September Stars

Thanks Jelly and Jayne, glad I gave you a giggle!! He's incorrigable! (if that's the spelling...).... he said I should be glad I'm "still fit"!!!

Aw Jelly, I wouldn't worry too much about the jabs thing, just think, if he'd been poorly, you'd have missed it anyway. There's no problem putting the jabs back a wee while. Don't feel guilty. xx

Jayne, you made me laugh..... we must be desperate to get out of sex that we're glad when the baby wakes up ha ha!!!!! x
YM :hugs: poor kimi :hugs: I really hope she gets better soon hon thats awful.

I quite enjoy DIY I paint all the rooms have grouted our whole house (my fingers were raw from all the lime :nope:) Have wallpapered and tiled...but I have found with children its MUCH harder :haha:

Apparently our babies are about to learn some new things... I will write a passage from the book. Basically it says that when our babies are about to take another leap forward they all become more difficult, refusing naps, food, crying etc etc. The one thats coming up is distance I think pretty much that they cant see distances yet so when they start to be able to they realise how small they are in this world and it freaks them out :nope: Makes me want to cuddle Rosalie up must be pretty scary for them all these new things....
funnily enough df made James really really sob today...when he sneezed!!! x
Jelly :lol: Rosalie was meant to have her second jabs before christmas and I only remembered two weeks ago :dohh: Dont worry just happens and really there is no reason other than ease on HV parts to get them done so early...

Kara we have ours up in a room that we will want the divide down at some point :thumbup: Its really really not hard to do.

Fishy :hugs: :hugs: our holidays with Tabs were just like that was awful, how long until they are old enough to give us time on our own again :haha:
Also will be sending you an email about getting handprints done for my girlies :cloud9:
YM, how is Kimi today?

LBB, it's so hard when you are worrying about your oh as well as the screaming baby isn't it? D is training for the London marathon so he is constantly tired from his training which isn't helping his nerves.

GG, yey!! So pleased you like them. Are you happy with the size of the necklace? Thanks for giving us another potential order!!

Thanks BTP, it was a bit scary going away for the first time and we've certainly learnt a few dos and don'ts for next time!!

Laura, a friend of mine was suggesting that bottle just the other day. Apparently it's a good combination of bottle and cup. I am also planning it to give it a go. I hope it works as we have a whole cupboard full of varying bottles now!! Like LBB says, hopefully they will be useful for the next baby though!

Asher, yes my dh was very grateful, particularly on the Sunday. I think he felt really bad for me. Harry woke up at 6am on the Sunday after going to bed at midnight and waking several times (he usually sleeps 11-12 hours at night!!) so I walked Harry around the hotel for several hours so that my dh could catch up on some sleep. I think he appreciated that the most. I then cooked us some nice cookies using Louise's recipe. Today he looked after Harry whilst he got ready for work as a thank you which was lovely! It gave me an extra 30 mins in bed.. lovely!

LOL re the hold up stockings!! Did they look nice?!! he he!

JC, don't feel bad hun. Also re the rash, Harry has the same on his tummy although I think it's possibly going. If not, I'm going to call the doctors tomorrow as I feel so bad for him.

Blob that extract is really interesting. Harry has suddenly become more clingy and gets easily scared now which he was never like before. I have noticed him taking in the world a bit more so that now makes complete sense. I've also read that they have so much going on in their brains right now that they find it hard to shut down and go to sleep.

Woo hoo to you wanting a handprint kit! Let me know when you want it and what you're after and I'll post them out right away.

We are so excited as a children's shop is opening up near us and they want to stock our jewellery!!! If it takes off, it's quite possible that I could do this as my job! I then won't have to leave Harry at a nursery.. although I might book him in for at least one day to socialise him and also give me a day 'off'.

We stupidly decided to try controlled crying last night. We thought as Harry was so overtired that he might go down easily... ha ha ha!! NOPE! We gave up after an hour and a half and we both feel so upset by it. I don't think I can do that again.

Oh.. Becs.. we have received your necklace! We plan to change the jump ring but also solder it shut for extra security. We will also give it a nice polish so that it's looking nice and new. I will let you know when we send it out but it shouldn't take us long. xxx
:hugs: to Young Mummy. It must be so hard, but Mums are there no matter how old we are to take care of us! I'm 30 and still turn to her!
Fishy it sounds like a right fiasco, sorry it didn't turn out better. :flower: I was just wondering what items of jewellery you do as its DF b'day next month and was thinking of something from Riley.
Asher- my DF wants it all the time, and he likes me to 'look nice' if you get what I mean! I just wish I felt sexier and it doesn't help that I am so sleep deprived. I just want to go to bed to sleep! :haha:

I am loving the age of Riley at the moment. He is so inquisitive of everything. His new thing is to grab anything in his reach which includes the dogs fur :haha: poor little thing! He is rolling over and over so can now get places which is great but requires constant attention! He can sit up for a few minutes which is fab, but not when he is in his bouncer as last week he fell out :blush: Obviously not far and he didn't hurt himself but still I felt bad!
Oh and there is a tiny white dot on his gum...I guess that he is getting teeth. He has not been grumpy or anything so FX'd he takes them well.
Still not sleeping at all at night. He wakes every few hours- any ideas ladies?

On a different note, tomorrow I am having my wisdom tooth out at 8.30am...a rubbish start to any day! And next week I am back at colposcopy because my smear test still reveals abnormal cells- this is 6yrs ongoing with treatment and it is getting on my nerves. :nope: Maybe this time it will be good news.

Does anyone live in Kent area, M25 way really. I would love to meet up with some mums if anyone is interested. I do drive and so can travel.

Too early for my brain to be fully in gear so I will catch up later. xxx
Morning girls

Not been on all weekend and you've all been chatting loads! Have been peeking in on my phone but can't remember everything.

Fishy so sorry to hear about your weekend away, isn't it just typical? Sorry it didn't turn out how you hoped. There's always next time! And fab news about the shop!!! How great if you could do it full time!

Can't remember who said about fighting naps, but Holly has been really fighting her sleep again lately. It's so stressful! She won't go to sleep if left alone and cries but screams if she's picked up too, every nap time is horrendous. I'm finding that she can only stay awake for a max of 2 hours, so I keep an eye out at around the 2 hour mark and as soon as she rubs her eyes or yawns I pick her up and give her her dummy. Occasionally she's just drop off if I catch her at the right time.

I don't know what's going on this last couple of days! She's gone from having a fab routine of going to bed between 8.30 and 9 and getting up between 7.30 and 8 the next day, but the last few days she's been refusing to go to bed until late again then waking up every half an hour to an hour crying. Well I say waking up, she's actually still asleep but crying in her sleep for her dummy. It's exhausting, I'm up and down all night. On friday night she slept for 12.5 hours... but cried in her sleep every hour. Cue us jumping up and down all night. Saturday night she didn't go to sleep til late, about 11 I think and Matt said she cried every hour/half and hour for her dummy til 8.30 (he turned the monitor down and got up every time so I could sleep). Last night we put her to bed at 9pm but she woke up after 20 mins then wouldn't go back to sleep until 11 something. She then cried every 30 mins for her dummy before fully waking up at 3.30 and refusing to go back to sleep. I eventually got her back to sleep by laying on the spare room bed with her then transferring her to her cot. I think this was about 5am and she slept til 8.45 then. She's been doing this all weekend and I don't understand why! She's not hungry, she doesn't even seem particularly awake, I think she just drops her dummy and wants it but she's never been bothered before. She used to go to sleep with her dummy and drop it once asleep then I'd pop it in perhaps once in the early hours. I hope it's just a phase as I'm shattered!

Blob I read something similar about waking up/refusing naps/refusing feeds etc when they hit a developmental milestone. Funny enough I said to Matt that I noticed that Holly can see much further away now. She was on her mat on the living room floor and she could see me pulling faces at her from the top of the stairs! She's changing so quickly now, so I think that's why she's waking up a lot and stuff. Just this last week she can all of a sudden do a lot more stuff! She can now stand up holding onto the sofa! I've attached a pic of her doing that. She can very nearly sit unaided now too. Her aim and grab has become a lot better as well and she keeps swiping food off people when they are eating! I can't believe she will be 6 months old next week!!

Anyway she's starting to grizzle, back later x


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Good Morning!

Well I was a bit grumpy last night after a busy day, and really not feeling up to anything but sleep, but for the first time in about 4 years dh instigated sex, :shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:and i wasn't turning him down based on the 4 year wait:rofl:

Teeny, I really love this stage too, then i love all stages, the being more responsive is so lovely, Rosie grabbed my phone today, and i was saying to dh, look she's got my phone like it amazing!!:haha:
Good Luck with the tooth, one thing at a time! I hate having any more than 1 thing to think about! At least the discomfort will go once the tooth has gone.
Hoping the doctors is good news, my friend had this and after one time of treatment her smears have been normal since, at least you are up to date with your checks that is really important :hugs:

Fishy that is fantastic news about the shop, it would be great if you could make it your job and not have to leave Harry at nursery.
We were going to put Sophie in a nursery this year but she has turned 3 and we are no closer to letting her go because we love having her about, we take her to a toddler group which she loves, and I must admit I took my other daughter out of nursery before she started school so i could spend time with her, school starts all too soon :nope:

Lilbumpblue, aww how sweet, Rosie has cried when dh coughed, poor babies, I was only saying last night how amazing they were considering they have only been here 4-5 months how aware they are, Rosie finds things funny and it amazes me they know when something is funny so soon!:cloud9:
Thanks for looking for the sleep sack for me, just let me know if you manage to get one. thanks xx:hugs:

Jelly, wouldn't worry about the jabs, just get another appointment, Rosies are due soon but because we missed one lot theise have come round too soon after the last, i want to leave it the month between them, and its only been 2 weeks:hugs:

Asher, so funny how different we all are with dh's and sex, there's me jumping through hoops for it!! I will be dressed up in everything and anything sexy on valentines day in the hope i can seduce him:haha:

Got to go, big waves to everyone, catch up bit more later,
Wow Emzy, she seems so grown up! Harry is getting frustrated as wants to do things but can't yet.

Teeny, we are in Bucks near the M25 so we could always meet half way? I guess it would take us 45 mins traffic permitting. Re the jewellery, we can do most things if you have something in mind? My dh wants a necklace for himself but we can do cufflinks or a keyring?

I was meant to say also good luck at the doctor's. I hope it's nothing to worry about. C
Wow Emzy, she seems so grown up! Harry is getting frustrated as wants to do things but can't yet.

Teeny, we are in Bucks near the M25 so we could always meet half way? I guess it would take us 45 mins traffic permitting. Re the jewellery, we can do most things if you have something in mind? My dh wants a necklace for himself but we can do cufflinks or a keyring?


A keyring sounds nice, may I ask the prices? Meeting up sounds great, perhaps we could rally some others too? :thumbup:
Teeny I used to live in Dartford!My Mum and Dad still live there. Where are you? Maybe next time I'm down visiting my parents we could meet? Maybe at Bluewater or something? I don't have a trip planned but I'm sure it won't be long before we take a trip x
Oh and I meant to say good luck at the docs. My friend has had the same thing and has been in and out of the hospital because of abnormal cells. Hope it gets sorted for you soon x
There are different sizes available. Currently we are offering a 10% discount until Mother's Day but before discounts the prices are:

Medium: £40
Large: £45
+ £6.50 postage

This includes the inkless wipe kit for the prints so it's cheaper if you don't need the kit ie you take the prints using paint or have them already. Also if we meet then we may not need to post it to you!

Where is half way? Surrey?

Anyone else up for meeting? X
good morning ladies...

Btp woohoo! Was going to try and get into town today but its so windy here that it May blow James away in his pram it actually sounds like my roof is going to blow off! Lol x

teeny lovely pic of you and riley he is so cute he looks about the same size as James what weight is he now? Good luck with your appointments hun x

James has been doing that last night emzy, still asleep but moaning and pulling his ears they dont look red so i think its those teeth moving again! X
there is a map you can use where everyone can pin where they live onto it il try and find how to do it! X
ooh yay! so next time I'm down there I'll give you both a shout and we could meet! How exciting.

Lbb it's so windy here today too! I was also going to go to town but I think I might actually blow away with the pram so I'm staying in!! Holly has been pulling on her ears as well. They don't look red but she does have eczema around her ears so I assume it's that. Could be toothy pegs again, she's had one that's a tiny bit through the gum for ages and ages and it won't pop through!
emzy when fishy is next at the in laws in stoke we are going to arrange a visit to a ball pit somewhere. You ought to visit ur in laws at the same time and come with us! Everyone else is welcome too! X

Btp where do you live? X

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