September Stars

I think you are right blob, I think it is ourselves protecting us from the shock. I remember vividly feeling so so spaced out and in complete shock just before they took me to be stitched. I felt so weird and spaced out, like I couldn't take anything in at all. It's so weird. I remember the early labour bit no problem. I remember going into hospital (for the 3rd and last time!) and contracting in the corridor on the way to the labour ward and I remember being examined and told I was 5cm. But then it gets a bit hazy! I remember bits and bobs like leaning over the back of a chair with the G&A and them trying to make me go for a wee and putting a bowl in the toilet lol! I do remember pushing for a long long time (turned out to be 2 hours) and the midwife telling me to come off all fours and sit up and I remember her crowning (because it hurt so much!) and coming out, but I can't remember holding her for the first time at all... the next thing I remember is having to push the placenta out as it was stuck... then the next thing I remember is holding her for a few minutes before being taken to theatre. I kind of remember everything after this but there is a big hole in the middle where I can't remember any of it and it's the most important bit!! There are photos of me holding her but I can't remember it at all!
I don't remember this at all...


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It's weird isn't it, I wouldn't describe Lilia's birth as traumatic, but there are big holes in my memory too... My waters broke on my due date but even though I started having tightenings that afternoon, they were easy to deal with, then i woke at 3am the next morning having contractions. I remember timing them and eventually thinking yes this is it! I was going to be induced at 8.30 that morning so it was race on to try and beat the induction so I could do it naturally! I remember having a walk with the dog at about 5am with Wayne, bouncing on my ball and playing guitar hero to pass the time but it doesn't seem like 5 hours worth of 'footage!' I remember being examined on the consultant led ward and them saying I was 3-4 centimetres and being transferred to midwife led ward, I remember the lift stopping full of people but I couldn't get on as I was having a contraction! I remember breathing through and being very very calm and not allowing Wayne to touch me until I was examined again 4 hours later and found to be only 5 cm but fully effaced...I felt so disappointed! In that time I had a bath...which DID NOT HELP!!
At that point I had a tens machine and started gas and air... I remember being sick all down myself and Wayne... a couple of times... I remember being examined and being 7cm... I remember thinking I couldn't do it.... I remember feeling like I had to push at the end of each contraction ... it seemed like 2 mins after she said I was 7cm... I asked for pethadine as i thought I had ages to go.....only to find that the reason it hurt so much was that the batteries had run out in the tens, and the gas an air was empty! then she examined me again and I remember her 'twanging' my cervix to move it, I was 10cm.. seemed like minutes later. (that bloody hurt!) I remember briefly being onall fours against a chair to push as it was best for turned out this was an hour and nothing happened... I remember the first time I did that extra push into my bum and found that that was actually what i was supposed to be doing the whole time! They manhandled me into a different position as I couldn't do it myself cos it hurt! I was squatting with Wayne behind me , leaning on his arms.. I remember my feet being completely numb... I remember singing Johnny Cash ring of fire during crowning and everyone laughing at me....I remember her saying I could have a minute rest when the head was out, but I remember it being the most awful weird feeling and just wanted it over so carried on pushing for what seemed like 10 minutes and her body was out... weirdly the midwives said she came out in one quick go but felt like forever to me. I don't remember her being placed on me but i remember holding her... and I don't remember any noise she made... wayne said she didn't cry but she snorted, I really wish i remembered that :( From waters breaking to birth I was 34 hours in labour, from waking up in the morning with contractions it was 17 hours, but I remember it like a flash... I must have lost so much of it!

I also remember having really bad shakes once I handed Lilia to Wayne, my body telling me to eat as I hadn't had a bite all day because it made me feel sick! Oh and I remember contractions being a lot more painful on the toilet!!

I thought I was being really really noisy during pushing, making lots of loud moans etc but wayne and the midwife said i was really quiet? I know I was quiet up until then...

It's strange, I think I would have liked to have a video of it.. wouldn't at the time! But it would be nice to see all the bits we've forgotten! I wish i'd done a birth story afterwards.

In fact that's a bit of a birth story there! Sorry!!
Lovely pics Emzy :cloud9:

I weirdly barely recognise Lilia from the baby I gave birth to...iykwim?! She looked so different then and I don't remember her looking like that! Our first pictures were these... i love the one where she looks like she is smiling up at me!



Oh, and I do not remember getting undressed at all, but somehow when I gave birth I was wearing only a white bra, and black 'superdaddy' socks.... how did that happen?!!?
I remember my births quite vividly.
And even though I love the photos we took, I am glad that I still feel those sensations of pushing the baby out so clearly - very much muscle memory for me. I hope that doesn't fade too much with time.
Fishy that's a good idea... I thought you had to have had a traumatic time to request one? I didn't have a particularly traumatic time, it was just very long and I can't remember a lot of it and that really bothers me. And I'm still really bothered about being taken away from Holly to be stitched in theatre. Maybe I should ask for one. What did it involve? What did you have to do? x

Emzy I've organised one and my birth wasn't traumatic I just don't understand at 10 cm why I needed epidural and why I wasn't able to get the pushing urge. First stage I know I was dilating above average and everything was natural. I rang midwifery liason who then contacted my midwife who then has contacted my consultant at the hospital. Hope to be given a debrief soon

Im convinced I remember everything from james' birth but DH disagrees! From my waters going contractions started straight away by 7 in the morning was in active labour. By 11 I was 9 cm and fully by 12.30. I know they struggled to monitor jjs heart rate and was asked to lay on the bed to be monitored. Remember going to the loo and getting the urge to push and bargaining with midwife to let me have one more contraction, I loved standing back at the bed as really had the urge to push, they made me get back on the bed and contractions stop. I know I was constipated and remember or the midwives consultant and doctor in the room when they were assisting me in the delivery. I remember them saying I needed an epidural and syntocin then half an hour later them arguing. When JJ was born they placed him on me and he felt massive in weight but Boone would tell me what the sex was, had to ask midwife three times. JJ came out crying really loud and I remember thinking oh my god. I remember turning to DH who couldn't speak as he was crying so much. I also remember DH dressing James for first time and care worker showing him how.
Loving the birth storys , it shows how far the babies have all come and the early photos I've got a few that were to personal to go on fb but I'll pop them on here when I can get on the laptop .

Not needed at work today so I'm free to chill with the girls think a nice walk is needed
Just looked over at the girls laying next to me they are holding hands so cute :) just had to share x

Hope is still fast asleep, we went to bed around 9.30pm and I got up at 7.30, done my housework etc and had my breakfast!! Really busy this morning, I told my friend I would drop Hope's swing off for her but I don't think I will have time!!

Genies, your girls are soooo sweet!!

I saw my notes anf there was even a bit in there showing where all my stitches were, there were loads!!! It was weird seeing my pregnancy notes again too, I had a good cry, I guess I couldn't get my head around the fact that I had had such a brilliant pregnancy and no problems and then it went horribly wrong in labour. Apparently Hope was laid almost back to back so I remember laying on my side trying to turn her, which I did and then her shoulders got stuck, hence why I couldn't push her out, it was 30 seconds from the mw pressing the emergency buttong to the surgical team arriving and about 3 minutes after that Hope ws born, so all very quick. I was coping well on g&a and the pain was bearble so I didn't want an epi, but ended up having one in theatre for my stitches!! Ian is pretty good as he saw everything, he said he can't believe what I went through and to think years ago women would of died from what I went through, kinda puts it into perspective I guess. She did tell me to try and have sex but I thnk my PND is not helping that!! She made me laugh when she said she could tell I exercise regularly as my muscles down there were very strong!!! I am just relieved that I dont have to have a refashioning op!!

Better go and have a shower and get dressed!!! Catch up later if I get 5 mins!!
Aww genies how sweet bless them!

I must admit my labour is hazy, Chris told me something i did the other day and i cant remember what it was now il ask him tonight! I remember the alarm going at 7am on induction day and me waking with contractions, told to go in anyway they sent me back home which i was happy about cos i wanted a mcDonalds which i ate in the car on the car park while talking on the phone to my friend from work lol, getting good cleaning windows, went in at 5pm as requested i was 3cm they broke my waters. Contractions came thick and fast and within am hour i was ready to push! Then i remember panic as James heart rate dropped so the emergency button was pressed and i was thrown on my side oxygen on my face and bed being lowered all at the same time! Strangely i remember turning to my mum and saying that one of the midwife was the one i saw in the morning but said it as if she knew but she hadnt been there lol! Them i remember the doctor omg he was a giant afro Caribbean doctor with hands the size of a digger bucket! Then i remember pushing and seeing James arms and legs stretched out screaming! He was put straight on me and he stopped crying and a treasured memory for me was him grabbing the towel and his lil hands clinging onto it! Then the stitches OMG they hurt and doc bucket hands tried to tell me i could only feel it cos he had told me he was doing it...i dont think so!

I also remember which i thought was quite sweet was shaking violently and Chris grabbing my hand and shouting over to the midwife 'is she ok?' he was white with panic bless him!

I have requested to see my notes which will be free but if i want a copy £50! So how did you all go about getting a debrief? X
i didnt have any photos taken during labour or with me with him when he was born and regret that now :( x
Wow i'm in shock! well not total shock as i was kind of expecting it but didnt really think i would be lol I'm definately pregnant i took another test this morning and the test line is stronger than the control line lol i reckon i am around 4 weeks gone and will we bue somewhere around the 23rd to the 25th september (tylers birthday is the 27th)

This happened to my brother in law and his wife too they have a boy and a girl whose birthdays are 363 days apart.

I'm feeling guilty already though i dont have the excited feeling like i did with the other 2 but i'm sure that will come once the shock has worn off i only found out half an hour ago and hubby doesnt even know yet because hes on a course so isnt allowed his phone switched on.
also i'm already worrying that i might need to get a new car we have a mazda 6 which is quite big but i'm not sure if you can get 3 car seats in the back suitable for a 3yr old a 1yr old and a newborn but i cant really afford a new car :s might have to go into mothercare or something and ask lol
Aw loving the labour stories! I just wish I could remember more just after she was born. I was thinking about it in bed last night. I remember seeing her just after she was born, laid on her side and all purple and she let out one big cry. Matt said that she was then put on me, but I don't remember and that's when that photo was taken. I vaguely remember the mw asking if Matt wanted to cut the cord, but I can't remember him doing it and then I remember having to push the placenta out whilst she pulled as it was stuck. I remember a doctor coming in to look at my tear and it really hurting, even when I puffed on the G&A and the next thing I knew was holding Holly very briefly before being wheeled to theatre. There's loads in the middle that I can't remember! She was weighed at some point and all I remember about that is the other midwife guessing that she'd be 8lbs. Then I remember feeling weird being wheeled through the corridor on the bed to the theatre and feeling SOOO weird. There were so many people in there, about 8 I think and they inserted the spinal and I remember that feeling incredibly weird as it started to work. Then it felt so weird as the people lifted my legs up and put them into stirrups and I couldn't feel them. I remember a really lovely lady saying "you may as well get some sleep sweetheart, most ladies have a little snooze whilst we fix them up" and I remember dozing off. It all seemed to take ages, I was in there for about 2 hours and then I was wheeled out into the recovery area (corridor lol) and Matt brought Holly round to me and it wasn't until then that it hit me that I'd had her! I remember feeling so gutted that I had to lie flat on my back and I couldn't hold her properly and being really bothered that I couldn't try breastfeeding properly. The first pic is of me holding her just before I went to theatre and the second is after theatre :cloud9:

Louise I feel like that too, she looked so different from when she was born, even to the pic on my ticker which was the next day! x


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i remember my births quite clearly but then i only had pethidine with both of them so maybe thats why. I slept inbetween contractions with Jayden but i still remember the birth

with tyler i was only in labour for 36 minutes so theres not really much to remember lol
oh and thanks for the congrats emzy and firstbean.

Those of you on my facebook please dont mention it on there were going to try and keep it quiet till at least 12 weeks. With the way things are with some of Tarrons family we might not even tell them lol
congrats boony!! Blimey this little one will be out in 10 mins! Lol x
llb - i hope so! i just hope hes not born on tylers birthday lol i would absolutely hate to miss his first birthday!

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