September Stars

Good luck teeny...and thank you :hugs:

Jelly, there is a sickness bug doing the rounds, it doesn't last too long but it's viscious and comes from nowhere!! Lilia had it when i had it, she had some very explosive nappies with it.

Fishy congrats to your sister, also secret but my big sister is pregnant too! For the second time! I think i will appreciate being an aunty even more now I have Lilia!

YM sorry your man was a moody so and so! Sometimes days like valentines/anniversaries etc turn out awful, simply because it's planned that they will be wonderful and romantic! Too much pressure! Me and Wayne had a huuuuuuuuge row on our first wedding anniversary in August, I was going to cook him a lovely meal, he went out with some lads, rang me and i was at a friends so said he might as well stay out seeing as I am not bothered about our meal!!! So then I went home a little while later and he was already at home and mightily mardy... wasn't good! But we had our meal the following night! Oh, and our very first valentines day, he said to me if I wanted a film to watch I better go and get it myself, I did, expected to come back to romance, when in fact all he had done was put a bag of doritos on the floor! Lovely.... he has improved a LOT since then!

Blob, your babies do what they want when they want don't they!!! Bless them both, they must be so determined and independant! 'Who cares if we're supposed to roll over first, lets walk!'

MrsJ, fingers crossed it's just a phase! I suppose we say it all the time, but could be down to teething? Maybe not so much 'hunger' but being unsettled in the night and wanting the comfort?

Sorry about my ramblings last night, wasn't the best night but am fine now :)
Hi all :hi:

LadyK - :hugs: That's awful - poor lil' man. I too would want to kick the crap out of them.. I worry so much about my DD too. She's not being bullied as such, but she never gets invited to birthday parties etc, and only 1 turned up to hers - it's a good job I have a big family. Even though they're not hurting her, I feel like getting them all in a group and asking them why they exclude her and are such bitches - and they're only 5 :haha: God knows what i'd be like if the hit her. I hope the school is good and sorts it - some schools don't do very much.

Lbb - great news about James' weight :happydance:

Louise - I thought of you a lot yesterday. I don't know how you do it :cry: He is so brave, but so are you :hugs:

:hugs: mrsJ. Izzy doesn't sleep very well some nights either.. It's exhausting. Only thing I can say is that I guess i'm kinda used to getting up now :(

Well, my valentine's day was fab. I got 2 cds, a bunch of roses, a bar of soap & massage bar from Lush and a made-up voucher for 'One Week Off Night Feeds' when he is off work next week for half term. I can't wait!!!! I think that's the best present EVER - I might, actually, get some sleep!!! :happydance:

I got him a Tshirt, made him some 'Cheques of lurrrve' lol, 2 cartoon notebooks to impress the journalists at work lol and a chocolate lips lolly. The best thing was though, we went for a GORGEOUS meal at an Italian just down the street. We could walk, so we had a couple of bottles of wine (although he drunk more than me cos I had to get up with Izzy when we got back), and the food was divine. I even 'slipped into something more comfortable' when we got home :blush: I must say, the wine certainly helped with that! I sooo needed some courage, but once I got down the stairs I was fine - lights on and all! I'm dead proud :)
Well i didnt get any fun time last night as i was very tired (and very tipsy) and grant seemed to understand.

f&C- yeah i hope to be on the schools case until it stops, i did how ever have a word with one of the boys, i kept myself calm but think i swore a lot but i have learnt swearing can give you that peacock effect with these kids, they tend to only understand with swear words !!

Louise- i am very proud of your hubby too : ) i was thinking of you last night, hope you were ok after listening to love songs. 19 more sleeps !!!!

Mrsj- hope the phase she is going through is only short.... my mates baby has got really clingy, he just cries all the time now unless he is picked up and she is hoping this is a phase, My MW said as soon as you get them into a good routine and they seem contented, over night they go through a change and its all goes tits up for a short time..: ( x
Louise, you gave me this idea!
Because I am a cruel mother and this makes for a good photo opportunity...
Feb 2011 (71).jpg :haha:
Love it teeny!!!

I'm currently on a rampage and in the process of writing to the BBC, ITV, this morning etc etc about how disgusting it is that they don't report on the injured as well as those killed in action!! A man was killed yesterday, it's been on the radio etc. But what about the guy who lost both his legs yesterday? Nothing!!! I will sort the media out you just watch this space!!
Teeny he is gorgeous, Not sure about the dummy!! I know Louise will love it!:hugs:

Louise, you will be Weeez then! I have a good friend who is a child minder and she is always called Weeez by her little ones!!:hugs:

Rosie rolls nearly over each way but is not quite there, and i want her to remain like this!! My ds was walking at 10 months, and it was a nightmare, he was into everything, and i had to put the travel cot up in the dining room so if i needed to answer the door or phone or even go for a wee he could go in there!

Teeny, I sgree, some babies are just night owls, Sophie was, an oh boy did i know it!:hugs:

Glad I was not the only one went to bed alone last night, it seems a waste a man sat playing the xbox when Louise is in need of a man hug! :haha:

Ladyk, sorry to hear about Jake being bullied, Ben is so much more prone to it now i have moved his school, b4 he was very confident in his environment and was the one who used to be a bit too big for his boots, the new school we have had a different group of children picking on him but i have been down the school at the slightest sniff of it! I wrote to the school explaining he had a reputation for lashing out and was trying to make a new start, it meant it went the other way a bit and he would get upset, anyway he kept pointing out the kids bullying and one day we were on our way out of school and a group of them were behind us so i was saying so they heard stuff like 'dont they know why you are at a new school' and 'are they not worried if you knock one of their teeth out or black an eye then' and just stuff like it, making out he was some sort of nutter who would lash out, and funnily enough it has not happened since! Kids are horrible to each other.
I know my dh would be a bit more direct, to be blunt he would frighten the shit out of them, and wouldnt be bothered about the parents, he was a pain in the arse when he was a kid so seems to know how to deal with it!!
Hope the school sorts it out, i would not want them in the same car, i never understand the need to pick on one child but the main thing is he has told you, that is huge for him to do xx :hugs::hugs:

Sorry I am not stopping, I have had my hair cut this morning, I wans to colour it and straighten it, and just fuss about a bit, it is much shorter i took a pick of the big wedge cut off! We have gone for shoulder length with layers at front but in the summer i am going for a shorter bob, longer lengths to front, I think she really wanted to do it today but i was brave enough getting the length off!

Back soon, hugs to all, Oh and obem was good last night, 'It is a natural thing, we are created to give birth, I will not be using anything, i can manage without gas and air, blah blah' then in labour 'OH MY GOD THE PAIN GET ME DRUGS!!!' Brilliant! :hugs:
BTP- Thanks chick, its hard when your dealing with bullying with a child with special needs, Jake does bring it on himself at times but when you have a cab full of children with behaviour problems its just asking for trouble.

Louise- i think the goverment control a lot of what the media say, We know of fireman and police who have been badly injured and its not mentioned in the news, but it does happen a lot so maybe they dont think its rare enough to cover, one of the recent fireman who got injured with burns all over his body was due to their "new" fire uniform, it has a major fault..... so much money spent on this new kit and it doesnt protect them... !!!
BTP - my little brother called me "Wheeze" because he couldn't say Louise and he still does 23 years on!
Hey ladies....

Louise 'Im already there' makes me listening to it now and blubbing! I first heard it on my westlife album, still remember that moment id not long lost my Grandad who brought me up and was more to me than my Dad i, i was in the kitchen washing up and just burst into tears!!!!!!

LadyK some children are evil little shits i was bullied in high school!!! Although the children i look after and under 3yrs if i see signs of them hurting others i come down on them like a ton of bricks cos i just think you have to catch it while they are young! Do they have the same driver? You would think he would have some responsibility!

Talking of first words i hate hearing my staff saying 'hiya' i shudder! lol ....well waht is James first word? you guessed it bloody 'HIYA' lol i have a video!! If you say it to him he will copy!! its so cute lol x

sorry got to dash the boy has woken! x
LBB- Ollie copies when OH says Hiya to him and I hate the word Hiya but OH does it more and more so Ollie repeats
:rofl: TW that dummy is awful :haha:

BTP I hated that stupid fecking smug faced MW though who kept making that sodding smirking face :gun: :gun: (the one who sat infront of the older mw and kept nodding and smiling OMG wanted to punch her)

One of the reasons I want to send the girls to the school I went to is because I know there is no bullying...(my stepdad, my DH his brother and all my family went there). There is picking on people, like stupid comments and bitching of girls but nobody gets beaten up or lunch money taken etc etc... Though I kinda do think bitchy girls are just as bad as getting beaten up for boys? My little sister was sent horrid messages on FB, but the school is SO hard on it. They will suspend or 'ask to leave' children who do things even slightly wrong.
:rofl: TW that dummy is awful :haha:

BTP I hated that stupid fecking smug faced MW though who kept making that sodding smirking face :gun: :gun: (the one who sat infront of the older mw and kept nodding and smiling OMG wanted to punch her)

One of the reasons I want to send the girls to the school I went to is because I know there is no bullying...(my stepdad, my DH his brother and all my family went there). There is picking on people, like stupid comments and bitching of girls but nobody gets beaten up or lunch money taken etc etc... Though I kinda do think bitchy girls are just as bad as getting beaten up for boys? My little sister was sent horrid messages on FB, but the school is SO hard on it. They will suspend or 'ask to leave' children who do things even slightly wrong.

Ha ha, i know the one! :haha:

I think all schools should be that hot on bullies, they all say we have no bullying allowed then ignore it!
The last school's attitude was we don't have bully's here, so you would say but my child is being bullied and the head would say bit we don't have it here, yes you sodding do! I am glad he is out of there, i stood up to the head in the end, got my way and left head held high, but she was a cow!
Their present school is much better on it, the teacher was pretty honest and did explain to Ben if you rattle peoples cages they will react, and Ben is an excelent cage rattler!
I think anything physical is where i draw the line, verbal abuse you have to learn to answer back and it doesn't do too much hard learning to bitch.
I hated school i was a timid little mouse, i blossomed when i left!! I have learnt to verbally stick up for myself as you still need to as an adult at times,(the last headmistress would have flattened me verbally if i hadn't stuck up for myself, as it was i totally wiped the floor with her, and it felt good!!!) I found further education fab at giving me confidence to stand up that bit taller! :hugs:xx
Hi all, quick one from me for the moment as I'm starving hungry! Could eat a scabby horse and go back for the jockey! Think I might make some roast vegetable cous cous and chicken breast mmmmmmmm...

Lilia all tucked up in bed asleep, she has had a total of 30 mins sleep today... and that is a maximum, might not even be that! She has been very agitated and crabby so think maybe teeth are bothering her! She has been very sicky, don't know if this is a sign of teething?! Lots has come back up.... I did give her a rusk earlier on, oh my goodness, she looked like she was in heaven! I wasn't going to because of how sweet they are, but needed to do something to delay her bath, otherwise she would have been in bed an hour ago as nothing I could do for her was right! Little madam!!
Ahh why don't they nap much anymore!! They have conked out now and when they wake won't want to go to bed ! I'm so tired today and I just ate a huge bowl of ice cream to pick myself up and now I feel sick ! I'm rambling sorry :)
Awww genies you poor thing! Dont know if you saw my comment about ur avatar but i said how much Layla(?) strawberry top looks like you!! Wondered if i got the twin right hehe! x
Blob I thought exactly the same thing about the smirking mw lol

GG/ Louise James has been complete opposite today. Had his injections this morning and since then he's slept for the majority of the day. Only woken to do explosive poo and milk. Thunk it will be a different story tomorrow though!
Hi everyone! :hi:

Well, Monsieur Toblerone just had his first official solid meal! I said to hell with starting off slow on just one bland cereal and instead, we went for the gusto with a banana-prune-oatmeal puree. And he loved it! Gobbled it down, then washed it back with a good long drink of breastmilk. And now I'm running off to a recording session and leaving my husband to deal with any digestive issues... :haha:

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