September Stars

breakthrough....she's latched on!!! horray!!!!! without the shield!!! little bit sore but nothing too bad!!!
Massive well done Emz... I'm really struggling with BFing, have been from the start but been determined not to give up... went to docs today to rule out mastitis etc and the only advice I got was to make sure I start on a different side each feed.... !!!!

It hurts so much throughout the feed and for about an hour afterwards, I think my boobs are too big for her mouth tbh... I'm just sterilising the breast pump as we speak and I'm going to give it a go... I feel like a total failure, I really want to continue but it's so so painful, there's a limit to how much longer I can cry through a feed! Plus, I thought one side was sorted and was now fine and pain free - tonight it is right back to hurting :(
Emz, thats brilliant news!! Well done little Eleanor xxx

Louise, that sounds so painful xxx

Just gave Hope her bedtime bottle and now off to bed!! My nose is sore, I have vicks all over me!! Just don't want Hope to come down with anything. Bless her she is fighting going to sleep!!

Sleep well ladies xxx
Lousie that is fantasic news about your DH, agreed it's not ideal situation but at least he can spend some more time with you and Lilia

apaton thats great news about Eoghan

ThatGirl love the pic of Alfie he's really cute!

Snoozie sophia is beautiful congrats

well done emz for persevering and yay Eleanor!

Ollie hasnt had his bedtime bottle yet (he's late tonight) lets hope he has a good feed followed by a good sleep! fx

night ladies xx xx xx
For those having BF problems, this site is full of excellent advice and things to try:
Also - it is not supposed to be so painful that you are wincing through each feed. Could be all sorts of possible problems: thrush, the Raynaud's thing I have, latch problem, etc. Do you guys not have BF clinics in the UK? Or is it all HV-based support?
Both times I have had issues, I needed a clinic with a proper doctor who specialized in BF stuff.
We have a fab local bf group here, staffed by one peer supporter and one midwife. If it wasn't for them, I wouldn't have continued to bf jack for as long as I did, or made the lovely friends I made.
Could u find out if there's anything like that near you louise? Or even search for la leche league online and find something local? Good luck! Am so pleased you have wayne home a while longer, even though not the best circumstances. X
Morning asher, I see you are up and online! You feeling any better today?

Is anyone cosleeping? I never intended to but I kicked Matt out and put holly in bed with me last night and we slept 12 til 5 uninterupted. It's the first time I've slept in my bed and not on the soda for weeks! It's not something id want to do for long though but at least she slept somewhere other than the carrycot in the living room!

Morning Emzy, still feeling rubbish, thanks for asking! Paracetamol is currently my best friend!

I coslept with Jack, it was our only option for sleep as he was such a poor sleeper. I've done it for the odd hour here and there with Sam, and wouldn't rule out doing it more if it meant sanity! Archie was such a good baby, he slept anywhere, we never needed to do it!

We had Hope in bed with us last night, she woke for her bottle at 4am and then was wide awake so put her inbetween us, I cuddled her and she fell asleep, we then put her back in her moses basket and she has just had her morning bottle!!

We have a bf cafe here, and its for everybody regardless, think I might pop along next Thursday to see what its all about!!!
We have a bf group around here and other parent groups run by surestart
the hospital runs a bf group once a week which is run by a mw, sure every
hospital will run a bf group?

going to look into going along to a parent group once OH is back at work

sorry to hear that you are still feeling rubbish Asher

weve never coslept but hey if it means that you get some shut eye i dont see why not.

I did the night shift, Ollie had his bedtime bottle at 11:20pm then next feed at 3am then 6am so chuffed!! we got up at 8am yay for sleep!!!

Question? Has anyone been to a baby massage group?
After me trying so hard to establish a good milk supply Riley has been sleeping and not feeding so much..DOH!
He slept from about 8pm last night until 1am...he had a bit of milk inbetween as I tried to wake him but he kinda slept and feed at the same time! He woke for a little feed at 1am then not until 3.45am. AArgghhh! Yes I got sleep but I would like him to feed lots and then I will produce more milk. I guess I can't win! :winkwink:

Louise I have just found your post about your DH...glad you have him longer, although not so nice circumstances, and here is wishing you all the luck in the world for gaining residency of the boys. x :hugs:

I have now got to go prepare the veg for dinner before Riley wakes up which sounds like it won't be long! xx
Daisybell, I have just signed up to do a baby massage class, its for 6 weeks!! I have heard good things about it!!
I'm doing baby massage too :) Got to find somewhere for tabs to go tho :wacko:

Also i cosleep with Rosalie and did with Tabs too... she moved into a cot at 4 mnths and her room at 6 mnths :)
Hi guys
I managed after a couple of minutes screaming when I woke her at 4 to get her to latch on for 15 mins. It was sore but she seemsd happy but she woke at six and didn't seem full so I gave her as bottle and she had loads I know that I'm producing though because a soon a I at down with her I ws Leaking everywhere and poor ellie had milk running off her cheek before I mnaged to get her to latch. Poor thing so we have decided formula before she goes to bed and once during the night- one bottle seem to get her through and then Brest feed during the day when she wants. Then I am happy and she ges a full bedtime tummy. Weird way I know but I think it will work. She seems content. Louise it's still a nightmre with me. Mw at hospitl said it might b bcuse I have flatter nipples but they don't just latch on
To the nips do they it's a bit of the boob too,and also I rally don't think they are flat LOL. They aren't bullets!!! LOL but they a re adequate!!! I might decide in a few weeks to go to bottle but I'm gonna give this a go as long as I can.
Thanks girls, I think I'll keep co sleeping for now if it carrys on working! Our bed isn't big enough for us all to sleep in it though (I'd be scared of squashing her), so Matt will have to keep sleeping in the spare room til we can get her to go in her cot, which isn't ideal but at least it means I don't have to sleep on the sofa!! I've read you can do it with a cot with the side off at the side of your bed too, so that might be an option. Last night she slept in my bed from 12 til 5, woke for a feed then slept 5.45 til 9.15 in my bed. It's the best night's sleep I've had in ages!! AND she had her feed at 9.30, I got her dressed and played with her a bit and she went down for a nap at 11.00, so happy days!!

I am going to sign up for a baby massage course soon and go with a girl I met at Antenatal classes. It's a 4 week course and I'm really looking forward to it! It's meant to be really good for colicy and windy babies, so defo taking Holly! lol

Emz i have flat nipples too :dohh: I know it sounds odd but before you get her to latch on roll them and also while you are bringing her to the nipple hold around the areola. You prob know it all but just incase :) You know they are feeding properly as they are bullets after :haha:
They have 1 class on colicky babies :thumbup:

With Tabs at 4 m we did that with the cot...worked well :)
Oh and I have also changed Holly's milk. She was on SMA but thought I'd try switching to Cow and Gate see if she'd settle better between feeds. Might have something to do with her sleeping better too? We will see! x
Emz i have flat nipples too :dohh: I know it sounds odd but before you get her to latch on roll them and also while you are bringing her to the nipple hold around the areola. You prob know it all but just incase :) You know they are feeding properly as they are bullets after :haha:

Yes they are definitely bullets after. Ha ha. Yes i give them a bit of a roll before hand, but as my milk has come in now it results in a bit of leaking - hence poor ellie getting a wet face as she is laying on my lap and thrashing her face around (she lays with her mouth open shaking her head as if to say noooo). I have found that if i put the nipple shield on first let her use that for a minute or two then take it off then she seems to latch on to the boob a bit better. I guess its just finding a little routine, no matter how strange it is. Even if i only breast feed her twice a day I will be happy.

She has been asleep since i fed her this morning about 7 so i think maybe i should try and wake her in a bit otherwise she will sleep all day again and be awake all night...booo!

Does anyone know how many september stars are left to have their babies now? I thought i would be number 100+ but i think i was somewhere in the early 90's
Well done for keeping it up emz!! Holly made that face when I was BF as well and still does sometimes when I keep her waiting for her bottle. I said that she looks like a baby bird waiting for food "worms please!!" lol She also thrashes her head around so I can't get the bloody bottle in her mouth, she looks like my cat when he has caught a mouse or something and is throwing it around lol She makes me laugh every day with the things she does and the funny faces she pulls.

I'm not sure how many stars are left, I think only about half a dozen chatty ones but probably more not chatty ones. Nice that this thread is getting busier now too :flower:

My perineum is randomly sore today where my stitches were... hope that doesn't mean I'm getting an infection or something. I had my 6 week postnatal check the other day but she didn't offer to look and I didn't ask as it felt normal then. I'll see how it goes and might have to make another appointment if it keeps being sore. Oh the joys!

The doctor made me laugh at my postnatal appointment. It was very rushed and she couldn't have been less arsed if she tried! She said "why are your eyes red, have you been crying?" and I said "oh, no I'm just tired" and she said "oh. Why?" I was like errrrm... maybe because I have a 6 week old baby!? Now as my auntie very helpfully pointed out, crying is a sign of PND so it is good that they ask that. That wasn't what I thought was funny, it was the way she said "oh. why?" when I said I was tired! She genuinely sounded as if she had no idea why I would be tired and sounded like "why on earth would you be tired?" ha ha Other than that, she didn't really do much. Didn't take my blood pressure or anything... don't know what I was expecting but I was in there for about 5 minutes!


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