September Stars

Louise, hope the car is ok!!! Nightmare!! If we lived closer I would send Ian round to have a look!! Glad he is a mechanic!!

Just got back from a nice 5 mile walk and dropping Murphy off at the Dog parlour!!! Have a cuppa then going to hoover upstairs!!
Blob / fishy scars the hell out of me too, glad I'm not the only one

GG good luck today don't think I could do it !

Took JJ to docs today as decided couldn't wait until Tuesday. His swab came back normal so have now given him steroids really hope it starts to get better soon he crys when it's itchy. He loved his oatmeal and honey bath last night so I'm going to continue making that for him just have to remember to put the drain cover on the plug afterwards so our drains don't block. Ive bought avocado today to try, do you just mush it up like banana ? Also are the trays people using bpa free? I've got a silicone tray but it's for normal ice cubes not baby food do you think this would still be ok to use?
Hi the girls are napping for the first time in their cots , Layla was up every three hours last night she has never slept all night !!

The kids were fine this morning , the girls love the noise that they bring and find them fascinating they are 8 7 and 5 we played wii and then went to the park as usuall they faught about everything but we had fun, their mum is having the girls one afternoon a week when I go back to work , she is the strongest person I know my absolute inspiration , her husband died of cancer 4 years ago and she runs her house looks after the kids and works and although her heart is broken she never moans she glad they had their lovely kids and some happy years. The kids are very open and we talk freely about their dad and they often ask me questions about the things we all used to do together.

Sorry didn't mean to depress anyone x
GG if anyone is guilty of depressing people it's me! What a sad story, and what a strong woman to be able to cope with all that... it makes you realised just how lucky you are doesn't it?

Car is working again, after having to wait 2 1/2 hours for the RAC!!!
GG :hugs: sounds like she's done a really good job!!

:rofl: glad I'm not the only one, sometimes on this site I feel like I must be a right prude :blush:

Jelly :hugs:

Becs I dont know how you do those walks I get SO bored :thumbup:
Jc we also tried avocado today for the first time. I just blended it. One of the recipes was avocado and banana which Harry loved. Also the ice cube tray I use isn't designed for baby food. X
Thanks fishy, that's reassured me. I personally hate avocado but saw Annabel karmel said good as first food so I'll give it a try tomorrow I think I'll add to banana too thanks for the tip xx
Forgot to say JJ has had cradle cap now for couple of months used olive oil or specific shampoos and nothing has worked. Now could be coincidence but two night of oatmeal and honey baths and his cradle cap has dissappeared.

In mug 5 tbs of blended porridge oats (do big batch in blender so nice and small), added hot water and 2tbs of honey, added more boiling water until thick paste. When running bath add couple of tbs and have to use hands to mix the mixture in bath water. The bath then looks very murky and milky. Good for eczema and James skin has felt alot better already.
Jelly an oatmeal and honey bath sounds like a spa treatment , lovely x
bargain dribble bandana bibs £1.50...

be back to catch up soon...mum on phone lol x
I have lots of those style bibs, they are fab!!!

Can't believe how cold it is out there!!
Soooo.... my mum went to see a medium spritualist today and she told her lots of things...but she also told her the sex of my baby!!! Mum wont tell me tho until I have my scan... so 11 weeks!!! I wish she would tell me lol!!!

Kimi has been a nightmare today...she's just constantly been crying and whining for soon as you stop paying her attention...she's crying again!!! Its been constant...i ended up putting her to sleep in my bed and having a kip with her...i woke up to her staring at soon as I opened my eyes properly...she started smiling and talking to me...then I got up and left her on the bed...and she started screaming.... :( dont think I'm gna have a good night with her!!!

jelly -does sound a bit spa-ish :) lovely!!!

What on earth are you lot talking about??? ICE CUBE TRAYS??? The little boxes ones??? huh??? Confused dot com!!!

Ym although I'm sure it's really annoying, it sounds really cute! I can just imagine Kimi lying there staring at you waiting for you to wake up!

We are talking about freezing purees in ice cube trays so that you can defrost them one at a time. X
F&C have a look on baby club, someone is asking for company to do imprint pendant. I wanted to post but didn't know how they could order. No ones posted on the thread yet
It is fishy...but its just constant...i've had to let her CIO tonight (something i hate doing) because I had to go and be sick (TMI sorry) by the time i'd finished she was soundo!!! I know she is tired...but she just wont give in!!!

Hi girls!

Before anyone gets the wrong idea, I only own two sex toys. One we've had for several years and our recent Valentine's purchase. They are very fun, but I think I prefer the old-fashioned, no power-tools-required sex. Still, when you've been together for a zillion years, experimenting can be quite delightful!
Of course, sex with a toddler and baby in the house is generally a 3.5 minute affair of highly efficient and familiar manouevres, as we are running to soothe screaming baby or naughty toddler immediately afterwards. Else, it just doesn't happen. So having, or rather, making the time for sex that can include a toy is probably very good for my husband and I! :) But we don't have huge cabinets full of scary dildoes, or anything. :shock:

Jelly (think it was you?) - silicone is one of the safest and most inert "plastic-like" substances you can get, so quite safe for baby food. I'd choose it over other plastics.
I do the regular old ice-cube trays for baby purees, too. I think some of those baby sets (the cube trays with covers, etc) are cute and probably very handy, but I just couldn't justify the cost for an item that again, is really only necessary for a few months. Even if I do have another, I just don't have the storage space, so I'm going pretty minimalist with baby gear.

It's a holiday weekend here, but my husband is working night shifts and I have so much writing to finish. We have nice plans for Simon, but I don't think we'll be doing a big family outing until later in the week.

Have nice weekends, everyone! :)
Awww ym :hugs: its so hard when they go through that :( I just have to put Rosalie in a sling and just carry her around. They just dont believe we're going to come back and crying is the only way they can tell you something is wrong :hugs:

:lol: Rosalie had omlete and beans for dinner oh and then cupcake :rofl: she is really loving her BLW or Tabitha lead weaning.
Sarah, you made me chuckle!!! I have images of a closet dildo collector!!!
Ym hope Kimi has a good night sleep tonight and feels less clingy tomorrow.

Lbb really thinking about getting some dribble bibs for JJ will have to take a look :)

Also anyone doing the four day wait on weaning to ensure baby isn't allergic? I completely forgot to until tonight, I've been adding new foods as and when I've felt like it.

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