September Stars

Yummy Jayne... I got a pizza delivery tonight but only managed 2 slices?! What a waste! There must be something seriously wrong with me!! Now wishing I got a curry..
Evening ladies

Well we went to wobbly bobs today but it was sooooo busy so we walked back out again! We just had a wander around the shops then my friend had to go at 2.30, so I text one of my netmums friends to see if she was in town (she's always in town!) to meet for a brew and she was, so we met up which was nice! Holly had her lunch in morrisons again and when I put her in the high chair she absolutely screamed the place down! So much so that everyone in the mega packed cafe went quiet and turned and looked. They looked at me like I had tried to kill her or something, it was awful! Fortunately my friend saved me by laughing loudly and saying "ah what are they like? Mine does that as well". She finally calmed down and I put her back in the highchair and she was fine, so I'm not sure what the matter was!? lol

So, we had a busy social day again today. Got home at about 6ish and by 7.30 Holly was looking really tired so I ran her a bath, which she cried all the way through, then did her bottle early and she fell asleep on my lap so I put her in bed by 8pm... most unusual for Holly! So I'm hoping she stays asleep now as the earliest she is usually in bed is 8.30 but it's been closer to 9.00 this week and she didn't get up til 9 today!

Matt's been in Stoke today for the football so I'm just waiting for him and his mate to come back so we can have our curry. His girlfriend was meant to come over early evening but I haven't heard from her so not sure what's happening there! So I'm just enjoying a glass of wine whilst I wait. I bet the boys are trolleyed when they get back and I end up having dinner on my own with two piss heads!

I'm counting down the minutes before it's a reasonable time to go to bed, I'm shattered as been busy all day , feeding James , two lots of washing, washing up, cooking lunch and just finished studying now. My brain can't take much more today DH on the other hand was meant to be looking after JJ except I did his morning bottle, veg lunch, fruit tea and bedtime bottle and managed to change his nappy the whole day whilst DH watched football and played xbox..... so annoyed as got exam next Tuesday and need to study.... Asked if he would wash up the bottles and he told me he wants some 'him time' as been looking after JJ all day lol my husband is hilarious :)

Lbb - I bet you'll feel achy tomorrow , hope james is ok xx

Becs great bargain with the Highchair, I like the pattern on it too !

F&C wish I'd gone to nct classes now
Emzy wonder whats bothering Holly, hope she sleeps through.
Enjoy the curry with the piss heads lol
JC the NCT classes weren't particularly useful but they were a great way of bonding with other pregnant ladies and their ohs.

Your dh sounds like he needs a chat! x
Evening ladies! Eventful days all round eh!?

Louise, I am blaming you if I get fat this week! I have made two batches of your cookies today with the boys, cos they were lovely! We made one batch with Smarties, and the second with broken up milk and white choc buttons! They are soooo delicious! Thankyou! And the boys absolutely loved making them too!

What's going on at the moment with some of these hubbies and their issues with looking after the little ones?! DH is great, but passes Sam back to me at every available opportunity. Drives me insane!

I've had quite a nice day today. Baking with the boys, managed to sort all the washing and do the ironing, hoovered around, walked the dogs, and did a chilli in the slow cooker for our tea (not had it yet!) - now sat sitting with a nice glass of red wine. All the boys are in bed, and have behaved well today. Archie and Jack have played pretty nicely. And I just managed to write out Sam's christening invitations, so not doing bad!!

Meant to say Jayne, Sam is wearing Jack's christening outfit for his. It was just a simple Next outfit, one of those "signature" ones. Beige smart trousers, a white top, and a gorgeous blue and white woolly cardigan. I decided to put him in the same outfit, as when I looked around, there was nothing I preferred any more. The church is booked and so is the venue afterwards, a local golf club. We're Roman Catholic, and both the other boys are christened, so it was a decision made for us really. I have to say, it's not an occasion I enjoy, because everyone wants a piece of the baby, even if they've hardly ever seen them, then they don't like the idea of the baby not liking them holding them, or needing to be fed!! Plus, all the men seem to think it's an excuse to get drunk.... the list goes on!!! I will be glad when Sunday the 27th of March is over ha ha!!!!
JC what a cheeky OH you have!! He must be sooooo tired after his long day looking after JJ! Apart from feeding him of course.... oh, and changing him!!

Emzy hope Holly sleeps through! I think they just like to embarass you in public sometimes!

I went to a friends for a brew earlier, glad I did as her 2 year old daughter suddenly stood still in the room, her eyes glazed over and she became non-responsive... we thought she was playing at first, but then she carried on, couldn't speak or anything, then her face went red, she got a rash all up her neck, chest and face and her lips started turning blue, she was breathing fine but heart beating rapidly, then she was sick everywhere and started shaking violently, I called 999, she was still totally unresponsive! She had a temperature of 39.9 After what seemed like ages the paramedics arrived, at this point she started crying which we thought was a good sign. They took her off to the hospital to get checked out, they said it's a viral infection which gaver her a high temperature and kicked off a fit, I have my thoughts though, something called petit mal which is a type of fit with absentness, but whatever.... it was so scary, my first thought was meningitis if I'm honest and I feel guilty now but i was thinking about getting Lilia away from her! She's home now and fine but I'm glad I was there to help!
Sounds lovely Claire...outfit not after party lol x

oh blimey Louise...thats why i was so worried when James had his temps and a couple of occasions his went that high too...scary stuff!! x
Thanks Jayne!

And blimey, Louise! Scary stuff. Thank goodness she's fine now, but I understand you wanting to get Lilia away ASAP, very natural!
Asher, glad you enjoyed making and eating the cookies! I have learnt that one batch is never enough! They are so simple but so yummy!

Glad your boys have behaved for you today!!

HAVE to vent.... realised that my countdown ticker to wayne coming home that I have on my desktop is wrong! it's a day fast!! So I have 16 sleeps, not 15 as I thought.... I know it's only one sleep more, but PANTS! Feels like I've been at the 16/17 ish mark for aaaaaaaaages!! But.... 2 weeks on Monday I get to hold my man! Excited doesn't cut it! I actually feel really quite nervous...
Evening, one tired little girlie in bed fast asleep!! I am just picking on some chocolate and ryvita, really good for my diet, but one night wont hurt lol!! I just feel hungry tonight, af is due so thats probably why!!

Ian is laying laminate flooring in our hallway whis week as we have just had new carpet laid and its bloody cream, not good for dog or buggy!!

I am so thankful that Ian is so hands on with Hope, he never gives her back!
It was really scary, makes me worry about what would happen if lilia fell ill like that, it would be horrible anyway but if it happened when I was on my own, double horrible! I'm so glad I happened to be there to support her, her hubby is away too..

Jayne, I can't imagine having that worry over a long time, you were so brave!

Argh Lilia keeps waking tonight for her dummy!!!
Louise, I remember feeling nervous and excited, it was 5 months from Ian going to coming home for his R&R, and then his bloody flight was delayed!!! All my friends think I am weird, I actually enjoy the time we are apart, makes us appreciate each other so much more, I don't think when you are a forces wife you ever get complaicant as you know they could be off somewhere at the drop of a hat, yes he gets on my nerves but thats what all marriages are like! He is my best friend and I wouldn't change what he does for a living, Ian is as much the army as the army is him, its all we have ever known, couldnt imagine him being in a 9-5 job, thats so not him!! Having to spend all that time together, I swear its the time apart that makes the marriage work!!
So right, Louise, one batch isn't enough! Archie's had 4 cookies today! Bless him!
I can understand you being nervous about Wayne coming back too!! So exciting!

Argh Becs, cream carpet! Lovely, but not good for childcare and dog walking!

I'm watching Casualty, it's one of my fave programmes but I get too involved! Make me turn away from it!!
Claire I used to love Casualty, havent watched it for ages, I know Ruth has gone mad lol!!
Louise my friends son did something similar a couple of years ago. Very scary, your friend is lucky you were there to help. You'll soon be in single digits for waynes return how frustrating.

Asher you will have to post a pic of Sammy in his outfit when he wears it sounds lovely.

I think with DH because I'm around and he's not used to looking after JJ on his own he seeks reassurance. Whereas the days I'm out of the house at college DH is great. I think I take things for granted sometimes regarding JJ routine and little signs of what he wants.
OMG Casualty is AWFUL tonight, I've got myself all upset!!

Jelly, thanks, I will post a pic. It's really sweet.
You hit the nail on the head, I think, with your DH. They generally can cope just fine when we're not actually there, but given the chance, if we're there, it's easier to pass them to us!! x
Becs :hugs: you have a lovely way of putting things! The way I feel right now I wouldn't want him to go anywhere ever again! But, like you say, I'm so used to him being away and about, it would seem very strange to have him home all the time! I have to say, this being my first tour, and Wayne doing the horrible job that he is doing, that I'm surprised at how well I've coped! yes I've had bad days, I've had even more bad evenings, but I have generally kept my chin up and got on with things! Not like his ex wife who used to ring the compassionate number thing and demand he came home, all the time!!!!

I feel very lucky that I have you ladies...if I'm honest, i have vented more here than anywhere else, and you lot are supportive and lovely you've helped me through it a lot!
thats lovely Louise i think its good to get things off your chest when people are on neutral ground if you get me! X

James has poo'd so many times tonight then iv just bought him to bed and he had his fingers in his mouth and heaved so i pulled them out and he was staring up at my with his mouth open like he was going to be sick so i lifted him up and he was sick i dont know if im right or not but im wondering if its formula because he had banana porridge at about 4ish made with formula and the reason hv told me to try aptimal was because he was being sicky on the formula i had! Mmmmm il mention it to gp Tuesday i think! Actually dont know if i said but hv has referred him to the gp cos of his slow weight gain but she was awful on Thurs when i went to get him weighed. There was others being weighed and she was talking to me across the room asking if im eating lots but in a really patronising way! Then said about in going to see gp again in front of everybody! I was not happy! X
Jayne, Asher reminded me that I was going to say that Harry wore beige linen trouser with a white shirt and blue and white striped tank top for his naming day. I would do traditional though if that's what you want. I don't think James is too old.

Louise that must have been so scary! Well done for keeping your cool and supporting your friend.

An update from our NCT baby, the test results are back and apparently non-conclusive so they're still not sure if it's meningitis or not. She's had some hard core drugs and is doing much better now. She's been allowed home so I am guessing they are confident she's not contagious.

Ahh.. why can I never remember what I was going to say?!

Well Harry slept through for only the second time ever, the first time being when he was really poorly! The annoying thing is is that I didn't get to bed until quite late for me, then my dh woke me up firstly with a text then when he came in from his boys night out, then again when he went to the loo in the night! Aghh! Then Harry was up at 6.30. I normally get a sleep in at the weekends but dh would be in no fit state to look after Harry so I have had hardly any sleep. Weirdly though I feel less tired than normal. X

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