September Stars

I think i will give the baby massage a try, ive herd that it can help with bonding and colicy babies too.

Ollie is like a baby bird, it's so funny! then when he finally takes the bottle his eyes roll like it's the best thing ever.

I went to get myself checked out as i felt really sore (everything is fine down there) i was told to have a bath with just salt and water :shock:
think that may hurt, failing that use fragrance free stuff.

regarding DTD i feel horny :blush: but no way ready for any action just yet
everyone is different and heal at different rates, so when you feel ready go for it! :thumbup:

louise:hugs: i can understand that you are feeling guilty but you have given Lilia a fantastic start bf for as long as you have hun.
Louise I think you have done fab, don't beat yourself up xxx As long as Lilia is happy and you are happy thats the main thing xx

I have sent Ian off to Tesco to get some hungry baby formula, the normal stuff just isn't satisfying her and she has had 7 oz in an hour and she has been feeding too often today so thats it, hungry baby formula it is!!!!
Me and OH DTD for the first time a few days back. Felt ok!

Daisy - My mum says Ellie is like a baby bird, and she makes a whistle type expression with her lips when she's hungry, she also smacks her lips together and gives me blank stares! I say "smack those chops!" it's pretty funny.
Ellie also waves her arms around everywhere crazily and makes heavy panting noises when you're getting ready to give her the feed. We call her chubs. Lol.

Ellie is asleep on the bean bag atm, she loves sleeping on it! it curves in around her and hugs her, I imagine it feels cosy in there like it was in the womb :cloud9:
Also, I saw an advert for Asda this morning with some Lemon cupcakes with daisies on and I text my OH to get me some. And they're soooooooooooooo delicious :haha:

becs i give eoghan hungry baby at bed time , ive not told HV as she might hit the roof :haha:, hes soo hungry and a big boy so im just doing what i thinks right, hes not sick or constipated and it settles him well at night, think ill put him on full time soon :flower: x
Louise hun I totally know how you feel. Please don't beat yourself up, lilia has had a great start and will continue to thrive on formula. I understand the guilt, I felt it too and I also had never contemplated not being able to bf. I felt dreadful at the time but now I can honestly say it was the best decision I ever made, holly is happy and gaiining lots of lovely weight and she doesn't have a crying stressed mummy anymore. And you can still have nice cuddles when feeding :flower: :kiss: x
Listen to you all with your :sex: talk!
Between my sinus cold, my achy (but improving!) pelvic girdle, my screaming nipples, and general fatigue, I would challenge my husband to find part of me that would be responsive to sex. Even a little bit.
I think the 6-week post-partum check-up is a great milestone for starting to think about sex again.

Bekklez, I want some cupcakes! Those sound delish!
id forgotten about the hungry baby formula i have some in the cupboard i think i may try that at night too.
Im using dummies to settle them during the night, i feel so guilty about it and a total hypocrite i have advised so many parents to not use them and what do i do shove them straight in. Amelia is asleep, Layla is fighting it , hoping for a better night.

STWM- im using a baby room vapour a few drops in a bowl of hot water and placeing it in the room to help with congestion seems to help a bit
Evening ladies! I will make this quick as Sam is not the most settled baba this evening! I am having a small glass of white as I feel like crap and I need to de-stress! This bloody cold is grinding me down. I am so dosed up on paracetamol and ibuprofen. He's had a really feedy day today, growth spurt territory I think. Bad timing with me and my cold! My sinuses are killing me, and I don't want to end up on antibiotics! Grrrr.

Louise, don't beat yourself up, it's not worth it! You've given Lilia the best start ever! You have to do what is right for you and your family, and you certainly can't say you've not had a good crack at it!! Well done! You can still enjoy feeding Lilia, I loved feeding Archie with a bottle when we moved over. Big hugs xx

Sam loves a little massage with oil or lotion. I used to take Archie every week when he was a baby to massage class, and he had one every night after his bath! He loved it! Jack hated it, so I never carried on, but Sam is very much like Archie, and he settles as soon as you rub your hands on him. Very sweet.

Not many more of us to cross over to the mummy thread now! Good stuff.

I am really hoping for a good night's kip tonight in between feeds. I know I am being totally premature, but I can't wait until Sam starts to space his night feeds out a bit. He's good, I generally get 2 and a half hours inbetween feeds, but I long for the night when I get 4 hours sleep in a row!!
Louise :hugs: it's not easy hun but you've given her a great start.

I want to dtd but I want sleep sooooo much more :haha:
I want to dtd but I want sleep sooooo much more :haha:

I have DTD but if I'm honest I don't 100% WANT to DTD. I have done it more for a quiet life, and so that I don't feel guilty about the puppydog eyes being made at me over the dinner table! As a bonus, I have enjoyed it, but I don't feel particularly sexy!!

As an aside, I do wish that midwives, the media etc would portray BFing in it's true light. I think when we're pregnant we're unprepared for just how hard it could be. They try and tell us it will be all natural, when in reality quite often it's not at all easy, and feels far from natural. I feel blessed this time as Sam is a very good feeder and things are going well, but with both Archie and Jack, it was bloody hard work and I can honestly say for most of it I didn't enjoy it! I am passionately pro breastfeeding, but I wish there was some honesty out there about it! I hope that makes sense, it's a bugbear of mine! :growlmad:
I'm with you Claire.... I have been saying to DH that it's drummed into you about how beneficial it is to both mum and baby but they don't warn you how hard it can be! I have to say I feel like a weight has been lifted now I've made the decision to move over to formula, I've had my cry and at least its done. I really wish it had worked out for us but it wasn't meant to be and aat least I feel I can say I gave it my best shot... it's not normal to be in constant pain, even for hours after feeding!

No-one warns you about stopping either!! Oh my goodness I feel like I'm carrying boulders around in my bra! The other ladies who have gone from BF to formula... did you 'wean' or stop altogether at once, and how long were they painful and engorged befor eyour supply started to thin out? I have just had to express off 1/2 an ounce from each just to ease!
Louise, I pretty much stopped completely... but my supply started drying up before I stopped and I was getting hardly anything off on the pump. They were feeling sore and full for a day after but then went completely back to normal. Bizarely, recently they randomly started leaking again one night, so I tried pumping some off to see how much I could get but it was only a tiny bit. Was very odd!

I totally agree there is not enough support given to mums for BF. In hospital, I was not shown how to do it or anything and I had to go wandering around the ward at night to find someone to come and help me get her to latch on and then got huffed at by an overworked midwife for asking. I shouldn't have had to do that, they should have provided advice and guidance BEFORE it got to that. And when I was at home, really struggling to feed her, all the midwives would say is "just keep trying". Yes, because it's that easy when your baby won't feed and is losing weight!! Then they have the cheek to make you feel horrendously guilty for not BF! grrrr rant rant rant!!
heya everyone

I completely agree with what everyone has been saying re: breastfeeding - there just isnt enough support and definately not enough of the important information!! Grrr makes me mad!!

Re: dtd - we tried but as we are having to use condoms :( ouchy ouchy ouch thats all I will say!! So we will most prob just do other things until at 6 weeks I can have to Mirena fitted!

Going selfish post wise now - we ended up at the hospital this evening with Roxy, as she has continued to get worse and her breathing was strained :( she wouldnt stop crying either and after 4 hours she had completely worn herself out :(. She was checked over and the docs basically said what we knew - she has a cold. NHS direct and the nurses at our local hospital told us to go to the main hospital though (which is 25 mins away) as they could hear her crying and it was obvious she was in discomfort :(. I dont know whether many of you know this - or whether im just silly for not knowing this - but babies initially dont breath through their mouths atall, only their noses - thats why its very important to make sure their noses arent clogged up =) so here I am at 4am, sat in my living room with Roxy and the DH, with the vapour rub in hot water smell filling the room, a hot cup of coffee and making sure she is breathing ok!!

Hope everyone else has had a relaxing evening!!

AHHHHHHH Amelia has her jabs next tues :( Im so worried cause she is still so small :(
Stmw, Hope Roxy is ok, snuffling less now, poor baby xx

Have you tried bathing in some tea tree oil, just put a few drops in the bath water, its helping mine a treat!!

I am feeling so much more like myself now, haven't cried in a couple of days and feeling more relaxed about things, not so much like I have to be supre woman and get everything done!! Just need to get rid of this bloody cold, its driving me up the wall!!!!

Bless you about feeling more yourself, poor love :hugs:
I did ask the midwife about bathing stitches in anything and she was about as helpful as a chocolate teapot, i used salt b4, tons of it in a shallow bath so it stays strong, it works but takes lots of salt, which who cares its cheap!!:shrug:

TMI any1 else ready to DTD :haha: i was extremley stupid and did and .............. it was fine lol, i was really worried because the stitches , maybe im an idiot :dohh:

hope you and all your beautiful babies are well :thumbup: xx

When your ready!! I am a long way off!! I have not had stitches for the last 3 so this was all a bit of a shocker to me, he can keep that thing away from me for a bloody good while yet i can tell you!!:haha:

Rosie slept in a 4 hour shift last night, good girl, but Daddy was in the other room, so no snoring disturbing us both was bliss, it was really nice to have the room to ourselves, and thinking of the last comment i may even suggest he moves into the other bed for a short while!!!(Till Rosie is say 18!!:haha:)
Starting to feel better today, lost the week since birth, will get round to birth story soon, and it is prob not that a bad one really but for my 5th it was a shocker for me, i think i was traumatised, bloody midwife!!
Mil round today, so not ready for her but has to be done, big hugs all round and will catch up better as soon as i am able to, i have sort of cottoned on to here now so will be around!

Louise there are no medals for breastfeeding and the best by far is an unstressed Mummy and baby, you have given her the best start and it's not worth beating yourself up over, she will thrive on Mummy's love however she gets her milky feed!
Good luck with the bottles :hugs: xx

Really must go now,

Back asap for a catch up :hugs:xxxx

:baby:tp and Rosie xx
hello everyone, i have finally moved over to this thread.

I did put my birth story in the other thread but i'll put it here too.

As some of you will probably remember i had a ecv as my baby was transverse/breech and had a unstable lie. well when i woke up on sunday morning i knew he was no longer head down and had moved back to being transverse so i rang the hospital and they told me to go in and take my bags (i was 39+4). When we got there we went up to the ward and was checked and they confirmed baby was transverse. The registrar said that they would be keeping me in and the next morning the consultant would be coming to either induce me or break my waters depending on what was going on down there and they woiuld turn him back round once i was in labour.

So i had a long wait in hospital that day and DH stayed with me until around 9pm i didnt sleep much that night it was so hot and i couldnt get comfy.

So the next morning (Monday 27th) my DH comes back and i've been moved into a labour room ready to see the consultant and he couldnt break my waters because my cervix was long and he said it wouldnt do anything so he gave me a pessary and said it probably wouldnt do much so he would check in 6 hours and decide how to go from there. By this point baby had turned head down again but wasnt engaged.

So we tried to amuse ourselves for 6 hours and finally 4pm came and i was checked again and i was 2 cms so because he was head down they gave me another pessary. The pains got worse very quickly and i was given codeine. i had something to eat and then had a bath by the time i got out the bath i needed something more for the pain so this was 6.30pm and they examined me again and i was 4cms so they gave me pethidine. I was having contraction on top of contraction and the pethidine was doing nothing so i had a tiny bit of gas and air but i didnt like it so decided not to have it and just suffer and breathe through them instead. There was a midwife hovering around and she asked me if i felt like i needed to push i said yes so she checked me (this was 7pm) and she said i was 9cms and told me to push on the next contraction and she would see if she could force it open to 10cms so i did and my waters broke all over her! 9 minutes later he was born. My labour was recorded as being 38 minutes long and 3rd stage was 6 minutes. So Tyler Jack arrived 27/09/10 2 days early weighing 7lbs 3.5ozs 53cms long. He had to be seen by the peadatrician because he went all floppy and grey so i didnt get to do skin to skin straight away but thankfully hes ok!

I had to quickly ring my sister and get her to bring my son up to meet him coz visiting finished at 8pm lol he got there when he was just 20 minutes old and they are so good together Jayden watches him all the time and keeps stroking his head lol.

I started off breastfeeding him and he was latching ok but not really getting much out so i've moved him onto bottles and he is doing much better now. My boobs are so full and sore now though i could hardly sleep last night cant wait for them to go back to normal lol.

Sorry havent got any pictures on the computer yet but will update when i do!

Thanks for all the lovely messages on here and on facebook.
Well after saying about him being bottle fed and my boobs being so engorged and painful i decided to try to get him to latch and relieve me a little and although he wouldnt latch properly i did express 60mls for him and hes taken 45 of that which is more than hes taking of the formula at the minute and he keeps throwing the formula back up but he never did with the expressed breastmilk.

I have the midwife coming later so i'm going to ask her advise it would be good if he could latch on again but then i like the idea of knowing how much he is getting too because my eldest ended up in a&e because he wasnt getting enough and i didnt know so i dont know what to do now any ideas anyone?
Boony congratulations xxx

I told my mw this morning we had given Hope hungry baby formula, she the gave me a massive lecture about babies that go on it get constipated and gain weight and end up being fat children!! Tbh it went in one ear and out the other, she is my daughter and I know whats best for her, if she is hungry and crying all the time that is not good for her so I am going to what I think is right. The formula worked a treat, she settled well and has continued to settle all day, the mw told me that she probably had a growth spurt and to put her back on the normal food. Does anyone else get sick of people telling them whats best etc etc??!! The only people I really listen to is my Mum and sister, but at the end of the day I am Hope's Mum and I know whats best for her!! I have decided to give her normal during the day and hungry at around her 10pm feed!! On a plus side she now weighs 9lb 4oz, thats a 4oz gain in 4 days!! Little porker!!
Bekklez i want some of those cupcakes! i even did a online asda shop but they had non boo! so i settled for caramel shortcake :)

stmw poor Roxy, you all must be completely knackered hope she is better soon

LittleA i dreading jab time :(

Hi Boony, lol for your waters breaking over the MW,
3rd stage was 6 minutes :shock: wow mine was recorded as 14mins and i thought that was quick lol congratulations again hunni :flower:

becs like you said you are her mummy and hope is your baby no1 elses :thumbup: i too hate people trying to tell you what to do and people who think they know whats best for you child, makes me :growlmad:

Ollie was so unsettled yesterday evening and all of last night, i think he has reflux :( he seemed to be in pain and was sicking up his feed also crying while trying to drink his milk.

he hasn't been sick very much today but still has been crying like he is in pain at feed time especially HV is due tomorrow so we are going to talk to her and book a dr's appointment too.

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