September Stars

louise- woooooooo so he may be on tv soon... you must be so proud...cant believe they took the pic down, i would ask why...x

LBB- they do the major discount to get you on there.... but they have to sell so many at that price or trading standards get involved, you just have to be I love the maxi cosi hoods... and because they are so common there are a lot of covers and footmuffs to buy... i just brought a black and white flower one, then i decided i may just make my own and colour coordinate.x

GG- bless her, paige sounded like she was waking at 5am and i jumped up and put dummy in her mouth and she slept through till 7am and then slept till 9am..this new routine seems to be working. x

BTP- balloons are banned from my house unless its the foil type, your very hope she has a lovely day give her a big kiss from me...x
Louise :hugs: must be scary.

GG I think thats gorgeous that you treat them like that sounds so much more personal :cloud9:

Kara Tabs was SO messy but I dont think she was this messy first time :haha: though thats prob because I let her feed herself?

:wohoo: Blondie thats what Rosalie has been doing she ploughs her face into the floor :rofl: Cant believe it either, Tabs also hated her tummy...wonder if they will be faster to do things to keep up with siblings?

I think you're right as he's dying to play with her and squeals like mad when she does. People do say that the second is quicker. Lily only crawled for a week at 11 months then walked.
I have about 20 pages to catch up but dont have the time today so will have to do it another time!!!

Kimi has had conjunctivitis this week so her poor eyes have looked all swollen and red :( but she seems to be feeling much better....

My younger sister has just announced to me she is 5 and half weeks pregnant by my ex boyfriend....i dont know how to feel???? So she is due September whole family dont like her boyfriend as (after i split up with him) he was convicted of arson and multiple drug offences....they have both cheated on each other, countless number of times and both treat each other sooo badly!!! I worry for the health and safety of this baby :(

Sorry for the selfish post!!

ok really dont think im getting this pram now for £331.. look how much they have it for now £1279 !!!!!

Now its back to £663 !!! i swear im getting obsessive with this now. i need help !!

But saying that they cant say they havnt got it in oh well i might get the spin if this doesnt work out....

Young Mummy- are u close to your sister? cant believe she started seeing your ex.. let alone get pregnant by him...
ok really dont think im getting this pram now for £331.. look how much they have it for now £1279 !!!!!

But saying that they cant say they havnt got it in oh well i might get the spin if this doesnt work out....

Young Mummy- are u close to your sister? cant believe she started seeing your ex.. let alone get pregnant by him...

We used to be very close, but she started seeing my ex and started becoming someone who wasnt very nice to know...we havent been close since they got together and really shocked...
They took the photo down off facebook too, don't know why, it's from the MOD website x
Can I add my name to the list of SS that do not sleep, and looks unlikely that they ever will list please! :haha: I am so :sleep: and have not had a decent nights sleep in forever!

I must say that BF is obviously working as a contraceptive as I took a test and got a BFN. It was an odd feeling really...I don't think I am ready for another but wouldn't mind if I was and it took me back to the countless times I was upset at a negative result. My consultant has already said that when I would like another one I'll have to take clomid again but it would be nice for my body to do things properly once in a while. OH and I have decided we will probably try in the summer so there will be about 2yrs between them so fingers crossed for a BFP by the end of the year...:flower:

YM sorry to hear that you are worried about your sisters situation honey. Big :hugs:

Louise your husband is a hero, you must be so proud.

Genies.. I don't know how you do it but you make looking after 2 babies sound easy! I love your avatar with the 2 girls and feel slighty jealous you have 2 beautiful babies! :haha:

Hope everyone is well. xx
well its suppose to be the worse day of the year, Blue monday !!!

Does everyone get up the same time every day? if you dont how do u stick to any kind of routine... ?

teeny- i said to hubby i havnt had more than 4 hours sleep in a row since a week before paige was born...he on the other hand has slept !!!

Young mummy- i cant believe your sister did that !!! even between friends its a no no but for a sister !!! i know it happends but me and my sister are so close and just would never do that... but then again we have totally different tastes in men, she likes her good looking bad boys, i go for more softer girly
Morning ladies

As I said yesterday Scarlett isn't sleeping though either so it sounds like there are plenty of us who aren't getting enough sleep!

I have a favour to ask - can anyone who is doing the CLB routine tell me the nap times? I have the CLB book of weaning as it came free with a baby magazine. The feed times are in there and they are fairly close to Scarlett's feed times now (which have evolved naturally). I'm convinced she isn't sleeping better at night because she isn't napping properly in the day. The feed times we have are
10pm (this is the one we are struggling with - she's started having it earlier about 8.30pm and as a result isn't doing the 10pm-4/5am stretch she was doing before)

F&C - Scarlett and Harry sound soooo similar.

Teeny & Blondie - nice to see you ladies pop up

YoungMummy - please don't take offence but it sounds like the stuff of Jeremy Kyle. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time, I haven't got a sister but if I did I think I would be devastated if she had a relationship with my ex. Especially one with criminal convictions

Lady Kara - I think you will get your pram. It could be that they had stock to get rid of and perhaps the price now on the website is the re-order price i.e the price they would have to pay if they re-ordered that colour again. I could bore you with the in&outs of retail buying but there are stipulations like minimum order quantities. Maybe they ordered 10 of those and had 2 left so wanted to get rid of them. You mentioned it wasn't such a popular colour so this seems more likely to me. Plus, remember the retailer is making a 40% margin on what they pay for it at cost so they would still be breaking even, if not making a small profit selling it to you at that price.

Louise - there are probably some rules about showing pics of locations & active personnel so they took it down to be on the safe side

Now I realise I've posted sounding like a right "know it all" I better hop off

Hi Ladies

I wrote a long post on my phone last night but the damn phone turned off right at the end so it didn't post!! grrr

Anyway I was saying how off the back off colic, the EASY routine was really really helpful. I had no idea what she was crying for when and it really helped me to figure her out, although I have to say she sort of put herself into that routine in the first place. It wasn't until Christmas that things got a bit out of whack, so she was having a bottle, then sleeping right away with no activity in the middle, then being really cranky until the next bottle and she was too tired for the next bottle and then I realised that she probably benefits from a routine more than I thought. We were on a 3 hour EASY but now we do a sort of 4 hour one, something like this:

E- 8.30 wake and bottle followed by few spoons of porridge
A- 9.00- 10.30 get washed and dressed, play whilst I'm in the shower, etc
S- 10.30/45- 11.30/45 Nap usually lasting around an hour
E- 12.30 bottle
A- 1.00-2.00 either play indoors or awake in pram if out
S- 2.00- 4.30 (ish) usually a long nap if out in pram or in swing at home
E- 4.30 bottle
A- 5.00- 6.30 play at home
S- 6.30- 7.15 catnap in swing followed by sitting up at the table with us and sometimes having a few spoons of food
E- 8.00/8.30 Bottle
A- 9.00 bath/massage/get ready for bed/story/play for a while
S- 10/10.30 top with with a few oz and then bed

I'm hoping to drop the last bottle top up once we introduce more solids. It's working well so far! Yesterday she had her 4th bottle at around 8.30pm, but she fell asleep at 9.45 for half an hour and when she woke up she had a top up with a bottle and went straight to sleep on me, so I popped her in her cot at about 10.45 and she slept til 9am this morning!

I find that she can't stay awake any longer than 2 hours max, so I don't think the CLB one would work for us. I find if she's kept awake any longer then she gets really overtired and grumpy and is really hard to settle to sleep at night.

Aw Youngmummy I'd feel really weird about that! I don't think I'd like it very much if my sister was seeing my ex, nevermind having a baby with him!

Louise love the photo! You must be very proud of him and miss him so much!

Best go as Holly is just waking up xx
Morning ladies

As I said yesterday Scarlett isn't sleeping though either so it sounds like there are plenty of us who aren't getting enough sleep!

I have a favour to ask - can anyone who is doing the CLB routine tell me the nap times? I have the CLB book of weaning as it came free with a baby magazine. The feed times are in there and they are fairly close to Scarlett's feed times now (which have evolved naturally). I'm convinced she isn't sleeping better at night because she isn't napping properly in the day. The feed times we have are
10pm (this is the one we are struggling with - she's started having it earlier about 8.30pm and as a result isn't doing the 10pm-4/5am stretch she was doing before)

F&C - Scarlett and Harry sound soooo similar.

Teeny & Blondie - nice to see you ladies pop up

YoungMummy - please don't take offence but it sounds like the stuff of Jeremy Kyle. Sorry to hear you are having a rough time, I haven't got a sister but if I did I think I would be devastated if she had a relationship with my ex. Especially one with criminal convictions
Lady Kara - I think you will get your pram. It could be that they had stock to get rid of and perhaps the price now on the website is the re-order price i.e the price they would have to pay if they re-ordered that colour again. I could bore you with the in&outs of retail buying but there are stipulations like minimum order quantities. Maybe they ordered 10 of those and had 2 left so wanted to get rid of them. You mentioned it wasn't such a popular colour so this seems more likely to me. Plus, remember the retailer is making a 40% margin on what they pay for it at cost so they would still be breaking even, if not making a small profit selling it to you at that price.

Louise - there are probably some rules about showing pics of locations & active personnel so they took it down to be on the safe side

Now I realise I've posted sounding like a right "know it all" I better hop off



It is a bit jeremy kyle with my sister....she's always been like this...she has been with a few of my ex's but this one was special for me as he was the first person I slept with(voluntarily...i was raped at 14) so it makes it even worse for me... I hoped things would fizzle out between them but obviously not...
I get up around 7 so I can have a cup of tea in peace before the girls wake up :rofl:

Kara if you have bought it at that price they have to sell it to you?

YM :hugs: Think your sister sounds really immature really... :hugs:

7am -7pm

feed times
7am feed
9-9.45 sleep
11am feed
12-2 sleep
6.15 feed and bath
7pm sleep
10.30 (wake her up for this feed)

Max 3 hours sleep

Paige naturally followed this exactly... but she struggled staying awake from 2 till 7, she fell asleep sitting up while i was holding her at 6... getting up at 7am is not something i want to keep to !! so this morning she woke up at 7 and i fed her and got her asleep in my bed till 9am and this is what im working on today

7am feed then asleep till 9am
10 feed
11-12 nap
1pm feed
2.30-4pm sleep
4pm feed
7pm feed and bed
11pm night feed

I tweaked it, this way i should know why she is crying as there is Activity between feeds and sleep so it works more like E A S A but keeping to the no more than 3 hours sleep during the day and still having 5 feeds during a 24 hour period. as long as paige does not sleep or eat after 4 (apart from night feed) at the very latest she should sleep through the night. The CLB routine works on stretching out the hours between naps throught the day, but babies get more tired between naps so how she expects them to stay awake for 5 hours is crazy !!!!

Oh and i now put her in her cot for day time sleeps as well as her night time, i first didnt like this idea but she seems to sleep better and hasnt caused any problems.

very interesting on the info about retail... we will see what happens tomorrow..x
Thanks Emzy and Kara - I think i'm going to have to do an adapted version too. Scarlett managed to last until 11.30 to have her feed and is really tired now but fighting sleep every step of the way. I've put her down in her cot under the mobile and she is shouting out. This normally comes before a sleep so I'm hoping she will conk out shortly and have a couple of hours. If she does I think we will have quite a good chance of getting her down at 7pm probably with a nap between 3.30&4.30. Last night she went down at 6.30pm but woke again at 8pm. I fed her and she was back down just after 9pm so it didn't work at all. :shrug: I need her to sleep 7-9/10pm so I can feed her at 10pm like I was before her injections. Oh well I think it's going to be a long week. MIL is coming over from Crete and staying with us for a few days next week so I really want to try and get things a bit more structured before then. Brilliant - it's just gone quiet and she's completely out of it. That only took about 5 mins.:thumbup:
Hi girls!
I didn't have the longest sleep, but it seems to have been a healing one. My nose and eyes are still streaming, but I feel better and my ears are less clogged.
My poor boys still sound so sick. Simon has a combination of bad head cold and cabin fever, making him behave a little worse than normal. :wacko:
I know he needs some fresh air in the worst way, but we've had a cold snap on for pushing 12 days now, and it's in the -30s with wind chill. I can't risk that runny little nose in temps like that. He'd get frostbite.
What he needs is sleep and quiet play. Try explaining that to a biosterous and cranky two year-old. :dohh:

Anyway, I'm getting lots done, in spite of all the disgusting colds.

Youngmummy - not great news about your sister. Lots of times, though, a baby is just what gets a young woman in her situation to take a good, hard look at her behaviour and make some changes. Let's hope that's what happens. If not, are things bad enough that social services might get involved? Is she that unfit to parent, do you think?

Teeny - BFing really affects my cycle. I didn't get my period back until three months after I stopped BFing Simon. Lots of women are like that, so don't get discouraged about the BFN! It's early days! In fact, while I'm not a doctor, I wonder if having been pregnant once will help your body kickstart the ovulation? Maybe you won't need clomid this time around. And if it turns out you do, don't forget to have lots of fun trying first! :winkwink:

Well, we've been humming and hawing and mulling this over, but last night, husband and I both said out loud that we want a third child. :shock:
We won't be TTCing until Tobe is at least a year old, but I'm going to start the financial planning now. I don't know - it's sort of nice to have something like that to look forward to! :)
Oh, and meant to say...

Happy Birthday! :cake:
to babythinkpink's little girl!

Hope you all have a riot of a party and a wonderful day! :happydance:
hi ladies :wave:hope you are all well and your beautiful babies are growing well:flower:
my little man has two teeth already :dohh: sorry ive not posted in a while i do quietly stalk sometimes, dont seem to get much time, being a mummy is harder than i thought but i wouldnt change it for the world :cloud9: x

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