September Stars

YM Big Hugs hope Kimi feels better soon xx

GG Sorry I dont know so I'd ring NHS direct otherwise you wont be able to settle yourself this evening.... hope it is just her toothy pegs

AOB :hi: Good to see you !

Is anyone going to try next year for another baby? thats when we are going to try again but with so many of you trying this year i may not be able to wait !!!

Dont you dare Missy...... you agreed 2012, who else can I speak to when Im frustrated fat and emotional for being 13 days overdue :haha::haha:
leni will always be a September star hun x

gg poor layla is it on her gum could be a gum boil but not really sure, nurofen will probably be better than calpol as its an anti inflammatory but id ring nhs direct like Louise said! Hope she is feeling better soon x x

well James has hardly slept today and has just moaned all evening its more like a shrill! Got to get him weighed tomorrow and im worried he wont have gained weight :( think i May see if they can check his ears cos he keeps pulling at them and scratching him head to! X
YM - I hope that Kimi get's well and is home with you soon x

GG - really sorry I can't help. Scarlett has been teething for a while but hasn't had the symptoms that you describe. Sometimes her cheeks get a little red and you can see and feel the teeth in her gums from the front and underneath. Nothing at the back of the mouth as you describe. I agree with the other ladies - NHS Direct is possible the way to go.

Not much to report apart from the fact that DH and I had a split condom on Sunday :dohh: Hopefully everything will be ok as my periods haven't returned as I'm BF and I'm also doing 1 or 2 night feeds which gives me increased protection apparently. I know there is a risk as plenty of people have got pg while breastfeeding. I just hope I'm not one of them...

I've started weaning Scarlett again - she had baby rice for a week then I started introducing fruit and vegetables. Today she had carrot mixed with her baby rice and she was rather partial to it. The only problem was she ate it all (about 6 teaspoons) very quickly. I wasn't expecting her to eat as much so I only got two cubes out of the freezer. When she realised there wasn't any left she went nuts and started shouting and trying to grab the bowl. I gave her a little more baby rice on it's own and she spat it out as if to say "that wasn't what I was having before". I made some apple puree this morning so she had a little of taste of that too and seemed to like it. On Monday she had some of my banana. The only thing she has turned her nose up at is Sweet Potato. I'm hoping todays Carrot will help her have a poo as she hasn't been for a few days. It tends to happen now and again - she will go 4 or 5 days, the HV said it's normal for a BF baby but I still worry about it when it goes on for a while. From Saturday I am going to introduce breakfast - I know she likes Porridge as that is what I gave her tastes of the first time I started weaning her. This time she is eating the food and taking her usual amount of milk so I feel more comfortable and won't worry if she cuts her milk back a little when I introduce the second feed. I've been predominantly using AK - is anybody else using her book? Once she reaches 6 months I'm going to do a combination of AK and Baby Led Weaning.

BTP - I've got the BLW book and cookbook - it's interesting and I'll definitely use it.

Night x
thanks for the support we have put her crib right next to my side of the bed so i can monitor her she has had a bottle and seemed pleased to be in her crib she loves her bears, and has gone to sleep but her temperature is on the rise again , we will call nhs direct if she gets any worse , i probably wont sleep for watching her.

lbb i keep thinking of how you had all those nights of high temps with James you must have been beside yourself x
Hi everyone!

Beautiful winter day here. We drove about an hour out of town to go visit one of my friends and her kids. Very fun and such a gorgeous view: sun sparkling off snow all across the prairies and huge blue skies with those perfect high windswept cirrus clouds. Simon has recently learned "Old Macdonald", so everytime he saw a barn or a cow or a horse, he'd break out into a rousing chorus of " eeeyiii eeeyyii oooooo". :)

Fishy - that vinegar smell is often due to teething. Apparently the saliva gets more acidic, and as there is so much more of it, lots gets digested and affects the poop. Babies can get diaper rash really quickly from teething poop because of the acidity. Green and runny poop sometimes means other stuff, but btp is right - if you can rule out illness (no visible signs as she described), put your money on teething.

Tobe is Mr. Toots today! And eating a lot. I think both my boys are on growth spurts again. They seem to have very lusty appetites all of a sudden. I tried to offer Tobe some sweet potato the other night at dinner, but he was confused, then disinterested. He's over 16 lbs now, and a strong boy. I would have thought that he'd be all over solid food, but nope. Boy likes his boob. I plan to try cereal in a few days. Maybe mix it with breast milk and see if he likes that?

Hope everyone is well!

Oops, almost forgot -
Youngmummy, I'm so sorry to hear about poor little Kimi. Sending healing thoughts your way! :)
Oh forgot to say, Paige was 4 months yesterday and all of a sudden she has stopped pushing her food out her mouth and eats it !! Then it reminded me about Jake and when i weaned him... how much longer feeding time was and how much mess he used to make.. so im enjoying the fact she only really needs a bottle......

Jelly- 2012 agreed !!! wouldnt want to be over due with anyone else honey but if our due date is at the end of a month can we go into the group for the months after and pretend our due dates are for the start of that month ??? im so not being the last next time xx
Jelly- 2012 agreed !!! wouldnt want to be over due with anyone else honey but if our due date is at the end of a month can we go into the group for the months after and pretend our due dates are for the start of that month ??? im so not being the last next time xx

Sounds good to me, my original date was 1st October at my 6 week scan, at 12 weeks it got moved forward to 23rd Sept

JJ is still just spitting out his food and only likes pure purees ie not mixed with porridge he ries otherwise

Hoping for a better night tonight as last night JJ was awake every couple of hours, (think it was teething), felt shattered going to college this morning but meant my mum had an easy time today as he slept loads !
YM :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Hope she gets better soon hon :hugs: :hugs:

Hope its just teeth GG
Awww genies it was awful i know exactly hat u are going through...we look after children but its totally different when its your own isnt it?! Hugs and hope she is better soon xx
The night has gone so quick and we saw every hour she settled okay for a while but would wake the second she lost her dummy after some ups and downs and Calpol I phoned nhs direct at 4.30 her face is just so swollen and she can't eat they said it can't be teeth because of the swelling and to phone the out of hours dr which is what we are wAiting for now a call back , they not rushing obviously !! Layla has fallen asleep for a bit and Amelia has thankfully been very good !
Awww genies you poor thing and poor layla...keep us posted hun on how she is and you try and get some rest...easier said than done with twins i suppose! xx

Well its James' weigh in today and im feeling really anxious :cry: i just hope he has put on weight...even 1 oz!!! :( x
Genies, Hope the doctor can shine some light on it, teething will only cause local redness and swelling in the gum, any more than that i would do what u have done and see the doctor, hope it gets sorted out soon for her, poor baby :hugs:

Lilbumpblue, good luck at weigh in, i suppose i could take Rosie today will think about it!:haha::hugs:

Ladyk, Paige must feel ready for weaning now then! I am not looking forward to weaning, food everywhere, bibs full of food going off in the washing pile! :sick:
I remember in the summer i would feed with baby just in nappy then do bath time after t, saved a lot of washing!:haha::hugs:

:hi: to everyone else, got to cut it short today! Back soon,

BTP xx:hugs:

Ps the most sleep i got last night at a time was 1 hour 50 mins, Rosie was up at various intervals during the night, and is now....asleep!! :)
GG what did the dr say in the end? I hope she's ok.

Jayne, I hope James has gained some weight but even if he hasn't don't be hard on yourself as he's been poorly and is now teething. He'll be just fine but is going through a patch where feeding is a bit of an issue. I am sure he'll make up for it when those nashers pop through!

Btp you must be knackered. I agree with Jayne and think you should try and get some sleep, children permitting!

Sarah thanks for the info re the acidic poo! That made a lot of sense.

Morning girls

Genies I hope the doctor came out soon for you and that Layla is feeling a bit better today. Let us know what they say x

BTP forgot to reply to you yesterday, Holly is a bit bigger than average now! She was following the 50th centile for weight right up until about 12 weeks or so, then she kept jumping up and is now 18lb 7oz and on 91st centile for weight. She's well into her 6-9 stuff and even some of that is too small! I personally think it's a good thing, having been on the other side when she dropped over 12% after the birth, I'd much rather her be chunky and chubby. She doesn't have too much milk, in fact she has less than the recommended amount, she is now on 4 6/7oz bottles a day plus food now. It just annoys me when people keep saying "oh my god she is massive" and "what are you feeding her?", especially when it's people that don't know me very well!

LBB fx that James has gained, but like fishy said don't beat yourself up if not as he's been very poorly :hugs:

I think I'm a bit hormonal today, keep feeling all emotional and teary! I've just finished AF so it's not PMT!

Holly had a good night, in her cot at 8.45, asleep on her own (!) by 9.10, no sushing, no rocking, no patting, nothing! So night one of 'operation settle herself to sleep' took 1 hour, night 2 took 45 mins and last night took 25 mins! She then slept til 8am with only one dummy run, much better!

Hi all thames doc phoned me at 6 took details and said " I have too many old people to go and see and won't get to you in time so call your go at 8 am and get an appointment , so all a waste of time really! Anyway the dr saw us at 8.30 and he said he not sure but thinks it may be a facial infection with fever (I knew that anyway :) but he has given antibiotics and a syringe to try and feed her as it hurts to suck a bottle. Poor thing is still all puffed up and really tired.

Sorry I haven't had time to catch up I'll have a read when all Is calm x
aww bless her Genies, hope the antibiotics work quickly and she is feeling better very soon xx
GG hope the antibiotics work their magic quickly and she's better soon! Naughty out of hours doc though, it should be on a priority basis not just she's young and they were old!!

Emzy, go Holly! Ignore the comments, i'm sure they aren't meant as a negative thing! I have had it both ways, Lilia was 25th centile up until a couple of weeks ago when she was 50th, although I don't know if that is for good or if it was due to a growth spurt..... but even yesterday one of the wives here said wow she is really big isn't she, she won't be fitting in that babygro for long! ... it is a next 3-6 babygro, and it's baggy as you like! I was feeding her so it stretched funny on her leg was all! But then on the other hang people say how diddy she is for her age still!!! She is a very compact baby, but because she has these ridiculously chubby cheeks she looks bigger I suppose! I wouldn't worry about it hun, although I know it's annoying because automatically you go on the defense and feel you have to defend their weight!!

Woop woop for us all having babies at the same time again! It would be great do it all over again with you lot!

BTP hope you manage to put your head down today at some point! zzzzzzzzzz

Lilia had a funny night, she has always been a good sleeper but last night she wanted her dummy all night! This is not like her, usually once it's gone she's fine and just occasionally wakes up early morning once and wants it back... well last night all night she was waking up whinging for her dummy, it sounded like she was a bit agitated so wonder if it was her teeth? She normally doesn't wake like that. She went back to sleep every time with her dummy straight away so shouldn't complain but it's still weird!
Thanks Louise! Holly has just been through a phase of doing that, waking up every half an hour for her dummy. She used to go to sleep with it and it'd drop out once she was asleep and I'd just have to put it back in once or maybe twice, usually in the early hours, but for about a week it was every half an hour to an hour. The last 2 nights I've only had to pop it back in once or twice. I hope it's a short lived phase for you as I was knackered! lol x

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