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Mrs J such a small world...What street did you live on??? x
got paige weighed first time since she was 12 weeks and in 4 weeks she has only put on about a pound she was 12lbs 14 at 12 weeks and now 14.1lbs, is this anything to worry about ? the HV didnt seem to care, she used to be smack bang between the 50th and 75th centile and now she is on the 50th.....

I think i have also sold my green stokke pram covers so i can buy the red ones, i was asking for £170 but this women offered me £140 and i can get the covers for £160, i thought it was a ok price for a quick sale...

louise- fantastic news im so pleased for you chic xx

LBB- thanks for the tip, i guess now i have a girl ill have to deal with nits now x

BTP- babe you should never say never.. or at least wait till i can catch you up on the baby i can see why you didnt stop at two, having paige is so much different than it was when i had Jake, i can see why people have loads.. x
Afternoon ladies!!!

Louise - :hugs: I can't imagine how hard being without him is...but you must be very proud of him at the same time!!

LadyK - I've stopped having Kimi was putting me down as a mum and making me feel like I was doing something wrong.

Blob - Kimi is still not sitting properly...her head is still really floppy and she can only hold it up for 10-15 seconds at a time....

BTP- I wouldnt want 5 babies....i want 3/4 then I'm done!!!!! So you will always beat me....

LBB -:hugs: I hope James starts getting better soon!!!

Emzy - Kimi has bad dreams atm...I was under the impression babies couldnt...but Kimi does!!!

Quick question...

Do girls projectile vomit???? Or is it only boys that can??? My MIL has got it into her head that Kimi is allergic to her formula milk because she has projectile vomited 3/4 times in 4 months....she is always poorly apparently and she has slow weight gain.

But personally I would be led to believe if she was allergic to milk...she'd be sick all the time after a feed...would lose weight not gain it.... so i just need some reassurance!!!

Hope everyone is okay.

I so love having 2 more than having somehow seems to be easier rather than harder (so far) I really want 4 (or 5) but we NEED to send them to private school :dohh: the schools around here are so so so bad its one of the worst places in Scotland :cry: so honnestly £40 tho on fees for 4 is going to murder us (IF IF we can all depends on us having more now)

Kara Rosalie hasnt put on that much either on the 8th Dec she was 14.1 and just last week she was 15lb 6? so not much either :hugs:
YM thats arse :grr: all babies projectile vomit every so often...all the ones I know!! Some babies grow faster than others and thats that, if she is happy in herself and YOU know best then I cannot see how? She would be sore in her tummy :shrug:
Exactly!!! I think my MIL WANTS her to be allergic to her formula so she can interfere and tell me how to do things!!!!!

grrrrrr x
YoungM Holly can certainly projectile vomit! She always has done and she is not allergic to her formula. My friends baby is allergic to her milk and she had a bad belly, lost lots of weight, had bloody nappies and was really quite poorly. I don't think she projectile vomited at all!

Had a nice time at baby group today and had Holly weighed after she's now 18lb 6oz! Little chubster!! I noticed that some of her 6-9 month trousers are too short for her already too and the top she had on today was too short in the body, even though the sleeves are too long! omg she needs to stop growing so fast, I can't keep buying new clothes!!

:lol: Emzy, they tend to stop growing so much when they start moving and then you can laugh at us as you wont have to buy anything for ages :thumbup: Tabs was a big baby until she was 1 and now she's still wearing the same things as when she was 1 :wacko: She's gone from being over the line on the chart to a skinny tall toddler :cloud9:

YM same as me I know babies who had problems with milk and they were in agony :hugs: dont listen to her.
Sophie was allergic to my milk and was sick at every feed, Rosie is great on it but still has times she over fed and projetiled everywhere!
I thought bottle fed babies were a bit more sicky because they were windier, but i really dont know as i have only bf mine?:hugs:

Weight gain does slow up, they are getting bigger and it hits a peak, then they grow more slowly!

I always wanted loads of children, preferably not the many splintered thing our family is although it just happened that way, i always wanted a really big farmhouse with lots of happy kids running around! I was going to marry a farmer, never met one! :haha:
Mine have not been babies together, the biggest gap i have was from 1 to 2 and that is 6 years, then there is about 2 yrs 9months between 2-3 and 4-5 and 5 years between 3-4 if all that makes sense!
It has meant they have all been aware of brothers and sisters, and they have all been potty trained b4 the next one came along and 2 were at school before the next one came along, some weekends we still just have the girls.
My eldest is 16 and now does mainly his own thing, he is another adult in the house now:cry: I love him being older and independent and seeing what a handsome young chap he has become but he makes me feel every old, i don't feel as old as i am, i caught sight of myself in the mirror today and thought bloody hell, thats not me! I just don't look!:haha:

Time to go, have made jammy star tarts with the girls this afternoon, went to town earlier to collect boots and get dd's hair cut, just cooking a ham for tea, and been to collect ds from school and had a chat with his teacher.
Poor dh is in bed:nope:, his back is playing him up, and poor love he was up late on the x box last night and i may have disturbed him the 4-5 times i was up in the night so he may have had disturbed sleep too, my poor darling, how he copes and put's up with me i just don't know, i am sure i have only made him breakfast and 2 cups of tea all day, and he has been hard at work lying on the sofa, must be so difficult being a man!:rofl:

:lol: Emzy, they tend to stop growing so much when they start moving and then you can laugh at us as you wont have to buy anything for ages :thumbup: Tabs was a big baby until she was 1 and now she's still wearing the same things as when she was 1 :wacko: She's gone from being over the line on the chart to a skinny tall toddler :cloud9:

YM same as me I know babies who had problems with milk and they were in agony :hugs: dont listen to her.

I found a new lease of life on clothes after potty training, the nappy padded the clothes out, once gone it all fitted better for longer!:haha:
Hello ladies!!!

Arrgghh I never seem to have time to reply much!!

Louise, thats fab news!!!!

LBB, hope James is better soon xx

YM, thats utter rubbish, take no notice of her!!!

Emma, I know what you mean, Hope's top seem like they have shrunk lol!!

I am enjoying a nice quite brew while Hope naps in the pushchair, she fell asleep on the walk and stayed asleep even after I heaved her in over the step!! I am coming down with a cold and sore throat, I feel completely pooped! Not sleeping too good either so think that maybe the reason!!
Blob I'm glad to hear that! I've literally only just got out the 6-9 stuff and it's already getting too small! One of my friends has just commented on my status to ask what I'm feeding Holly as her baby who is 8 weeks older than Holly is 15lb something and she was nearly 10lb when she was born!! Holly was only 7lb 9 lol

Just been pureeing up some peaches and bananas, Holly's fave!
My friends baby who is 8 mths weighs alot less than Hope!!! Its crazy!
Hi selfish post from me

College went well today and feel slightly more confident with it all. Got hone to DH to announce his company are closing, so as he's self employed not sure when he will be out of work. I just don't know whether I'm coming or going this evening. Meant to be booking a place at nursery Thursday for JJ but if DH is out of work then don't need to but if he's still working we do...looks like I'll be cutting my maternity leave short now and just feel upset

Sorry guys just needed to share as can't discuss with DH as he's feeling bad already without me adding to it. Don't want to discuss with family either so haven't even told them.
Big hugs Jelly, not sounding good. xxx

Sorry, I am crap again tonight. No time for anything today. Grrrrr. Had my hair cut and I hate it! Argh!!

Good news is that Sam slept last night, so at least I feel human!

Be back tomorrow with more, hopefully. xx
Poor girls!
Everyone seems so tired.
I am, too.
It's going to take me awhile to catch up on all the broken sleep of our vacation.
Wee Simon went to sleep at 11:30 am and just woke up at 2:30 pm. He is also catching up on his rest and fighting off a cold.
Naps overlapped beautifully today: always one boy snoozing while the other was up and needing my attention. And then one glorious spell in which they both slept and I overachieved on housework and other tasks. Again, it's that small personal victory thing! Getting ordinary tasks done against the odds!

Sending :sleep: vibes to all!
Oh Jelly that is really crappy news. Do you have to give the nursery much notice? It must be hard not being able to tell your dh how you are feeling.

I'm also in the sleep deprived club! X
jelly im sooooooooo sorry... must be very worrying and not being able to plan anything must be very frustrating, has it been on the cards for a while or was it sudden ? sending love and hugs babe x

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