September Stars

F&C glad you friends baby is ok, they must be so worried when they don't know what it is. Also I found when JJ started to sleep through I kept staying up thinking he'll be waking for his next bottle but never did.

Louise I don't think I'd be able to cope aswell as you have. Not long now xx

Lbb HV make me so bloody mad Grrrr I've stopped going so much as they kept worrying me each time about his eyes or weight or feeding. They told me they were concerned with his weight gain and I should up his bottles ??? Well I ignored and actually dropped a bottle and he's been absolutely fine, meant to have gone back this week but didn't whoops ! Hopefully once you go to the gp James will soon be putting on weight, or doc says there's no problem . By his pictures I think James looks healthy, happy and contented xx. With the milk thing Hope you find out it's ok and he stops being sick xx
:hugs: glad your friends baby is doing ok F&C :hugs:
Ha ha I do that too if Rosalie sleeps I end up going to bed so late and TOTALLY regretting it!

Louise remember when we were pregnant and being all exited to have double digits hehe its so close now till you see him again :hugs: :hugs:
Fishy hope it turns out not to be Meningitis... like you say they must be fairly happy if he is able to go home!

LBB you know I am wondering if it's the banana porridge!! Lilie is fine on the normal baby porridge, but i have also tried her on the banana one and the banana and strawberry one, and she is a LOT more sick after those, and also seems grumpy and irritable afterwards, as if it doesn't sit right in her tummy? I'm tempted to give them a miss from now on!

JC I think sometimes HVs just feel like they 'should' say something! Mummy knows best I think!
Good morning all,

Well totally blew diet last night with pizza hut, and the fact the kids have unlimited trips the the ice cream :blush:

Rosie up ever 2 hours again, not fun but because she is this little for such a short time i am not doing much to change it. I did put her music on one time and she went back to sleep, I think she mainly wants cuddles but so do I so it works both ways! I know i will get sleep back at some point!
Her eyes are still sticky, she wakes with them glued together, but she doesnt moan just smiles when she hears me!:cloud9:
She had some porridge about tea time but she is still not bothered and shudders at savoury, so i just offer breakfast type things for the moment, she is a long way from any serious attempt to wean, she is nearly 5 months so the latest of mine to want to wean, i feel i have dwindling supplies of milk, i seem to be empty all the time, but then she is on me on demand still so i suppose no time to make it! :shrug:

Louise, what a shit about that extra sleep, you pin all your hopes on a certain time and to get a day added:dohh: big:hugs:

Poorly children is not nice, under 2 you need to be particually careful, mainly because they can't tell you what is wrong.
My 3yr old has had a really high temp 40, and just been lying about, she won't take medicine so we have had to open windows and strip her off to keep her cool, she has been cuddled up shivering saying she is cold but burning up.
I think we are through the worst and it wasn't helped by her not taking medicine.

Have to go Rosie needs me, back later to finish catching up xx:hugs:
Morning girls

Well I now know what was up with Holly yesterday, she was starting with a cold! After her 8pm bedtime, she slept til 11pm then woke up and absolutely screamed the house down. I could not console her at all and I was really worried. Eventually she fell asleep on me and so I took her to bed with me, but she was so stuffed up that she couldn't lie down! She woke up every 15 minutes all night. I gave her 2 extra bottles in the night which she downed, so it was obviously making her feel better. At one point her temp went right up and she was screaming, poor baby. Then at about 6am she started sweating, so I guess the fever broke and she seemed a little better. She is very stuffy today, with a very runny nose and coughing, but she's in better spirits. She just can't lie down! I've popped her in her door bouncer and she seems fine as she's upright. I just got her dressed and picked her up and she projectile vomited all over me and it was full of mucus, poor baby. I feel so sorry for her! I might have to try and get her to nap in her bouncy chair today so she can stay upright.

Ahh poor Holly it's so horrid to see them I'll.
Fc and Louise I hope your friends children are okay !

Layla is still out of sorts and no obvious reason I so hope it's teeth but there's nothing to see yet

Amelia is very snotty but In a good mood since she learnt to sit this week she is so proud of herself she chats away and laughs, we went to a party last night and she woke up coughed a lot and projectile vomited right in front of everyone, way to make an enterance :)
Good morning!

Hope everyone is well!
I keep trying to jump on to catch up on posts, but I haven't had much time for actually contributing to the conversation. The schedule feels frantic again. I have a crapload of Zoo projects due Monday, a huge list of playgroup stuff to do, and my :laundry: pile is starting to resemble Mt. Everest.

I'm heading to Costco with my brother this morning. We're trying to decide if we are going to join or not. I don't think you guys have that store? It's a big discount kind of place.
So a bit of tidying and shopping this morning, then handing those kids over to husband and running away to write write write!

Sending wellness :dust: to all little sick :baby:
Just a quicky from me

F&C - glad to hear the NCT baby is coming home

Louise - any news on your friends little girl? I think your instinct to want to get Lilia away was completely normal. When we were at baby group the other week a baby with a cold kept wanting to grab Scarlett and I felt the same - that was only a cold.

Those of you on Facebook will know I was really pissed off yesterday from my Status update. Bloody family - my brother was supposed to come over for but let us down for the 3rd weekend in a row to see his friends. I'm really upset with him as he hasn't seen Scarlett since the 30th December. We have always been close but he's relied on me for everything and can be a selfish sod. I've got to the point where I wash my hands of him all he's done is behave badly and upset me for the past year - there has to be a point at which I draw a line under things and this is it. Feel much better for having come to that conclusion and we had a nice day today. Best of all the old mattress has gone from the hallway and all the rubbish (including the oven my brother broke - but that's another story) has gone to the tip.

Catch you all tomorrow

HELP anyone !!

Olivia has been on Amoxicillin for Bronchiolitis since Wednesday now. She seems a little bit better but not a massive difference. The problem I have is that the medicine is majorly giving her a stomach ache and is causing her to have chronic bowel movements. I have gone through 30 (YES 30 !!!) nappies today and now her poor bum and ninky are so sore its untrue. Shes crying when I try to clean her up and its awful to look at. What would you guys do? The abs dont seem to be doing alot so I feel like I should stop giving them to her if its having this much of an effect on her. My poor girl :(
Laura I would stop now and go to the drs tomorrow , there's a good chance she may be allergic to the penicillin . Maybe put her on a towel on a change mat and give her some nappy off time and see if she will take some water to replace the fluids she has lost .

Hope your both okay xx
Laura poor olivia! I found talc better than cream when that happened to James! X

well James has been a grouch all day and his head felt warm before and i took his temperature and its 38.2 bless him, i think its teeth but i hope he isnt going to be poorly again he had only really just gone back to his normal self :( x
Sarah, yep we have Costco, we're members, we love it! I go with my mum every other week to get some goodies!!

Laura, poor Olivia, those antibiotics sound as though they aren't agreeing with her at all. Her poor little bum. I wonder why the doc gave her those and not steroids for the bronchiolitis? Sam had the steroids for 5 days and is pretty much back to his normal self now. I hope you get an appointment tomorrow and get it sorted, poor wee lady. It's so worrying too if you think she might be dehydrated too. Aw big hugs. x

MrsJ, sorry to hear about your brother. It's hard when you've been so close. I think it was BTP who said on my FB, draw a circle around your little family, ie you,DH and Scarlett, and everything outside that doesn't matter nearly so much. It worked for me when we were having a hard time with future SIL. I love your recent FB pics of Scarlett, she is beautiful. I am in love with her little chubby cheeks!! So cute! x

GG, poor Amelia, but ha ha at her entrance!! She'll never be forgotten! And well done to her on sitting too!!

Emzy, poor Holly too!! At least she got some nasty mucous up, better out than in! It's horrid when they're poorly. I think when they're little, you feel as though you go from one thing to the next with them. x

BTP, hope you have a better night with Rosie!! Bless her! x

Argh, LBB, not good about the HV thing. Not appropriate to do that in front of other people, whatever happened to confidentiality?! x

Louise, I think about you and Wayne so much. When I'm pissed off with DH (a lot!), I think I'm lucky he's here and not miles away for months. You are very brave and very strong. x

Argh Fishy!! His second sleep through and you didn't sleep!? It's always the way!! I sleep fairly well now that Sam's sleeping through quite regularly. I was so used to no sleep with Jack, he didn't sleep through until I was almost 5 months pregnant with Sam (so Jack was almost 3!) that I had forgotten what it was like to have a good night's sleep!! Hope Harry sleeps through again very soon and you get to sleep this time! x

We've had quite a nice day really. We were at a friend's little girl's party at a soft play centre, so the big boys had a good run and jump, and Sam got lots of fussing! Then we dropped the boys off and went for our swim, I did my mile in 32mins 23secs!! Almost a minute quicker than Friday! Well pleased with that, although now I am achy!

Having a quick nosey on FB, some supper, and bed!
Just saw your latest post LBB, I really hope he's not brewing for something again. xxx
Laura , I'd do as GG said place her on a towel and stop the AB until you go to the docs tomorrow and make sure shes not dehydrated. I know since JJ started taking his AB last week he's had a runny nappy continually throughout the day , leaked 3 times one day last week. Now I think his runny nappies are due to weanng. Hope she feels better soon, im using sudo cream on his red botty too and drying with cotton wool after using wet wipes xxx

LBB cross fingers James is OK

Mrs J hope you manage to sort things out with your brother soon.
Thanks girls. Will ask about the steroids instead as the Amoxicilin is clearly not doing what it should. I feel so rubbish as when she finally goes to sleep I then cant drift off as I keep checking her !!
Aw, chin up Laura. Hope you get sorted tomorrow. xx
evening girls, hope you all had a good weekend

Need help !!!!

Paige will not settle at bed time, she goes down at 7 as normal 45 mins later she is awake, she will then not stay asleep longer than 10 mins, i have to lay down with her on our bed and because im so tired i fall asleep with her... so far she stays asleep till 1-2am for a feed and is fine.

She isnt really crying just wont sleep, i thought it could be teething but she doesnt seem like she is in pain.....anyone else went through this ? could it be teething ? she gets very frustrated when trying to bite on things, mainly my fingers.

then i have my 12 year old who keeps telling me he has lost or broken stuff, i hate losing things, i told him to search his entire room so all i can hear is banging !!!
I wish i took some before photos, it was the last room in the house to finish, but took me 11 years !! really pleased with it !!!
Is that Aqua Loc ? Weve got that in our kitchen its great. Lovely Kitchen !! Whats that round globe thing on the worktop (sorry nosey parker :)

I broke our damn oven today :-( Hope this year gets better otherwise im asking God for a refund
aqua loc ??? the floor ? after the guy put the doors up i told grant i will not sleep until the floor is done so 7pm i dragged him to BnQ and brought the tounge and grove wooden laminate tiles as they were in the sale, made him work till im such a bitch of a wife !!!
I still have some bits to finish off as there is a lot of white i can see, the corners and side bits of the doors but said to grant we will do them when we get some money, i may gloss paint them black for now... thanks chick, i clean it like mad every

The pod is my steriliser

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