September Stars

I wouldnt worry Emzy its a 'normal' range, like I've said before, Tabs was really big like she was over the line :haha: but as soon as she started walking she never stopped and now is really slim :shrug:

GG :hugs:

Well we've been 'risking it for a buscuit' :rofl: Not used and protection since she was born :haha:
GG Glad you managed to get seen by your GP, hope she feels better soon xx Hows your husbands hand now ?

Took JJ to the docs about his neck and so glad I did. Since weekend its been looking very red and JJ kept scratching it. Took him today and been given a thick emoillant for his dry patches on his head, arms and legs. The gp then said he has an infection so has given me cream for his neck and antibiotics for 7 days. Cant remember who said their lo had a sore neck but please get it checked out, I feel bad now that we left for past 2 weeks using sudo cream etc thinking it would sort itself out

Emzy - Sometimes I think people just say things without thinking regarding baby's weight.... I got annoyed with HV worrying me about JJ's weight now I know hes healthy and thats all that matters. As Blob said regarding Tab's lots of baby's are bigger than average before they are able to walk around etc xx
Hey ladies thanks for the support...i took James to the hv and he has gained 1oz...better that 1 lost i suppose!! I have got to keep trying him every hour but he is very stubborn and will only feed when he wants to she has also said to start weaning him mainly giving potatoes, banana & baby rice as these are thick and high in carbs and calories! She also said, regarding my eating, that yes i may eat a lot but its probably too healthy...pffft you cant win!! lol x

Genies hope the anti'bs kick in soon and she starts to feel better xx

Jelly you werent to know hun dont feel bad :) xx
Glad he has gained LBB, even if it only a little! Right direction anyway!

Lilia rolled front to back today woop woop although I'm not sure it counts really! I put her on her cusioned playmat, we don't normally use it but her red one is in the wash as she was sick on it! I put her on her front and she started whinging and leaned on to her side and because of the cushion, she rolled onto her back! Then she laid there, completely still, for about 5 minutes with a very shocked and confused look on her face! Not sure if she'd be able to do it on her normal playmat..
Hi girls! :hi:

Have a massive to-do list today, lots that requires me sitting at my computer, hoping my toddler will keep himself occupied. Instead, I am getting him hanging off my arm, begging me to see "dinosaurs". :dohh:
This work from home thing is only going to happen if I shell out for a babysitter, I think. I simply cannot get a thing done when he is here.
And I feel guilty for ignoring him. :(

And I want to have a third child? :nope: Hmmmm.

Anyway, I have to go tackle all this writing and whatnot, so sending get better wishes to the several very sick September Star babies. Hope babies and mamas start feeling better soon. :hugs:
Hi lovelies thanks for all the kind wishes Layla is much calmer this evening she still can't smile bless her but she has managed 6 Ozs over the course if the day and kept her antibiotics in so that's good ! Hoping for a better nights sleep. Dh went out and got us some of those melting choc puddings so we going to scoff those !

Jelly thanks for asking his hand is still broken but he out the cast and can help out again!

Emzy people can say things and sound so rude next time anyone says anything about about Holly's size reply ah yes and your baby looks like a hobbit or a bald old man ! :)

Lbb yay for the little mans weight gain it's all good!

Don't work to hard Sarah !

Louise well done lilia ! :)
Emzy people can say things and sound so rude next time anyone says anything about about Holly's size reply ah yes and your baby looks like a hobbit or a bald old man ! :)

I am so going to use that the next time someone says how small Olivia is and how I am obviously not feeding her (Shes now 12lbs 14ozs) so I do feel your pain Emzy on the opposite end of the scale. xxx
awww Laura James is 12lb 13oz and i get the "oh he is tiny" all the time!! x
Back again, no sleep today and Rosie has been asleep most of the day! I have put her in her jumperoo to try and keep her awake!

My first was a little chublett and i was proud of him being all nice and chunky, my others have been smaller but they have a different Dad, and my eldest was bigger at birth.
The others i worry about more being smaller, but I was teeny as a baby.
I also found my eldest went through chubby phases he grew out then up then out then up! He is 16 now and tall with an average man's build, and certainly finished on the upward trend! :hugs:

Genies, doctors are useless, the swelling it is in her face not her neck? And no rash or has not had a rash recently? How is her temp now?
Hope the medication works, sounds like the doctor didn't explain anything very well, then they wonder why we google and scare ourselves to death!!
Big :hugs: hope she is feeling better soon :hugs:
Oh and i am not being mean but is a baby not more important than old peoples ailments, i thought under 2's were priority, certainly if it was my granny she would either have something that can wait or need casualty for a fall or injury, so it cant have been emergency appointments?:shrug:

Blob, risk it for a biscuit, love it! :haha:

Louise, well done Lilia, it all counts! :hugs:

Lilbumpblue, Too healthy:haha::dohh:
He is thriving and happy, would really let him go at his own pace, and yours hun, I don't take Rosie too often, if they said ANYTHING i would flatten the hv, and as one is a family friend i think just stay away!:haha: I know she is happy, healthy, feeding when she wants and that is good enough for me, i have had 4 perfectly happy babies doing the same!

Little madam has fallen asleep in the flippin jumperoo, how on earth has she managed that! She is just awake enough to still do the odd jump!

Better go, check fb and go to bed b4 i eat anything i shouldn't, having said that i may have a glass of wine!
Sorry if i have missed anyone, bit tired and forgetful today, oh on the good news i have my new washing machine put in today, :happydance: my ex came and plumbed it in for some beers:thumbup: (the advantage of knowing what to buy him:haha:)(so glad i can laugh about it now, piss head!!)
btp her temp has come right down and the swelling is in her cheek on the left side, she looks like a hamster , no rashes luckily, i told the gp what thames doc had said he is going to look into it as he feels it could have been handled better!

falling asleep in a jumperoo she must be tired :)x
Bless Rosie i can just picture her doing a lil jump every now & then! :hehe: Thanks hun! Hopefully going into Hanley tomorrow for the sleepsack x
Hi ladies!

GG glad she is feeling a little better and glad your oh's hand is healing nicely! Hope you have a good night!

BTP aww bless her bouncing in her sleep!!

Argh my house is a pigsty! I have MHS coming round tomorrow to fix various bits of my house...cooker switch broken, broken drawers in the kitchen and putting power back in my power shower hopefully! I have had a pyjama day today and done little bits of housework but it just seems to be in a bit of a state! Why am I so bad at keeping it nice? I feel like I do loads but never get anywhere!
Evening ladies. Sorry, I have read lots and lots and lots of pages but my memory probably won't serve me so well!

GG, I hope little lady is better really quickly, it's heartbreaking when they're poorly. Hope you enjoyed your scrummy choc pudding!

Jelly, poor James with his sore neck. Sam's problem is behind one ear and one knee, but appears to be clearing slightly.

BTP, that made me giggle about Rosie nodding off in the jumperoo!!

I am so sick of bloody mobile phones. The insurance sent me a new one almost 3 weeks ago. It now needs to go back and be replaced. I love the phone, but it's French! It spoke French and came with French instructions. I have obviously changed all the settings, as I love the phone, but it won't connect to the internet or receive picture messages because it's set up for French internet! Argh I am so sick of it! I just want a decent phone which actually works!!

Went to the docs today. She has gone along with my idea of having an infection hanging around my sinuses and ears, and given me a big dose of antibiotics. She reckons Sam will be okay with me taking this, as he's doing well with his food now. I mentioned that he is 24 weeks and eating 3 meals a day, and she was all for it! She said at his size, he's well ready to be eating food now. I told her how excited he gets when he sees a little petit filous pot come out of the fridge, and she laughed. Ah he's s a little love!
BTP bless Rosie falling asleep in her jumperoo! awww :cloud9:

LBB it's funny to hear you talk about going to Hanley as that's where Matt grew up! He is always talking about when he used to go into Hanley, etc.

aww Asher bless Sam getting excited about the petit filous! Holly loves her petit filous as well! Today she has had weetabix for brekkie, bananas and peaches mixed with baby rice and a small piece of bread and butter for lunch and pureed mixed veg for dinner with apples and pears for pudding! She's loving her food.

I also wanted to thank whoever it was that said they don't bother with the bath seat and they just fill the bath with a couple of inches of water and let their baby splash around (I think it was teeny but I'm not sure?) I've done away with the seat and have been doing this all week and Holly absolutely loves it! I've never seen her look so happy, she has so much fun splashing around. We've started bathing her every night again now as part of her routine as putting oilatum on 2-3 times a day seems to be helping the eczema enough.

Took a little longer for her to settle tonight, about 40 minutes but she was asleep by 9.30 and I'm so pleased she is settling herself rather than me having to rock her. She's fell asleep on me quite a few times today, but I don't mind that, it's the having to stand up and walk around and rock her when she is so heavy that I mind! I love having a little snuggle when she just falls asleep on me.

Louise, I am loving all your new FB pics! Lilia is gorgeous. The ones where she is asleep and you can see her little chubby cheeks are too cute!! She's a wee stunner! x

Emzy, Holly does sound like she's enjoying her food! Sam really really does, it's so cute. I am looking forward to being able to put some cheese and stuff in soon. Jack used to love potato, spinach and cheese. It was super tasty, and Sam seems to prefer the stuff that tastes stronger. He loved the cow and gate fruit pots tonight which we used to buy for Archie and Jack. Go Holly with settling herself too! We've taken a backwards step with this, Sam falls asleep on the boob most nights. He does wake up some when I put him down, but, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it ha ha!!!
Holly loves laughing cow cheese! I've been giving it to her in a sandwich on most days and she loves it! Gets in a right mess as well lol
Tobe is having a nurse-a-nap (his favourite way to sleep), so I am forced to sit down and chill out for a few minutes.
I got all the tax chores done today. I had to hunt down all sorts of receipts and what not and get everything entered and calculated. Luckily, both boys were little angels and I got it done.
I have heaps of writing projects to do still, but at least I can cross one gigantic task off my list. :thumbup:

So, I offered Tobe some avocado last night and he was pretty excited. He hasn't got a clue what to do with it. I mushed some up and put it on my finger and he happily gummed away at it. He uses his tongue too much, though, and pushes most of it back out again. So cute. :cloud9:

Louise, I truly feel like I am on the housecleaning version of Groundhog Day. I wash and scrub and vacuum and it never looks remotely clean for more than five minutes. Laundry, dishes, and the floors. They are the bane of my existence. :wacko:
Glad Holly is loving laughing cow ..... It will keep me in work ! I hate dairylea bluuggghh
Sounds like she's really enjoying her foods now

Asher I was tempted to try JJ on petit filous today but changed my mind as think it's a little bit early

BTP it amazes me how babies manage to sleep regardless where they are or what they are doing !

Lbb glad James us starting to put on a little weight must be such a relief after the past few weeks
One baby finally asleep, she has decided not to settle tonight so i have bought her downstairs where she kicked on her mat, bounced in her jumperoo and now is on her mat....asleep! As soon as i put her in her cot she will wake up!

I think the perpetual hamster on the wheel is how we all feel about the housework! It never ends! :shrug:

Lilbumpblue, only if u get a chance hun, don't go out of you way especially, Emzy has been supplying me with her snaps of sleepbags in her mission to find me one as well, I think tkmax think they have a secret shopper! :haha:
I saw some in Tesco today but not so keen on them, they were summer 1.5 tog ones, but with just a vest i am sure they are all fine for the summer, just the covers being kicked off disturbs Rosie as they gather under her, why the sacks are so good for her!:hugs:

Sarah, Groundhog day:rofl:

Asher, Bless Sam getting exited about fromage frais, my eldest was the same about all food! He was eating from 3 months, and happy from 3 months, much the same at 16yrs happy when food is present! He goes through the cupboards and fridge freezer when i go shopping just to check for anything new!!:hugs:

Genies, sounds like it is under control, was just worried as mumps is a swelling of the throat like they have swallowed a golf ball just one side, but a rash is first, and temp. My ds had it when he was little and he had the rash first and was diagnosed with a non spacific (?) virus, i asked was it infectious, oh no the doctor said he will be fine around other children, then a few days later his neck was out one side and so i called the doctor again who said the rash was the onset of the mumps and he was only infectious when the rash was there:dohh: He had had his mmr jab and was fully up together with his jabs:shrug: Apparently these things are much reduced if they have had jabs because there is a certain resistance.:hugs:

Time to see if my baby girl will go to her cot and sleep, not holding out much hope for any more than a few hours!

Night night xx:hugs:

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