September Stars

LOL at the size 3 nappies, Hope has been in size 4 for a while now!!!

Mrs J, what a cow!!!!! Roll on when she goes!!!!

Sorry for lack of personals!!! The time seems to go so quick in the day and come evenings I am so tired!!!

Hope has been fab today, she is now having 2 meals a day, one mid morning and the other in the evening, she loves it!!! I am watching OBEM, I can safely say I am not wanting another!!! I love how Hope is and everyday she is changing more and more!!

just a quicky as on my phone
optical hugs hun, planning my wedding was so stressful mostly because of other people! We called in lots of favours to keep costs down. we had problems with family and arguments galore. on the day though nothing else mattered. it was perfect and I couldn't have given a crap about everyone else!!

We have a ring thing, it turns into a sit me up thing too. holly is too big for the ring now so we have it as a chair as she is nearly sitting unaided now!!

Holly is very nearly in size 4 nappies!! She's getting so big.

had my interview today, went really well, just got to wait to hear back now. it was funny as I was no where near as nervous as I used to be at interviews. I think having a baby has toughened me up a lot! Hope I get it, but at the same time I feel sick at the thought of leaving holly with a childminder, even though it will only be for 2 hours 4x a week max. I just feel a bit sad, like she's growing too quickly! She's so big, now in her own room, having food,nearly in size 4 nappies, nearly 6 months old and I have to go back to work :cry: sorry, just had to get that off my chest, I know you girls understand!

Turned into quite a long one anyway! Back tomorrow

i havnt bought nappies since she was born as i stocked up, we ran out of size 2 so had to use size 3 which is a little too big... but they will do until she grows into them, i have another 3 packets left
Opti - big hugs, I remember how stressed I was at the beginning planning abd everyone had an opinion about everything....... I told everyone to back off and they did. The planning then became easier. Agree with lady k and GG regarding check iff list etc. I used excel list to do by month.

Mrs j hope you don't have too much longer with the in laws. Mine got on my nerves today (long story ) but know how you feel xx

James was up every couple of hours last night with his cold and hasn't napped all day and been so tearful today. Dreading leaving him tomorrow now when I've got college. He's never been like this before . Really nervous about tomorrow too invade I just can't do the work anymore due to baby brain. I just keep thinking 28 days of he'll and it will all be over (hopefully if I pass)

Lady k I think you have to do what is best for you in the long term regarding the bf. I appreciate how hard it is to stop, I felt torn about it for over month and I was only bf a couple if weeks xxx
Lady k we stocked up on nappies but kept getting packs left over to give to friends. James is now in size 4 as the others kept being too small round his chunky legs.

Talking of nappies today JJ had the most explosive poop I had to cut him out of his clothes, poor little guy was so upset. Never thought I would have to do that.
omg fishy you're joking...where do they live?? Sister Rose is in Stoke too and funnily enough Emzy's Hubby is from Stoke too haha small world!! x
jellycat- we have had to cut paige out of her vests a couple of times, i didnt mind it was those primark ones which i had LOADS of !!! once in tesco's !!!
Good Morning,

I am a zombie today, up between girls again, I am sure they compare notes!

Sorry can't remember much!

Jelly, good luck, i remember doing an exam when i was pregnant, i was not even with it, all i could think was :baby:BABY:baby:, everything else kind of fizzled off into the background!!:hugs: xxx

Glad interview went well Emz, yes i think just being a Mummy toughens you up, because if you can be a Mummy everything else is a breeze!:hugs:

Wish i lived 'meet for a coffee' distance from someone! We go to Cornwall in July, doesn't someone live there!:flower:

Nappies i am not sure i just know we are gradually going through the newborn sizes, i think she is on newborn size 3, and i gave a back of size 1's to a pregnant friend, i didn't even want to try getting them on her! She is a right wriggle bum when i change her, and bigger nappies are easier to put on!

Got my 7yr old off school today, she has a bit of a cold, she really needs a nit comb and so i am plonking her in the bath this morning and de-nitting her! Bloody school is a nightmare for nits, you clear them away them they come back with more, unless you literally comb daily it is a loosing battle! I want her hair cut a bit, i may see if i can get her in somewhere after i have combed the little buggers out, her hair is really long so its a big job! Parents that don't comb their kids are a pain in the arse, and i have had 2 nits on my head and they have itched like crazy, and some of the kids have the things crawling off their heads, it must be soooooooo itchy, that is just cruel leaving a child to itch like that:nope:

Well off the soap box for a while now, back later!


Jelly I had exams pregnant and interviews just after having Tabs :hugs: I stressed at the interview as Tabs was in the building :dohh: Good Luck :flower:

BTP and LBB think we all had AWWWFUUULLL nights :cry: Rosalie just did not stop waking/crying again and again :nope:

Urgh not going to look forward to the nits :sick: I hated that when I was younger...
I know where you live as I went to Keele Uni and lived in Newcastle Under Lyme in my 3rd year. Small world eh?!!!

We had a bad night - Scarlett was awake 5 times.The poor thing, she is in so much pain with her teeth it is making her miserable. I have tried everything - every kind of teether, tooth powders, bonjela, detinox and Calpol. Nothing at all is helping her and her canine's are definitely coming through first :cry:

I'm having a quiet day today as MIL is going to see a friend. I think I might take Scarlett to the baby clinic this afternoon. It's been 3 weeks since her last weigh in, her appetite is erratic at the moment (because of the teething) and she has also been having a little food so I'll be interested to find out what she is now.

Got to go - hope everyone is ok and has a good day

paige woke at 4 and then 6 and wouldnt settle... i didnt get much sleep, but its ok because grant did...

jellycat totally missed about your exam... good luck hon.. xx
Thanks ladies for all the advice and support about my rant.. I'm still grumpy and in a mood about it all, but I feel a little better after the virtual hugs :flower:

Mrs J - I'm really lucky now to have a MIL I like (wedding stuff aside), but I know how you feel cos my ex's mum was a nightmare! :hugs:

Emzy - Good luck! I'm sure you've done fantastically. All this job hunting is getting me down too.. I've decided to give it a break for a while cos i'd rather be skint than read these rejection letters all day!

Good luck Jelly with college!! you'll get straight back into it and be fab :hugs:

BTP - OH MY GOD tell me about it with the nits!!!!! I swear DD has had them 20+ times since september. Every time I get rid of them, I wash all the bedding, sort her hair, use repellent shampoo, tell school, and then she gets them again! and I am THE only one who tells school to send yet another letter out, so it looks like i'm the one who is spreading them around BUT I'M NOT! I've heard the other mums talking about their kids having them in the playground, but cos of the stigma attached to it they don't tell school, and then it just goes on and on. It's driving me crazy... I comb DD's hair every other day now when she gets in the bath. I left it for 2 weeks thinking they'd gone before, and she looked like an ant farm :sick: and I daren't cut her hair, cos then she won't be able to tie it up and it'll get worse. Bloody scratters who don't see to their kids. :growlmad:
aww hugs to the ladies with bad nights, sounds like loads of the naughty babies were at it last night! Hope you all manage to get your heads down at some point today.

MrsJ, have you tried Nurofen for children? I find it so much better than calpol for teething pain.

Holly had a good night (don't hit me sleep deprived ladies! lol) and went down at 9.30 and woke at 8.30 this morning. She did cry a couple of times in the night and I went running in but she was asleep and crying, so I think she was having a bad dream :( I had to get up and put her dummy in early this morning as well but all in all a good night! I'm still trying to get her to settle herself to sleep as she is still falling asleep on me at the mo. If I put her down she cries and cries and pulls her dummy out over and over so I end up cuddling her again. But this morning I put her in her cot, popped her dummy in and stood outside the door. She kept pulling it out and crying so I'd go back in, put it in and go back out. She flung herself about a bit and cried a bit, but went off to sleep within 10 minutes of me putting the dummy back in and slept for an hour, so I'm pleased! I'm going to keep going with it, as cuddling/rocking her to sleep is getting a bit harder now she is getting so big.

Anyway she's just waking up so best go get her. Back later ladies x
a bit late but i have just seen Rachii BFP thread... !!! after watching OBEM i did get broody again !! so many getting pregnant again..
Morning ladies!
Jelly good luck!!
Optical I forgot to say before, big hugs to you, what a stressful position to be in :( Hope it all calms down and you get the day you dreamt of!

Sorry to the ladies who had bad nights :( :hugs: naughty babies!!
Glad you had a good night Emzy!!

Well after my worry at the lack of milk Lilia had yesterday, even after only 4ozs at bedtime (and an ounce of that was in her cot as it was the ONLY way i could get her to have more) she still slept till 9.30am, doh! When I changed her nappy she had a nugget of fairly hard poo attached to her though so maybe she had tummy ache? Anyway she had her full 8oz this morning for breakfast, and I'm not going to give her any porridge today thinking maybe she will have all her milk then... yesterday because she literally refused any milk at lunchtime whatsoever, yet she was happy to eat off the spoon, I ended up making her a bigger bowl of porridge than usual but made it with formula instead of water, thinking at least she'd be getting some! I think now she has tried solids, she much prefers it to her milk so she'd rather just have that!!

Oh, and she's raising her arms to me to get picked up quite a lot now! She must realise that it melts my heart every time and i can't help but go pick her up!! Sure way to get what she wants!!
Just looking at Rosie, right over on her side, so very nearly rolling over! Clever girl!

I am getting dd's hair cut today, i comb her every 2 days and it keeps them at bay but if i slip one week she is crawling, It is not worth treating them as they just come back due to the parents that don't comb!:hissy:
I am keeping it to a length i can put it back for school, it is to her bum so bloody difficult to comb, i have to intensive condition then brush with hairbrush then comb, hopefully we can find a length that is keep backable for school, trendy for her at weekends, and not so hard to comb during the week!:thumbup:

Ladyk, even i am getting broody:dohh: I really can't have any more, I am glad i got the coil in when i was feeling so headstrong about no more babies!:haha:
Jelly has college btw, i started talking about exams with baby brain and confused things! So you didn't miss anything, it's just me mixing things up for everyone!:dohh::hugs:

Emzy, :sulk: :rofl:

Time to go, Rosie doing the 'scream' its a happy noise but high pitch, I am taking two of the girls to town and leaving Daddy's girl Sophie with her Daddy! Lots of little things to do!
Back later xx
I must say I am insanely jealous of you ladies with sleeping babies. 5 months and not even close to a full night sleep!

I am meant to be finishing my degree and need to write my 10,000 word project...i am getting sooo stressed as I never seem to have the time and its due in in April. I need to graduate because I need to get a job! I also have an essay and an exam. :cry:

I am off to the dentist today to talk about extraction but the antibiotics have cleared the infection so its not too bad.

Please forgive me that I am always reading these pages but never have time to post. By the time I do I have forgotten everything that I was meant to say or comment on. It is not that I am rude and selfish..honest. :blush:

I must get a wiggle on as the housework needs doing for a viewing later and I have not even done my makeup and I am leaving in 1/2 hour!

Hugs to you all. xx month that you see wayne...:happydance:
Optical..:hugs: on the wedding front fiasco.
Yes 'only' 33 sleeps to go! Can't wait! I'm totally overdue a hug! I've almost forgotten what its like being held by a man! :(

Good luck teeny, better get a wriggle on!
Teeny :hugs: Rosalie started improving the past two weeks and now its right back to crap :cry:

Im really bugged Rosalie isnt sitting yet :haha: Tabs was sitting 3-4 months..Rosalie is getting sooo bugged that she only crawls in circles or backwards :dohh:
James doesnt like tummy time...likes lying flat but not made an attempt to roll really! Lazy lazy boy!! lol

Ladies with nit problems...f you use tea tree shampoo & conditioner on your childrens hair they are less likely to get them as it is a natural pesticide so the lice stay away! x

Sorry got to go James is moaning yet again! What has happened to my baby!!!! lol x

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