September Stars

Walkers go fine on carpet just are a bit harder to move than on kitchen floors or laminate smooth floors! (and can get stuck in doorways) if you have a bit of roaming space they are good, and funny when you leave baby in a room and they follow you!

I did much the same Ems, in bouncer i sit her on my knee and put her in and out just reverse it, I also used to un-clip baby from hanger then put the whole thing on my lap and slide out, my friend did drop her baby trying to get her out, so do beware! (baby was fine but Mummy was very upset!)

My 3yr old had milk intollorance but was fine with anything containing milk like custard, yogs, butter, cheese etc, and funnily enough she was fine on cows milk, wouldn't touch formula and was intollorant to my milk, so i weamed her and by 6 months she was on cows milk, again we are told this is a 'no no' but she was fine at the time and still is:shrug:
I think it will depend what Kimi is allergic to, find out what it is in her old milk that was no good, you may have to try different foods yourself and see what she gets on with, the doctors can't tell you what she is allergic to unless she has had a definite reaction to something, so us Mums have to try and see what is ok.
My friends baby couldn't have egg but it is the only thing she can't eat and can eat it in things just not on its own, but you only find out when you try something and they come out in a rash!:hugs:

Roast dinner in oven, kids telly on driving me insane, what a load of rubbish, Sophie still refusing medicine and tem still high, she seems to have it in waves, i tried to put a spoon of medi in orange juice and its the closest thing i have to working as she took a sip!

Back soon xxxx:hugs:
we are having our valentines meal tonight we did the tesco meal deal so we have beef wellington potato dolphinoise and raspberry creme brullea and sparkling wine, dh said he would rather have a beer so he going to have one glass and i can have the rest ! :)
gg - meant to say - cute new avatar!

Quiet Sunday here. Still chipping away at the writing projects and laundry.
Tobe just had an enormous poopsplosion all over the light blue couch. Can anyone remind me why I ever EVER thought that would be a good couch colour? I know we got the couches well before we had babies, but seriously. They are looking so nasty these days. Not in the budget to replace them (and I don't think I'll bother until all babies are older and able to understand not wiping their faces, hands and everything else into upholstery), so I'll just go find another blanket to cover them up! :dohh:
Hey ladies!

Just a quick hello as we had our housewarming last night, and i'm still hungover. We've been in our house since march, but haven't had a party yet because of Izzy; last night both girls stayed at my mums, and 12 of our friends came over for a drink. I'm paying for it today! Urgh :sick:

I love valentines day :) We're going for a meal to the local Italian tomorrow night, and i've got oh a few gifts. I've also written a lovely poem in his card, which took me AGES to think of, and is quite good even if I say so myself :blush:

As for having more babies - is it just me that feels like they've only just had this one? It doesn't seem like 2 mins ago, and I really don't feel ready to be pregnant again yet!

Sorry for the selfish post, I've caught up but i'm just too hungover to do personals - I can only just type... :sick:
BTP poor Sophie hope she feels better soon, it's horrible when they won't take their medicine too xx

GG I had beef Wellington for the first time at my friends wedding when I was 34 weeks pregnant, I love it now ummm enjoy

Opti seems like you had a good time last night !! Ive only had one glass of baileys since JJ arrived I'm such a light weight now !

Got college again tomorrow I've still got to study tonight and I'm shattered .... Rather watch dancing on ice :)
Started weaning paige again today and again she will not settle at bed time. 3 hours !!!! has anyone else this problem after feeding them solids ?

Laura- totally know how you feel about the OH... i also feel like a single mum, even if i mention he is to do a night shift with paige you would feel i asked him to cut his right arm off !! But this will have to change when i go back to work !

Blondie- Paige still wears most of her 0-3 but i have listed a load of new born on ebay and i found it very upsetting, like the end of that period of her life, It feels like only yesterday i was having her !!! now she is weaning, and im selling her ittle clothes out : ( I bet your spending habit on clothes is nothing compared to mine !!! she has 6 draws of clothes !!

Sarah- your right about the fact they hardly wear the clothes, most clothes paige has she has either worn once or not at all, only a few clothes sets has she worn more than once but thats only the more pricey dresses from next that i brought...she has so far not worn a vest more than once as i was brought loads and given loads..

Jelly – my mate has a baby who is very big, he went off the weight chart in the baby book, and he was in it for months !!! think he would still go in it now if she didnt give it back to her sister in law a couple months ago and her son was one last week, but it takes up loads of room like BTP said and i think one of those door bouncers are better, we cant even fit it through the door unless we take it apart, if it wasnt for the fact i got one so cheap i dont think i would have brought it.

BTP- as you can see above i too wish i never got one but only because of the amount of space it takes up. Glad to hear MR BTP is being good : )

MrsJ- pleased to hear hubby has been good, Hubby tries to convince me every night, now he is off his night shifts i think he will ask for a early night tonight. !! I also agree with BTP, i reckon they read our posts !! wish my hubby would then maybe i could get him to do more house work which may mean im not so tired at night ; )

G.G love the new profile pic !!! how did the meal go ?

Im afraid i only went back a few pages so sorry if i missed anyone
Well ladies - either my DH is psychic or he was reading what I wrote last night over my shoulder :rofl:

After my rant last night, he cooked us Steak for dinner - yum! Was a lot more affectionate and loving for the rest of the evening, had a shower and shave before bed and then got rather saucy at bed time. I wasn't really in the mood but he managed to persuade me :winkwink: I'm feeling a lot more positive towards him today as a result. This morning he even got up without being nagged and we went to Sainsbury's without any complaint. Will have to see how long he keeps it up now....!


I think they are sneaking on here and reading our posts, 2 men being kicked up the bum without actually being confronted is too much like coincidence! :hugs:

pffft...why does my df have to have dyslexia so cant read what i write :hehe: x

Well i walked to my mums today 45 mins there 45 back and im knackered to say the least :coffee: She has had a german shepherd puppy and he is so cute!! Shame i was soaked...she had to tumble dry my jeans as the rain had run off my (df's actually) waterproof coat onto my jeans!

Funnily enough James throws himself about in his entertainer and df said about buying him a door bouncer so i phoned my sis and she has one for me...a tigger one and it has a tail :haha: poor :baby: lol x

Genies love your new avatar...Layla (?? strawberry top) looks so like you!!! x
Started weaning paige again today and again she will not settle at bed time. 3 hours !!!! has anyone else this problem after feeding them solids ?

Jelly – my mate has a baby who is very big, he went off the weight chart in the baby book, and he was in it for months !!! think he would still go in it now if she didnt give it back to her sister in law a couple months ago and her son was one last week, but it takes up loads of room like BTP said and i think one of those door bouncers are better, we cant even fit it through the door unless we take it apart, if it wasnt for the fact i got one so cheap i dont think i would have brought it.


JJ seems to be fine with settling at night after his (tiny) solids, however he always has been good at night since about six weeks.

Thanks for the size tip this was my concern as we only have a small two up two down and another two down house. We still have JJs swing in the front room at the moment DH wants us to put it away as he now uses the bouncer and wants hid front room space back, but I cant face to admit hes not little anymore so I put him in it today to make a point....JJ fell asleep and looked adorable.... the swing stays for the time being :)
Rosalie just loves all food excpet anything that has been mushed up :dohh: she ate strawberries today and seemed to aprove.

We use the jumperoo, Tabs hated it but Rosalie LOVES it hehe! Its so so cute :cloud9:

When Rosalie wakes up in the night she has to cuddle my arm now its oh so so so gorgeous she holds on so tight.

Rosalie doesnt get the walker, she's not tall enough yet and also tries to bounce in it at the moment :rofl: But Tabs looooves to push her around really fast in it :haha:
Hi ladies!
Have read but not going to be very good at personals tonight as am still feeling a tad delicate after our valentines doooo yesterday!

It was so good, it was great that Lilia was with my mum who she knows very well (since wayne has been gone she's been here for a couple of days most weeks despite it being a 3 hour journey each way) most she's gone between being here is a fortnight :) So I trust her completely and know Lilia is well behaved, I didn't go out until she was about to have her bedtime bottle (which is now normally about 6.30pm!!!!!!)

Anyway, I had a great time, drank a bit too much gin! The drag queens were brilliant, so funny, and I won the raffle! I got a 'magic 8 willy' which was a source for much immature amusement for the rest of the evening!

AND I got to speak to Wayne on MSN earlier on although only for a few minutes before he lost connection, unfortunately it was not a particularly positive chat as he told me one of his friends got injured today, he will be ok but is unconscious, he went to visit him in the hospital. He is a RESA which is what Wayne is, and Wayne is back out on the ground on Tuesday again, I pray he stays safe for these final few weeks before R&R, as after R&R he should be doing training at bastian (where I don't need to worry about him the same!) He's very low though and stressed and needs to be home soon for a rest.. bless him. Hopefully I will get a call tomorrow, it being valentines day and all! Maybe I'll even get some flowers?! A girl can only wish!! I have to admit, it was slightly depressing being at a valentines ball with no men there! Nice that everyone was in the same position though! My motto is: Sod valentines day, i'm looking forward to pancake day!

Sorry for selfish post, will be a better threadmate tomorrow, love to all and babies xx
:hugs: :hugs: Louise...see you can miss your man and we moan about ours...we are never happy :hugs: Glad you had a fun night out hon you deserve it.
Hi is anyone on here interested in any of this 6-9 month girls stuff before I put on ebay?
Morning girls

Just a quick selfish post from me. First of all, Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovely ladies! Hope your significant others spoil you as you all deserve it! I got breakfast in bed, a homemade card (we're skint so we made cards this year!) and the house decorated with hearts! We're going for dinner tomorrow as tomorrow is payday :)

And just wanted to say HAPPY 6 MONTHS to Holly!! I can't believe my baby girl is growing up so fast. In just the same amount of time she will be 1 :cry: I can't believe this time 6 months ago I was just recovering (in the corridor lol) after being stitched in theatre, with Holly lay on my chest :cloud9:

Anyway back later, have a good day ladies xx
Morning all! Happy 6 months Holly! Time really is going so quickly.

I can't really remember everything and am on my phone so please forgive me if I haven't responded to your post.

We have a jumberoo for Harry which was also second hand. We have to keep it in our bedroom as we have no room anywhere else. It's handy though as Harry will play in it whilst I get ready. He's only just big enough to use it properly so I think he's got a few more months out of it. We moved his swing up into his room a few months back to give us more space in the living room.

GG I also love your new pic!

Louise I'm so glad you had a good time. The ball sounds like a great idea.

MrsJ I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your dh but glad he's starting to pull his finger out. Mine seems to have given up helping with the house which is annoying. It's the little things that bug me though like undressing Harry and then just leaving his clothes lying there or not putting his dirty dishes in the dishwasher after I have cleaned the kitchen. I think it's the lack of consideration that gets to me.

Will post more in a bit.. Harry has just fallen asleep so I need to rush round getting ready etc!
Morning ladies, happy valentines day!

Hope you're all having lovely days after being spoilt by your men! I got a huge bouquet of roses and lilies, chocolates and balloons from Wayne :cloud9:
Awww thats cute Louise, not sure I'm even getting a card :rofl:

Happy 6months Holly :wohoo: It is scary they grow up so so fast and I swear its faster this time :dohh:
Hey ladies!

Well, i'm feeling a bit better today now that i've recovered a bit :blush:

Louise - your flowers are GORGEOUS! I spied them on facebook. :)

I have a jumperoo, it's a really old one, but Izzy loves it. Like you said tho, it's HUGE and takes up all the room in my living room.

Wow - happy 6 months Holly! I can't believe it's going so fast, Izzy will be 6 months soon :cry: although i'm not sure when, as she was born on the 29th!
I forgot to say, happy 6 months Holly!

I HAVE to share Lilia's new trick, she can now sit up by putting her hands on the floor in front of her! She can't do anything once she's there as if she lifts one of her hands up she slumps over! It's so cute though and apparently the first step to sitting up unsupported!

Good Morning All, Happy Valentines Day and hope you all get all the lovin you deserve, and Louise, WOW! :shock: The works from your man, and not long to wait for the rest!!:blush:

Yes still thinking about the jumperoo, i think once i have the bouncer it may have to go back, not sure what to do, will look on Mothercare see what they say about returns, I don't think it being too bloody big, her not touching the floor or being able to twist in it because she is too little don't count as a fault!:haha:

Happy 6 Months Holly, Oh my already:cry:our babies are going to be creepy crawlies soon, then walkie talkies. (my phase names for babies!!):haha:

My man Did good, got a lovely dozen red roses for me, will put pics on fb as they are so nice! And a very nice card, he is good at choosing cards!
I got him a card and a little love u snow globe, and a chocolate rose, and a packet of rolos and a lunar deed, which is a piece of land on the moon, then i wrote a poen about getting him the moon and giving him my last rolo! So it all kind of worked but i think tbh it was all a bit wasted on him! He asked if i had coppied the poem or written it, :dohh:

Blondie, have posted to the thread but am interested in the m and co dress but have a feeling it may have gone:nope::hugs:

Well Rosie was a bit moany when we had our tea last night, she sits in her rocker (which i though i would get no use out of and has been a god send, but only because she is so little, any other baby i think 3 months use max!
Anyway she was grumbling at us so as i had nothing else as i had salted all ours i opened a tin of baby food, the banana pudding one, it is sort of like banana jelly! She loved it, and although is not a great eater ever time i went to put the spoon away she kicked her legs and was telling me she wanted more! She ended up having about half a jar, and seemed very happy, she went onto the boob after that and had a really good feed, then fell asleep for bed about midnight after another good boobfull, she went through the night, without a feed, and at half 7 had another feed and i have not heard from her since, she is still in bed!!! Keep checking her but will leave her to sleep!
I have my food shop coming today and there were some baby cereals in there so may offer her some later at tea time again.:thumbup:

Going to check fb, just say, my daughter is feeling a bit better today, she is off the sofa and playing, she was just saying 'bugger, bugger', so i say dont say bugger, and she pulls out a plastic mcdonalds burger from the chair and says bugger :dohh: (Burger of course Mummy)


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