September Stars

Emma, have you got to go to physio about your stitches??? I know I have an appointment in 6 weeks to go through some exercises etc and when I saw the physio after my stitches she gave me some info and I have been doing my floor muscle exercises!! Also got to go and see Gynae in 3 months to check on the heeling!!! Lovely!! Have you tried bathing in some tea tree oil, just put a few drops in the bath water, its helping mine a treat!!

I am feeling so much more like myself now, haven't cried in a couple of days and feeling more relaxed about things, not so much like I have to be supre woman and get everything done!! Just need to get rid of this bloody cold, its driving me up the wall!!!!
Well done for keeping it up emz!! Holly made that face when I was BF as well and still does sometimes when I keep her waiting for her bottle. I said that she looks like a baby bird waiting for food "worms please!!" lol She also thrashes her head around so I can't get the bloody bottle in her mouth, she looks like my cat when he has caught a mouse or something and is throwing it around lol She makes me laugh every day with the things she does and the funny faces she pulls.

I'm not sure how many stars are left, I think only about half a dozen chatty ones but probably more not chatty ones. Nice that this thread is getting busier now too :flower:

My perineum is randomly sore today where my stitches were... hope that doesn't mean I'm getting an infection or something. I had my 6 week postnatal check the other day but she didn't offer to look and I didn't ask as it felt normal then. I'll see how it goes and might have to make another appointment if it keeps being sore. Oh the joys!

The doctor made me laugh at my postnatal appointment. It was very rushed and she couldn't have been less arsed if she tried! She said "why are your eyes red, have you been crying?" and I said "oh, no I'm just tired" and she said "oh. Why?" I was like errrrm... maybe because I have a 6 week old baby!? Now as my auntie very helpfully pointed out, crying is a sign of PND so it is good that they ask that. That wasn't what I thought was funny, it was the way she said "oh. why?" when I said I was tired! She genuinely sounded as if she had no idea why I would be tired and sounded like "why on earth would you be tired?" ha ha Other than that, she didn't really do much. Didn't take my blood pressure or anything... don't know what I was expecting but I was in there for about 5 minutes!


Yes thats exactly what it is like, a little baby bird, he he.:brat:

I had stitches too. How long did it take for yours to 'calm down' and start healing? (It was only five days ago for me so still sitting uncomfortably!)
First couple of days were obviously very uncomfortable but seemed to calm down after i got home. I have been having baths/shower twice a day with no bubble bath and being careful to use shower gel sparingly and carefully, but i have found that it seems to itch a lot (sorry for TMI but i thought maybe someone else might have experienced it.). :blush:

I googled it and on various websites it says that it can take up to four weeks to heal and itching can be a combination of stitches scratching and the healing process. I have tried to be so careful I hope it isnt anything else. :dohh::dohh::dohh:
Emz you're doing fab hun :flower:

Emzy :haha: my second MW said she'd checked me and wrote down FAKE results on my sheet...all she did was look at Rosalie :shock: Luckily i didnt tare or get anything at all :wohoo: (last time i looked like someone had hacked at me with a razor)

Mine took along time to heal but i pretty much tore my labia on one side off and it went right from the front to the back :cry: Was nasty...I couldnt leave the house for 4 weeks as i still couldnt pee without a shower :(

Well for now i have TWO asleep children :shock:
Emma, have you got to go to physio about your stitches??? I know I have an appointment in 6 weeks to go through some exercises etc and when I saw the physio after my stitches she gave me some info and I have been doing my floor muscle exercises!! Also got to go and see Gynae in 3 months to check on the heeling!!! Lovely!! Have you tried bathing in some tea tree oil, just put a few drops in the bath water, its helping mine a treat!!

I am feeling so much more like myself now, haven't cried in a couple of days and feeling more relaxed about things, not so much like I have to be supre woman and get everything done!! Just need to get rid of this bloody cold, its driving me up the wall!!!!

Im defo going to try the tea tree oil too....
Mine took along time to heal but i pretty much tore my labia on one side off and it went right from the front to the back :cry: Was nasty...I couldnt leave the house for 4 weeks as i still couldnt pee without a shower :(

OMG!!! Ouch!!! I actually squirmed reading that!
I dared to look at mine yesterday with a carefully placed mirror and a locked bathroom door!!!! ha ha. My goodness what a tear!!!! lol. I was pushing through and then after contractions, and she kept saying 'emma you should only push through the contractions' and id stop pushing and realise the contraction was over so i think i was overdoing it. She was out in about 20 minutes so It did the trick but bloody hell it was a bad idea.
im tired! and the one tiny chance i get to nap and i cant slee
Hey everyone! Ooo this thread is starting to get a bit busier now!

Genies girl sorry to hear Layla has a cold :( Roxy has one too :( what have you been doing to help Layla? I really dont know what to do!

Sarahkka As you said - it is all about compromise! If Toby and yourself are happier for it - then surely it cant be a bad thing?

Becs0375 Big Hugs and hopefully that cold will go soon!!

emzdreamgirl Breastfeeding works on an on demand basis - so basically the more your LO feeds, the more milk you will produce! It may be a bit slow to begin with but then it will all figure itself out! It is hard work and the midwives and health professionals really dont tell enough women that. Yes it is natural, but its bloody hard!! Sounds like you have a good plan going though - so good luck!

*update* wooo hooo for her latching on her own =) perserverance pays off!

louise3512uk Surely theres a point when you have to give yourself a break? *hugs* you dont want to be crying or feeling stressed during feeding as your LO will pick up on that. If yiour expressing , then it will give your boobs a little break and hopefully make you feel a bit better!!

Well we had a reasonably good night last night. Roxy only woke twice for her food and nappy change. To be fair though, she didnt go to sleep until half 11. Shes been very cuddly today - she literally hasnt been put down since waking - otherwise she will start crying, and I dont like it when she crys! I think its to do with her having a little sniffly cold :( I dont know what to do to make her feel better :( I dont mean to sound stupid but if I was to put some Vicks in hot water and put in in the room we are in - would that help? Or shouldnt I do that as shes so young? Obviously im not going to put her head over it, it would just be in the room =)

:blush: I only really had one push this time... got the shock of my life suddenly wanted to push and her head was right there, I leant back and her head was out and next contraction her body.
reading about stiches i had an infection and they where extremley uncomfortable, i got antibiotics and they where much better :thumbup:
i also put salt in a bath twice a day think that helped with the healing :flower:

TMI any1 else ready to DTD :haha: i was extremley stupid and did and .............. it was fine lol, i was really worried because the stitches , maybe im an idiot :dohh:

hope you and all your beautiful babies are well :thumbup: xx
Apaton i am :lol: But Rosalie sleeps in the bed with us :haha: so that is soooo not going to happen.
lol blob , my mum watched Eoghan i thought every1 would think i was mad , hope they wont be able to tell at my 6 week check, dont want in trouble:haha: x
Ah Apaton don't worry! You are allowed to DTD when you feel ready, cos that's different for everyone and after every baby! When I had Archie I was really shocked cos the midwife said most GPs prefer you to at least have had a go at DTD before your 6 week check so you can report any problems! We DTD this time after about 3 weeks maybe. It was a wee bit ouchy but fine, and has been fine since, although DH can't get his head around the fact that I don't feel very sexy at the moment. Bloody men!

I will be back in a bit, off to feed the boob monster again!!

I want rid of this cold it's driving me up the wall!!!
Emz, the tea tree is really helping me, also lavender is good and I have been told its good for babies bums too!! My stitches are fine, I also checked mine, I was shocked at how many there was, and how long its goes for, mind you I was in theatre for 2 hours!!

Apaton, good for you!!!!

Asher, these bloody colds are a nightmare!!

I really want to have sex but we are refraining, having to do other things!! Had a lovely 2 hour nap this afternoon!!
thanx ladies , i wont feel so guilty about telling the doc now :haha:, asher i think sean was shocked that i wanted too, but was quite happy to oblige :haha: nice to feel wanted again after 9 months of feeling fat :dohh:
:hugs: for ladies and babies who have the cold ,
im away to send MIL some pics of Eoghan as she hast met him yet due to living in London, luckily we are going down in 2 weeks x
:rofl: After Tabs i think i waited until 4 months as i was just so sore still and then we did it like twice in months :nope: my poor dh...
I am quite scared about having sex fr the first time, I know it will be fine but its just the initial entry!!!!
Becs no I don't have to go to physio about my stitches, they just said the GP would check them at my 6 week check but she didn't offer so I didn't ask! I wish I had now. I'll try the tea tree though!

Emz I'd say I could sit more or less normally after about 2 weeks and it felt completely healed by 4 weeks, but now it hurts again so I dunno! Mine itched as well, I think it's a sign of healing.

Blob OUCH!!! My tear ran from my vagina to my bum and they thought it had ripped up my bum but it hadn't thank god! It's quite neat though you can hardly see it. I think I tore when she was crowning, the mw kept saying to do little pushes but I so had no control over it! And get you with your one push!! I pushed for 2 hours and then had to be stitched for an hour and a half lol

Apaton we still haven't dtd... came very close yesterday but then Holly started crying so had to go to her! I'm quite glad actually seeing as I'm sore today!
Hi all.... I don't have any stitches thank goodness so can't really comment, however when I wee I do feel something 'sharp' up inside my ladybits! I don't know if it's from the graze or what, but I daren't dtd in case it's a scab or something!!

I have decided to call a day on the breastfeeding. I have tormented myself over it for ages now, I have cried all day and all yesterday over it but I can't see it getting any better... I've tried everything... Doctor, nurse, bosom buddies, 2 calls to the breastfeeding helpline, a breastfeeding counsellor checking the latch etc... I've tried expressing all day and last night, but it's hurting for hours even after expressing and I'm at the point where I dread every feed. She has just had a bottle with the last of the expressed breast milk, and she will be on formula from now on :( I know it's not going to affect her, and it's fine and plenty of babies have formula blahdey blah, but I had always presumed I would breast feed, and have been determined to persevere but it's just not right for us. I feel very selfish and guilty and worry that she won't 'need' me any more, and I hate losing that closeness of bfing but I can't torment myself any more... I blame the hospital for not helping at the start!

I don't want to offend anyone who formula feeds as I'm not saying that it's not as good or anything like that, I just never expected it to be so hard and painful and I never expected to feel this guilt! It really makes me wish I'd never started! I just hope I don't regret it! I've also decided not to have one last breast feed with her as I think I'd cry my way through it!!

Anyway sorry for selfish rant!
Lousie :hugs: you've given her the best start, and like you said formula won't hurt her. You're doing what you feel is best for both of you.
I know how hard it is finally giving up breastfeeding, I breastfed Ellie for three weeks before I decided that I just couldn't do it anymore, and that things were getting increasingly difficult for similar reasons and different reasons. I was also on the phone to breastfeeding groups and asking doctors and everyone for tips too but it just didn't improve.
I've been formula feeding her for around 3-4 days now but I still pop her on the breast every now and then, just for the bonding and to relax her. Mainly in mornings or at night when I'm feeling really "full" in the boobs and to get some milk out, then she's still getting some breastmilk and it's less painful on the boobs.

:hugs: xx
louise:hugs: i went on formula too and know the guilt you feel , it gets easier i wish i had tried all the things you did, u do whats best for u and lila xxx

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