September Stars

Daisybell, poor little man, have you tried some infacol??
Becs someones mum said to me about Tabs that shes was going to be a 'true farmers wife' meaning fat :nope: just because she was eating solids early.

Congrats Boony

Awwww really sounds like refux, i wonder about Rosalie having mild reflux
Blob, everyone's an expert on your children!!! I am refusing to take notice and I think as parents we know our children better than anyone!!!
Becs someones mum said to me about Tabs that shes was going to be a 'true farmers wife' meaning fat :nope: just because she was eating solids early.

Oh my God!! How did you hold yourself back?!!!
Wasnt easy :nope: was on hv advice that i gave her food too :grr:
Daisybell that does sound like reflux. Holly has it and the poor love coughs and splutters and crys after a feed and was bringing a lot back up. The doc gave her Infant Gaviscon for in her bottles and it has really helped reduce how much she brings back up. I also feed her sitting up and try to keep her upright for 15-20 mins after a feed which also seems to help. I did prop up one end of her moses basket but she won't sleep in it anyway lol Hope the doctor/hv can help x

I took Holly for her 6-8 week check with the GP this morning and she's all fine and Dandy. I menioned that I'd been putting colief in her feeds and he has prescribed it instead as it's bloody expensive, £10 for a tiny bottle! Does seem to be helping though, she's not been crying anywhere near us much. So between that, gaviscon, infacol and switching her milk to cow and gate something seems to be working to reduce the crying!

Just got to wait for her jabs appointment now, I'm dreading those!! Mind you, after having to hold her at hospital while those incompetent doctors tried put a canula in her hand and made her bleed everywhere, I think it'll be ok lol grr I could have killed those doctors, she was only a week old and it turned out she shouldn't have even had a canula inserted grrr

Hoping for a better night sleep tonight. Although I did have a mini breakthrough and got her to settle in her carrycot in our room, the little tinker decided that 4am was a nice time to get up! She went back to sleep at 8am but then I had to get ready to take her to the doctors! Typical! She's been mega sleepy today as well. She just woke up and cried for her bottle so I made one up and now she's fallen asleep with it in her mouth after 1oz lol

Hope all you yummy mummies are well x
Anyone else still not registered their babies :dohh:
I've registered Tyler we did it in hospital on the tuesday afternoon at 1pm and by the time we got home on the wednesday the postman had delivered the full version it was very quick!!

Does anyone know how long you can keep expressed breastmilk for? Its taking Tyler ages just to take 60mls and i'm not sure how long its ok to keep it for?
Boony, I think it's 6 hours at room temp, 4 days in fridge and a month in freezer?
I believe you can keep breastmilk in the fridge for up to 3 days?
Better double check that somewhere. I'm pretty foggy these days!

Made it to the Zoo with Simon and Toby today.
Caught sight of myself in the mirror in the bathrooms and think I need to slap on some make-up. At least under my eyes. I looked so tired! :) Huge dark circles and bags!

Ah well.

Simon is now having a resist-a-nap. That means he is in his crib playing and yelling loudly.
I don't care.
He will stay in there until my nap is finished! Mean mummy!
Hi mummies! I'm typing one handed as usual, but not because I'm feeding... I think I've got an infection in my finger so I'm soaking it in warm salt water!! Hee hee!

Congrats Boony and well done!

I had loads to say and it's all gone now. Grrrrr.
What happened Asher??

Im typing one handed also:haha:

Sarah when i put Tabs in time out its like a little relief << mean mummy
Blob I don't know. I thought maybe I had bitten my nail and pulled a bit of skin off, but I'm not sure. It's super swollen around the nail bed but I can't seem to squeeze anything out, sorry if TMI!! I am salt water soaking it 3 times a day. It's throbbing! Ouchio!

I love my big boys sooo much, but boy, am I glad when they go to bed. I can cope with Sam and his feeding, just like the quiet of it when they're not chasing around and fighting!!
Good eveing everyone :)

Boony Congratulations on the birth of Tyler Jack! I think you can keep EBM 6 hours at room temp and 4 days at the very back of the fridge - double check though.

Becs0375 Well a big fat "pfffffffffffffft" to your midwife. Surely they wouldnt sell hungry baby milk if it promoted obesity in children? haha silly woman! If Hope is happy then thats the main thing!

Daisybell Sorry to hear Ollie has been having a rough time of it aswell :( our poor September stars! Coming into the world when its cold aswell - bless them all! Hopefully the HV and docs will make him feel better!

Emzywemzy Glad to hear your mixture of gaviscon and everything is helping Holly and what a lovely doctor putting the colief on prescription for you! Hmm the dreaded jabs!! Not looking forward to those either!

Well Roxy has been very settled today as oposed to yesterdays shenanigans! She's only had a few outbursts and one of those was in the bath - which was rather shocking as she normally loves bath time :( she got a terrible heat rash when we were waiting in the hospital which looks so nasty! She's alot perkier in herself though, which Im really chuffed about! My lovely midwife came to see me today as she was told Roxy had been in hospital - shes so lovely =) we ended up chatting for an hour about everything, she loves coming to mine as she can just chill out, which is really nice! She was chatting away to the DH aswell about working in hospitals etc. She's also put my name forward to go through training to be a breastfeeding counsellor =) so im sooooo excited! Its awaiting funding opportunities though - but hey! Im on the list of 2 people! Yay! Anyhow, its getting late now, so im going to sort out Roxy's bottles and off to bed we go to relax and watch a film!

Hope all you lovely ladies are feeling good this evening :)

I had an almost 3-hour nap this afternoon.
I seriously could have slept right through to tomorrow morning, but I had to eat, too! The BFing has given me the crazy teenage boy appetite again.
I'm heading to bed in a few minutes, though.
hi all just t let u know i've added my birth story to the birth story section if anyone fancies a read! will catch up properly later when i've not got a baby on boob!! x x

Asher, that sounds ouchy!!!!!

Stmw, glad Roxy is getting better, bless her xx

We had a good night, 4 hourly feeds although we did end up putting her in bed with us as she was wide awake!! The hungry baby formula is deffo working and she is so much more content and thats got to be a good thing! Me on the other hand I am all snotty still and got phlegm all on my chest, my head is pounding, feels like I have flu!! Nevermind, you can't be ill when you are a Mum!!! We are off out to pick up Hope's baby swing!!
Becs hope you feel better soon!

Asher I hope your finger infection gets better too x

We had a good night last night. Holly slept in bed with me again and Matt in the nusery and she slept from 12 til 5.30, had a feed then slept 6 til 9. She seems to like sleeping in bed with me although I don't really want to keep doing it for long as I like sleeping in bed with Matt but I'm too scared we will squash her with two of us in the bed (neither of us are very small lol) We're going to try and bring the cot into our room and get rid of the moses into the loft as she doesn't like it anyway. Then I'm going to see if I can take the side off the cot and put it on my side of the bed so she thinks she is still in bed with me! We'll see if it works!

After all that good sleep, she cried pretty much all morning though. She seemed crabby and sounded like she had a sore throat when she was crying, like she was losing her voice poor love. I gave her some of the paracetamol stuff the doctor gave us when she had the virus and she had a feed and has gone off to sleep for a nap now, so I think it has helped. All these poor poorly babies being born into the month where everyone gets coughs and colds! Bless them.

My friend rang to book us onto the baby massage course, but there is an 8 week wait! Still it's actually worked out ok, as the baby group I'm going to are running new parent classes for 8 weeks and that's on the same day, so we're going to go to those then start the baby massage classes afterwards.

Me and Matt had a massive row last night. I was really crabby as I was so tired after being up at 4am and he's been really stressed at work this week as he's been covering for the operations manager for 2 weeks and has had no end of problems to deal with. He ended up saying I was always grumpy and tired and it wouldn't hurt me to be cheerful once in a while and I freaked out, saying what do you expect when I am up and down like a yo yo every night of the week and running around trying to keep the house nice as well as look after a baby. I had a go at him as he's always going on about how tired he is, but I'm the one who is up every night and he seems to want a medal for doing the night feeds once a week. I think all Holly's crying (because of the colic, she crys pretty much from when he gets in from work til bed time) really got to both of us and we ended up taking it out on each other. We made up in the end though, but I was still a bit mad about it this morning to be honest. I just don't think he quite understands just how hard it is to look after a baby all day and night and to never be off duty. The thing is, even when he looks after her of an evening when I go for a shower, etc he can't seem to do it on his own, always asking where is this or that, or what shall I do with such or other... and he's being doing annoying things like leaving his breakfast dishes on the side and not feeding the cat in the morning. Things like that wouldn't normally annoy me but they are at the moment!

Sorry that's turned into a bit of a rant! Needed to get that off my chest! He's actually normally really good and I am really lucky, but things have just seemed a bit strained this last couple of weeks. I'm hoping for a nice weekend together this weekend x
Emma, sounds like Matt could do with a day in your shoes to see how hard it actually is. I am sure some men think all you have to do is feed and change a baby and the rest of the time all they do is sleep, urm no its not that simple!! I am so glad that Ian has seen how things are going to be for me when he goes back to work!! Lack of sleep is awful and really makes you so ratty!!!

We picked up Hope's swing and she loves it, Ian calls it a magic chair!!!! We had a nice time and even managed to have some lunch out!! Just made some soup for tea, feeling ok but still feel wiped out!!

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