September Stars

Loving the chat tonight ladies, Becs, don't dogs' arses smell so bad sometimes?! There's nothing worse than a dog fart.

Well done Jelly, that's fab news. x

Loving the sound of Kev the Rev - beats Father Moss O'Connell, who is as old as he sounds!! He scares the boys! He's a lovely old fella, but by god is he old fashioned!

Jayne, love that outfit, very cute! James will look cool!! x

Well, we've actually been out tonight. We went to the local pub with all our old gang and a couple of new faces, so there were 14 of us all together. We came back for 10 as MIL was sitting with the kids and then going off to meet FIL at the local Con club for a last drink. We had a lovely night, and when we came back, who was up? Little Samuel, being cuddled by MIL and smiling at us. So, he enjoyed a nice bedtime drink of mummy's special cider and blackcurrant milk. Not planned, but hey ho, I guess it's not smack!

Sam's christening is now only 4 weeks away, it's the 27th March! Not long at all!

I've had a real shock when I came in tonight. Checked my FB, and have been sent a message by my best friend from high school who lives about 10 doors down from us. She sent me a message to say that her dad died a week ago, and was letting me know when the funeral is. He's only early 60's and as fit as a fiddle. I am in such shock, I just can't believe he's died. How cruel is life? Her whole family was in a car crash when she was on her honeymoon, about 5 days after she got married. Her mum and dad were badly injured, mum on life support for about a month, and her sister died in the crash. So so cruel.

Anyway, sorry for bringing the mood down! I'm off to give Sam some more alco-milk, see you tomorrow!! x
Oh Claire your poor friend :( Sounds like she's really been through it :(
Bet you didn't expect to be giving Sam the alco-milk! Hehehe!! Oh by the way, let's have less of the 'not long to go till the christening' as Wayne will have been back in afghan for nearly a week by then! I want it to be far!! hehe only kidding hun xxx

Sarah..... I tell you, there are no calories in MY cookies!!!!
gosh Claire that sounds awful poor girl! Thanks for the comment about the outfit! Start him young on the alcomilk lol x
Oh Claire your poor friend :( Sounds like she's really been through it :(
Bet you didn't expect to be giving Sam the alco-milk! Hehehe!! Oh by the way, let's have less of the 'not long to go till the christening' as Wayne will have been back in afghan for nearly a week by then! I want it to be far!! hehe only kidding hun xxx

Sarah..... I tell you, there are no calories in MY cookies!!!![/QUOTE]

Maybe butter is fat-free is the UK, too? :haha:

The funniest part, Louise, is that it's my husband who loses all control around them. He's very fit and does a ridiculous amount of working out, but he cannot stop eating them. They haven't hit my waistline too hard as I barely get any! :)
Sarah, Wayne adores them too! They're very moreish... I think I will make a giant batch for when he comes home!!
Oh Claire that's absolutely awful. Your poor friend.

There are so many people I want to respond to! You lot are a right laugh!

Sarah, I agree that you have a lovely way of writing and your comments are hilarious. That photo is gorgeous. What a beautiful boy and man I love your hair!

Was it Ladyk that had the whoopsee with a rolling baby? It happens to them all at some point so don't blame yourself. Harry has fallen face first out of his bouncy chair not once but twice. The first time was with me. I popped him in without doing up the straps and went to turn the tv on. When I turned round he was pushing himself forward and just rolled out. I felt awful. I told my dh to always strap him in now but I guess he didn't believe me so the same thing happened again! He felt awful.

Jc well done on the mock results! Very impressive.

Aghh what else was there? I will remember once I have posted!

Well last night we went to an evening celebration of a Christening we are off to today. We took Harry with us and he was an angel. He was a bit overwhelmed and very over tired but there were no tears until he got in the car to head home. I expected him to fall asleep but there was too much going on. He looked adorable in a little waistcoat! He is currently sparko on me after a feed bless him.

It was my first night out and it was lovely chatting to all our NCT friends and dancing with Harry x
hen we got Jayden christened we bought him a proper suit it only cost £25 and he looked adorable it had shirt, waistsuit, cravat, trousers and jacket and he was only 6 months old. I still had it so Tyler wore it for my grandmas funeral too.

Tyler went to his first birthday party yesterday it was his cousin 6th and he loved it he at watching the magician/entertainer and never took his eyes off him bless him.
Im really struggling with this weaning stuff, im so scared to give paige anything that isnt blended, She grabbed some bread off me and she was gagging, but at the time i thought she was choking and totally freaked out !!!.... I was told that babies gag all the time and its them learning, they may gag on a tiny bit but are able to eat finger foods !!!! I really dont get this, i mean how do they not choke, i am terrified to try anything like finger foods until she gets all her teeth. I dont remember any of this with Jake...

F&C,think it was teeny honey, i was the one who banged paiges head on the car door frame..LMAO

LBB - love love love that outfit !!!

Asher- thats so sad about your friend, Life isnt fair sometimes
Asher, so sorry to hear of your friend, lucky she has you around to support her xx

F&C bless Harry on his first night out, hope you have a good time at the christening

Lady k I feel the same at the moment with JJ he's always clearing his throat at the moment as if something is bothering him . Were not too sure if were feeding him too much for lunch either as he has 3 veg of around 12 tablespoons then still has his whol bottle still. He just always seems hungry! I'm dreading moving to finger foods so I'm putting it off for now
Just popping on here quickly, nursing a very poorly baby :nope:
She has a really high temp but is feeding plenty and although gagging and choking on it she is taking enough medicine to keep the temp down every 4-6 hours.
She is stripped to her nappy, and wrapped in her fave blanky, which is loose so she can just feel it, poor baby, she is so good and i am not used to seeing her so upset:cry:

The children are back early as their dad has moved out from his wife, they have always been rocky, they have spilt a few times but this seems to be final, i just get annoyed when they only go to their dad's every 3 weeks and he manages to argue in front of them, I always wait for an argument til they are out, although ours are rare!

Asher, sorry to hear your friend is having such a rough time, it seems to be some people just get all the horrible things happen, a woman who rented my mums old house had lost a husband and son in a car crash then while living in the house her other son hit his head and died, awful :nope:
It is hard knowing what to say with loss, you feel like there is never the right thing to say:hugs:

I have not braved the cookies yet, they are ideal for the children to make but they insist we eat what they make and the diet really doesnt allow so much home baking!
I have a glass of wine some nights, 1 glass = 150 cals how sad i even know that!!
Diet going well though, both for me and dh, he has hit a point where he can see the changes with the weight going, and so can i , he is looking really different, he is nearly where he was when we met, so after this he goes into the 'i have never seen him like that' weight!

Sarah, lovely pic of you and your little man, good luck with gettting your stuff done. (love the word stuff covers a multitude of things, when i can't remember exactly what it was!):hugs:

Alco-milk, love it!!:thumbup:

I have not had our children christened, the initial reason was to let them make that choice when they were older but not i am not sure, now i feel we have finished our family i would quite like them 'named' I could do a job lot with all mine!! :haha:
Oh and the little suit was lovely, but up to you what you would like to use,(gown or suit) both are totally appropriate!:thumbup::hugs:

Sorry can't remember anything else,

Hope my little baby feels better soon, horrible seeing her like this:nope:

Oh and those who saw my fb status about aliens abducting my husband, i am sure they have! He is different, I have put it down to the weight loss, giving him confidence, and we have been getting on really well, :blush: much better than things have been in and i can honestly say years, i think now we have had the girls we are returning to the us we were before not ttc or pregnant!
Long may it continue!:cloud9:

Back soon, take care all xxxx:hugs::hugs:
Asher so Sorry about your friend I dint know why these things happen to people when they have already suffered so much!

Btp I'm glad dh has got his act together and your enjoying being with him again

Lbb the christening outfit looks perfect !

Louise I know you said before but I have no Brain, so Wayne is home soon for r and r and then goes back for how long?

We went out today to look at car seats another confusing thing to think about !
We went out today to look at car seats another confusing thing to think about !

i would advise getting one that is from 9 months but goes up to 12 years! It works out so much cheaper than buying new ones every few years. I have the Britax evolva 123 they are quite big and bulky but they look really comfy and go up to 12 years. easy to fit too!
Hi ladies

It's taken me two hours to catch up in-between sorting out Scarlett, answering the phone etc.. Sorry for my absence but we have had SD since Wednesday and she's a nosey bugger so I don't like posting when she is about. I know I probably sound like a total cow but I'm relieved she has gone home. Talk about pre-teen she is so sulky and secretive on the one hand and literally following me (or rather Scarlett) everywhere the next. I ended up wanting to go to the bathroom to escape from her, I wouldn't mind if she was doing it from a loving perspective but she's just being nosy most of the time. Some of the questions she asks are blatantly straight from her Mum's mouth, I end up feeling like she's spying on us. I know it's not her fault, it's her Mum's but it can be bloody hard work not to get annoyed. The constant lying is getting out of hand too, we have been challenging her when she lies but she just digs her heels in and said she isn't. We are talking about things that there is absolutely no doubt she is lying about and we all know it.

F&C - loving the pictures of Harry. Like GG we have tooth envy here. Scarlett has been teething for 10 weeks and still no pegs have appeared.

SarahK - cute picture of your little man, he looks so grown up

Becs - I haven't had a drink either unless you count the odd splash of Baileys in my hot chocolate. I'm not a big drinker so I'm not bothered but I quite fancy a Kir Royale!

Asher - sorry to hear about your friend - that is so sad :hugs:

LBB - cute christening outfit

Jelly - well done on the mock result

BTP - glad thinks are better between you and DH :cloud9:

Lady K - I didn't see your original post but I'm guessing someone has complained about BF? I don't know why some people have an issue with you doing something entirely natural for which your body is designed?! Most of the time they can't see anything (unless they are carrying binoculars) as the babies head is in the way. I must have been feeding very discretely in the cafe at Kew Gardens on Friday as a man came and literally stood over me to look at the chalkboard menu. It was only when I looked up at him and gave him a bit of a strange look he realised what I was doing and was really embarrassed. :rofl:

I can't remember if I posted about it but DH and I had a bit of an accident a couple of weeks ago and the condom split. I've been worrying about it as I definitely don't feel ready to have another baby. I'd been feeling a bit odd so felt I had to take a test and it was a :bfn: the relief was immense. Bit of a contrast to the last time I took a pregnancy test. It's left us in a bit of a quandary about birth control as DH now doesn't trust condoms and I'm not keen on taking anything with hormones in while I am BF. Is anyone else BF and taking the pill, I don't know if I'm worrying needlessly?

Ok I have a baby who wants her tea (Cauliflower and Brocolli) so I better go. Which reminds me - Lady K and Jelly I felt exactly the same as you about the weaning thing but decided to just go with it and trust my instincts. So far, so good. I haven't given Scarlett gluten or dairy yet, I'm waiting until the 6 month mark.

Must be quick because Lilia is not far off going in the bath!!

GG, it keeps changing! Originally he would be back 25th April, they extended him by 3/4 weeks so then thought mid/end May but he told me on the phone the other day that he hasn't been given a date yet but the latest it should be is the 10th June! So seems to be a goalpost that's getting further and further away! On the plus side, he also said that there might be a chance that he will be home sunday and not monday if he doesn't have to fly to kandahar as there is a bigger runway at bastian now! Fingers crossed!
I can't fault the mirena coil, once its in it releases a teeny amount of the same hormones used in the pill, but on a much smaller scale, i can't take the pill but am fine with this.
My periods have stopped after initial bleeding from it, i find i don't have the ups and downs of a moody month but am pretty consistant, the no periods is brilliant, and you don't even need to think about birth control once it's in.
For me it was the answer to heavy periods and i have fallen pregnant 3 months after one was removed so once i did want to get pregnant i could.
You could get one in at the same time as having a smear, it is no less unpleasant than that really, and you can't feel it once it's in.
I know exactly what car seat im getting because when i saw my mates one i couldnt believe how cool it was, im getting the one which turns so you can place your baby in the seat and then turn it forward. They never had it when i had Jake and i bloody wish they did !!! getting a screaming toddler into a front facing car seat is a major mission !!!! Maxi-Cosi Axiss, Black Reflection$product$

BTP, poor baby : ( hope she gets well soon...

MrsJ- i had to delete post incase work see me posting, you just dont know what you can find when you google your name. There has been many times i have sat watching someones baby at mother and baby group to suddenly realise the baby is attached to their boob... but at my mother and baby group there are boobs out everywhere... total boob fest and have now realised that my boobs are saggy compared to
Ladykara - is there a reason your not allowed to talk about your work on here or is it just that you dont like to?

I think i may have a problem my husband has just gone to make up some bottles and realised we only have enough formula to make up one bottle but he'll want 2 one for dinner and one for bedtime! And its sunday so the co-op is shut! Hubby has gone out to see if any of the off-licenses have any lol

Ooooh hubby just phoned and the off license has the sma gold but not the white that tyler has so hes going to have to cope with gold for tonight lol
I have a emergency tin of baby powder upstairs, i used to run out all the time with Jake x
Ah right i see i figured it was something like that. I dont see how they can moan about part-timers and say you should work twice as hard why should you its not like they are paying you a full-timers wage!!

I think i will have to get a emergency tin too just never thought about it before because our shop is open most of the time its open 7am - 10pm mon-sat but never considered it would happen on a sunday lol

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