September Stars

Glad Hope likes her swing! Holly loves hers, they are magic!

Thing is, he went back to work before the problems with colic/reflux started, when she was still very sleepy so when he was at home, all she did was sleep and eat! I think he knows it's not like that now, he sees at the weekend, but it's completely different when you are totally on your own. I don't know, I just think he's been that stressed at work this last week or so that he's been blind to everything else. Like I say, he is usually very good and it's not like him at all. We've also had lots of problems with his family. I don't think I've ever really spoken about it on here and I won't go into it, but we have no contact with his side of the family as they are poison! His mum got back in touch as she "wanted to be involved with holly" and after much resistance from me (I know what she is like) he agreed to minimal involvement, but she's basically thrown it back in his face and we're not in contact again now. I think it's all just affected him badly, but he needs to understand that I'm not going to be my usual cheery, helpful self on 4 hours sleep!!

Awww Rosalie doesnt like her chair she just wants to be in the sling :dohh: but its nice, Tabs hated it :)

Emma he sounds like a man, they never ever understand how hard it is. Even if they have them for a day its not EVERYDAY!!! They dont get that you are tied to the baby you cannot have any 'you' space. They can go to work and come home to relax, home is not relaxing to you now :hugs: Robin says to me 'if you dont like it you can swap' (if he does say that again i WILL be getting a divorce!!!) But really they dont get it :nope: A lot of my friends who are back at work say its heaven :haha: I dont want to not be with them but OMG some days i want a break. :dohh:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Blob, all my friends that have gone back to work say its brill having some 'them' time!!!

We have had a lovely relaxing afternoon, Hope and I have been dozing on the sofa for about 4 hours and she has just had her evening bottle, she is so much more happier today on her new formula, I am so glad I have changed. My stitches are a bit sore tonight, I think its from all the coughing I have been doing, gonna get Ian to check them later to make sure all is ok!!!
ive missed a couple of days on here been busy finding my feet, had some nights where amelia wont settle and its draining me as well as doing the bulk of double night feeds.

Emzy sorry to hear you been fighting, your not alone the tiredness has made us snappy which is such a shame as we had been so lovely in our little new baby bubble but friends had told me that it was inevitable that the snappy phase would come.

Been having a nice evening though had take away and some yummy wine, dh convinced me to sit still on the sofa, ive turned into a bit of a organising/cleaning freak but ive always been a bit of a "monica" :)
Daisybell, poor little man, have you tried some infacol??

we have been trying dentinox in his milk, it seems to have helped a little
we folded a blanket and put it under his mattress, in his moses basket to prop him up a little which seemed to help last night (he screams if he is layed flat)

HV came today (late :growlmad:) and said to try him on cow&gate comfort milk.

she dosnt think the dr will give him gaviscon she said
we can take him to the dr's to be checked out but they need alot of convincing before they give you it :nope: (going on monday)

he hasnt been sick much today but still cry's in pain and go's bright red, not nice when there is nothing you can do :cry:

Emzy :hugs: me and andrew had a blow out today, i too find little things annoying, he also leaves dishes lying around.
I agree with what blod said :thumbup:

becs great that hope likes her swing, olllie love his too

stmw pleased that roxy has been better and yay for your name been put forward to go through training to be a breastfeeding counsellor :happydance:

Our HV also said when Ollie is 6weeks she is going to show us the baby massage techniques (i'm still going to look into going to classes with him too)
I had a fantastic sleep last night (thank you, Toby!) and feel like my battery is a bit more recharged! Yay!
We had a lovely morning at the Zoo again today and are now listening to Simon resisting his nap again. Sigh.
He is not going to win this battle. :nope:
Naptime is what keeps Mummy and Daddy sane. It's not getting dropped at 21 months, young man.

On the stay at home/working mum conversation: I've done both and found being at home full-time a thousand times harder. The balance of work and family is not easy, either, but I was a way better mama when I had my professional life, as well as my mum role. That's just me, of course, but if we're just talking workload, not even bringing the mental health factor into the equation, I think full-time childcare is much harder.

Hope all the sick babies and mums are feeling better!
Evening all, I'm just popping in! Not had time at all to come in for a proper natter! These boys are keeping me busy!

Sounds like most of the little ones are settling slightly better for their mummies and daddies! Emzy, go for it with the rant! I don't think the Daddies quite get just how hard it is to be the mummy, but then I don't suppose they ever will! :hugs:

Thanks for all the good wishes about my finger! Ouch it's sore! But it's not getting any worse which can only be a good thing. I've got so much more on my mind at the moment that I'm not too bothered about it!

I managed to get my swim earlier, MIL came with us to stay with Sam in his car seat. I managed to do 10 lengths breast stroke and then another 30 alternate breast stroke/front crawl. It feels so nice to do something for myself!

Sam is being a little star, love him! Every now and again, usually when they're all asleep, I realise just how lucky I am to have the three of them. Gorgeous!

So I took a couple of phone pics of Sam on the boob having his dinner, thought I would share one! He is so happy when he's eating, I love it!

Uploaded with

I will probably be around noseying in the night on my phone, but typing on the damn thing drives me mad! So I will lurk most likely! Archie is 6 next Wednesday, so he's having a party at a soft play centre tomorrow. It's going to be bloomin chaos! And with Sam so small too! Ah well, better there than in the house! Wish me luck! xx
Hello everyone, im back, been having a tough time myself breastfeeding was soooo painful and my nipples were drying out and bleeding so the midwife prescribed me some lansinoh cream...worked a treat...even on the peeling skin on James' face teehee! I highly recommend it!

Also the stitches good grief...i was fine for the first couple of days then after that i went really sore...midwife said id been left with a skintag (either that or a cyst)! Anyway now they have come undone partly >.< be honest they are not as painful now thou, bit of a relief! Midwife said it should just heal itself!!

Also been having up & down nights, James seems to be using booby as a 'get to sleep'! I keep getting headaches too, has anyone else??

Hope all the ladies and babies who r ill get better soon & rather than using vicks you can get 'snuffle babe' safe thing but milder! :) xxx
Evening all!!

Emzy :hugs: I think it's normal for tempers to get a bit frayed! It's hard work, and it sounds like you have lots of other stuff going on too... hoping you have a calm relaxed weekend hun x

Asher... what a lovely piccie! I am so so pleased that I took a couple of pictures of Lilia breastfeeding, and that the photographer who came last week got some shots too before I stopped x

Stmw good for you becoming a bf counsellor! I think they are worth their weight in gold!

lilbumpblue I have been getting headaches too! Although I had been pretty much taking paracetamol every 4 hours every day due to the pain of bfing so could have been having them for the last 3 weeks for all I know!

Sarah, bless your little 'un fighting his nap! Hope he went down ok in the end and gave you a break!

Can't remember anything else! Sorry!

Well I feel like a page 3 model at the moment, my boobs are so hard and massive! It's ridiculous, I've never had a cleavage like it! They hurt soooooooooooooooooooooooo much though! It has eased slightly today thank goodness so think the worst is over! Last night I woke up on my side and had leaked through a breast pad, bra, nightie and all over the sheet!

We finally registered Lilia today so she is official! Woohoo! I can't stop staring at her, it's so overwhelming, can't believe she's mine and she is so perfect! Wayne suddenly realised tonight that he will get to give her away one day, and he didn't stop smiling for ages! I love her so so much!
Morning all!!!

Louise, ouch on the boobie front!!!!

Asher, thats a gorgeous pic xx

We had a brill night, Hope was a little star!! I feel better than I have for ages, been up an hour, done housework, showered and dressed and now going to nip to tescos, Ian is still fast asleep with Hope in his arms, its so gorgeous just looking at them, even funnier that Murphy is on the end of the bed too!!!
Hey everyone :)

Lilia Congratulations!

Becs0375 Glad that the hungry baby milk is working its magic! The DH and I have also got this dreaded cold thats going around :( we bought a plug in yesterday from babies r us, which has these little menthol pads in - it also releases a lush lavender and camomile smell - its helped all three of us with our breathing! It wasnt even that expensive! Ooo baby swings! We bought Roxy one yesterday! Which one are you getting? We got a lovely pink one =) its amazing!

Emzywemzy Roxy always seems to be truly happy when she is sleeping on one of us! We get so nervous, like you though, that she will fall or we will roll over, so we dont end up sleeping! As im typing now, she is led on my DH fast asleep! The moment you put her down - she starts hysterically crying :( I dont really want her getting into a routine of sleeping with us though to be honest. I need to do something about it, but to be honest, really dont know where to start!! I also completely sympathise about the situation your having with Matt. My DH is the most amazing person in the world - and I love him with all my heart - but everything you have said - I have felt. It seems im constantly tidying, doing bottles, washing, etc and it feels as though hes not doing much atall, even though he is doing little things that help (calming her when she goes crazy, feeding her and making our tea etc) but by the end of the night, hes yawning like mad and im like :growlmad: how can you possibly be tired? Especially when he always ends up getting more sleep than me! He goes back to work aswell on Monday - which is going to be hard, as i'll have to do everything with her as well as continue doing everything with the house - I doubt ill even having time to brush my teeth! :haha: We have had quite a few rows about it, and he has been trying. I suppose it doesnt help that I have slight OCD when it comes to having a tidy house and everything, but he knew that when we first got together! Hmpph ive started a mini rant aswell now lol moving onnn.........

Lilbumpblue Sorry to here about your probelsm 'down below' hopefully it will heal itself and you will continue to feel less discomfort. Ive been getting the headaches aswell - I think its a mixture of tiredness, stress etc.

Louise3512 :haha: about the page 3 model comment!!! Yay for registering Lilia! :happydance:

Morning all!

Becs, yippee for a good night!! Enjoy your trip out to Tesco, a bit of retail therapy! Aw bless Ian asleep with Hope!

Stmw, another little one who likes to be cuddled! I think it must be hard for them to go from a lovely warm womb to being expected to sleep in a moses basket!

Well Sam has finally got the dreaded cold. Poor little mite is miserable. He's all snotty and his cry is different, as though his throat's sore. I've given the docs a call and I'm going to take him to be checked after Archie's birthday party. I know it's just a cold, but it's miserable especially in the night when you feel you can't do anything for them!

Off to get some brekky now and get us all ready for the party, last thing we need after such a crap night, but hey ho!

See you all later x
here is a quick photo update from us!!

'tallica baby!!!
Lovely pics Little A :hugs:

Emzy, I always am amazed how men seem to underestimate how hard it is, and how they want a medal for putting a cup in the sink or something!
It is so a man thing, and hope you have settled things a bit xx:hugs:

Louise, lol page 3, My boobs are an all time big, dh is not keen on big boobs, he is waiting for them to settle down a bit i think, they scare him this big!! I also read a while back your dh will be about a bit longer, that is greats news, i just never got a chance to say yay!!:haha:

I am really lucky, Rosie is such a sweetie, she is placid and calm and so quiet! She snacks so doesn't have huge long sleeps but i can encourage a bigger feed with a break in the middle by changing her.
The difference between her and her sister is just amazing, and after so much restless sleep with Sophie (15months plus) i expected the same and this is like a holiday!!
I am very in love with my little bundle, and she is more a mummy's girl, she is cuddled on Daddy right now to try and get some bonding as she likes her milk and so Mummy is the one right now!
She has a trick of latching on properly then spitting the nipple out then sucking it back in rather than latching back on properly, it has made me quite sore, and i can't seem to stop her doing it! Owchy!
I have been salt bathing my stitches, and they are ok, my tummy has gradually been going down much better than last time, and all in all i feel better than i did a few days ago!
My ankles are all puffy which is weird as i never got that in pregnancy!
I went to the dentist yesterday as i have had pain since I had Rosie, and she said the tooth was infected and i could have antibiotics or mess about with the tooth or this or that, I just said get it out,(it was a back tooth) I must have been feeling brave! I am so glad it's gone, and that is all settling down now too, so i slept last night in between feeds, my over sensitive baby monitor i turned up and id better, and toothache taken care of the baby is all that can keep me awake and she is good!

Well that was quite a long list, perhaps i should try and come here more often!!
I still feel connected to the pregnancy thread! I suppose because we hung about there a good while!
I certainly don't miss being pregnant, I am sad i will not have any more babies but after Rosie's birth i am glad i will not have to worry about it again!
I found pregnancy stressful, and I am so much more relaxed now!

Off now to tidy up a bit, and change Rosie, Daddy is just trying to decide if she has filled her nappy or not!

:hugs: to all, hope babies are being good for Mummies xx

Someone mentioned headaches, I had a migraine the first 2 days after the birth, then i had this pain in my head, but the dentist has said this was the tooth causing a pressure which would have hurt my head, i am still on paracetamol but feel much better than i did.


Oh and got my photographer booked to come round Monday, Rosie will be a week old, dh didn't want a 4d scan so this is my alternative!
Hello all!!!

Stmw, Hope also likes to be cuddled and although she loves her swing and crib she much prefers to be with either of us!!!

Asher, poor little Sam, Hope has a bit of a bogey nose and seems a bit sniffly, hope he feels better soon xxx

BTP, so glad Rosie is good, she sounds lovely xx

Little A, gorgeous pics of Amelia xx

We went for a lovely long walk at lunchtime with Murphy, it was so nice to enjoy the sun! Ian cut the grass while I had cuddles with Hope! I think she must be having a growth spurt today as she is so hungry and has pooped for England!! Can't believe she is nearly 2 weeks old, where is the time going?!! Just made an apple crumble for tea, I don't seem to have much of an apatite atm, just seem to pick at things.
Typing one handed - getting good at it now. And it also really limits my ability to use exclamation marks :p

LittleA - Amelia is soooo cute. She's really grown

Sorry for the lack of personals.

Ellie stayed over her nan and grandads last night, our first night "off" in a month. We had a few drinks and had a fab night. Really missed Ellie though, I was beaming to anyone who'd listen about her last night and showing pics. Hehe.

We took her to the Monkey Forest this afternoon for a walk around and to see the monkeys, shame she doesn't understand much yet and she slept the whole time! such a good baby when she's out and about in the pram. She only started stirring on the way home. She's slept LOADS this last few days.

Heres a little pic of her in the new hat and mittens her nan bought her :)


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Hi ladies

Lovely pics Little A, Asher and Bekklez

I can relate to what everyone has been saying on the DH front although mine has been very good today and hasn't mentioned being tired because I was up literally all night.

Becs - glad the milk is working

Emzy - exactly the same issue with Scarlett wanting to sleep on me - last night was terrible as she has a cold. Because she can't breathe properly she is gulping lots of air when she feeds so getting wind - it's a vicious circle. Last night she wouldn't sleep in her crib at all, every time I put her down she woke up. DH ended up raising the head end of the crib up to ease her breathing and she eventually went down at 2pm and is still asleep. I went to bed and slept 1-3 while DH put her down. We don't want to get into the habit either so I'm just hoping it's down to her cold.

BTP - my swollen ankles have taken 2 weeks to start going down and I can finally get some of my normal shoes on. A few days ago I couldn't even get my UGG boots on.

Have any other first time Mum's already had people talking about when they have the next one??? I've had it mentioned to me several times already!!!! I know it's early days but as much as I adore Scarlett I really don't know if I want to have any more children especially as I am already 35 and have been told to try not to have any more for at least 2 years because of my C-Section. Did any Mum's out there think they wouldn't have more then change their mind?? I don't know why this is bugging me when Scarlett is only 2 weeks old but it is.....

MrsJ I have had loads of people ask that aswell - It took us 8 years to get here though so Im not sure how they think it will happen so quickly again !! I just want to enjoy Olivia 4 a little while aswell.

Were not having a great day today my princess has also joined the "cold club" and will not settle unless she is on my boob or sleeping on my chest. I am rather tired right now !!

Hope everyone else is ok - Was ready to write a response to everyone but it appears madam is awake again and calling 4 me. xx
Mrs J, thats all people keep asking us and tbh I don't want another one! Hope took us 6 years and she is very much wanted and loved and we went through hell to get her and I don't think I want to go through it again! Also I can't see us with anymore than 1!!

Laura, we are having similar probs today with Hope!!

Hope is going through a growth spurt, all she wants to do is eat!!! Its driving me potty, but have be assured that it only lasts 2-3 days and this is about day 3, yesterday she was fine but today she has been a little monkey!!
Evening all!

Little A, gorgeous pics of Amelia, she is beautiful. x

You know, the thing about people asking when the next baby is coming is that it never goes away. Sam was our 3rd (and if DH has anything to do with it, the last!) and people are asking if we'll go for the 4th or if we'll carry on until we get the girl. As if it's any of their business!! I would quite like to make it an even number but I doubt that we will. I love Sam to little tiny pieces, but I think it's the financial thing that will prevent us having any more. Who knows!?

Sam and I were both at the docs this afternoon. At least I know now that if he gets a temp tonight or struggles to settle too much because he's unwell, I can give him a very small dose of calpol. I've got some nasal drops to give him too if feeding's hard. Touch wood, so far, he's not too bad at all tonight, but we'll see how it goes. My cold has now moved straight into my sinuses and I've got pain around my eyes and my top jaw is really sore. But the doc wants to hold off on the antibiotics because of the breastfeeding. He's given me some saline nasal solution which is horrible, but we'll give it a go!

Archie had his 6th birthday party today. I found myself a bit emotional! He doesn't do party games, so we had it at a soft play place where they have a bit of time in a party room with food and games. I told the little lady in charge of his "room" that he didn't do games, and she let him be in charge of turning the music on and off for pass the parcel! He was so sweet, it made me cry!! These hormones are playing me up again!!

Right, I'm off to bed to have a bit of supper before bed. I've treated myself to a small glass of red tonight, and I am so ready for bed, I hope Sam carries on as he's done this evening!

Hope everyone has a decent night's sleep. See you tomorrow. xxx

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