September Stars

I know Jayne!! Part of me felt really guilty giving him the food at teatime, but if he's ready he's ready! My dad was laughing at him at lunchtime, he was shouting when I was getting the yoghurt onto the spoon!! Little love!! x
Ahh Asher Sammy is so adorable !

Becs big hugs - this whole mummy lark is overwhelming at times and so difficult to do things or feel like how we used to before LO came along.

Lbb hope you manage to get some sleep tonight xxx

BTP for my DH I always buy him pants and socks, then something more personal. Last year I bought him a iPhone so he'd use his phone when I was pregnant. What about making a cd of his favourite music ?

College went well again today got lots to do before next week. Theres si much to cover in such a short time. Had the in laws round to look after James and DH was home (think it did him some good). Apparently JJ was well behaved all day and smily, mil was so happy and pleased. Made me feel good knowing he was happy, and proud that the in laws enjoyed there time with him.
Hi girls
Becs I know exactly how you feel, I don't feel like I know who I am anymore either and I feel like I've lost 'me'. I feel like all I do is things for everyone else... feed the baby, feed the cat, feed the husband... then if I ever do do anything for myself I feel guilty! :hugs:

Well I got the call and I didn't get the job. Feel disappointed as I thought I had a good chance of getting it, but also slightly relieved as it means I get more time with Holly. Although I feel thats bittersweet as it may have helped me feel a bit more like 'me'.

Anyway won't stop, on a bit of a downer tonight. Think I've got pmt, I keep dropping everything and feel exhausted. I nearly spilled a pan of boiling water down myself earlier, just missed! Just been one of those days!

Back tomorrow x
Emma, sorry about the job chick xx I am sure something will turn up for you. I just feel really angry today about everything!!
thanks jelly and emzy it obviously wasnt meant to be must mean something bigger and better is out there for you hun x
thanks Becs and remember hun tomorrow is another day dont worry about the yesterdays! Love you pic btw x x x
Thank you!!! I know, thank goodness!!! I must keep telling myself how lucky I am and not to sweat the trivial stuff!!
total nightmare day, i got up late (paige slept through till 9,30am as grant was in charge of the night shift, twice in 3 months !! both times is the only times she slept through) so i had 30 mins to get us both up and dressed to pick up a friend, car broke down on the way, it felt like it was running out of petrol and the warning light came on.. but grant refused to take us in his car so i drove it anyway...paige is just a giant snot ball and to top it all off i came on !!!!!! but it seems i had a period that lasted 3 hours..the car fixed itself so its been a very emotional day.. i also got two more fairies finished..:happydance:

LBB- my worse nightmare is if my dogs ran out the house, im so scared i bolt the front door so i have time to jump up and check the gate in the kitchen is closed if someone tries to leave... we have a main road outside and they would just all follow each other and run straight into the traffic...

Emzy- sorry to hear you didnt get the job, but there is a reason for everything even if you dont know what it is yet !

Bec- awww babe, sending love and hugs, i promise the feeling that every day is a struggle to get through will not last... it will get easier... but in the meantime you have us xx:hugs:
Bloomin heck Kara seems we have all shit days today!!!!
Hi girls!
We're having gorgeous sunny weather here, so we spent several hours at the Zoo at young master Simon's request ("Wan go zoo, mama?).
And miracle of miracles, both boys are sleeping. I have a dozen different things I should be doing, but chilling out and catching up with forum friends just felt like the most important thing to do. I've been feeling a bit grumpy and resentful, too. Then I feel horribly guilty because I've got blessings coming out my ears with this family of mine. It's just that it would be really nice once in awhile to be able to go for a walk without all the unbelievable crap that needs to happen to get us out the door. Sigh.
I felt like the ultimate Awkward Mom at the Zoo today. I was trying to get us a snack at the cafeteria, so I was hungry (first mistake - low blood sugar and me are not a good mix) and getting really fed up with Simon at that point because he was trying to grab treats off a shelf and being a little turkey, then Tobe wakes up and starts screaming bloody murder and as I bent over to try to soothe him in the carrier, I somehow managed to dump all our nice, clean hats, mitts, scarves, baby blankets, etc out of the diaper bag and onto the muddy, slushy ground....
Honestly, it makes you so frustrated and crazy.

But then 20 minutes later, everyone is having a snack and Simon is chattering away about seeing the hippos and the "big 'nake" (snake) and Tobe is looking up at me with those big bright eyes and that gummy grin and I feel fine again.

It's hard not to let the stressy stuff take over, though. Man, do I ever practise my yoga breathing at times like that.

I'm going to try to get out of the house on my own a bit tomorrow. I'm feeling a very strong need to have some Sarah time.

:hugs: to all!
Emma sorry about the job :hugs:

Becs I felt like that for SO long after Tabs but weirdly enough I feel more like 'me' after having Rosalie. Like I've found part of myself again? Your life is all about your baby and family right now thats all you tihnk about all you do all you takes a while :hugs: everyone needs to stress and vent. Robin though I was going to chuck Rosalie across the room (I was getting up to cuddle her really) but I was swearing away about f-ing children :haha: You will find yourself again even if you are slightly a different 'you'

LBB I really really hope you have a better night hon :hugs:
Sarah OMG that could be my day almost everyday :nope: you kinda start getting really hot when you stress out and that makes it so much worse.
Emzy sorry the job wasn't to be that's there loss!

Kara and Becs hugs to you x

Jayne your a wonder woman surviving on no sleep , I hope your getting some now!

We had baby clinic today Layla was 14lb 2 Ozs and Amelia was 15lb 14 Ozs !
Morning all! Lbb, how was your night? I hope you got more sleep. I also don't know how you do it as I struggle with getting up just two or three times.

Becs, things have been tough for me the last few weeks as dh has had several business trips and when he's back he's too tired or busy preparing for the next trip to help much. I have really started resenting doing everything on my own. I already feel like I have lost my identity but now I feel like a machine. I don't feel sexy, I feel like my brain has gone to mush and now I feel totally underappreciated. My dh and I had a big argument last Friday where he said I always feel hard done by but it's hard for him too. Now I feel I can't tell him how I'm feeling. He went away yesterday and I burst out crying when he had gone. It's awful to say this but I am actually finding it easier when he's not here as I don't have to clean up after him.

Btp, because of the above I'm thinking that dh and I need some quality time together so I am considering splashing out and booking a night in a baby friendly hotel that offers sitting services so we can have a meal and use the spa. Maybe you could do something similar?

Phone is playing up so will post more in a bit. X
LBB, what a nightmare!! Naughty doggy!!!

I had a big of an episode with my PND, I ended up having a screaming fit on the phone to Ian, I know I shouldn't take it out on him but I really needed to shout and cry! I just feel like he doesn't understand how I feel and how much effort I put into cleaning, cooking etc. I know he appreciates things and he is a brilliant hands on Dad but I just don't feel I know who I am anymore. Might sound stupid but I seem to have lost 'me' in amongst being a Mum, wife and general domestic goddess! I don't feel like I have any real time for me, Ian takes Hope as soon as he gets in from work and then all I seem to do is catch up on jobs etc!! Sorry for moaning etc I just want to feel me again!

:hugs: to you, Blob is spot on, you do get yourself back eventually!
It is a big shock but i think the first is the biggest shock of all, being able to do what you like going to not even being able to leave the house without a game plan!
I changed overnight from being 'Clare' to either Mummy or Jack's Mum, and that was it!
I had pnd with the first, and i am sure it all adds up, just hang on in there, look at your beautiful baby and know that you will feel better really soon, and that the first few months baby is most dependant on you so its the hardest to cope with all the changes and a new baby, things should ease soon.
Beautiful pic btw xx:hugs:

Emzy, It wasn't meant to be :hugs:

Genies, wow, good weights, obviously they are doing very well!!:hugs:

Sarah :hugs:

Ladyk, you don't do things by halves do you, even a shitty day!! Its like one of those cartoon scenes where someone steps on a rake, then back into a bucket, then trips over the hose etc!! Poor love, hope it's better today!:hugs:

Not a bad night for us, going to get hamster food today and see if i can spend some of my £50 boots voucher i got for christmas, i have to spend it on me, which i find really hard to do, the kids i would spend my last penny on totally guilt free but me even things i need i hate spending money on!:haha:
Then perhaps a coffee out, then back, usual house work to do, that's me for today, still looking and thinking about dh's birthday, did offer to take him to Liverpool fc for a match and tour but he didn't want me to book it, he is a really big Liverpool fan but i think it is all that travelling with 2 tinies on board, but i suppose as a Daddy he looses his way a bit too, especially since work has gone he is just a husband and Daddy, and at work he could boss people about, he was over quite a large team and he is one of those arrogant bosses I would have hated to work for him! Anyway his football perhaps would be a better thing to do when the children have left home, so only another 18 years or so!:haha:

Back later xx:hugs:
Hi again, Emzy sorry about the job but I'm a big believer in fate so I reckon there is something bigger and better out there for you.

Btp was also going to offer to make some cufflinks for your dh if there's enough time.

Off to the baby clinic later as Harry seems to have developed a rash over his tummy and arms. I mentioned it before and she said it was probably heat rash but it is still there despite using various creams and has spread to his arms and looks more dry and flakey.
Morning ladies

Thank you for all the :hugs: I feel a lot better this morning. I am also a great believer that everything happens for a reason. If I am honest, I had it in the back of my mind that I didn't want to get it as I didn't want to have to leave Holly with a childminder just yet, but I just thought that I had to apply for it as it's unlikely that something with such good hours will come up again. But you never know, there might be something even better like you all said :) I'm on maternity allowance until mid april so there is no great rush really. Just going to enjoy the rest of my maternity leave for now :)

Had a good night here, Holly went down at 9.30 with no fuss after a 10oz bottle!! She drained her usual 7oz in about 5 minutes so I did her another 3oz and she drained that and fell asleep! Hungry girl! And all this was after having a little bit of brocolli, cauliflower and mashed potato AND baby rice and apple at tea time!! She must be growing... again!! Anyway she slept til 8.00 with only one dummy run at 6am then Matt brought her into me at 8, where she went back to sleep until 8.45.

We're just trying to get the house sorted. It had got a bit cluttered and full of baby stuff, so after Matt did the bedroom last week, we've been going room to room sorting them out. We're giving the baby stuff we don't want (Holly's old playmat, some old bottles, her swing, etc) to Matt's pregnant friend at work soon, so that will be out of the way. It sounds silly, but I cried a bit putting the swing away! I can't believe she is almost too heavy for it, she's growing up so quickly! I would have liked to have kept the swing for number 2, but we really don't have anywhere to store it and like Matt said, it was 2nd hand to begin with so it'd be nice to buy a brand new one when the time comes.

Ooh fishy that sounds lovely staying in a hotel! I'd love to do that, but we're so skint at the moment. Matt's just filed his tax return for his freelance work and we now have a nice fat tax bill to pay :( Oooh I'd love to use a spa and have a facial and a massage right now! Could Harry's rash be eczema? Does it feel rough and is it red and flaky? Holly has dreadful eczema poor love. It really bothers her and she tries to scratch it. I use oilatum on it but it's losing its effect so I think we're going to have to go back to the doctors.

Genies your girls weights are fab!

Anyway Holly's just waking up from her nap so better get going x

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