September Stars

Cafferine we got married in end of July it was hottest day of year ! But that was ten years ago , I was child bride he he !

Thanks Lbb !

I've made a beef and guineas stew for tea the house smells yummy !
Food, as has been said, microwave but check cool b4 feeding, or bowl in hot water to melt and heat xx

Best month to get married, going to say....July? No month is sure for good weather though so i got married in November!:haha:

Emzy, sounds like a poorly tummy! Poor baby girl :hugs:

Becs, nice to 'see' you hun, you domestic goddess you :hugs:

FB, Impressive weight gain, well done Ollie xx

F&C, Ebay is not too bad, the finishing fees sting, but if you list on their you can have ways to keep cost down, like listing one item on a long listing with more than one available so you are only paying for one listing, not sure how dh does it but he sometimes sells his old xbox games and has just found this out. You put it on a buy it now price for like a month, lots of the buisness people do it like that xx:hugs:

I went out to the neighbours today, took 2 loads of washing with me!! She has 2 little girls, so I took Sophie to play and Rosie is attached to me all the time anyway! It was nice to get out tbh, and this week i am going to start to clear the attic, i have decided a few hours a day up there to box stuff up to sell, bin, charity or keep, i think it will take weeks if i am honest but it wont hurt dh to look after the girls while i get on with it!

Back tomorrow, good luck for Mummies with non sleepy babies, and hope those with poorly babies are feeling better soon xx:hugs:
Becs James has a very snotty nose too bless then both x

Fishy what you could be sneaky is make say a lil charm really cheap and auction it as 99p plus say £4 p&p and as btp say list other things you sell and put a link or the name of your facebook page! I say 99p as it is free to list then ;) x

btp forget to say u live in my most fave part of the world! :) oh and hope the washer gets sorted soon x
F&c - there is a new website called which is good and they allow you to advertise on there. Not sure how much it is. What about baby selling groups on facebook too? X
helloooooooooo quick catch up from me!

Becs, you really are super organised!!

Emzy, sorry you've had a difficult day, glad holly is feeling better now!

Fishy, yay for cookies! Sorry your weekend wasn't how you wanted it to be though. Good to hear about the shop! I need to look at your jewellery, I wasn't around when you were introducing us to what you were doing ages ago so I need to have a proper look! Might be a nice welcome home present for wayne from lilia!

Lilia is also snotty again the last couple of days.... i think she had my stomach bug :( I didn't say to you all before, when i was poorly, but i had to ring a friend and ask her to take Lilia for an hour as I couldn't leave the toilet for being sick and she was inconsolable, I put it down to her picking up on it but she has had diarrhea and been very very sicky and whingy for those couple of days I was ill.... it turns out the friend that had her for an hour or so came down with the bug afterwards so i can only presume Lilia passed it on to her? She is fine now though, and was fine inbetween being irritable if that makes sense?!
Also, waynes mum and dad came down wednesday till friday to visit, i was laid up the whole time but at least they took over Lilia for me, they both had it, then my parents came to help me friday afternoon and now my dad is upstairs laid up with it too!!! I'm so glad I had the help though, it's not until you're that poorly that you realise that you NEED someone here that can help out or take over... I was having to put her down mid bottle to go and throw up :( TMI but I was throwing up green slimy stuff, and my poo is still green now!!

I made my cookies this evening mmmmmmmmmmmm I can't believe there are still some left!

Lilia ALMOST rolled over yesterday, she got onto her front but her arm was under her so she rolled back again, I think she is days away!! Woop woop! Funnily enough, while she was rolling around on her mat, she starting off facing me, and over the space of 20 mins she worked her way round in a circle and ended up back facing me again! Also, she has found her feet and her current ambition is to get them into her mouth, she's not far away but not quite in there yet!!

Right I'm off to bed, one more day out of the way to cross off on the calendar... wish I wasn't wishing my life away but hey, I've realised that life without Wayne isn't living, it's existing! I spoke to him yesterday which was lovely, he was so down when I spoke to him last week. He was so upset, it broke my heart when he said how much he misses Lilia, and he reminded me that he has been without her longer than he spent with her :( She was only 11 weeks when he went away, she's 5 months now. But on the bright side, only 26 sleeps to go, one month today he is home! It can't come fast enough to be honest!
:hi: lovelies!

Becs, will you please please please come over to my house and kick my slovenly ass in gear? I'm lucky to get a load of laundry done in a day, I swear. You get 'er done, lady! God, it would feel so good to have a day like that! I've been ranting on the Canadian thread how futile cleaning feels right now. I'm just keeping up with dishes and laundry and whatnot, but no one could tell if you looked at our house. Seriously, I wish I just had the courage to give up and let the dust bunnies and bacteria just take over. Except eventually I'd wind up on one of those shameful reality TV shows about disgustingly dirty houses and be too ashamed to ever show my face again.

Louise, I'm making your evil cookies for our playgroup valentine's day party on Friday! I might have to make extra - they're wasted on the toddler set! :)
I'm wishing your man home to you safe and sound. I don't know how you do it. Any of you military wives. Huge respect. :hugs:

I don't think this has been answered yet?
The + after the viewer's name means that they are on your friends list. There's a special sign for mods, too - a double+ or bold font or something. Can't remember.

I'm in the process of transitioning Tobes to his crib. It's going really well for the first half of the night, but I just can't stay awake to plop him back in there after the other night feeds. This will take some work and a fair bit of fatigue on my part, I'm guessing.
Aww Louise not long now its breaks my heart you know when i think about Wayne being away. I dont know how you cope so well Chris cousin is a seargent in the army and went to afghanistan in 2009 i was so worried about him and id only met him a few times really! X

genies how was your guinea pig pie? :lol:

Sarah im the same i seem to get on top of things then it slowly goes back the same Becs is amazing x
oh and Louise James found his feet at the weekend too, its so cute he lays there watching tv with his feet in his hands lol! He is so lazy thou yesterday he rolled onto his side and then onto his back again and that is the closest he has got to rolling, i think he is going to be walker not a crawler but i really want him to crawl so he gains lots of cross lateral brain exercise as there is a link between that and dyslexia and df has dyslexia! Its all worry lol x
Fishy thats amazing :wohoo:

Emzy yaay look at her go Tabs was cruising at this stage too :thumbup: walked at 10 months ha ha good luck!! :haha:

BTP :shock: he he yay for sex ha ha ha ha

Louise :hugs: :hugs:

Sarah I keep making cookies for groups too :haha: Might make some red cupcakes for valentines day :lol: Oooh that means I need to make them tomorrow must check I have everything :dohh:

I SO want to meet up I could go as far as Leeds and Nottingham but thats still like over 5 hours min for me BUUUT I would go!! :lol:
Blob, that is some journey! My brother and sister-in-law live in Nottingham so I could do that.

Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. I am going to look in to them with my sister.

Louise if you want anything specific for Wayne just let me know. It doesn't have to be prints, eg we could put his regiment on there.

Harry loves his feet! I often find him munching on one of them! He is so close to rolling from his back to front. He has done it several times the other way but I think by accident!

I think I can see a top tooth about to break through which would explain his vile mood over the weekend. It's such a relief when you realise there is an explanation.

Yesterday he napped really well which is so unlike him. I have been using brown noise on him which is a little less hard on the ears than white noise, and I think it's working! X
Sorry for selfish post but I'm on my phone and my internet is broken but I wanted to tell you all that Tyler found his feet last night and rolled from back to front! Although he's not very well this morning his nappies are horrible!
grant says bluewater isnt far so what he doesnt know is he has just agreed to drive if u have a meet up im in !!!grant can go shopping if no one else brings their OH

BTP- We found a youtube video on line and BnQ DIY book has a section on it... If we get stuck will it be ok to message you ?? we are going to pin some sheets up to work out the size as Jake will need to be happy with the change... Thanks hon you have been such a help x

LBB- thank you honey im cutting and pasting all this infomation, it seems easier than what i thought... and we worked out we can put a rug down on Paiges side to cover up the blue carpet from jakes side... i was worried i would have to cut up the carpet but it doesnt seem that complicated

Asher- hold up stockings !!! bless hoping to get a decent nights sleep for valentines

Jelly- Paige missed hers last week... wooops but she was ill so i dont think she would be able to have them, its ok if the last ones are later ???

Blob- awwwwww scary times ahead then...: (

F&C- sorry your weekend didnt go to plan : ( we tried controlled trying once, i was the one in tears in the end... lol over the moon about them wanting to stock your work !!! you will need to employ people soon the way things are going !!

Teeny weeny- im north west london Herts border... bit far but closer than most on here, im hoping to get to the baby show F&C is attending in a couple of months but i dont have a clue about directions or how far places are... but i know the M25 is not far from On the subject of smear tests, i had abnormal cells come up, got to stage 3 but then went on its own just before i was about to have them cut out...its really common honey try not to worry...

Emzy- OMG she is standing !!! bless her, growing so quickly.....

Cafferine- i would say july but lets be honest its UK weather, its very unpredictable

Louise- make sure you video it when she finally does roll over, clever girl

Boony- well done tyler !!!

sorry if i forgot anyone
Well done Tyler!

Ladyk your welcome and message me if you need to if i dont know i can always find out!

Hi everyone!

I think at a push I could pretty much attend any meet! My parents are North Notts so could easily do there if I was up there, in Suffolk now, will be in Kent but also the boys are there so we're there all the time anyway, and waynes parents in Somerset so I willl just travel to everyone!! hee hee!!

I have read but forgotten yet again, trying to read in a rush because lilia is having one of her mummy mummy mummy days!! Just looking over at her laying on her playmat, she's so cute (I am biased), she always lays with her feet crossed at the ankles now, you might have seen on some of my photos, and she's pulling the hanging velcro animals off the arms of the mat. It's her favourite game at the moment! Silly mummy keeps sticking them back on!

Had a call from Wayne earlier yay yay yay! I am sending a parcel out to his team, full of goodies and a couple of nuts magazines! What a good wife I am! Wayne asked if I would, he personally would preser a copy of mens health or take a break but it's for the young lads he has working for him!! To be honest, they are doing such a great job and after seeing a friend on their team killed and one lose their legs, I think the least I can do is send some bikini clad models in a magazine and some pepperami and popcorn!!!

It appears that i will be able to go back to work to finish off after all, I have to work 13 weeks at least to pay back occupational maternity pay, teachers get it, it's a bit extra, but you have to state that you will be going back to work to be means that I get 50% of my normal pay for 12 weeks of maternity, and an extra few weeks 90%, so if I couldn't have gone back I would have had to pay back about 4k!! They have told him that he should be able to delay posting to the end of July, so i can go back. (Luckily the 13 weeks will include the summer holidays, so i should only need to work half term, so from June till start of summer hols :) BUT it might mean they hang on to him in Afghanistan for 3/4 extra weeks!!! Pants... but at least then i wouldn't have to pay it back, plus I would get 3 months full pay, plus an extra few weeks he'd get LSA so.... oh well! It is what it is!!
Louise sounds lovely sending them a parcel they deserve it !

Sorry was going to write more but duty calls ! Back later x
Hello ladies!!

Louise, I used to send loads of parcels out to Ian and the lads!! He even wrote emails so companies before he went and they sent stuff out too!!

I have had a busy day, took Hope to be weighed, she now is 18lbs 13oz at 20 weeks!! Little porker!!! Murphy has been feeling sorry for himself after having his nuts chopped yesterday, he has been wimpering and crying. Waiting for my rice to cook as we have veg chilli for tea!! I am off to work with Ian in the morning as I meeting up with some of the other wives, looking forward to s change of scenery!!

Be back later xx
Apparently our babies are about to learn some new things... I will write a passage from the book. Basically it says that when our babies are about to take another leap forward they all become more difficult, refusing naps, food, crying etc etc. The one thats coming up is distance I think pretty much that they cant see distances yet so when they start to be able to they realise how small they are in this world and it freaks them out :nope: Makes me want to cuddle Rosalie up must be pretty scary for them all these new things....

Wow... that makes so much sense - Poor lil'mites!!

Oooo I can do a nottingham meet too :) it's not too far for me! :happydance:

Well, the docs think that Whizzy might be Lactose intolerant, and she's now on soya milk. Also, loads of the jars and powders have milk in too, so i've had to scrap loads of them.

Becs - that's a fab weight! :thumbup:

Louise - Great news on your phonecall - not long now! and at least you're not gonna have to pay the 4k back :hugs:

Sorry about your hotel stay fishy :hugs:

Well, today I have had an interview to become a supply cover supervisor / instructor and I am not on their books pending CRB and refs :happydance: i'll get £65 a day cover supervising, with no marking or planning to do. Now I just hope they get me some work!
Poor Izzy and well done on the job!!! x

I was in the post office today and there was a lady posting a parcel to her oh in the army and i thought of you Louise! x

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