September Stars

I almost wet myself reading some of those posts !! love it !!! and BTP im so going to wait for a opportunity to come out with that line !

I dont have many sex toys, i will admit though my toy is taking out the vibrating motor out of a dildo (has the red battery end bit) and just use the vibrating bit, Grant wont feel replaced then and its powerful enough for me, maybe too powerful at times, i have such a low sex drive but since using it my libido has got better, it also worked for a few mates of mine who didnt enjoy sex and yes i love the fact i can be open, we learn so much from each other when it comes to pregnancy and babies why not sex, lets be honest its what brought us together in the first place.

My kitchen is finally finished yay !!! it was the last room in the house to be done, but did take 12 years so think the bedroom will need painting and now i have noticed all my gloss areas have turned yellow (5 months ago they were done) so the DIY is not over yet !!

Louise sorry to hear hubby wont be back with the others : ( x

GG - grant brought me a baby blender but only because he thought it was cool x
Completely off topic but for anyone who didn't see this on the Brit Awards, I wanted to share with you a truly powerful performance. No backing track or fireworks needed. When she was interviewed after her performance she said she got emotional at the end because she imagined her ex watching it on the tv and laughing at her :cry:

I really love adele she has a fantastic voice. Bought her album on iTunes it is brilliant!!!
Thanks for the tips everyone and the websites Emzy I think I'll try to set aside some time to do some more freezing of things
Louise we also got married in a church but had a naming ceremony for Harry.

These stories about sex toys are hilarious! I'm pretty unadventurous but maybe my dh and I should sort this out to spice things up.

I've just borrowed the Anna Carmel book from a friend but we're still only at the introducing individual foods stage but I can't wait to use the recipes.

Morning all!!!!

TFI Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

I have one fast asleep lady in my lap, she is so cuddly!! When she wakes I am off to take Murphy out for a long walk, then this afternoon he is off to the dog parlour for a wash!

Whats everyone got planned for the weekend?
Ben has me howling this morning he's rolling around the living room like a little ball he can't seem to stop!!!

Last few nights he's been going on his belly and I keep turning him back over and then off he goes again. So think will leave him as he's obviously more comfortable on his belly! Xx
Good Morning all xx

Bad night Rosie is up every few hours, I really must try and feed her both boobs but she falls asleep and i just put her back, but of course isn't very full, a good feed is both boobs, so it's my fault she is hungry, it is just so much easier to put her down when she is a sleep than feed her more!
She loves her new baby hoop thing,,default,pd.html
I throw more toys in with her, and she likes it, she is atm on the change mat which has a play arch, she does seem to prefer being flat out.
The door bouncer went down well too but i have not had her in it for long.
(I dismantled the jumperoo and bought a door bouncer and the play thingy from a friend, she threw in a bag of clothes nearly all were brand new with the tags still on, just had been the wrong season for her baby, Rosie has loads of stuff now, what with the things i found of her sisters in the attic)

Its mil day today, dd is still poorly, and i thought my other dd was getting it last night when she was bought home from brownies early with a headache, her temp was high and i thought here we go, but after a good few doses of medicine and a good nights sleep she was fine this morning and wanted to go to school! Just me in a panic about it i think xx

Sorry no personals, bit of a selfish post, i am typing fast and keep making mistakes and have to go back and i annoy myself!!

Back later to catch up better! :hugs:

Oh and Asher, yes I think it is best sometimes if they do stitch, they see how bad it is and decide but my last baby it was debatable if they stitched and they didnt and it was really sore for a long time, this time the stitches just healed at a nornal rate and it all feels pretty normal down there, not that i get to know that with so little sex but i think!!:thumbup:
Aww bless little Ben!

Becs, no plans really, there is a free sunday dinner on campt for us on sunday and I'll be going from there to my parents for a few days, should be nice! Although I hate hate hate packing the car up! It has always been wayne's job!! hee hee!

Today I'm going to buy a hand blender because I've got an old liquidiser and it just doesn't work properly as I'm not making enough at a time!!

Lilia has still only tried porridge, banana porride, apple and pear, apple and banana, swede, carrots... but after the swede the other day she was throwing up all afternoon - I don't know if it's because she ate too much or if it didn't agree with her? I'm still only giving her a little bit before her bottles... once a day. I had gone up to twice a day but she was leaving too much of her bottles! I need to try more vegetables or she'll only be interested in fruit!

Lilia has just about gone back to having almost full bottles! She started being fussy with her food at christmas time and was only having between 4-6oz per feed, well it's carried on, and suddenly she's having 8/9oz most feeds now! So maybe she'll be able to eat a bit more now x
Ha - just caught up - you ladies are so funny. SarahK - Simon is hilarious, did you laugh or just not react? I do have a bag of sex toys but haven't had them out for a while. My sex drive is coming back but only very slowly.

I did a big batch of pureeing yesterday including some prunes in the hope it will help Scarlett's constipation. Last night she was farting which is a good sign as she wasn't farting at all (unusual for her) before she passed the hard poo's. Poor baby. I've got the Annabel Karmel book and have found it really helpful. I tend to freeze individual foods in silicone ice cube trays which have quite big rectangle blocks. At the mo I have Carrot, Apple, Parsnip and Prunes in the freezer. I then take a cube of say carrot and apple which is one of Scarlett's favourite combo's and put them in a weaning pot to defrost in the freezer. They mix together when they are defrosting and I find it gives me more options than mixing them before I freeze them. I've also been trying Scarlett with Organix jars&pots and Ella's pouches. Although she will eat them she definitely prefers the home-made stuff. I've found the Ella's ones are quite good combinations and good for trying new flavours. I'm going to try her with the "Brocolli, Peas and Pears" today. I've been avoiding mixing Baby Rice with anything this week as I think that is what caused the constipation.

I'm not dressed yet as Scarlett has decided she doesn't want to go down for her usual nap arghhhh! We had another night of 2 hour wakings, it's driving me insane with tiredness.

There is an idiot on JK who has a skull tattoo on his face. No wonder he is on the dole, the only place he will find employment is a Circus.

GG - I use a hand blender but mine came with a jug that you use to do the blending in and it also has two choppers & a whisk. I've found it great and easier than getting the jug blender that came with my Food Processor out as you can control the consistency more. I can blend large batches in the jug and then it's easy to use the jug to pour it into pots and ice cube trays. This is the one I have but when I bought it, it was on offer at Amazon for £46
I've got 5 children today as I'm looking after my godchildren thank god for the wii ! Back later x
Morning girls

My goodness genies you'll be rushed off your feet! Hope you have a good day!

MrsJ that's what I do, freeze it all separately in ice cube trays and then put them in food bags which I label with what they are and the date. Mine are just small ice cube trays, so I just pop a few of different cubes in a bowl and either defrost in the fridge if it's something to be eaten cold, or microwave to warm something up. Holly has had the broccoli, peas and pears ella's kitchen one and she liked it, although I have to say she seems to like home cooked food more than ready made, which is good as I was worried she wouldn't like my stuff!

BTP Holly has the blossom sit me up too and she likes it. We use it in the sit up way rather than the doughnut way now, as she's too big for it like that. It's really helped her to learn to sit on her own and the first time she sat for a long time on her own was after sitting up on that. I looked over and she was just sat forward without leaning on it!

Louise my blender is like that too, can only use it if I'm making a lot, it's no good for blending up small amounts so I use the hand blender for that. My hand blender was £4 something from Argos!

Good night last night, although she went to bed later than usual. We ended up having tea later than usual which pushed her bath and everything else back as well, so she went to sleep at about 9.30, but then slept til 9 this morning, so I got a good lie in! Had 2 dummy runs in the night though.

Going to be blending up some food for the freezer today and got to hoover as my carpet is a mess! Then I think me and Matt will just watch a film tonight. Tomorrow he's off to Stoke with his mate to watch the footie (Stoke City fan!) and then they are going for a few beers when they get back to Bolton and then his mate and his girlfriend are coming over for a curry. So I'm on my lonesome with Holly during the day and I can't think of anything to do... any ideas?? I don't want to take her swimming as we're going in the week, but I can't think of anything else to do!

Genies, good luck with that!!!!

Hope is fast asleep after our walk, so I am enjoying a hot drink!! Everything is done so I can relax!!

Louise, we must sort this meet out!!! Its been so long in the bloody pipeline!!!
Eeek GG good luck

I dont have any sex toys I must be really boring, if i'm honnest they scare the shit out of me :blush:

Yaay for your kitchen

Well today I'm making cakes I LOOOVE baking its like i'm adicted I cant walk past a shop without buying a book on them...

Yesterday went shopping OMFG how much I love baby Zara hehehe! Tabs now has a pair of yellow cut off jeans to wear with her uggs and trying to get a blazor to go with it :blush:

Hi my name is Sarah I'm adicted to spending money :rofl: (Love of cakes, childrens clothes, shoes and nappies)

Also really pissed off... I bought tons from the ELC and asked the lady if she'd keep it while I finished shopping. She said yes and I went out, it was late night shopping in town and they flipping shut the shop TEN mins later... what the hell... wouldnt you say that stupid woman!!! It takes me ages to go to town and then parking grrr *calm*
Shhhhhhh!!! Lilia is asleep in her COT having a NAP!!! And it's been about 15 minutes and she's still asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Becs..... I propose a week on Tuesday, destination can be your choice but I have never been to Bury or Norwich before so it'll have to be somewhere I can find easily!!!

Genies...enjoy! You'll sleep well tonight that's for sure!

Emzy, ideas for saturday, to be honest I like to make sure changing bag is jampacked full, with a couple of feeds in too, and take Lilia for a wander round woodbridge where we live, look around the shops, just browse, maybe even stop and have a coffee somewhere... or I'll walk around camp, take the dog out etc.... Or go to a friends house, just to be out of the house!! I get cabin fever quite a lot but I suppose you get used to it after a while! I was going to make a trip to tesco today but I don't think I will now, as it's about 20/25 mins each way, just to get a blender! I think I'll go on my way to my mums on sunday! So when Lilia wakes we'll go for a walk with the dog!
Sarah, I too am addicted to baking and shopping!!! I love baby Zara!! I bought Hope some lush Ted Baker and Jasper Conran stuff from Debenhams!! Bloody woman!!

Louise I will have a think of somewhere thats easy for you!!!
I'm the same and freeze the purees individually in a small silicone ice cube tray then put them in little pots to free up the tray for more. I have only started to mix purees today as I have that book as a guide. Harry has just had butternut squash and pear. I have just pureed some avocado and mango to try another day. I let Harry suck some from my finger and although avocado went down well, mango didn't. Will have to find a recipe with it in maybe.

Blob sex toys scare me a little too! Also not sure how I would approach the subject with my dh!

Umm.. can't remember what else I was going to comment on.

The baby of an NCT friend of mine has suspected meningitis so we are keeping our fingers crossed for her and also a close eye on Harry.
Fingers crossed the baby is ok and it's not meningitis Fishy, keep us posted will you?

Lilia had just under 20 minutes sleep in her nap... she was longer in her cot singing and chatting than she was sleeping! Oh well, I think I just have to accept she isn't a day sleeper!
Wow busy again on here!

Genies, sometimes it is easier the more children you have in the house!! Just means more food and more plates, when i do tea at night i have to get 6 plates out and putting them on the side takes all the space up!

I am not keen on vibrator sort of toys, they are a bit scary and unnatural looking but i have friends that rave about them, my collection:)blush:) is a rabbit i got when i was single!(little used!!):haha: And a box of stuff from Ann Summers which is bullet things that vibrate at various settings, they are fun but are something to play with together and dh is more interested in playing the xbox than playing with me:shrug: Ah well i will be dusting it all off again see if i can get him interested!!:thumbup:

Fishy, it is pretty scary when these things do the rounds,
The doctors can give you a card with all the symptoms to watch for, many of the really nasty things the jabs cover these days but it is always worth being aware.
My granny had menigitis when she was 2 and survived, they took pictures of sick children in those days because they were not expected to survive, how amazing is that when that was 94 years ago! :hugs:

I am not blending and freezing atm, i am going to just give Rosie mushed up form of what we eat, I steam all my veg and never salt anything so i can just use it as i go, I have a hand blender for small amounts or a sieve, I think by the time she is eating she will be on more solid foods and not need such a puree.

Anyway being spoken to as usual, and cant reply and talk and someone getting grumpy, i will wait for him to get on here and start chatting to him, he will ignore me, but that is ok!:shrug:

Back later xxx:hugs:
Argh my car won't start :( A light came on the dashboard a couple of days ago but shouldn't be anything to do with the battery! I hope this isn't going to cost me any money, the RAC man is on his way now! I hate taking the car to garages on my own because they see a woman and think they can screw you by lying about how serious the problems are, little do they know that I am quite knowledgable on cars... well I had to be, I had a lotus elise a couple of years back that was no end of they say, Lots Of Trouble, Usually Serious is what lotus stands for!

I don't have enough 'toys' to warrant a box.... I did used to have some 'jiggle balls' which you're supposed to insert and 'wear' during the day, they have metal balls inside a plastic outside, I did wear them to a lecture once whilst at uni for a laugh, but little did I know that every time you cough or laugh you can hear a faint 'dingdingding'.... so embarassing!!

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