September Stars

wow ym thats good x

well im feeling really on edge tonight df is really really pissing me off...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...i could punch him when he is like this!!! Example i asked shall we have takeaway he said have you got money for it i said yes then i said il order chinese and told him what i was order he said it was came and he moaned 'id ordered too much' ffs i cant win!! As i type he moaning he has too many pillows on the settee...fucking move one then!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rarghhhhhhhhhhhh...time of the month i think :lol: rant over thanks for listening! xxx
Hi girls!
Nice day here. We had our Valentine's Day party at playgroup, which was basically regular playgroup with the addition of sugary snacks! :)
Still, lots of fun.

I'm trying to take advantage of naptime to get some writing finished, but I'm really not in the mood. I know I'll feel way better once it's done, but at the moment, I just want to chill out.

On the topic of naptimes, Tobe has started getting much better day sleep. He's been sort of grabbing little cat naps around the chaos that is life with Simon and I have been feeling a little guilty about that. I would like him to have about 1.5-2 hours in the morning and the afternoon. Simon used to sleep that much, and my sleep book says that they need that much for healthy brain development. Tobe has done about 3 hours in one chunk for the past few days, and that's made me really happy.
I'm hoping this continues.
Of course, now that I've written it down, he'll be back to little cat naps! :dohh:

btp - hope Sophie isn't too sick and that no one else gets it. Good to hear that the fellow got up with her last night, though. That helps you out a bit.

Blob - Rosalie sounds like she's destined to be an Olympic athlete - all that strength and energy! :)

YM - glad to hear that Kimi is so much better!
Aw Jayne, sounds like you need to go and scream into your pillow for a minute!! Grrrrrrrr. Other halves!!!

YM, glad Kimi's home and doing well, that formula sounds fab!! Hope you all get to catch up on some much needed rest over the next few days. xx

Blob, you must be shattered. Rosalie sounds a lot like Jack in her habits. He was a non-sleeping baby!! Sam currently is sleeping well at night, between 10 and 11 hours most nights. In the day he is very hit and miss. I think he tends to do 3 short naps, around 30 mins. One in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one around tea time. He does seem to be slightly better having three meals, even though they're only small. I don't mean that the meals are filling him up, but the timing thing seems to be helping with his sleeping and breastfeeding around them, if that makes sense? Just another element of routine for him really.

Sam did actually settle himself to sleep tonight, after me saying last night that he can't! We were out until almost 8.30, but he had been bathed and had PJs on. We came home, I changed his nappy and put him into his sleeping bag, and went to feed him but he really wasn't hungry. He was obviously using me as a dummy (or his thumb!) so I unlatched him and put him into his crib. He was awake, so I kissed him and said goodnight, then went out of the room. I put the mobile music on for him, and he went to sleep!! Crazy child!!

I'm tired now! Off to bed. Nighty night all..... am off to see Chris and Pui from CBeebies with Jack (and Sam) tomorrow. Jack is very excited about Show Me Show Me!! x
I cant wait until the naps settle into some decent naps?? Tabs was GREAT she would sleep like 4 hours a day until she was nearly TWO :cry:

Rosalie has been up since 7am she has napped for perhaps 10mins while being fed, she fell asleep only at 11pm and she wont sleep past 12 :cry:

:rofl: Sarah thats what our toddler groups are like too...just an excuse for us to eat more cakes.

LBB :hugs: Sorry your df is being an ass :hugs:

Asher yaay for self settling...Rosalie was sleeping great like that until like 3 weeks ago :nope:
Lbb - sorry but I laughed at your df comments as I have the exact same thing with my man sometimes, big hugs they are idiots but that's why we love them xx

Asher - James only saw his cot mobile for the first time last week Unfortunatly it had the opposite effect in the sense that he was so intrigued in these little bears rotating it kept him awake. Good Sam for self settling !
:hi: ladies

Blob - :hugs: Scarlett's sleeping isn't great at the moment but I usually get at least one 3 hour stint at night.

YM - glad to hear Kimi is gaining weight and is home

LLB - I feel your pain. DH is really pissing me off at the moment. To be honest he is doing the bare minimum with Scarlett and seems to spend more time outside the house than he does in it. So far this morning he has been out for 3 "walks" which is code for a cigarette and he didn't get up until 8.45. I can tell there is a row brewing between us and I'm just not in the mood either to row or to put up with his selfish ways. Scarlett always plays up at the weekend and won't go down at her usual nap times. I put her in her swing and when she was asleep DH decided to turn it off. I told him not to because as soon as it stops she will wake up but he ignored me. What happened? She woke up so he took her out of her swing rather than just turning it back on again and put her in her cot. I can hear her - she's not asleep and yes you've guessed it - he's gone out for a "walk". Grrrrr! Bloody men!

On a happier note we are going on a surprise holiday at Easter! 5 days at Center Parcs Longleat. My step-mum is retiring in April and it is also her 60th birthday so she is treating us all to a little get away. I'm shocked to be honest, we don't always get on very well so it's very unexpected and generous of her. To be honest, we have both been trying a lot harder since Scarlett came along and I guess in some ways it is healing some old wounds. There should be 13 of us altogether and I'm hoping it will be good fun.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I'll be back later unless the police come and cart me off for strangling my DH.

Hi girls

After saying that Holly has stopped her long afternoon nap, she has been asleep in her cot since 1.45! Hope that she starts doing it regularly again as she used to be such a good napper! We're just waiting for her to wake up as we were planning on taking her to the park this afternoon and go on the swings, so hope she wakes soon!

YM that's fab news about Kimi, I'm so glad she is feeling better!

Louise have a lovely time at the valentines night!

MrsJ lucky you with a nice holiday!

Is anyone doing anything for valentines? We're going out for dinner, but the day after valentines day as that's payday lol We're leaving Holly with 2 of our friends. They are trying for a baby and I joked to Matt that I bet it puts them off ha ha! I'm a bit nervous about them putting her to bed, she is still taking a while to settle herself but I don't want them to rock her, even though it would be easier we have done a week of no rocking and I don't want to go back on our hard work if you know what I mean! So I'm a bit nervous as they are a bit like "oh yeah it'll be fine" but she does thrash around and cry and you have to put her dummy in a million times before she falls asleep after about half an hour and I think they won't do it right! I know that sounds silly, but do you know what I mean?! The last time we left her with our other friends was just before Christmas and we went out for dinner. They are lovely but they gave her half a bottle and for some reason didn't offer the rest even though I said she sometimes needs a break in between and didn't let her sleep, so she was sooo overtired and we had a really bad night with her!

lbb and mrs j sorry your other halves are being like that hope they behaving better now!

emzy- could you write down what you want your babysitters to do in case they get stuck? hope you enjoy your meal and enjoy your couple time!
we have ordered a tesco finest meal deal to come tommorow decided to stay in.

Layla is loads better but i feel ive spent so much time with her lately i need to concentrate on amelia and give her extra time tonight, she is still crying if anyone else holds her its getting very embarressing!

i went out with my friend last night and sat chatting and the wine flowing which was lovely but oh my god im too old for the hangovers these days ! :)
Genies James is crying too if anyone else holds him...i then take him and he instantly stops and i agree it is slightly embarrassing!! I had it with a parent one but the other way around, she came to collect and i handed baby over to her and he cried and wanted to come back to me...she was mortified!! oops!!!

Iv seen an advert for the m&s meal deal actually...mmm might get on to that one! x

Hope everyone is well today :) x
Dont think we're doing anything for valentines...our wedding anniversary is the 27th so want to save for that. Plus I cant take leaving Rosalie so often :cry: I will only go 20 mins away (closest town to us) to get dinner just incase.

Well Robin is off at the ruggerby and I'm not sure if he's coming back tonight or not :dohh: think his friend was going to try and get him to stay out as 'its valentines weekend and all the women are desperate' :lol: so not sure if Robin will go out or if he'll get the last train home.

Got one poorly toddler today, dh was up with her all night (well i can't i have Rosie to take care of!!:haha:) I went down about 4am to see if she was cool enough to put to bed and let dh get some sleep!
I treated myself to a decent thermometer, its fab

Really impressed with it, and after years of faffing about with forehead strips and beeps that never happen, its brilliant.
It is going mad and flashing red with Sophie atm, poor love, asked the nurse next door who said 40 was ok as long as she reacted to the medicine, and within a few mins of stripping her off, opening the window and having her medicine her temp started to drop. The thermometer has a really handy thing where it remembers the last temp so i can tell if its getting better or worse.

So anyway that is where i have been, hoping Rosie doesn't get whatever it is, all it consists of it a high temp and a bit snotty, she is eating ok and drinking ok but obviously it may be different in a baby.

Glad Kimi is home, think i said already but she sounds like she os doing really well now so well done ym xx

Lilbumpblue, the meal deals do sound nice, but i think we are abandoning diets for one night (dh's birthday today) and having a chinese, so hungry, we usually share a curry and chowmein, oh i am hungry!:hugs:

Genies, glad to hear Layla is feeling better, Rosie is strictly a Mummy's girl, she smiles at anyone else but looks horrified if they go to touch her and clings on to me! :hugs:

Emzy, as dh's birthday is today and only 2 days b4 valentines it is a bit different to mark them both, I have given him birthday cards from the girls, and the children, and from me, he had a few presents, things like xbox live membership and aftershave. I bought him an alarm to put on Sophie and it sounds if she goes a set distance you choose, she keeps running off in tesco, one second she is there then she is gone, so i thought this would help, as soon as she decides to go we will notice straight away! She screams about reins, and only sometimes goes in the buggy, we like her to have the freedom she likes but safely and its been too scary when she is out of sight.
We are having take away tonight and prob a steak on Mon, we still don't go out, Rosie is clingy and i would be worrying non stop its not as if she has ever taken a bottle or eats food atm!
We have booked to go away to Devon in March in the hotel we went to on honeymoon, we are just taking the girls with us, we have a family room. Then we are going to Derby in May to visit some old friends of dh's that will be travelodge or premier inn, again just us and the 2 girls.

Dh has redeemed himself a bit atm, looking after Sophie so i can sleep last night, although how i would have managed if he hadn't i don't know!
Things are going well between us but it just takes something small to rock the boat, just hope nothing does then it will gradually get better.

Sorry got to go, think i have caught up a bit! Back soon and try more! Got 2 sleepy little girls and hope i can sit for a while for once!

Back soon, :hugs:

BTP glad things r going well between you and hubby :) bet you will go through my neck of the woods when you go to Derby :) x

James and I are going to make a fathers day card for Daddy...that will be fun hehe xx

edit: that thermometer is similar to what the docs use!
BTP - glad you and your DH are getting on better. I know you have had a rough time :hugs:

Genies - nice to hear you had a good night out

I've had a bit on a boring day. I wanted to go out for late breakfast this morning (mainly for a break and to save me having to bother with lunch) but DH said he wasn't hungry but would go out for a walk to "work up an appetite". When he got back he said he didn't want to go for breakfast. I was so pissed off, it was 10.30 by then and I hadn't had anything to eat despite having been up with Scarlett since 7.30. I ended up having a small bowl of cereal. About 12 he decided to go out again which really hacked me off, Scarlett was asleep so I took the opportunity to have a ham roll for my lunch because I knew that if I didn't have it then I'd be looking at at least 1-30/2 after Scarlett was fed. DH comes back just as I'm finishing and says "I was going to take you out for lunch". Honestly, I could have strangled him, he has absolutely no idea about Scarlett's feeding and sleeping times despite being told all the time. In the end after Scarlett had fed we walked to Morrisons to get some nice food for tonight - Steaks and Potato Gratin. Scarlett decided to wake up at 3pm so by 6pm she was absolutely exhausted and I had no choice but to put her down. It's all very well but she will wake up for a feed around 9pm, be up again at 2am and then because she's gone down an hour early it will probably be a 5am start. DH never get's up with her to let me have a lie in, the excuse being that she's bf. The truth is I could feed her and then he could occupy her while I go back to sleep. It won't happen because as he's the only one "working" he thinks he is far more entitled to sleep than me. I can't even be bothered to push the point any more. I guess this is the price I have to pay for wanting to have a child and be a stay at home Mum when DH was ambivalent about it. Don't get me wrong he has been really good with her today, playing with her etc. I think I'm just feeling a bit down and not very happy in our relationship at the moment. I don't know if this makes sense but sometimes I feel completely invisible, like my feelings simply don't matter because everyone and everything is more important than me. Sorry, I've just realised this has just turned into a rant and if you've read this far - thank you
Hey Louise hunni i totally understand what you are saying and i have total sympathy for you!! My df just sits on the xbox and i have to tell him to watch James while i make tea of whatever! He moans if the house is untidy ect... In the week he was chuntering because he got in and he hates parrallel parking and basically he had to do it to pakr outside our house...he got on hs high horse about wanting to move house asking me what 'I' had done about finding another house and that 'saturday' we are going to the estate agents...its Saturday and what have we done today...sweet FA cos he has been on his xbox all day since 10am...he was on it until 3:30am!!! lol! I dont mind him being on it cos i get to do what i want to do then like come on here :lol:!! To be honest i love him to bits but sometimes he winds me up so much that i think iv got James and that all i need and i could quite easily just go, but then another time he is fab brill really sweet etc... x
Working on potty training here.
It has mostly been a series of accidents and an sharp increase in the amount of laundry, but oh the joy and freedom when those diapers are a thing of the past!
Simon really likes his big boy underwear, so here's hoping that he's got incentive to keep at it.
Lots of toddler pushing boundaries these days. But interspersed with such funny, wonderful moments - just enough to keep me swooning with love and not giving in to my inclination to punt him out the window. :)

No grand Valentine's plans for us, romance-wise. We are planning to have a nice day and meal as a family. I have some really beautiful art cards for all my boys and I have a book about animals for Simon and Tobe. So we'll do a little celebration of "I love yous", with a small present, and some nice dessert, but no big fuss.
Oh, actually, husband and I did buy ourselves a grown-up toy for Valentine's Day, but we didn't save it for the day! :blush: We seem to be re-visiting our college days with the :sex: right now! Very fun! :)
Anyway, lots to do, so have a great weekend everyone! :hi:
BTP - Good to hear you and DH are getting on!!!

MrsJ - I read it!!! :hugs::hugs: My OH does that sometimes!!!and hope you have a good very jealous.... Luke wont go unless it's in a caravan but I LOVE camping and hate caravanning....

Emzy - I have midwife on Valentines day, where she'll hopefully give me my scan as according to her 'dates' i'm 12 weeks tomorrow but according to mine I am only 8 weeks...lets see who's right!!! lol afterwards, I think we're just gna have a night mum was going to have Kimi before she was ill...but I wouldn't wanna put it on her now so possibly a nice soppy DVD and hopefully Luke will cook something nice ;)

Genies - I actually admire you having must be hard dividing your time between 2 of them...if one is ill etc!! You must be shattered!!!

Kimi is very sleepy atm...i think she is just getting used to being home with daddy and mummy...instead of just mummy like she was at the hospital!!
When we was at the hospital, the only TV channel we got free was Cbeebies...and because she was on the IV, I couldnt move her around so much so we used to snuggle on the bed and watch Cbeebies!!! I quite like Charlie and Lola lol!!!

Kimi was soooo good in hospital...once she started taking Neocate it was like I had my little girl back...she was smiling and giggling and whenever she saw the nurses...she would grab hold of their hands and give them a little gummy smile and chat away to them...before we left they all had cuddles and said that she was a beautiful little girl and she would be missed!!! :cloud9:

Hope everyone is okay!!!

sarahkka - we are potty training too although jayden decided he didnt want to do potty training he wanted to do toilet training. Hes doing really well we only have accidents during the day when we are out and cant get him to a toilet in time. We've moved on to night time now and in a week hes been completely dry at nap times and has been dry 4 out of 7 nights so we are getting there. we only started at christmas too so hes doing really well. Fingers crossed simon catches on to it quickly i'm sure he will once they get what they are supposed to be doing they like it. we used food colouring in the toilet (red or blue) so that when he did a wee it changed colour and he loved it and it made him want to go on the toilet lol then when he did he got a small chocolate!

YM - so pleased Kimi is doing well bless her! I have my first midwife appointment on tuesday i wont get a scan though i'm only 8 weeks and will have to wait till 12 weeks. Hope it goes well for you on monday!

BTP - glad things are getting better with your DH. Hope sophie is feeling better soon!

On the subject of OH's mine is being brilliant! (sorry girls lol) i'm getting to the tired stage of first tri and hes been great he let me sleep in the past 2 mornings and got up with the kids then he let me have a nap on the sofa this afternoon, hes cooked dinner and made up loads of meals for tyler at the same time. Although i must say he is good all of the time anyway really!
Ah, just had to say - big :hugs: to all of you who are feeling blue about the fellows. There is such a hard period of adjustment when a baby comes along. And you add the sleep deprivation and the swallowing up of your adult identity by this little being, and there are bound to be blow-outs.
I have to say, though - those DHs going on about needing sleep more because they have to work - absolute bullshit. My husband works shifts, days and nights, and he still gets up and helps me because he recognizes that nobody can function without sleep. And he considers my job taking care of our children (driving them in cars, watching out for all the many hazards, etc) to require a decent amount of rest, as well. We take turns getting up in the night, because we have found that we function best when there is at least one person who is better rested.
And Mrs.J - he may have been ambivalent, but he still decided to become a dad. That means being a whole lot less selfish than the behaviour you describe. Seriously? Head off for a weekend and let him care for Scarlett on his own. She'll kick his ass for you! :hugs:
Boony - those are great ideas - thanks! Simon is also on the toilet with a special little seat that goes on top of the regular one. I think we're still in the very beginning stages, so I'm anticipating that we'll be at this for awhile. I also don't want to put any pressure on him, so I'm being pretty casual about it - with lots of praise when he achieves something! :)
sarahkka thats what we did to start with too we just let him decide otherwise we wouldnt have started over christmas! I think its much easier if they show signs of wanting too rather than forcing them. We started with the little seats too but now he wont even use them which is good for when we are out. Good luck with it all

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