes its the CLB routine... but means i have to get up earlier.. : ( first feed 7am but can adjust it... i was doing EASY but found when she cried i still didnt know why still.... thought it was a bit too much of a soft routine..but i didnt think we could have any kind of routine as i dont do routines lol.. but to be honest once i know what paiges own routine is and how long she can go without naps and feed then it should make things easier... it seems so far i shouldnt let her sleep after 4 if i want her in bed and asleep by 7pm...
Good morning!
Feeling a bit better today, but husband is back at work, so I'm caring for two sick babies on my own today. Poor little boys - both are sounding so croupy and congested.

Got an excellent nasal aspirator by hydrasense and put it to good use on Tobe last night. :thumbup: If you don't already have one, I highly recommend it.

LadyK - oh, fingers crossed for you that your Stokke stroller deal wasn't too good to be true. That's a huge steal!

Cazza - Huge congrats!

F&C - around 4-5 months can be a great time to start introducing sleep patterns to your baby. I seem to remember that Simon started sleeping really well about then.

Okay, off to do a mountain of laundry and nurse sick me and sick babes.

Have a nice Sunday everyone!
I read 4 months is the best age to start a routine... after paige started waking every 3 hours and seeing most babies on here are sleeping through we needed to start looking at her natural routine but we kept forgetting to write it down... we needed to a routine to follow but its very hard to keep to any routine when your out. paige sleeps in the pram and the car (when she isnt crying).. so what do we do when she needs to be awake ??? I dont want to be stuck at home !!! we will have to see what happends ....

She couldnt stay awake till 7 and fell asleep sitting up at 6... grant came home and moaned i didnt keep her awake till 7pm !!! bloody cheek ! then went up to the bedroom to get changed and woke her up, he brought her down.... as i was reading about the star signs changing paige rolled over to her side !!!!! it was a very emotional few now grants put her back to bed and she is crying in her cot and he thinks he is going to try controlled crying ...
I am so proud of Ollie since Monday he has been in his cot in his own room and slept 8 til 8 and is a very good routine.

Sorry for the selfish post. Hope all you Ladies are well.

Well done Ollie !!!! i wanted to put paige in her own room as her cot looks so cute !!! but cant afford for her to wake Jake at the moment... once she sleeps through we will try her in her own room, i had to put a cover over it to stop the dust x
Bargain on the pram Kara...fingers crossed it comes...where was it from im after a lightweight stroller but a comfy warm one lol x Well done Paige!! x

Sarah hope u r all feeling better soon :hugs:

Just had pork dinner and James loved the mashed potato off my finger :lol:
Evening ladies!!

Thank you so much for your support!!

Kara, that is a bargain for a Stokke!!! Can't wait for pics!!!!

LBB, aww bless James!! Can't believe they are nearly 4 months!!!

We have been out all day, must of walked about 8 miles with Murphy!!! He is pooped!!! Ian goes away for a week tomorrow so I am full time dog walker!!! Quite looking forward to it, I am busy this week too, so before I know it Friday will be here!!!
Random question for you all: what is the baby care task that stresses you out the most?
I hate, despise, and loathe clipping fingernails on babies. I get so nervous about cutting them (and I have before :cry: ) and even when I sneak up on them and do it while they are relaxed and sleeping, I feel like I can never do it properly.
I swear, if there was a clipping service for babies (kind of like nail trimming for cats and dogs? :) ), I would be a frequent visitor!
Random question for you all: what is the baby care task that stresses you out the most?
I hate, despise, and loathe clipping fingernails on babies. I get so nervous about cutting them (and I have before :cry: ) and even when I sneak up on them and do it while they are relaxed and sleeping, I feel like I can never do it properly.
I swear, if there was a clipping service for babies (kind of like nail trimming for cats and dogs? :) ), I would be a frequent visitor!

Oh me too, jjs nails are short but sharp and he keep scratching his face but I just can't seem to stop the sharp bits. Made his finger bleed trying to file his nails

Lady k trust me we won't be trying in six months got to lose this weight yet. On a good note finally got AF today. Hope your stroller does arrive, if not they will have to send you another colour for the same price :)

In regards to routine the only thing I'm struggling with is daytime sleep. He sleeps from 8 pm to around 7 am. But can't find a pattern yet for his daytime naps. Need to sort it out before next month when I start my course and family are looking after him

Cazza big congratulations !

Sarahk hope your all feeling better soon xx
Hello All,

Busy, busy, and attention seeking baby on shoulder so will do my best with one hand while being shoulder sucked, and hair pulled! She has found her voice, and occasionally a really big squeal, deafining but cute, only because Sophie did it constantly and that was not so funny!

Cazza, very well done to you hun, so pleased to see you here and doing so well, was just talking to my friend who is due to pop any time, she is suffering from lack of sleep and acid indigestion, funny how quickly you forget once baby is here. Well done you on team yellow, how exiting! :happydance:

Oh i have forgot everything else, how useless am I!!!

Weaning is not even starting, she is totally not interested and just spits it into her hands and dribbles it everywhere, have bowls, spoons. a large choice of baby foods, trays, blenders, and a baby that only wants boob! I don't mind, she is just not ready, will leave her til she is!:thumbup:

Sleeping i think tends to fall in with the weaning, they have fuller tunnies and solids sustain them so Rosie is up a few times a night, usually 2 and 4 for a feed, but not for long, and i know this stage will change, so i really don't mind, i love nursing her in the night, all quiet, just us!

Fishy, yes things are ok thanks, I am slowly feeling better, and i am still checking but pleased to say he is behaving himself, i am ''nearly not looking which must be a good thing!

Sorry i have not really done personals or caught up too well but my little girl is 3 tomorrow and when we had her we met 2 other new mums both had girls and we keep in touch, so had one party today, meeting up on Wed to do pottery painting with the girls, should be fun!
On the down side Rosie has second jabs tomorrow:nope: Lost the letter, dont know what time! Dont want to go but have to, i put decembers off.

Back tomorrow if i can! :hugs: xxxx
Mrs J you are so right, there is no consistency with Harry's night feeds either. Some days he'll go 4 1/2 hrs and others he'll go 2. I also think you're right about them smelling the milk on us. He sometimes will let my dh settle him and get him off to sleep (in the evening, not during the night) but I am never able to do it. Harry settled himself for his daytime nap again today so he's done it twice now. I really hope that it might help with night times eventually! Scarlet and Harry sound very similar although he does go to bed at 7pm. I then dreamfeed him around 11pm although I'm not sure it's working.

Sarah thanks for the advice. He does seem to be responding a bit better to my efforts of getting him to sleep so FX it's his age! Sarah I use a nail file on Harry. It's so much easier and he seems to find it funny! I'm also someone who is struggling with his daytime naps. He is hard to get down and only sleeps for 30 mins at a time. He definitely needs longer as is tired again in less than an hour. He's not sleeping through yet which isn't ideal but it's only a problem if he wakes a few times.

BTP glad things are getting better :hugs:
Nice idea Fishy :thumbup:

Going to try Rosalie with a bit of food tonight...ok so since I wrote this :)dohh:) she had a bit but it was just SO funny to watch her feeding herslef then Tabs got in on the action.

Becs :hugs: :hugs: With Tabs I felt sore for ages and I dont think we had sex really until she was 6 months and even then it wasnt much...I've read from other people its really really common not to be that fussed until they are nearly a year.

Hi Cazza :hugs:

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