September Stars

went into poundland today and they have sexy stockings!! No i didnt buy any lol!! x
aww LBB poor James. That's what happened to Holly, she had thrush at 6 weeks, had stuff for it but after a week there were still white patches in her mouth, so I took her back and the gp said it wasn't thrush it was milk (I knew it wasn't) and then took her back AGAIN only to be told AGAIN it wasn't thrush. Then she got that thrush rash on her bottom the other week and I took her to clinic and the HV said it was thrush! I told the HV about the white in the mouth and she said it probably never went to begin with and it's spread through her digestive system to her bottom! Grr! So she's had treatment again, but there are still 2 small white patches in her mouth so I'm going to take her to clinic next week to see what the HV says. I'm not taking her to the stupid GP!

Becs I so don't feel sexy and me and Matt have only had sex I think 4 times since Holly was born. Mostly because it hurt for ages afterwards and I kind of got put off as it felt like I was tearing again! But more recently because I just couldn't feel less sexy if I tried. I'm shattered and it's the last thing I think about. I feel bad as he has tried to initiate it a few times, but I always turn him down as I don't want to. I think I need to try and make a bit more of an effort with it, but feel as though something is stopping me if you know what I mean? Maybe things will change now Holly isn't in our bedroom!

Does anyone else still have to rock/cuddle their baby to sleep? Holly has started to self settle to sleep during the day for naps at home. I can put her in her cot with her dummy and a blanket and she will snuggle the blanket and fall asleep within 5- 10 mins, maybe with me putting the dummy in once or twice. At night however, she still wants cuddling and rocking. I had to walk round with her at baby group the other day to get her to sleep and everyone looked at me like I was mad... then I mentioned at my netmums meet that she still wanted rocking and they looked at me weird and said "really??" surely I'm not the only one?!? I'm really trying to get her to settle herself at night, but I don't see why it's such a problem to cuddle really? She sleeps for 10-12 hours at night, so it's not like I have to get up in the night to do it (not very often anyway!)

its terrible Emzy! James likes to be cuddled to sleep, a lot of the time he has a feed and goes off but some nights he just wants to go in his crib with the mobile on and goes off by himself! x
I have read everything and then I can't remember so I'm sorry if im missing stuff

Lbb I don't blame you for being cross poor little lad and you have been suffering for something the drs could have dealt with very bad practice !

Emzy I don't rock the girls to sleep but I know lots of people who do , dint let people make you feel odd what works for you is your business

Thanks for the comments about the girls weights!

Does anyone use those triangle shaped dribble bibs? And know where I can get some?
Hi ladies, quick one from me, have read but no time to reply to all!!

I'm not dead! Woop woop! It was touch and go yesterday! Suddenly, from feeling fine all day, went to the loo and it was just water (sorry tmi) and then it went from there... by last night I was being sick at least once an hour, it was green and frothy, and inbetween that I was sat on the loo, mostly crying!! Not felt so poorly for a long long time! Back to full heaalth now though, must have been a 24/36 hour thing! Thank god!! So pleased Lilia didn't have it! She spent most of yesterday crying so thought she had but i think in hindsight it was because I was useless and did barely anything with her!

Becs :hugs:

Me and Wayne only had sex twice before he went to Afghan since Lilia was born... I am hoping to make up for it during R&R!!

LBB - I would complain hun, but good you at last have a cause!

BTP and Fishy.... it's hush hush, but there is an offer for returning soldiers at DeVere hotels, £1 per room, i think for just one night, but I am allowed to invite 5 friends to take up the offer too, 3 are taken but i have two left, if you wanted to use the offer if there is a deVere hotel near you just say the word! Can't complain for £1!!!
Aww bless you Louise! Can't type much as on my phone whilst feeding but it's such a kind offer. Will have a look in the morning.

So glad you're feeling better. You poor thing having to go through that on your own. X
BTP - you made sense. The HV suggested the last feed with a view to filling her up so she's sleeps but I'll take your advice and try her on a bottle during the day and see if she will take it.

Cafferine - no she won't take a dummy - she treats it with the same disdain as a bottle - she has started sucking her thumb

Asher - Scarlett sleeps in her cot which is in our room, she can't see out of her cot though because of the airwrap. Last night she went down at 7pm, fed at 11.30 and 3.30. Then she woke at 5.40 as she had done a massive poo and wouldn't go back to sleep. Eventually she went back at 7am and is still down. I generally feed her in bed when she wakes in the night. I have taken her in the living room on occasion but because I have to have the lamp on it wakes her up. When she was 6ish weeks I took her in the living room to try and get her to cut out the 2am feed and it worked. After a while she stopped bothering to wake up but I've tried it again and it doesn't work. I wish Scarlett would fall asleep in bed with us but she won't - she doesn't like being between us even if I cuddle her. Mostly she has her feed and goes straight back to sleep - I have fallen asleep once or twice but I try hard not to as I'm worried about dropping her.

Genies - I've got Skibz and Dribble-ons - I bought them on Ebay

Becs - DH and I have only had sex a handful of times. I too used to have a high sex drive but it has disappeared. I'm trying to make an effort as I know sex is one of those things where generally the more you have it, the more you want it. But, I feel about as sexy as a dead fish at the moment and part of me is so sleep deprived I'd prefer to catch up on my sleep. Also, I'm sure I would be a lot keener if DH didn't keep doing things to annoy me!!! :rofl:
Louise, what a nasty bug!! We had that offer when Ian got back and it was fab!!!

Genies those dribble bibs are good, I know mothercare stock them but I got mine from ebay, alot cheaper!!

I am just about to get on with my chores, get Hope dressed, shower and dress myself and then nip into town before I go and see my friend!!! Hope had another good night, 8.30-7.30! That seems to be her sleeping pattern, its quite nice!! rude...i think you and your 5 friend orgy are on the wrong forum...;) hahahahaha!! (Sorry but thats all i thought of when you said you could invite 5 friends...:lol:)

I was going to say ebay for the dribble bibs too! ...talking of ebay i won a lil soft leather pair of shoes for James, brand new, for 50p!!!!! Bargain! x

Becs sounds like you are going to have a lovely relax and enjoy every moment hun! xx

Well im pleased to announce that...James slept!!!! woohoo!!!! He woke at 2:30 & 5:30 for a feed then 7 when the alarm went off he woke and had a small feed and he is still snoozing now!! I dont think the daktarin has started working yet so im thinking it must be the Karvol drops i popped on a bib and hung on his crib for his stuffy nose...they contain some essential oils to help them sleep which i didnt realise when i bought them! :) xx
Ohhhhhh cant believe i forgot to tell you about my bargain...went to boots and i keep seeing these make you own calender and they are like £8 and always thought they were cheaper from vistaprint anyway went boots yesterday and they have 90% off their Christmas stuff hat is lft and i got a self laminating desktop calender for 80p!!! I put my photo's in it and it has pride of place now :) would be nice for Wayne Louise xx
Good morning,

Louise, that's so kind of you, :hugs:will have a look and see if we have any nearish! xx Glad your bug was so quick, nasty though:sick:

Lbb, yay James slept, good boy! And great bargain, i got my mil one of those calenders, like a boasting calender for her! It was £4 which was half price, which i thought was fab, but 80P!! WOW! Shoes also a bargain, ebay is great, not really looked for ages, but dh got lots of monsoon dresses last year, they are just about to be passed to Rosie, Monsoon is too good not to use again!:hugs:

Mrsj, hope you get on with the feeding, change is usually easier daytime, less stressful xx:hugs:

I cuddle Rosie to sleep most nights, last night she really wouldn't settle, eventually she did with winnie the pooh blasting out, she really loves her winnie the poo projector, she touches the pictures on the front and knows how to set it off now by tapping the casing, it is great!

Sex, I wish!! :haha:I am loosing the weight, and with it my sex drive is coming back, I am looking at all the undies wishing dh would even notice! He has been on the xbox the last 3 nights in a row, we have dtd twice since Rosie was born, i instigated both:shrug:
I really don't get it, he is no longer looking at the unappropriatly undressed women on the net, and i have tried everything, i literally have to throw myself on him!
Basically there are no excuses, he has a very low sex drive, always has, but it is really much worse now, i wonder why i had my coil in sometimes!:shrug:

Got to go, busy sorting disco venue for dd's 8th bday disco, and shopping etc, manic, and just off to playgroup, and no make up on ahhhhhhhh must get ready first! Back later to hopefully catch up better! xxxxx:hugs:
I spoke too soon! It's back! My mum is on her way down to help me but will be about 3 hours... feel so poorly!

LBB so glad he slept!

Got to go toilet run
Emzy- Ollie has just started self soothing he slept at my Mams on Saturday and she just put him down in his travel cot and he was asleep within 5 minutes so I gave it a try on Sunday and he did the same so think it was Nannas magic touch that did it cos he is doing it every night now.
Thanks for all your virtual hugs.. I'm feeling a little better today, although I could do with some advice...

Izzy is still off it and is being very whiny.. she has been all week. I think she has a tummy bug or something. She LOVES her baby rice and breakfasts, and eats it all. But when it comes to her bottles, she only has about 3oz at a time. It's not cos she's not hungry... she wants it. But after about an oz her tummy rumbles (I can feel it) and she screams. It's like she has colic/trapped wind. I don't think it's the food/weaning, as it's only been this last week, and she's been eating bits for 4 weeks now (I haven't given her anything new while she's been ill). Her nappies are still wet, so she's not dehydrated. This morning she did a big poo, that was a little bit green.. but sometimes hers are.

The thing that's most noticeable is her clingyness. Usually she's more than happy to just play on her mat, and go to sleep on her own. But lately, she wants me ALL the time. MIL had her for an hour while we were at the gym last night and she just screamed, and I have to sing, walk and rock her LOADS during the day to get her to settle. She's usually such a smiley happy baby, and it's just not like her at all.

Any advice would be fab.. gonna post it in baby club too I think.

Becs - I deleted it from postnatal because I had a rethink about posting... Anyone can google it and i'd be recognisable from my pic. It did help to write it down tho. Hope you're feeling better - glad you had a nice time at signing. I find that the gym helps, i was in a right mood the other day and an hour at boxercise made me feel great.

:hugs: to Mrsj, hope Scarlett settles more soon.

Lbb - So glad James slept for you, hope the thrush clears up soon. It's awful - Izzy had it when loads I was BF.

Awww louise :hugs: hope you feel well soon.
Morning girls

aww Louise that's awful, I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

And lucky you laides going to DeVere hotels!! We have one in Bolton and it's part of the Reebok Stadium which is the Bolton Wanderers football ground. I used to organise conferences there a lot when I worked as a PA in the NHS. It's such a lovely hotel!

Optical not very helpful, but Holly has been the same on and off for about 6 weeks or so. I noticed she started squirming about a lot during bottles and refusing them from half way through. Then I noticed that whenever she does it she is struggling to fart! So now I give her half a bottle, wind her and if she's been squirming then give her a little break, maybe change her nappy then give her the rest. The HV told me to do this and it works most times. She said that it might be just the volume of liquid is too much all at once. Maybe that's what it is?

First bean, that's really good that Ollie is self settling now. Holly had been doing really well for her naps, but when I put her down this morning she screamed and screamed for half an hour. I kept going in and speaking to her, but stopped putting her dummy in as she was just spitting it out. Eventually she fell asleep and is still asleep now. I don't get how she can be fine some days and not others! Last night I tried to get her to self settle, but after 45 mins of screaming and putting her dummy in, etc I ended up picking her up and she fell asleep within about 2 minutes. It's so hard to commit to getting her to self settle when she falls asleep so easily with me, but I would really like it if she could. I guess it doesn't help that I quite like cuddling her to sleep! I think I need to pick a time and just commit to it, although I do not want to do cry it out, I don't like it. Any other suggestions? I've been putting her down in her sleeping bag and give her her blankie that she snuggles and put her dummy in. I've tried the mobile but she just gets over excited with it. The seahorse works sometimes but not others!

sounds exactly how James has been opti! How you r both feeling better soon!

Hv has just called as she didnt see me yesterday someone else did, she is happy for me to wait 2 weeks to get James weighed again she wants me to go next week again! She was saying because there is 'nothing to me' and im so active i need to eat more to get more calories! I eat loads tbh pasta bread meat choc crisps lol! What do you all suggest? Im going to post in breastfeeding section i think! X
emzy i really wouldnt worry about holly self settling soon we will be reading them a bedtime story so will go back to cuddling them in their bed anyway! X
thanks Becs do you have about 1 n a half stone spare im only 7st 11 lol x
I've got 3 and a half stone you can have! Free to good home! Can deliver today! lol

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