September Stars

Everything is fine with me thanks becs. I've been getting headaches too but i think I am dehydrated from all the expressing i keep drinking water but its not helping the headaches much at the minute, they are abit better today so far and think thats coz DH did the night feeds last night so i got a full nights sleep.

I cant believe Tyler will be 1 week old at 7pm tonight i was still expecting to be pregnant now after going over 13 days with Jayden. This time last week i was in hospital really bored trying to fill my time. I had been given 1 pessary and it hadnt made any difference yet lol.

What are you all getting your babies for christmas? I think i'm going to get Tyler a Jumperoo and just save it for when hes abit older but i dont know what else to get him.
Boony, we keep debating about a jumparoo, I have heard such good things about them!!
Hi guys,

***sorry selfish ranty self indulged post***

I am still perservering with the BF but i end up going from being stubborn and trying to express and BF her to crying because she is always hungry.

yesterday afternoon - expressed 3 times over 6 hours, managed 2oz
yesterday evening - tried BF her and managed about half hour but she got grizzly and ended up giving her a full 3oz bottle
throughout the night - 3oz bottle at 10.30 and at 4 - feed at four was 3oz and then i had to make up another 1oz and then she dropped off.

this morning we tried breastfeeding and she was on there from 8am to 10.45! then still cried and was nuzzling my arm and has now had a 3oz bottle. after the BF she has milk on her lips so i know she was getting fed. Maybe she is just a really hungry baby???!!!
When midwife visited on day 5 she said that she could see that i was producing loads of milk as she was guzzling and she could see her swallowing.

I do really think the fact that no-one helped us in the hospital didn't help. We got up onto the ward at 9.30am and we didnt see a single midwife till 4pm at which time we got asked...have you not fed her yet, well i had tried and DH kept asking for someone to come sit with me because she wouldnt latch. Then she cried all that night at hospital and i didnt know what to do and so i cried too....i just couldnt get her to latch

....i just want to enjoy her and DH keeps telling me just to go to the bottle because im not 'enjoying' her as i am stressing all the time. I have spent the first week of her life spending more time thinking about my boobs than her.

She is a very happy baby after the formula, she is drifting off now. I think that i need to put my stubborness (and the ability to provide for her how i always wanted) to one side and just give her the bottle.
...It just upsets me though....
Emz, the support you get in hospital is crap. The poor girl on my ward was up all night with her LO and all she got was a stroppy nurse saying I think your baby is hungry, try feeding her!! I mean ffs the poor girl was getting so stressed and crying and thats all the support she got?!! Don't be hard on yourself, as long as Eleanor is happy and you are happy does it matter whether you use formula or breast. Surely if you are happy then she will be happy, you tried and gave it your best and for that I admire you xx Don't feel guilty, your DH is right you should be enjoying her xxx
Emz, the support you get in hospital is crap. The poor girl on my ward was up all night with her LO and all she got was a stroppy nurse saying I think your baby is hungry, try feeding her!! I mean ffs the poor girl was getting so stressed and crying and thats all the support she got?!! Don't be hard on yourself, as long as Eleanor is happy and you are happy does it matter whether you use formula or breast. Surely if you are happy then she will be happy, you tried and gave it your best and for that I admire you xx Don't feel guilty, your DH is right you should be enjoying her xxx

Yes the hospitals are crap. I had four midwifes come to see me in the middle of the night as i had to keep pressing the buzzer as she was screaming. Everyone of them showed me a different position to hold her in. But none worked at the time, since we have got home, we got the latch sorted but now she just doesnt seem satisfied...

I guess it doesnt matter whether we use breast or formula, i just guess i feel a bit of a failure....

Are you BF or using bottle?
I never got any support in the hospital, people kept saying if you need help with latching just ask but then when we did ask it took them ages to come if they even came at all. Its alright them 'supporting breastfeeding' whilst we are pregnant but if they cant support you after baby has arrived then whats the point?

I had a door bouncer for Jayden and he loved it but he couldnt go in it much because all the doors it fitted on were next to a outside door so it got really drafty which is why i'm thinking of a jumperoo because i can put that where i want it.

Emz I am expressing at the moment and i'm only getting 2oz every 3-4 hours but fortunately thats all Tyler is taking at the minute. The midwife said to express every 3 hours day and night to get the supply up and then once the supply is up you can miss out a few during the night if you need to. I've also been giving Tyler formula too. I'll keep expressing even if i only manage one bottle a day lol only thing is with expressing every 3 hours by the end of the day my nipples are really sore but i guess that just comes with being a mummy lol
To all the september stars - How many of you are now bottle feeding due to breastfeeding issues and what made you decide to stop breastfeeding? How long did you stick to it before you decided? and how did you feel regarding your decision to formula feed?

...Just trying to make up my mind ref the BF issue and just trying to weigh it up.
sorry bit of a selfish post but I just managed to express 120mls in one go :happydance:
Emz-dont they say that even if you have only breast fed for a short time it will have done lots of good?
I didnt even try i just knew it wasnt for me (even before i knew it was twins) but i shall i always wonder if i should have tried in the early weeks but formula works great for me.
You have to do what feels right for your baby and however she is fed if she is happy content and gaining weight then you know your doing a good job!
thanks for your response on this. I guess the guilt comes from wanting that closeness and feeling that it is natural thing that my body is designed for and I feel like if i give up i will lose that closeness. Every time i say to myself i will give up then i have a moment of...NO! i want to keep going. Oh im so confused
Hello all you lovely mummys:)

Im out the hospital now and delighted with my lil man Cooper who was born on 30th Sept at 14:29 weighing 9lbs 2oz by c-section, he is actually tiny and im in shock, i expected a much bigger baby as his big brother was 10lbs 13oz early!

Loving being a new mummy again, had a pretty hard time of it but the main thing is me and my boys are ok.


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Emz I know exactly how you feel, the guilt I felt when I stopped was horrendous but I think it is partly due to hormones... I only managed to BF for 3 weeks and 3 days, but I have just about stopped feeling bad for stopping... I couldn't have gone any longer though, it was so so painful. When they say it shouldn't hurt if you do it properly, I don't think they are taking into account size of babies latches, size of boobs etc and even though Lilia was always getting plenty from me (4-5 hours between feeds!) it wasn't for us. I spent all my time worrying about the next feed, thinking about the pain etc and wasn't able to enjoy feeding her apart from the very few painfree feeds we had!

Now, she stares into my eyes as I feed her from the bottle, she never got grizzly or stressed or anything when we changed over which was good, and I feel that we are still close and bonding during feeds.. even if it's not the natural way to do things! I felt the same as you, I always wanted to BF and I do feel sad for the missed months of BFing we could have had but that's the way things are. I cried for 2/3 days though whilst making the decision but I'm happy now! If it's not good for Mummy, it's not good for baby xxxx :hugs:
To all the september stars - How many of you are now bottle feeding due to breastfeeding issues and what made you decide to stop breastfeeding? How long did you stick to it before you decided? and how did you feel regarding your decision to formula feed?

...Just trying to make up my mind ref the BF issue and just trying to weigh it up.

Hi I bf for 10 days but like u I had top up with formula Joel would feed off me for hours at a time and then would not be satisfied and I'd have to top him up with formula or he just would settle I gradually ended up giving him more and more formula and then he just started to refuse the breast I think cos he wasn't getting enough I also had problems with bleeding nipples with meant I had to keep resting the one boob which I don't think helped with my supply. I eventually decided to just bottle feed and even though Joel appeared a lot happier and settled I felt so guilty for quite a while and still do now especially with all this breast is best. Both my mw and hv have been wonderful and said I done my best and he had the most important bit. I did have alot of help in the hospital so I don't blame them I just don't think I realised how hard is was and I also had a very hungry baby and it just didn't work out for us he's now doing really well and putting weight
Drea, congratulations, Cooper is gorgeous!! Fab pics xxx Glad you are well xxx
Drea congrats love the name :cloud9: he issoo cute:)

hope all mummies and babies are well, Eoghan is 4 weeks today eek:dohh: x
Oh yes, Lilia is 4 weeks old today too! Where has the time gone!!

I'm taking her to be weighed tomorrow morning, she has only been weighed twice since we brought her home from the hospital which I think is shocking! Last time was two weeks ago tomorrow when she was 6lb 15ozs so I'm expecting to miss out 7lb altogether and find that she's over 8lb now!! How often are your babies being weighed ladies? If I wasn't taking her mylsef tomorrow, she wouldn't be done until the 6 week check!
Hi guys,

***sorry selfish ranty self indulged post***

I am still perservering with the BF but i end up going from being stubborn and trying to express and BF her to crying because she is always hungry.

yesterday afternoon - expressed 3 times over 6 hours, managed 2oz
yesterday evening - tried BF her and managed about half hour but she got grizzly and ended up giving her a full 3oz bottle
throughout the night - 3oz bottle at 10.30 and at 4 - feed at four was 3oz and then i had to make up another 1oz and then she dropped off.

this morning we tried breastfeeding and she was on there from 8am to 10.45! then still cried and was nuzzling my arm and has now had a 3oz bottle. after the BF she has milk on her lips so i know she was getting fed. Maybe she is just a really hungry baby???!!!
When midwife visited on day 5 she said that she could see that i was producing loads of milk as she was guzzling and she could see her swallowing.

I do really think the fact that no-one helped us in the hospital didn't help. We got up onto the ward at 9.30am and we didnt see a single midwife till 4pm at which time we got asked...have you not fed her yet, well i had tried and DH kept asking for someone to come sit with me because she wouldnt latch. Then she cried all that night at hospital and i didnt know what to do and so i cried too....i just couldnt get her to latch

....i just want to enjoy her and DH keeps telling me just to go to the bottle because im not 'enjoying' her as i am stressing all the time. I have spent the first week of her life spending more time thinking about my boobs than her.

She is a very happy baby after the formula, she is drifting off now. I think that i need to put my stubborness (and the ability to provide for her how i always wanted) to one side and just give her the bottle.
...It just upsets me though....

awww hun u need to do whats best for you both...i really feel for you, id complain to the hospital about that. My own midwife gave me the best advice which was heart to heart nose to nipple, and put your hand on your torso under your boob to support it. Hold your babies head low down more in the neck and wh he/she opens their mouth move their head and literally push it into your boob...sounds dreadful but it does actually work! lol x :hugs:

Drea Cooper is gorgeous! :) x

and on a personal note James Cooper has been weighed today and has put on 6oz since friday!!! :wacko: i must be producing jersey cream lol xx
Louise, Hope has been weighed twice and she will be weighed again tomorrow! Must vary from area to area!

Lilbumpblue, LMAO Jayne @jersey cream!!!!!

Ian was meant to go back to work today but he didn't want to leave me being all constipated and headachey so he has another couple of days off!! I am not complaining as I am a little sore down there.
Hello all you lovely mummys:)

Im out the hospital now and delighted with my lil man Cooper who was born on 30th Sept at 14:29 weighing 9lbs 2oz by c-section, he is actually tiny and im in shock, i expected a much bigger baby as his big brother was 10lbs 13oz early!

Loving being a new mummy again, had a pretty hard time of it but the main thing is me and my boys are ok.

Gorgeousssssssssssssssssssssss what a cutie, well done you, hope you recover fast! xx:hugs:

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