September Stars

Id love another baby we r going to wait until James is starting school so about 2 years time really!! :) ...think we will stay on team yellow!!

Its strange i cannot imagine loving anything as much as i love James...but as Kara said maybe thats cos im older :Dx
Just reading some of your posts and OMG!! you ladies are amazing!! most of your LO's dont sleep through yet. I really dont know how you do it!!!

I complain about only getting 5 hours straight:blush: She was sleeping 7 hours from 11-6am now she sleeps from 12-5am.

Anyone have a trick to get her to go to bed earlier??
I found out with Lilia purely because the second we got our bfp I just knew she was a girl!! Loads of people thought I meant I wanted a girl, but it wasn't that at all, in fact if anything I had always imagined myself with a boy first! I had such a strong feeling though, and I believed I was right, but I couldn't have stayed on team yellow feeling that way because if my baby was handed to me and I was told it was a boy I would have hated my first reaction to be 'oh!' lol!!! Wayne was so over the moon about having a girl, and he has said he wants AT LEAST 3 more (!) and he would like the 'next two' to be girls!! We'll have to wait and see about that, but I do love the idea about having loads of kids!!

My eldest stepson wants to live with us, he has felt strongly about it since Lilia was born because he absolutely dotes after her and loves her to bits... I think this is helped along by the fact that his bitch of a mother hasn't got a nice thing to say about her, she says truly awful things about her and the way she looks, and says she isn't his sister blahdey blah, he feels protective over her. This has been highlighted by the fact that he is missing his daddy so so much, he's not been coping well. Bless him, he sobs his heart out when he gets to speak to him over the phone, it's heartbreaking. Of course, the bitch has been saying how glad she is that he's gone, and she had said she was looking forward to him going, so Alex blames her... he said it's her fault that he's there. Sounds like he's really kicking off at home. I saw his teacher on Friday when i got them from school and she said that he has been a LOT better since christmas when he came to stay. The younger one is still very easily bought by his mum, and she's now putting her efforts into him. Alex used to feel guilty for coming to stay because she 'was alone, she used to tell him that she cried the whole weekend, so he used to feel torn. Now it's Nathan who feels guilty and tells her he doesn't want to come here and cries because he thinks it's what she wants to hear. He had the biggest grin for me and ran over to me when i got him from school so I know it's not how he really feels...we've been there before. When Alex came to stay over the new year, nathan stayed with his mum because she said she would buy him lego if he stayed. What a cow!!! AND Alex said that she said that if he wanted to come and see me, it means he doesn't love her. Poor kids...

Sorry for going on, I just told you my life story!!!! The good news is that I have them again a week on friday! She must have realised her life will be easier if she just admits that they want to see me! I couldn't be happier!

I have started putting Lilia to sleep in a sleeping bag, hadn't used it before but the last few mornings when I woke up she was laid on top of her covers...without untucking them at all! Cheeky little madam!

I can't remember what else I was supposed to be saying, sorry, went right off track!
Well iv done it...bathed James (he screamed blue murder) then fed him and put him in his cot awake mobile on and he was flat out by 9pm and im sat nervously downstairs!!! teehee x
Wow Congrats youngmummy and Boony three ss due again!

Lady k - I didn't find out the sex of James I was very tempted at times especially near the end. DH kept saying about bonding with bump but I don't think it affected me with the bonding at all. Still every kick and hiccup seemed even more magical. I made sure we had definate names for girl or boy but also what helped was in first tri we named the bump tarquin as we knew we would never use the name. So James still had an identity. Id do the same again next time xx

Louise I feel so sorry for the boys manipulated by that Moo Cow, it will all backfire in her face one day when they are both older and wise up to her ways Grrrr

Bless JJ today we met with an old school friend with her LO whose three weeks younger. They were so cute if one cried the other then joined in lol. Hoping they like to play with each other properly once they are older.

Whoever asked about changing sleeptimes to earlier I cluster fed JJ to sleep earlier. I've started doing it again the past couple of weeks. Ie normally feed him every four hours but last two bottles are only two hours apart. It helps him to settle. He therefore has bottles at 5 and then 7.30. Whether it's just coincidence I'm not sure but worth a try
Louise I think thats normal, even though my parents totally were great through the divorce and everything else that happened. I felt SO guilty about leaving either parent on their own. I would cry my eyes out at the idea, I told my mum I would live with my dad as 'Rachael is a mummies girl, Becky is too young but Daddy has nobody so I should stay with him'. I dont doubt she's a bitch I just mean that a child will feel guilty like no matter what :nope:
You're probably right blob... all the more reason why she shouldn't be putting any more pressure on them than there already is!
Jelly I do that with Holly too. She usually feeds 3-4 hourly but the last one is usually 2 hours and she goes to bed a bit earlier. Well, I say earlier but she's still going to bed at 10.30-11!! The HV said that she probably isn't ready for an early bedtime yet and this will probably change once she's in more of a routine with solids and drops that 5th bottle.

We found out the sex with Holly. I had a strong feeling she was a girl, it wasn't that I wanted a girl more really, I just really felt like she was a girl! I will find out the sex next time too, I don't really like surprises and I feel like I knew her before she was born as she had a name already. That didn't stop me worrying that she was actually a boy all the way up until she was born though lol! I wouldn't have minded but we bought so much pink!! I don't mind the sex of the next. A boy would be nice but then another little girl would be lovely too and we could re-use all the clothes/blankets from Holly too!

Baby group was good today. It was baby massage today and it was funny doing it a few weeks on. Now Holly is older she tolerated it much better and really enjoyed it, I think she was a bit young for it before... think she was 8 weeks then. There were lots of younger babies there this time, whereas last time I did it Holly was the 2nd youngest and all the younger ones cried all the way through it today! It was nice being the mum of the older baby and feeling more confident. There was a 2 week old there today but it didn't look 2 weeks old. It was huge so I asked what he weighed when he was born... wait for it... 11lbs 13oz!!! OMG!! And she had him naturally!! OUCH is all I can say! Had Holly weighed as well and she is 17lb 7oz now and nearly up to the 91st centile now! She just keeps on gaining! I feel a bit bad though as the nurse noticed Holly's nappy rash and said it was thrush, I had no idea I just thought it was normal nappy rash and have been putting bepanthen on it for a week. It didn't seem to be making a difference but I didn't think it was that big a deal really, but now I feel bad! I have to go and pick up a prescription for her tomorrow.

Oh and I feel sad... Been filling in job applications tonight booooo! My maternity allowance doesn't run out until April but I've seen an ideal job at the local college so I'm applying and will finish maternity leave early if I get offered. It's term time only but that's ok! It's only Mon-Thurs evenings and Saturday morning, but it does mean I'd have to take Holly to a childminder for a couple of hours Mon-Thurs and Matt would have to pick her up on his way home. I feel sad, feels like time is going to fast! I dunno... starting solids, moving into her own room and me going back to work all seem to have crept up on us! I don't think it helped seeing all those yummy newborns today... I want another one!!!

Just back from my teaching gig at the Zoo. It felt great! I love my work, I really do. And I keep thinking about the fact that it could be the best choice financially to go back to work for a year while we TTC and gestate baby 3. But only if I can find some sort of nanny-share or cheaper childcare option.
And then I think about my maddening, heartwarming Mr. Simon and I just don't want to miss a moment of his wonderful little discoveries.
I'm going to be obsessing like this for months, I can tell.
When I start to get too repetitious, let me know and I'll put the ranting and raving in spoilers! :blush:
Sarah it's so hard the work thing it would be great to do both need more hours in the day!

I have never been able to say about the girls sleep like some lucky peeps can but last night Layla slept till 4 30 !! A miracle then back down till 7 15 and Amelia went to sleep at 10 and is still asleep now !!!!! Yay

We have Molly moo cow singing this morning then my friend has the girls while I work this afternoon I'm nervous I've done my job fir 13 years but today I feel strange !
We are going to try for another baby when Ollie is 2 so next year. We found out the sex with Ollie I really wanted a boy but next time will stay team yellow as I would like a suprise
I think we are going to wait until Lilia is at least 1, I think I'd prefer to have Lilia about 2 before I have another! Plus my rules are that I want Wayne around a lot more, including pregnancy as he was only home weekends for most of it and I was soooo poorly, couldn't do that again with a toddler! Although maybe next time i'll have a dream pregnancy and a non-sleeping baby!!

I had a baaaaaaaaaad night last night... I'm usually not too bad but something got to me last night (something really silly... I noticed the clothes hanger on the curtain rail of our patio window, from when Wayne hung his uniform ready to go... shows how much cleaning i do of windows!) and for some strange reason it totally broke me! Spent most of the night crying but I have woken up feeling all refreshed and probably the better for it.

Hope everyone is ok today!
Argh shite I just realised Lilia has her thrid set of jabs today!! Lucky it's not till 2.40pm or I would have missed them! bad mummy! I don't want to go though :(
Congrats, YoungMummy!!!

I think if we have a second, I would also want to find out the sex again. First time round it was for 'bonding' reasons but next time would be for practicality. If we were to be expecting a girl next time, I would get rid of all of Xavier's stuff that's too boyish so we could make room for more stuff. We got a lot of his newborn clothes in gender neutral colours though as a) I didn't just want him in blue all the time just because he's a boy, b) just in case they got the sex wrong! and c) thinking ahead in case we did have a second. I think maybe if we couldn't find out at the 20 week scan though we would possibly consider team yellow next time though. We couldn't find out at 20 weeks with Xavier (he had his legs up and the grumpy sonographer wouldn't try to move) so paid for a 4D scan privately to find out a few weeks later.

Hope Lilia's injections go ok, Louise. Xavier's are next week.

Hoep you are ok, MrsJ, and that your doctors appointment goes alright. :hugs:
GRRRR at my stupid doctor...

I went in there to ask to have my HCG levels checked (because of previous miscarriages and stuff) and he was like you want to be checked for hepatitis?!?!

I was like NOOO!!! H...C...G... the pregnancy hormone???

He said...HB??????

I coulda slapped him there and then!!!

But after that....I finally got him to give me a blood test form and so am off to the hospital today to get a blood test!!! I am so glad he is retiring!!!!

So shall we agree to get pregnant the same time in 2012 ? I have the same agreement with 2 of my other friends.... i dont think i would want to go through my pregnancy with anyone else but you guys...: )

Just told hubby we can have a baby in 2012 and he is fine with that so thats confirmed

My bloody stupid pram was not despatched yet again !!! i rang this morning and when she said it hasnt been sent i almost cried... she said she had to make sure it was still in stock... this worried me as the only reason they honoured the price with my order is because it was in stock and not brought via stokke themselves... she phoned me back (i had a fag in my mouth ready to smoke) she said it was because it was a bundle and the stock codes had been changed the pickers couldn't find it so now its been broken down and this women promised me tomorrow it will come... yet again !!! Normally i would have have ago and cancelled the order (i wonder if thats what they are hoping for) but i really cant cut my nose off to spit my face this time... so i just have to put up with it and prey it will one day arrive... then i might stop going on about it.

Louise- sorry to hear that babe sending hugs, do you have any other army wife friends? xx

G.G- now we are trying different routines its really helped us know what works and what doesn't. It must be hard to do that when having 2, both on different natural routines..x
Congrats Youngmummy and Boony! Very jelous I must admit but my OH doesnt want another baby, and so there isn't another baby on the cards for me for a long while yet until I can twist his arm. He's very stubborn and I don't think he will give in for a long while yet. :haha:
Kara yes I do have a few but as I worked long hours and with a long commute I didn't go to much on camp so don't know many very well! Getting better though!

Lilia had her jabs, I was so proud of her she was so brave!

Louise - did you give Lilia Calpol before her injections? Scarlett has her tomorrow, I gave her Calpol last time so will probably do the same tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to her having 3!

Jessica - we have managed to get Scarlett to go down earlier by repeatedly putting in her cot as soon as she shows at least one tired sign (i.e rubs her eyes) she tends to shout & whinge for a bit but she doesn't cry and usually goes off within 10 mins. It took about a week, the first few days she would end up properly crying and I would pick her up and try again half an hour later. After a week she is going down fine. I've also tried to stop her sleeping after 5pm and tend to feed her on and off between 5-7pm so she is nice and full. She isn't sleeping though the night but at least I get 3 hours of peace before her dream feed at 10pm and some time with DH.

In other news - I have finally caught the bloody mouse. I managed to corner it in the kitchen behind the microwave, block it's escape routes and get it in an empty jam jar. Bloody thing has been terrorising us for ages, I'm so relieved to have caught it. I thought I was pretty brave, looking forward to DH coming home as I think he will be impressed. :happydance:

I've ripped up the routine I had written for Scarlett and thrown it in the bin. It was making us both miserable so I'm back to going with the flow. I think her natural routine which is quite predictable suits her better and I'll try and make it more structured when she's having more than "tastes" of food.

Well done Lilia, poor baby, lots of cuddles! :hugs:

I have wanted to know the sex of all of mine, the first 2 i wasn't told, then my first girl i cried at the 20 week scan when they said team pink!
i just love to know, i can chat to bump and bond with him/her!

Louise, that is rotten when the children are used as tools or weapons, not fair at all, and i question a mother that uses her children in that way, they will grow up full of resentment eventually and she will be one of those mums lucky to get a birthday or Christmas card from them! :shrug: :mamafy:

I think i will have to be on here even if i don't get pregnant :haha: I am pretty sure Rosie is the last, but never say never!:baby:

Mrsj08, blimey that is pretty good going catching a mouse, don't think i could, very impressive!

We did pottery painting today, Sophie had free rein to do what she wanted and we got a multi coloured castle money box, looked good but once glazed will look lovely, will post pics to my fb when we pick them up, i took pics on camera which wont download to here without SO MUCH trouble!

Roast chicken for tea, yum yum, got to go, loosing track of fb!

Big :hugs: xx

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