September Stars

Just logging on quickly whilst I've got 5 minutes!! DH has popped out to Aldi, I've just got all the kids dressed and made myself a quick brew!

Young mummy, sorry to hear about your week. Not good. Your MIL sounds like a destructive lady! I hope Kimi is much better today, that must have really scared you. How are things today? :hugs:

Blob, go you!! That is a lot of posts!!!

Jayne, that did make me laugh about your OH weird noise. I hope you manage to catch up on some sleep today.

We've got the usual busy Sunday today. Dogs to walk, bit of cleaning to do. Going for a swim later, am looking forward to it. I like busy Sundays! Gonna have sausage, egg, bacon, beans when DH gets back, Jack's excited about that!
On another note, I am sick of us all passing this cold round. I am the one with it most of the time cos I give everyone the cuddles to make them feel better!! I think the BFing lowers my immunity, cos I felt like this when I was BFing Jack too. I think I may have got some water trapped in my right ear a while ago when I was swimming, and I need some antibiotics now. My ear is itchy and my neck's a bit sore. Got a couple of enlarged lymph nodes too, so I'm gonna get a docs appointment this week to get myself sorted for a change instead of looking after the others!

Gotta go, little legs is shouting! Be back later! x
I want to go to ladyk's and do the wall myself!! I can do loads having been married to mr 'i can do anything' we build 2 bedrooms, moved a bathroom, knocked down a wall, you get the gist!
I changed the locks when i moved in with my now dh, who cant change a light bulb (seriously he just looked nice) :haha:
I tiled the bathroom, as the bath was not totally enclosed so i tiled it!
I am a diy'er given the chance and time, but they are both in short supply! The trick is not to be put off, anything is possible, and also don't attempt a job without the right tools, never good, and one thing i do constantly! :dohh:

Well I gabble, I am a bit annoyed i looked on history today as i have done now for months, and for the first time since 24th Dec I have smut in history, :cry: I am saying nothing as it was for literally 1 minute and i am thinking he is testing the waters to see if i notice so he can say he clicked on it by mistake and went straight out, will watch it and see, but it is at a point again where i could dance naked covered in chocolate and marshmallows and he would ask me to get out the way of the tv and put the kettle on:haha:

Got to go but back later xx:hugs:
hello ladies!

Well, I feel human again, thank goodness! I have been reading but not able to post really, so just quickly while I remember:

YM :hugs: I agree with the others, stay with your mum until YOU feel ready, I think your MIL sounds horrible :(

Asher, hope you feel better soon!

Fishy, sorry your weekend didn't go as planned :( Moan at us all you want hun!

Can't remember any more sorry!

Lilia has started fighting sleep at 'nap times' (not that we have times as such!) She used to get tired, if she was on her mat as she usually likes to be, she would whinge for a dummy, then put her hands in front of her eyes and go to sleep! Not always first time, but generally it was that easy.... now she's fighting sleep and needs me to either sit next to her, hold her (but only sitting up! Not laying down as she knows it makes her go to sleep! but sitting up she thinks she won't...then falls asleep anyway!) or put her in her chair.. anyone else's baby starting to fight sleep during the day? She has never had much during the day anyway, most days half an hour nap altogether, but she needs little power naps to perk her up!

Also, because she doesn't have a nap after her second to last bottle of the day, only after the first two, she is sooooooooooooooooo tired by bedtime that she gets really wound up! Last night she was crying and screaming because she was so tired, also a bit hungry, by 6.15! I ended up feeding her only 2 hours after her last bottle, she fell asleep on it and was in bed asleep by 7pm, this seems to be how things are going at the moment, should I be encouraging her to sleep after her 3rd bottle? As I think she's more tired than hungry? or just leave it and enjoy easy early bedtime?!
Btp im a bit of a diy godess too :lol: Chris n i renovated our whole house and i helped fit the kitchen, smashed plaster off walls, raised a ceiling on the stairs which, laid bricks, fitted new bathroom suite, painted, wallpapered and so on! I did enjoy it but couldnt do it again! X

Asher it is awful im going to have to record it lol x

Louise James is getting a bit like that in the day, he has started to fight his early evening sleep downstairs to so im going to start putting him to bed at 8ish i think! X

oh yes...James and i have just woken up! Think its catching up with him now x
Thanks ladies!!

Kimi is nooo better...not holding down anything at all at the minute and is very listless and just wants to cry all the time :( back to the doctors tomorrow.

My MIL was fine until Kimi came along and since then she has been a nightmare... my OH agrees with me that she was wrong for what she said about me and agrees with me about her not having Kimi again until I get an apology....

I'm absoloutely shattered as she is not at a loss at what to do!!! :(

Will catch up later when I haven't got a sleeping bubba on me!!!
Louise JJ only has two naps usually during the day and just recently we've had to bring his night time forward as he was shattered by 7.30pm. We now have his bottle ready for six and in bed by 6.30 ish. He's stopped the crying when putting him to bed now so think he was upset at wanting to sleep .

Lbb oh please do record it

F&C sorry your weekend didn't go to plan, I'm sure oh still appreciated the thought xx

JJ was up every hour last night as he couldn't breathe and for once DH dealt with it the whole night, bless him he's just cooked Sunday roast and looks completely whacked..... Hoping he has a better week this week
Ym - hope Kimi feels better soon , and glad your other half agrees with you about the mil xx
Louise - Bizarrely DH and I were talking about nap times when I read your post. Scarlett is doing exactly the same. Thoroughly fighting sleep even when she's so tired she is rubbing her eyes and they are all red. Also, the slightest noise seems to startle her almost like it did when she was a new born. I was annoyed yesterday as she was falling asleep in my arms when my best-friend was here. Just as was drifting off my friend started talking really loudly and it woke her up again. Grrrr - it wasn't my friend's fault but that's how easily Scarlett is woken at nap time. I think it must be a stage they go through? Scarlett's teeth are causing loads of problems at the moment and they are definitely contributing to her general grumpiness and lack of naps. Not much I can advise really as I'm having the same problems. Apparently the earlier bedtime is called "sleep consolidation" and the theory is that babies that used to go to bed at 9/10pm start going down around 7pm. Scarlett has been doing this for a while which is nice as we get our evenings back but I have to give her a dream feed around 10.30-11 which sees her through until about 3am. Then if I am lucky she goes back down to 6.30-7am. I have been trying (and failing) to get her to take a formula feed with the intention of the late feed being a bottle her dad can give to her. But, she adamantly won't take a bottle however hungry she is and no matter what time of the day we try her. It's getting me down a bit as I'm starting to feel trapped by the BF, her taking one bottle a day would make the world of difference to me. My latest ploy is to mix her baby rice with some formula in the hope she will grow to like the taste.

Sorry can't remember what else I've read. I will be back later....

We used to put the mobile on to settle her but now we wrap her and walk her for a bit, we also kiss her which makes her eyes shut and normally keeps they closed and once they close she pretty much will go to sleep. We want her to start settling herself to sleep now but we give in too quickly and end up walking her.

BTP- honey if your ever down this way let me i told hubby what you said about it not causing any damage if we took it down, and your right it wouldnt i guess we were worried about it causing damage. no electric need to be moved but we would have to keep the light which sits directly in the middle of the room on Jakes side of the partition. The only other problem would be knowing where you can nail on the ceiling, there are wooden slates and we wouldnt know where they were, i guess its a matter of banging nails in until we find it and it should run in a line to the center of the ceiling. Im just worried about partitioning it and losing all that "play" space. from your experince is it more important they have their own room or for them to have room to play in ? We are going to put up some dust sheets and pin them up so we can see what it would look like and how dark it would be, and also to get Jake used to the size difference... xP.s i almost wet myself at the "he just looked nice" comment......

Young mummy- sorry to hear Kimi isnt any better, poor little thing, give her a huge kiss from me x
Harry also resists naps but tbh he always has done. Now he's starting to resist bedtime which he hasn't done for months.

YM, so glad to hear that your otherhalf is being supportive of the situation.

Harry has been so strange this weekend (part of the reason why our weekend was ruined). He isn't sleeping well and is really irritable. He has a bit of nappy rash today but only a little bit so I'm not convinced that is the problem. I guess it could be more teeth on the way? I'm currently listening to him crying on the monitor.. such a beautiful sound.. grr.

Here's my big rant so feel free to skip!

So our lovely weekend was a bit of a disaster! We set off for Brighton and all was good. Then Harry woke up after only 30 mins and then wouldn't stop crying so we pulled over and changed his nappy. All was good for a bit but then he was off again. My dh was close to screaming as we were stuck in traffic (Brighton is a nightmare for traffic!) and Harry wouldn't stop. So I pulled over and fed him. He was quiet then for a bit, then cried a little bit before finally falling asleep.

Then we got to the hotel and went to park the car on the 6th floor which is where we were told to. Traffic all the way up to the 6th floor so this took ages. Parked and unloaded only to find out that the lifts were broken so there was no way down other than via the ramps for the cars.. not so safe with a pushchair.

The hotel was lovely! Phew!

We went for lunch and then for the 'lovely' walk that I had envisaged. There were gale force winds and rain and the place was full of chavs who kept smoking by Harry and chucking their fag butts on the floor. We gave up with our walk and headed back. My dh then fell asleep as he was knackered so I entertained Harry for a bit.

Then dinner time.. I had booked a table at the hotel so that Harry could be asleep in our room and we could take the monitor down with us. Well the monitor was out of range so we had to go back to the room which meant we had to order room service and eat the food off our laps on the bed. Harry couldn't sleep through this so was awake the whole time. He then couldn't get to sleep and cried until almost midnight. Cue my dh nearly screaming again.

He woke up once or twice but we woke up more frequently as it appears our hotel was in a night out hot spot for chavs. We heard all sorts of lovely shouts and chants all night... oh and the room was baking hot.

Today we gave up and headed home immediately. Harry hasn't stopped crying all blimen day.

oh fishy u poor thing!! Its awful when they cry like that D sounds like Chris with the ready to scream moments...but i think that puts you more on edge and makes you stress more! Grrrr bloody men they just dont understand!!! :hugs: xx
Oh fishy that's so typical isn't it! The road into Brighton is a nightmare isn't it !

We received our necklace and cufflinks on Saturday and we love love love them we have shown loads of people and one friends dh will be contacting you soon for a hand pack !

I'll try to take a photo for you ladies to see the lovely things sol solis made for us !

Thanks Ann xx
Poor Fishy, what a disaster, it takes some to take babies away, and you have to make no plans or they will just go to ruin!
Better luck next time hun, and make sure you do it again, it will be fine. it's just because your little man was a bit grumpy.
You learn each time what not to do and take it on board with the next trip! :hugs:xx

BTP- honey if your ever down this way let me i told hubby what you said about it not causing any damage if we took it down, and your right it wouldnt i guess we were worried about it causing damage. no electric need to be moved but we would have to keep the light which sits directly in the middle of the room on Jakes side of the partition. The only other problem would be knowing where you can nail on the ceiling, there are wooden slates and we wouldnt know where they were, i guess its a matter of banging nails in until we find it and it should run in a line to the center of the ceiling. Im just worried about partitioning it and losing all that "play" space. from your experince is it more important they have their own room or for them to have room to play in ? We are going to put up some dust sheets and pin them up so we can see what it would look like and how dark it would be, and also to get Jake used to the size difference... xP.s i almost wet myself at the "he just looked nice" comment......


How about if find out for you exactly (step by step) how to DIY from what wood you would need, plaster board etc, what nails, you may find you just put a piece of wood up as a support along the ceiling and the partition goes on that, when it comes down you just fill in all the holes with a filler and your done.
Light you can use a pretty lamp so like you say Jake keeps the main light.
You could even run an extention lead with extra sockets on under the partition so you have sockets in that room.
As for space, we have had lots of things over the years! Tbh bedroom wise all they need is a bed! They do need some personal space but the bed can be that, anything on our kids beds are sacred to them and MUST NOT BE TOUCHED BY ANYONE ELSE!! (even Mummy!)
I think with Jake because they are different sex and there is a good age gap between them the division is a good idea, he will need his own space more because their interests are going to be totally different, and because its nice to have pink and blue!
Can ask my ex who is amazing at things like that, get him to make up a
shopping list and how to instructions and see if you feel a little more confident for you and dh to tackle it together then, would that be any good for you?

Anyway, been rushing round like a nutter today, done shopping, ironing, washing (with a machine that wont spin and looks like its toss up between repair man or a new one!) washing up, cooked roast dinner, and my dh has stayed in bed all day, because 'he was tired' Mmm poor love :shrug:

Hope everyone ok, and we have a few sleepy babies tonight! :hugs::kiss:
Lady K dont know why i didnt think before my DF is a joiner and we did a stud wall in this house hehe...

3" x 2" wood for your frame
Sheets of plasterboard bigger the better as it takes less time :hehe:
we used drywall screws to screw the boards onto the frame as it was more efficient than the plasterboard nails! x

Im sure you dont have a change to council tax until you come to sell your house :) x

BTP so sorry not managed to get into town this weekend for the sleepsack but hoping to jump on the bus and go in the week! x
MrsJ - I found a bottle today that Olivia will take !!!! Their apparently new and called a Tommee Tippee Tip it up. Their from 4 months plus and Asda currently have them in the baby event for £1.

Because of the lip touch technology the baby doesnt need to suck, by just putting their mouth to it they get drink out. I gave it to Olivia on friday night and she is now taking 4ozs of boiled water in it a day easily ! If you havent got an asda nearby let me know and I could pick up a couple for you as I only live 2 mins away from one. HTH. xx
Aw Fishy, sorry to hear your lovely night away didn't go as planned! Poor Harry too, he must be out of sorts the little chap. Did your DH at least appreciate the amount of effort you put in to try and make it a special night for you both? Hope so. x

YM, sorry to hear Kimi's still poorly. x

Argh, BTP!! So he was tired? How does he think you feel?!! Men!! We love em but they drive us mad!!!!

After me moaning, DH went out today to Morrisons to do some shopping, and what did he come back with?....... hold up stockings. Okay, so I was pleased he had made the effort but I knew that was it, and my time wouldn't be my own tonight until he got some!! Grrrrrrrr.

DH and I made gnocchi tonight! We made them together and then roasted them so they're like super mini roast potatoes! Fab!!
I feel the worst mum.... Thought JJ was due his injections this thursday, just checked my diary and it was Thursday just gone...... With starting college and DH work announcing the site closing it completely slipped my mind. I feel so guilty.

Also JJ today has been crying and scratching his neck where he has his rash (still looks bad), he got sooooo upset so decided we need to take him to the docs to get checked out and hopefully give him something for it. I hate it when he's upset it's so unlike him

Asher you made me laugh with oh and the stockings
awww Asher bless him...what r u like!! My df seems to go through phases some weeks its every night he wants it then others he will go without...the other night he was attempting and i was just so tired with all the wake ups from James that i was so pleased that James woke haha x
jelly i did the same and i was even in the building having him weighed!!! lol x

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