September Stars

Hi all.... I don't have any stitches thank goodness so can't really comment, however when I wee I do feel something 'sharp' up inside my ladybits! I don't know if it's from the graze or what, but I daren't dtd in case it's a scab or something!!

I have decided to call a day on the breastfeeding. I have tormented myself over it for ages now, I have cried all day and all yesterday over it but I can't see it getting any better... I've tried everything... Doctor, nurse, bosom buddies, 2 calls to the breastfeeding helpline, a breastfeeding counsellor checking the latch etc... I've tried expressing all day and last night, but it's hurting for hours even after expressing and I'm at the point where I dread every feed. She has just had a bottle with the last of the expressed breast milk, and she will be on formula from now on :( I know it's not going to affect her, and it's fine and plenty of babies have formula blahdey blah, but I had always presumed I would breast feed, and have been determined to persevere but it's just not right for us. I feel very selfish and guilty and worry that she won't 'need' me any more, and I hate losing that closeness of bfing but I can't torment myself any more... I blame the hospital for not helping at the start!

I don't want to offend anyone who formula feeds as I'm not saying that it's not as good or anything like that, I just never expected it to be so hard and painful and I never expected to feel this guilt! It really makes me wish I'd never started! I just hope I don't regret it! I've also decided not to have one last breast feed with her as I think I'd cry my way through it!!

Anyway sorry for selfish rant!

im close to calling it a day. I sat there for an hour and a quarter the other day feeding her almost constantly and she still cried at the end of it and so i gave her a bottle and she has near to 70ml.

When i tried to express some milk today it was pouring out of me and i just held a bottle underneath my boob for a minute or two and it filled up fairly quickly. Then started expressing with a manual pump and got an 0z in ten minutes which is an achievement for me!
We have sorted the latch (apart from a bit of thrashing around) and i have adequate milk according to the amount i have expressed. My boobs are sore and cracked but i am using the lanisoh stuff and i am just grinning and bearing it at the moment. The problem is that she could suck away for hours on there, cry afterwards and still take a bottle of formula. She just does not get full!!!!! Should i sit there for two hours to see if she ever gets full? lol. So all in all i manages one boob feed today rest formula and no boob feeds yesterday (too sore!!!). So she gone to bed to tonight courtesy of a bottle of formula. i was hoping it could have been me!
In-laws went home today after three days here (thats a whole different story! believe me!) and Matt is back at work on Monday so as i am still producing plenty of milk despite the break in feeding, i think that once there is just me and her, we can sit in the living room without interuption and get her feeding and she can stay on there as long as she wants and needs.

Got a bit annoyed with her earlier as i was trying to BF her and she kept punching her arms out and wouldnt point her head the right way and kept thrashing about and so i got wound up and angry and told DH he'd better get formula as she wouldn't settle and just passed her to him. I feel bad now. Its not her fault, she has had a bad day today. she threw up a whole bottle of milk and has been very grizzly.

Selfish post but im so wound up but so determined at the moment. DH doesnt understand and just keeps saying give up on the BF. I dont want to.....
Aw Emz it's so hard. Again, nobody tells you how tricky it's going to be!

From a breastfeeding point of view, it sounds as though Ellie is trying to up your supply. When your milk first comes in, and when they have a growth spurt, babies will want to be feeding constantly, even if there is very little coming out! Your body should then respond to that feeding by producing more milk. Don't quote me but I think it's a 12 hour cycle where your body realises you need to make more milk. Sometimes, if you're determined you want to keep going, it's a matter of just accepting you're going to be sitting on the sofa for the best part of the day. I know she's only little and you'd be risking nipple confusion I guess, but have you tried Ellie with a dummy so that Matt can help to settle her a bit in between so you can have 5 minutes to yourself? I've never done combination feeding, I gave it a small go with Archie, but it didn't work and I ended up putting him on formula. I do know though, that BFing purists would say you need to establish your supply and then introduce any formula at a later date.

All that said, and with a mummy head on, you do what's best for you and for your baby, and if she settles after some formula and you can get some rest, do it!! Big hugs, I do know just how hard it is.

I'm off to have my brekky. Hubby has made me omelette, beans, toms, mushies and toast! Yum yum!!
Asher, gorgeous pic of sam!

lilbumpblue i was going to ask about the headaches, i get them too, thought it was just tiredness at first but now i'm not sure, wonder is it could be migraine's i do feel sick now and again too (even if ive eaten)

Aww littleA gorgeous pictures of Amelia

Bekklez Ellie looks so cute!

Asher, awww happy birthday Archie for yesterday.

I said that i was only going to have bethany 4 half yrs later we have Ollie too :)
we have one of each and i'm so happy, OH said three is a nice number 1 week after Ollie was born :shock:

emzdreamgirl if she is having a growth spurt she will demand more milk and want to feed all the time to up your supply.
BF is hard (i turned to bottle feeding in the end) i know some people combination feed and that works for them.

you are her mummy and you know whats best, sounds like you do want to bf and like you said once it is just you and her you can sit in the living room without interuption and feed for alsong as she wants :hugs:

we switched to cow&gate comfort and Ollie was fine untill last night he cryed for about 2hrs we bathed him and he had 1oz and went to sleep from 9:30 untill 1am yay but for the rest of the night after that he just cryed, we couldnt settle him at all and we tryed everything :cry:
he seemed full of wind but wouldnt give it up :nope:

fx today is better xxx xxx xxx
Morning all!

Asher Sorry to here Sam has the cold :( I feel your pain - and its not 'just a cold' - with our young little babies, a cold is something they have never had before, and so its new and a bit scary for them - so they need lots of love and cuddles! It was heartbreaking for me last night - when Roxy was crying and you could here a phlegm like clogging at the back of her throat. :( Its so shorrible she cant clear it for herself :(. Hopefully the doctors will help!

Little A Those pics are stunning and that little metallica top is sooooooooo awesome! Where did you get it from?

Baby think pink By the sounds of things, I had the same tooth problem as you. I had it taken out when I was pregnant though - the thought of being in labour and having toothache didnt appeal to me! Hope its feeling a bit better for you!

Becs0375 is that how you know if they're having a growth spurt? Lots of food and lots of poo!? I didnt know how to know type of thing!

MrsJ08 Every single person has said to me "whens the next one coming then" im like give me a chance!! I do want another child, but I would like to leave it a bit , let my body recover and just enjoy Roxy =)

emzdreamgirl You need to do what makes you happy - you sound very stressed and upset *hugs* maybe you should express for a while and give your nipples chance to heal a little? Definately speak to your midwife though, she may be able to help :D

Daisybell Sorry to hear you've had a rough night. Make sure you get a nap today if you get the chance! Hopefully tonight will be better!

Well Roxy is just being Roxy =) she is waking about every 3 hours for her food. She been having lots and lots of dirty nappies, which im chuffed about as she was a little constipated 2 weeks back. She had her first 4oz bottle yesterday :D BLESS HER! greedy guts! She is now also getting used to her swing we bought her. She was crying everytime we put her in and I was thinking "oh noooooo, she hates it! What a waste of money!" but as I type she is fast asleep in there!

The DH and I had a discussion about him helping out more, and I really talked to him about how im feeling. Bless him - he didnt realise, but since knowing he has really been a star. Love him so much! Hmph best get motivated, as I have the MIL coming over and the SIL coming up after, aswell as going down my mums for a lovely big roast dinner!! Have a good day everyone!

Morning everyone...

hope you are all feeling better today...yes iv never had a migraine but i said to DF that it felt very migrainey was even affecting my vision!!

Well on a selfish note my stitches burst but actually was such a relief no soreness of pain not taken paracetamol, midwife advised to leave them and it should just heal by itself...well had a look this morning and hey presto it all looks fab & healing down there lol!

Anyone else having problems with huggies nappies?? They are shocking...i have about 8 packs and they just leak when James goes wee wee's!!! much extra washing!!!!

I can not believe that there are 111 babies born in the September stars!!!
I said never again after my first!! It was all so traumatic, and i had pnd, prob because of the birth. I managed to bf him and how i did it i will never know!
I wanted more children when i got married and every time someone has asked i said never say never.
It took 9 months ttc Rosie and the stress!!!!!!! I am 38 this year, dh is 40 so i think i need to shut up shop now, enjoy my perfect little bundle and be oh so grateful of what i am blessed with, and each of my lovely children are truly blessings, i was made to be a mummy but i have had my fair share now!

Rosie is such a hard nipple sucker, latching on is getting really painful, i brace myself and wave my legs about til the pain subsides!!

Got to go, cut short by food being ready!
Finally had chance to get some pics up of my new bundle of joy.

He's doing really well he wont latch properly so i'm expressing for him every 3 hours and hes taking roughly 60mls each time. Hes a little bit jaundiced on his face too but thats getting loads better. He now weighs 6lb 12oz so he has lost a little but not enough to worry about.

Sorry for no personals but its nearly time to express another bottle and it takes me ages at the minute lol.

First picture is 20 minutes old.
Second picture is 1 day old.
Third picture is today at 6 days old


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Hello ladies!!!

My bloody iron tablets have made me constipated dispite taking fibregel and lactulose, its so hard when I try and poo, it gets so far and its so painful. I am hoping to be able to finally go, I think I am just worried about splitting my tear!!
Boony he is lovely!!

Oooh Becs i know that feeling...mine has torn, oh but the relief!!! lol x
I have been able to poo but only little bits at a time (sorry tmi) but then i never had a tear or anything. I did have a tear with my first born but never needed stitches and i was fine afterwards then too.
Good evening all!

lilbumpblue ouch ouch ouch! stitches bursting? oooo ouch! makes my eyes water thinking about it! I know you said it didnt hurt, but oooo still makes my eyes water haha! glad your not feeling any pain! I think nappies depend on your babies body shape etc on whether they will work well - sucks you have 8 packs though!

Boony well done on the expressing! go you!! those pictures are gorgeous!

becs0375 sorry to hear your a bit constipated :( lots of weetabix needed for you!! Maybe ask the docs for some softner or laxative?

Well I think AF has arrived :( (sorry if TMI) im not sure - but everything had stopped and now its back IYKWIM, so im a bit blahhhhh as it would have been nice just to be normal 'down there' even for a few days! Ahh well! Me and Roxy are sleeping downstairs tonight, as the DH starts back at work tomorrow :( she's fast asleep and ill be going myself now - im quite happy as I cant seem to get comfy in our bed with my hips and ribs hurting the way they are, so hopefully ill get an okish nights sleep as opposed to a rubbish one!


Lilbluebump, owchy owch burst stitches, brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
I think mine are ok, i have a watery distcharge, and some period type pain, think things are heading back to the right place!

Boony, our babies are born the same day, Rosie was 9.35am and weighed 6lb9oz, she was 7lb2oz on Saturday, little porker loves the booby, seems to be permently attatched to me but it must be doing the trick despite the sore nips! :hugs: wish i could express, never managed any quantity worth while!

Becs, perhaps some fruit or fig rolls or something? I think orange juice helps absorbtion of the iron and may make it go through a bit easier.
I have only been once in a week since i had her, will try today! I was not too badly stitched and it feels ok back their but i am still cautious!:hugs:

Well i plan a trip out in the pram today, with dd and dh to park, and school run this afternoon, its a nice day so hope we can wrap Rosie up and get some air, poor love Tesco is all she has been to so far!

Had a good night last night, Rosie is such a good girl, and a total Mummies girl:happydance::cloud9:

back soon:hugs:

:baby:tp xx
stmw i bled for a week it stopped for a few days then i bled again for another 5 weeks!all normal apparently!!
becs- i had the same problem i felt so uncomfortable and i could feel the pain across my section scar, dr just told me to wat frut and cereals which i did and fybogel and pints of water the releif was so good :)

I havent been on for a few days i just dont know where the time goes, i went to my friends baby shower yesterday only seems five mins since my own

Layla still has snuffles and Amelia is still colicy in the evenings but they are doing well , they havent been weighed for ages , the health visitors assistant cancelled her visit and ive never been rebooked so much for getting the enhanced service because its twins, that did make me laugh!

I should go in the shower now otherwise they wont let me have another oportunity :)
BTP - Happy 1 week to Rosie! I'm finding it difficult to express now i can only get 30mls out of each one every 4 hours or so which obviously isnt going to be enough for much longer so prop wont be able to do it much longer but i'm happy to while i can even if it is hard work!!
Morning all!!!!!!

Stmw, hope you had a good nights sleep xxx

Genies, thats crap service!!!!

Boony, hope all is well with you?!!

Well I was in agony last night, its was so so painful, but finally I think its all out!! I can't believe how much poo I had stored inside me!!! It was very ouchy and I hope to be back to normal later lol!!! My cheeks ache and the vaseline worked wonders!! I feel loads better!!
I keep getting quite bad headaches, it hurts when I have my eyes open so going to try and get an appointment with the Dr later. I am sure someone else has mentioned about getting headaches?? Paracetamol just isn't working.
Hope is all snuffly and bunged up bless her, I had her in bed with me last night and she went 5 hours between feeds bless her, she must be over her growth spurt now!!

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