September Stars

happy valentines day everyone (1 sec late) and a extra hug for louise x
Happy Valentines day to all my lovely mommies!
Louise, loved the pics of your gifts on FB.
DH and I aren't usually big on V Day but this year I just really thought we needed something special. I felt as though we had drifted apart and disconnected after Cade was born. I think we had DTD maybe twice in the four and a half months. This weekend worked wonders for both of us.
I hope all you fabulous ladies had a great Valentines!
Well i had to take my husband to tesco to get my valentines card, i shouted out in front of everyone "shall i pick my own valentines present too" he thinks now we are married he doesnt have to make a effort as we got married in march and he will show me how much he loves me then !!! but i got a bottle of cava and im almost finished with

Yay to all the babies sitting up and rolling over, paige pretty much still doesnt do much like that, which to be honest im enjoying the lack of mobility as i know it means i will no longer be able to leave her on the bed or her napper...she tries to get up and gets upset when she cant.

I found out my son is getting bullied in his cab he gets too and from school by three other boys, he gets punched and they say things to him and one even filmed it on his phone. He is covered in bruises and he finally came clean to me what has been going on. I was almost in tears and then that turned into utter disgust and wanted to go round to these kids parents !! but since found out non of them live with their parents.. I had a word with one of the boys and explained he could explain it all to the police or my ex husband jakes real dad who is a complete nutter and wouldnt think twice about banging on their door. But i spoke to his school and they said they will deal with it !! watch this space ..............

Mrs J thanks honey im going to try that x
LBB woo go james! So glad he's on the mend at last..

:hugs: thank you Kara :) I'm currently listening to love songs, feeling a little bit sad, I'm really missing Wayne at the moment :( I just want a hug from my man. I even went as far as to ask the duty driver on saturday night for a hug just because I miss man hugs! That was my first one since november! Not the same though.... Only 20 sleeps to go, it can't come quick enough to be honest!
Oh Kara poor Jake :( That's awful, if it's only happening in the taxi then surely the school should organise for him to travel separately to them?!

Kellie, glad you had a lovely weekend with your hubby :) We only DTD a couple of times after Lilia was born before he went away, my sex drive had pretty much disappeared, but I think it will be back with a vengeance when he appears at my door! Poor bloke won't know what's hit him!! Bloody gagging for it!
louise-LOL you both will be like rabbits when he you think the time away and why he is away gives you guys that spark every time he comes home? i think some of us take it for granted we see our OH all the time, i know i do even when he is on nights......20 sleeps, hang in there chick x
This is the first operational tour he's done since we've been together as he was at training wing for a while then he was provost sgt... but after we got married he had 9 months of courses so he was only home on weekends so kind of got used to him not being home much...and yes I think it does make you appreciate them more! Although nothing quite like this! He is desperate to come home, he is missing us so much, especially Lilia, and he has seen awful things, and absence definately makes the heart grow fonder. I have been so so worried about him, I think that helps with the spark, plus I can't even begin to tell you how proud of him I am, I am seeing him in a whole new light even though I knew what he was trained to do... the thought that he has saved countless lives of both military and civvies is amazing, I don't know exactly the amount of IED's he and his team have found and defused but I bet he knows the exact number! I miss him so much, I fancy him like crazy and I can't wait to see him, he is my hero and lets face it, how many people get to rip the clothes off their hero and give them a good seeing to!?
You will all have to watch him on telly in the summer! I will make sure you know when it's going to be aired, i think it's september x
Hi again, sorry for taking over the thread, and being a bit selfish and depressing, but i have two songs that I listen to most evenings when I'm feeling a bit lonely.. I just wanted to share if that's ok x

This one especially makes me cry every time!
Well Louise glad you've found all the positives to Wayne being gone. I'm sure when the 20 sleeps are up we won't see you on BNB for a while. Whoop! Lol.
Kara, that is horrible about your son. I have thought a lot about how I would handle Shalie having a bull and honestly I'm not sure what I would do. I have a horrible temper so I would probably spank the bully's butt followed by the parents! Lol. I hope the school resolves it for you soon.
Kara poor Jake , kids can be so damn cruel. At least he's finally told you so the school can do something about it. Big hugs xx

James has been up alot tonight with explosive poo nappies, had four since going to bed think it must be his antibiotics. Anyway get this with LO on medicine?
Kara that is awful that Jake is being bullied. I really don't know how I would cope knowing that some little s*its were hurting my little boy so hats off to you for keeping calm and notifying the school. Are they going to let you know what action they've taken?

LLB, that weight gain is brilliant! I hope is tummy/bum settles down though. Harry's not needed antibiotics yet so I'm not sure if that's a side effect or not.

I'm not allowed to tell anyone but can tell you guys.. my big sister's pregnant with her 3rd kiddie!! I'm so excited, especially as I can appreciate what she's going through now.

Harry is liking pear at the moment but I've noticed he generally only wants to eat if I let him feed himself so I think BLW might be something I need to look in to more. x
LadyK can be so horrible. It makes me so angry that children are like that. I probably would have lost my cool with the kids and they would have seen 'angry mummy'...good on you for notifying the school so they can deal with the little gits!

LBB- what a fantastic weight gain for James.
Louise- REMARKABLE- a word that describes you perfectly.

BTP- Riley has 3 meals a day so I am guessing that its not that. I think he is just a little vampire baby!
Fishy- He doesn't have his own room yet until we sell our flat. :cry: My older son went into his own room at 8 weeks and slept through. I think Riley was sent to test me this time! :blush:

I saw my friends baby and she is tiny! They are over for dinner on saturday so I get to cuddle a teeny newborn...only 6 months until we try again. :thumbup:

Off to the hospital later for my follow up colposcopy appointment so FX'd everything is okay.

Enjoy your day ladies. xx :flower:
Carries.... Yes I had a HB was the most amazing experience of my life I talk about it far too much :haha: But yeaas would never give birth in hosp unless there was a problem again was just so so nice :cloud9:

Well we were NOT romantic at all :rofl: I was meant to make a meal but Tabs threw a fit so I didnt have time to put the lamb in ha ha! So I made some really nice burgers instead... then Rosalie wouldnt sleep at all so Robin fell asleep on the couch :haha:

OMG Kara I would be livid too :grr: think Robin would have to hold me down to not go to the kids houses and start kicking off :rofl: Argh its so so hard too, like what to say whether he will tell you if it keeps going etc etc :hugs: :hugs:

Louise OMG nearly spat my tea out @ 'gagging for it'

F&C Rosalie wont eat anything if i try and help her but LOVES her food so long as she feeds herself and she eats anything. Doesnt worry me now giving her food she has everything solid.
Lady K - Sorry to hear about your son, you must have been so upset. I hope the school do sort it out for you.

Louise - gorgeous flowers and gifts - I love helium balloons

F&C - Congrats to your sister

Jellycat - I hope the anti-bios work for James

Teeny Weeny - I hope your appointment goes ok. :hugs:

Well, I am like a Zombie and don't know how I'm going to get through the day :cry: Scarlett went to bed at 7.30pm and then woke at 9.30, 12. 2.30, 5, 6.30 & 7.30am. When she woke she had one if not two boobs so was definitely hungry. The little horror went down for a nap at 9am but I can hear that she is awake again as she is babbling in her cot. I'm at my wits end - why won't she sleep? Given her weight gain & weaning it can't be that she is still hungry.

I better go and get her as she's getting louder. Thank heavens for the baby swing....

Mrs J :hugs: :hugs: Rosalie was like this last week, perhaps just a stage? She has suddenly remembered what it is to sleep? BUT she's taken huge leaps, like seeing me from far away, sitting up and now moving... :hugs: Its not easy but she WILL learn to sleep. Rosalie was feeding constantly at night, I just put her back in the bed and let her feed (my nipples are still trying to recover). But I dont think it was hunger as Rosalie will eat the same this week and sleep more :wacko:

Sorry for many posts I keep replying then more posts come :dohh:
Thanks Blob, I keep saying to myself "it's just a phase" and I know it will get better but I'm so exhausted. I honestly don't think I'm going to leave the house today as I haven't got the flipping energy! I think you are right in terms of her learning new things and perhaps that is the reason for the extra feeding and lack of sleeping. Since I put her in her pushchair rather than the carrycot a couple of weeks ago I've noticed a marked difference she's constantly looking around the room and watching intently. On top of that she is doing teddy bed rolls by grabbing her legs, although she hasn't managed to completely flip over. The thing she is trying hardest to do at the moment though is talk! I'm sure she is going to say her first word before she can roll over or sit up.
Tabs was walking in a pushalong walker at 5 months :dohh: but didnt even try to crawl until 10 months :wacko:
It will end soon hon, most mornings I thought I was going to die when Tabs was waking up JUST as Rosalie fell asleep. She was going from 7am - 11pm with no naps and waking every 2 hours for massive feeds :hugs: :hugs:

Oh and she never learnt to roll over really she just never did that bit obviously she can and could do it but just wouldnt?
Well, I ended up having an okay valentines day....

He was lovely at the beginning but by the end of the night was moody, stroppy and rather rude...he nearly got a slap!!

He got me a card, waterloo road series 2, and a card holder for my ds! He also wrote me a song...but as he gave me it...he said ' dont ask me to fuckin sing it coz I can't be fucking asked!!!'


I ended up going to bed on my own with Kimi for a few hours in the afternoon, when he crept in, woke me up and asked me for some hanky panky :haha:....i just glared at him and he was very apologetic then after he got it...went straight back to being a moody tart!!!

So next year...he can spend Valentines day by himself!!!!

Louise - I used to listen to Lonestar when my brother was out in Iraq or Afghan etc....big :hugs:

Jelly - Kimi used to get them when we was using Beneylin for her cough....was horrible and stinky!!!

LadyK - I would be kicking off big time...but then I'm soooo stressy atm so I wouldnt be rational at all!!!

F&C - Congrats to your sis!!

MrsJ - Hope she sleeps better today so you can catch up on sleep!

I've put Kimi in her bouncer in front of the telly as am off to do some washing up...just thought I would catch up with you lot :)

Speak soon xx

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