September Stars

If I put deposit down £455 I have to give no less than three months notice otherwise lose the money, so will have to postpone until we find out more info.

Lady k knew it would happen one day but didn't expect the whole site to close, it's the main employer of the town. DH has been there for nearly ten years. He's so down it breaks my heart to see him like it.

Anyway everything happens for a reason and maybe it's a blessing in disguise, just can't see it at the moment. I'll cheer up tomorrow, thanks guys Its nice to feel support from you all xx
oh jelly you poor thing x

well i was up every 30 mins until 4am when James n i ended up on the settee! God help me when im back at work! X
I am meant to be finishing my degree and need to write my 10,000 word project...i am getting sooo stressed as I never seem to have the time and its due in in April. I need to graduate because I need to get a job! I also have an essay and an exam. :cry:

Aww honey... Don't worry about it - I wrote mine in about a month, and got a 1st for it. Must say, i worked nearly flat-out in the week typing it up, but i've always been one of those people who does loads of work before, but then only one draft and a proof-read. If it aint good when I write it, then i've already done all my reading so I won't be able to make it better! Really don't wanna dash your hopes or motivation hun, but I wouldn't count on graduating to get you a job... I'm giving it another week and then taking my degree off my CV as i've been told it's actually hindering me with the jobs I want to get!

James doesnt like tummy time...likes lying flat but not made an attempt to roll really! Lazy lazy boy!! lol

Ladies with nit problems...f you use tea tree shampoo & conditioner on your childrens hair they are less likely to get them as it is a natural pesticide so the lice stay away! x

Izzy hates tummy time too... she can lift her head, but then it just flops and she's face down on the bed lol. She hasn't even attempted to roll either, and she's 5 months now. She's like 'why should I roll from off my back if I don't like tummy time?'. I see her point.

As for the Tea tree, I use tea tree repellent on Emma and it just doesn't work! BUT it must work for me, cos I haven't ever caught them off her, and I use tea tree facewash twice a day. I've started dabbing 100% tea tree oil behind her ears - let's see if that works shall we?

Emzy - Izzy is in 6-9mth clothes, but i'm having a nightmare getting clothes to fit because of her cloth nappies. I need tops to be long, and trousers big, but the 6-9 mth sleeves and trouser lengths are waaay too long.

Jelly - awwww :hugs: hun. I'm dreading the day that OH comes home with his redundancy notice - they are cutting people from other depts first at the police, but they will always get rid of him rather than actual policemen (which I actually really agree with). It's just pants for everyone :(

In other news, one of my best friend's OH's has won £1760 on a £2 football coupon! He's really ill and on dialysis 3 times a week, and she might be getting laid off in March, so it's about time they had some good luck.
Emzy - Izzy is in 6-9mth clothes, but i'm having a nightmare getting clothes to fit because of her cloth nappies. I need tops to be long, and trousers big, but the 6-9 mth sleeves and trouser lengths are waaay too long.

I have the exact same problem....large cloth nappy and 6-9 vests that fit but then button up tops with sleeves in 6-9months that have very long sleeves.

I am having trouble with keeping up with the posts...i think i might have to come on every evening and just catch the daily comments cos i have tons of pages to read again.

lady kara i read before that Paige is trying to sit up now. I have the same issue with Ellie. We have a play gym that is basically a big rubber ring thing with toys hanging over it and she constantly grizzles and struggles to lift her head up and body to sit up. So i have to prop her back up so she is sitting up. Then about fiive minutes later she grizzles to be laid down again because holding her head up is making her tired!! This goes on ALL day. The last couple of days has been a bit of a struggle she is being grizzly a lot lately and its so much hard work...looking for nurserys at the moment to get her into so i can go back to work in may....need to get a good routine going before then!

Will post more comments as i read through the last few pages
Jelly - :hugs::hugs::hugs:

LBB - I always hope I can come online and see you have had a good night sleep...hope it gets better soon :hugs:

Well.... I see my midwife tomorrow at 3.15pm and I'm gna see if I can get an early scan as I have had noooo symptoms at all apart from feeling nauseus at random points in the day.... and been feeling really crampy!! Hope my little bean is okay in there!!!

right i have picked up some information from reading back a few pages

Boony - Congrats!!
Louise - I noticed that your status on here says pregnant. Is that right?? or have you just not change it.

Regarding the making up of bottles - I make up about four bottle when i get up in the morning - water only - then when i need them they go in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then the powder goes in. Normally i do one lot in the morning and then another lot in the early evening.

Are there any more pregnant SS ladies? I think i have missed a lot not being on here for a bit.

Also, any one interested in meeting up in the South east london area. Im in Luton so can travel to central London but i drive so can also travel around a bit too.
Would love to meet up with some of the southern girls for a trip. I would like to say going to London zoo would be fun with the little ones, but also could be expensive!!! would be a better idea later in the summer when warm. lol
YM I'm guessing boy then :lol: Dont worry lots of people dont 'feel' pregnant dont stress :hugs: Think you're the lucky one...might be a boy :winkwink:
Hey girls

Jelly I'm so sorry to hear that. Matt has recently been put on redundancy notice too but we won't find out any more until the end of March. It's pretty worrying isn't it? We're just trying not to worry, like you said, I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and it will all work out ok.

Youngmummy don't worry :hugs: lots of people don't have any symptoms, just think yourself lucky! lol My friend was pregnant at the same timer as me and had no symptoms at all (apart from the bump!) all the way through her pregnancy whereas I was constantly in the toilet weeing and being sick and couldn't get out of bed/off the sofa because of my hip pain! I hated her so much lol I know that an early scan would be reassuring though, especially with your previous losses and cramping, so I hope they give you one. I remember having one with Holly, it was the best thing ever seeing that little blob with a heartbeat :cloud9:

Holly's just having a nap in her cot... well I say having a nap, I can hear her snuffling around! She had a good night again last night, 9.30 til 8.45! I can't believe how long she is sleeping in her own room! And only 1 dummy run last night too! Then she seemed tired an hour after her breakfast bottle so I snuggled up with her in my bed with the duvet and she slept for another hour!

I'm still anxiously waiting to hear about this job... hope they let me know either way soon, I hate waiting!

Oh and I forgot to say I've been making baby food this morning, pureeing all sorts and putting them in icecube trays in the freezer. They had some Annabell Karmel recipies in the tesco magazine this month so I'm making those, they look yummy! Holly is certainly loving her food. She's wanting more and more, so I'm guessing that 5th bottle will drop soon.

Also forgot to say, we're giving away Holly's swing as she's too big for it and I checked last night and she's almost too heavy for it! She's only 1.5lb off being too heavy for it! I can't believe it, where has my little baby gone? Good job I started her napping in her cot!! Anyway we're giving that and her old playmat and a few bits and bobs to a pregnant girl at Matt's work. She's totally skint and worried about money, so thought it would be nice to give her those bits as they are so expensive to buy new.

Good luck with the study, you can put the degree on your cv, just put awaiting results!
I picked up some certificates along the way and they are sometimes worth a gcse or 2, worth a mention also.
I agree with Optical about the job but it depends what you are looking for!
I really fancy social work, and my degree is pretty keyed into that, it really depends if dh is able to manage on his own when the girls are older, atm he can't, and there is no prognosis on his back, but i assume its progressive and will never get any better than it is now, and that means he needs care.
School work is handy when you have children! It's what i did when i had my eldest, then i did study also, my degree was spread over about 10 years as i took years at a time out when i had the children.:hugs:

I am not feeling 'right' at the moment towards dh, I am sure it is getting better, but the other day he said something about 'when i used to love him' I felt awful and didn't defend it nearly enough which i think made him a bit sad! I think he wanted me to jump to my defence and say how i still loved him! Anyway his birthday is soon, and i really don't know what to get him so do any of you loved up wife's and gf's have any ideas?
I have about a week!
I may have a go at taking some pictures of the girls on a plain backdrop at home to get framed, as they may behave for 1 picture if i take enough and frame it for him from them, but i need to get something from me, other than the aftershave gift set i already have!

Emz, lovely idea to meet for a day out, not sure if a little far by the time we get there, but the thought is good, regional meets, my region is a bit sparce i think!:haha::hugs:

Ym, I had 4 really sick pregnancies (2 boy 2 girl!) and the Rosie i hardly knew she was there, i was so worried i was not pregnant or something, i had a scan at 9 weeks and saw beanie and chilled a bit, early pregnancy is my least fave bit of it all xx:hugs:

Hugs to mummies getting no sleep, i am one too, although my dd didnt get up last night so it was only baby feeds i had to do and she was up once about an hour after going to bed then again about 3am, so not bad at all, still feel shit though from lack of sleep, and tooth ache!:dohh:

Emzy, you go with all the food, sounds like you need to! :happydance:
How kind of you to give things away, I can't part with things but i know i should, my friend is due any moment and if she has a girl i feel i should pass things on to her. I have an attic to clear, with 3 bags, keep, bin and charity! :hugs:

More :hugs: to those with dh's with uncertain jobs, I know it is no fun, when dh's back went, I thought it was just a few weeks off and painkillers, turned out it was an underlying problem that was not going to get better and it is really hard to adjust to, after a year off work had to let him go, he worked in a good job sometimes up to 90 hours a week, he liked work and it is what made him who he was, so taking it away from him was like stealing his identity, we had lots to cope with all at once!
Our silver lining is how close our dd is to my dh, she loves her Daddy more than anything, and it is because from 4 months old she has cuddled up to him while he has been laid up!

Well big :hugs: got to go and see if i can find a sleep sack for Rosie, she is growing out of hers and kicks covers right off!:hugs:

BTP xx

I always seem to write an essay on here, when i did my degree i did do a piece on forum conversation and it was one of my highest marks, nothing like writing about what you know!!:haha:
Ahhh BTP that was what I was training to be, a childrens reporter a lawyer who works with the social workers I loved the idea of just helping children.

On the present how about the thing fishy does? With handprints of the chilren and keyrings? Or I always think that 'not on the highstreet' has great ideas?
BTP primark have sleepsacks for about £8!! If you dont have one local i can always get u one when i am in town and post it?! x

Well i have read everything but my mind is frazzled today on top of being awake at 11:30, 12, 12:30, 1, 1:30, 2, 2:30 then 4 and ending up on the sofa at that point the bloody dog escaped this morning - first time he had ever done it!!!!! Chris was at work and couldnt hear his phone i was stuck cos James was inside so could only really go to the front and back...ended up phoning good old Mum who jumped in a taxi and came to watch James!! I searched for an hour couldnt find him so phoned the dog warden, turns out he had been seen and reported and the warden was out searching for it was like Annecka's challenge trying to find him before the dog warden did...a neighbour had gone out searching the streets in his van spotted him at the side of the dual carriage way but couldnt stop found somewhere then saw him run into the industrial estate called us cos he had him cornered and needed us cos he was scared and bit his hand to warn him off!!! We were 2 mins away so ran to him...they were both so relieved to see us!!! All in all id say i covered at least 3 miles on foot!!

Hope all you ladies are well, James has a runny nose today but its clear so im putting it down to teething x
YoungMummy- I had no symptoms in my pregnancy apart from the obvious bump so dont worry but i konw if you are worried an early scan will help.

LBB- Ollie has had a really snotty nose the past couple of days and I am putting down to teething as his cheeks are bright red and he is chewing everything, touchwood they arent bothering him that much, I doubt this will last like lol
BTP primark have sleepsacks for about £8!! If you dont have one local i can always get u one when i am in town and post it?! x

That is really kind of you, I can send a cheque for the bag and postage if cheque is ok for you?
I did see them in the closest place to me but they were out of stock of pink, they had blue and cream but not pink!
I wanted the 6-12 month size in pink!
We have no local primark, the closest is a new one in Yeovil, where they were out of stock, we don't go there very often!
Thank you so much for offering, just let me know if they have them i will pm my address and get yours for payment, don't worry if not, or if its to much trouble, I will just look again next trip i go :hugs:

Thanks again xx:hugs:
I think they are all at it rnt they? x

BTP primark have sleepsacks for about £8!! If you dont have one local i can always get u one when i am in town and post it?! x

That is really kind of you, I can send a cheque for the bag and postage if cheque is ok for you?
I did see them in the closest place to me but they were out of stock of pink, they had blue and cream but not pink!
I wanted the 6-12 month size in pink!
We have no local primark, the closest is a new one in Yeovil, where they were out of stock, we don't go there very often!
Thank you so much for offering, just let me know if they have them i will pm my address and get yours for payment, don't worry if not, or if its to much trouble, I will just look again next trip i go :hugs:

Thanks again xx:hugs:

No problem at all hunni!! It will be at the weekend now i would think, will let you know!? Anyone else need one? hehe x
LBB, what a nightmare!! Naughty doggy!!!

I had a big of an episode with my PND, I ended up having a screaming fit on the phone to Ian, I know I shouldn't take it out on him but I really needed to shout and cry! I just feel like he doesn't understand how I feel and how much effort I put into cleaning, cooking etc. I know he appreciates things and he is a brilliant hands on Dad but I just don't feel I know who I am anymore. Might sound stupid but I seem to have lost 'me' in amongst being a Mum, wife and general domestic goddess! I don't feel like I have any real time for me, Ian takes Hope as soon as he gets in from work and then all I seem to do is catch up on jobs etc!! Sorry for moaning etc I just want to feel me again!
Vent away Becs! If it's any consolation, I feel just as you do on that score. It's hard to be everything to everyone, and even though being a mum is something I wanted (well, obviously, 3 times!), that doesn't mean I don't also want to be "me". I know my DH tries to see "me" but to be honest doesn't do a heck of a lot to help that along, if that makes sense. I love the school runs, and being "mummy" but sometimes I wish I could be anonymous and just be a woman. Hmm I'm not sure that made sense, but I know what I mean! Big hugs hun. xx

We've got lots of teething babies eh? It must be awful for them having this discomfort and not knowing what they want. Not that that makes it any easier to be up in the night with them! Big hugs to everyone who's up at the moment. Sam's being a good boy, we've now had 4 sleeps through, but that doesn't mean anything! Tonight I could well be up again!

Well, I'd better not post in the weaning section, cos Sam's actually had 3 meals today! He had some banana breakfast cereal, which he wolfed down, I couldn't get it on the spoon quick enough for him. Then for lunch he had some sweet potato, which again he wolfed down, and a FULL petit filous. He loved it! And he BFd loads too in between his food. Then at about 5pm he was tetchy and fed up, had had a good BF, so I mixed him a bit of babyrice and strawberries, and he ate the lot. Little love!! He's 23 weeks today, but I'd bet he's 19lbs in weight now, so a big lad. He's so hungry at the moment. TBH, the choice at teatime was between some babyrice and fruit, or a carton of ready made formula in a bottle. He's still not taking my milk in a bottle, so I wondered if he'd take the formula, but DH said why give the formula now when you've got so far BFing. In the end, I agreed. No point. He likes the boob and that's that. Little horror. Good job I love him....!!!!

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