September Stars

Louise, Hope has been weighed twice and she will be weighed again tomorrow! Must vary from area to area!

Lilbumpblue, LMAO Jayne @jersey cream!!!!!

Ian was meant to go back to work today but he didn't want to leave me being all constipated and headachey so he has another couple of days off!! I am not complaining as I am a little sore down there.

Mooooooooo :haha: x

Hun this may sound gross but are you afraid to go incase you burst your stitches? What i did was got a big piece of cotton wool (the pleated sort) soaked it in tepid water and held it onto my cut, it stopped the sting plus i felt like i could hold everything in place while i 'did the business'!! lol

James has been weighed weighed twice since leaving hospital, today the health visitor weighed get get the health visitor coming to you Louise?? xx
Congratulations Drea.

And Louise Ollie got weighed twice since we left hospital and now I have to go to the clinics or he wont get weighed.
Took him this morning and he is 9lb12oz he has put on 12oz in a week and 2 days the lil chunk
Lilbumpblue, I have been, the first one this morning was really stingy, just been and had a normal poo, still a bit achey but all ok!!! My fybergel and latulose has worked through so all is back to normal!!! I got Ian to look at my stitches and he said they had all gone and it looks really neat lol!!!
To all the september stars - How many of you are now bottle feeding due to breastfeeding issues and what made you decide to stop breastfeeding? How long did you stick to it before you decided? and how did you feel regarding your decision to formula feed?

...Just trying to make up my mind ref the BF issue and just trying to weigh it up.

the health visitor visited today and i discussed the BF situation with her. She said that if i really want to i should stick to it and give it a last ditch attempt over the next three days.
No formula, no expressing to increase flow, literally if baby hungry put her on boob, regardless of whether she wants to stay on there for three hours as per earlier let her stay on there, if she cries, put her back on, and dont give in to the formula not at night not at all. She said that within 3 days i should get a really good flow. Then if it really doesnt work then i have tried and I can go to bottle guilt free.
As the milk doesnt seem to fill her up at the moment i feel that this will be a stressful couple of days but it will be worth it in the end.....heres to completely sleepless nights!!!
Lilbumpblue, I have been, the first one this morning was really stingy, just been and had a normal poo, still a bit achey but all ok!!! My fybergel and latulose has worked through so all is back to normal!!! I got Ian to look at my stitches and he said they had all gone and it looks really neat lol!!!

I suffer from irritable bowel and was so worried about pooing for the first time, but thankfully i havent had too many problems. Still pretty worrying though when you go, i almost hold my breath as i am going because i can just visualise my stitches popping open one by one. I think mine have almost dissolved. Darent look lol.
Congratulations Drea.

And Louise Ollie got weighed twice since we left hospital and now I have to go to the clinics or he wont get weighed.
Took him this morning and he is 9lb12oz he has put on 12oz in a week and 2 days the lil chunk

wow that's a good weight gain for 9 days!
Hi mummies!

Sorry I've been awol for a few days, been having a bit of a nightmare few days!

First of all Emz, I BF for 11 days before switching to FF as Holly was very jaundiced, too sleepy to feed properly and lost too much weight. I did and still do feel a bit gutted about it, but I couldn't see her go poorly. Sometimes breast is not always best and happy mummy= happy baby xx

Speaking of BF, we had a bit of a nightmare with the colic this last few days (I'll explain more in a minute) and my mum suggested putting her on my breast to see if it would comfort her. I did... and there was milk!? wtf? I thought it would have totally dried up by now?? She did a few sucks and then milk was flowing so I let her suck for a bit. I haven't tried again since as she's not been well, but I'm confused!! I might try again a bit later and see if it happens again.

Anyway, as you know Holly has been suffering with colic for a few weeks now. I started using colief earlier in the week and it really seemed to be helping. She started sleeping for 6 or 7 hour stretches at night and was crying a lot less. Then on Friday she started being really fussy with her feeds. She did a poo and it was fairly solid so I thought she'd become constipated again so gave her some cooled boiled water which usually does the trick. She was fussy all day but then slept for 7 hours overnight. On Saturday, she was fine most of the day then in the evening she got extremely agitated, thrashing her arms and legs around, crying uncontrolably (which isn't unusual with her having colic, but the cries were different, like a squeal like she was in pain) and this went on for 6 hours. She started to sound like she had a sore throat. Come 9.30pm I took her temperature and it was high, so I rang the out of ours doctor and they came out to see her. He couldn't tell immediately what was wrong, so sent us up to the hospital so a paediatrician could look at her. After a long wait at the hospital, they examined her and by which time her temp had come down. He said he couldn't tell but thought she had a tummy ache and possibly a virus and to come back in the morning if she was still bad.

She slept well again in the night but then on Sunday was refusing her feeds and started crying uncontrollably again. She finally took and oz but then threw it back up so I took her back to the hospital. Her temp was up again, so they ran some blood tests. They came back fine though so she didnt have a serious infection, which is what they were concerned about. It absolutely broke my heart seeing them trying to insert the canula into her hand. I'd already seen them do this when she had jaundice, but it was so much worse this time and she howled in pain. I sat there holding her crying my eyes out, I couldn't bear seeing her in pain any longer.

Anyway to cut a long story short, the poor love is very constipated (probably the infant gaviscon so I'm cutting that out, I'd rather deal with sick than see her in this much pain) has bad colic and possibly had a virus which gave her the high temperature, but she seems to be fighting this off herself as her temp is back down. They told us to feed her plenty of cooled boiled water mixed with fruit juice and if this doesn't work she will have to have an enema or laxatives :-( It has helped her to go today, but it was very solid and the poor love cried and screamed when trying to poo. It's heartbreaking. The community nurse is meant to be coming at some point this week to check on her, so we will see how we go. She is taking feeds again as normal now, so that's a good sign. Matt took today off work as I was really worried about how I was going to cope on my own. The constant crying and screaming is exhausting and I was finding it really hard to deal with. She cried a lot again today, but no where near as bad as at the weekend. Matt is considering taking tomorrow off too, just to make sure we are ok. The crying literally hasn't stopped, much more than the usual 3 or 4 hours we have and I have not been able to put her down. She is napping now though, so I am hopeful that she will be feeling all better tomorrow.

On a brighter note, we had a bit of a breakthrough with the sleeping! I was cosleeping for a few days but we have now put her cot at the side of our bed with the side down, so she sleeps right next to me still as if she is in bed with me and she slept for 7 hours on Friday night and the same again last night! I think we're getting somewhere!

Anyway, it's Holly's bath time now so I better get going. Hope all ladies and babies are well, sorry not had much time to catch up properly but will be back when Holly is back to herself.

Lots of love to all
Evening all,

Bit fed up the photographer didn't show up tonight, its annoying as she is only a week old once and they knew how important it was to me to have her photo taken while she is still within a few weeks old. Suppose i will have to call tomorrow and see if they can't come to me i can go to them.

Rosie been asleep for ages now, she went out in the pram today and screamed for a while., she sulked with me when we got back, i am sure, for not holding her! I did take her out for a short while but my back was aching so i put her back in the pram!

I checked my stitches and the perrineium (sp?) has some in it, i know they put quite a few in but i was not sure where i had tore, dh was no use and they didn't give me my birth notes where it is usually written in where and how bad you tore, it is a shame they don't give them to you just for a short while because i really don't remember lots of what happened, I am sure though that the midwife didn't help reassure me and i know if things had been better explained at the time i would not have panicked, and that would have made a big difference, but can't dwell i suppose, she is here safe and sound and i will heal up!

Well, better check fb and wake Rosie, she has slept for ages and i need to get some milk off me!

Back tomorrow xxxx:hugs:

Emzy, sorry to hear Holly has had tummy worries, hope she is feeling better soon, I remember my eldest would scream with colic from between 6and 12pm non stop, nothing would settle him and it went on for 3 months, at 3 months i gave him a little bit of baby rice at bedtime, it used to fill him up better than the milk which just gave him yummy ache and the screaming went. I know now they say leave it longer b4 solids, but i am glad then in was 3 months!
It is hard work with an unsettled baby, it would be helpful for dh to spend some time with you just for some support xx:hugs:
Good evening!!

Little A Thanks for the advice - ive been getting pains like a period, but I know its not AF as its continued to be not as heavy!

Becs0375 Im sorry, but I had to laugh about your poo comment :) I was exactly the same! It makes you wonder how it stays in, when theres so much! :lol: Poor hope :hugs: hope she starts feeling better soon - its horrible when you can hear that they are all bunged up!

Boony Happy 1 week to Tyler :happydance: Ive bought Roxy the swing for xmas (but she had it early) and I think ill be buying bits that she will use throughout the year up until about April time, so a few toys, maybe a baby gym and clothes :)

Emzdreamgirl Big big big :hugs:. Its hard to know whats best to do when it comes to either BF or FF, but its your choice at the end of the day and you need to be happy. You have continued on through the rubbish, which shows determination :happydance: dont feel bad though about what you decide - you've breastfed her full stop, regardless of how long you did it for! She's been given that boost and thats what matters! :flower: In regards to your question - I was breastfeeding and had to stop due to being put on 3 doses of antibiotics due to infections 'down there'. I continued to begin with, but Roxy had a terrible stomach from ingesting the antibiotics and was crying her heart out, then when I was finally coming to an end of a dose - I got given more :( I was absolutely gutted if im being honest, as I loved the feeling when I was feeding her, but in hindsight, I did what was best for me and her at the time, and she is thriving on formula :)

Drea2904 Congratulations! :happydance: and welcome :hugs:

Emzywemzy So sorry to hear about you having to go to the hospital with Holly:( I dont know how I would cope with them putting a cannula in Roxy, Poor you!! :hugs: Glad to here the sleeping situation is looking up! :happydance:

So last night wasnt too bad sleeping on the sofa! I didnt get much sleep, but thats because I was watching a film :blush: Roxy slept well though :thumbup: Today she has been a complete madam, has been grouchy and wouldnt settle atall. She finally slept at about 5pm, woke up had a feed and nappy change and is now back asleep. Its been really strange not having the DH around today :( miss him like mad! He's also been given ridiculous shifts to work the next few weeks, so he's not too happy. Another night on the sofa tonight as the DH is on an early shift. I really dont mind though =) its easier to do her bottles etc being down here. He said I should sleep up there, but I dont think its fair if he's up all night and then having to work, when I can nap in the day if I need to. Roxy had her hearing test today aswell which came up as all good :happydance: Anyway best put the potatoes on, DH will be home in half an hour :) Hope everyone is good!!

Hi ladies, sorry I've not been around, it seems the only time I have properly to be nosey and chatty is in the middle of the night when I'm up feeding, and I hate typing on my phone!

Emzy, I hope Holly gets sorted really soon, it sounds like a very scary time for you and Matt, and a painful one for Holly. As a mum who had a child with a longstanding constipation issue, I feel lots of empathy for you!

Well done to the stitched up mums who've been pooing!

Boony, congrats on the brilliant expressing!!

Congrats Drea!

Emz, don't beat yourself up about the BFing thing. Like Louise said, you can bond just as well with a bottle! Big hugs. xx

I'm off to bed soon enough. Going to quickly check my FB and my farmville ha ha!! Then off to bed. Sooo tired, busy day today. Going to try and take it a bit easier tomorrow. Night night all. xx
Babythinkpink - Hope you get the pics of Rosie sorted soon. Have you considered taking your own and editing them?

Big hugs to Emzy :hugs:

Will catch up on everyone else later, OH's mum is about to come over and I don't want her to think I spend all day on babyandbump(which is half true lol)

I was looking through my camera earlier and found all my last preggo pics, feel soooo sad about it :( I really miss being pregnant and my belly! everyone who said it while I was pregnant I thought was crazy! I mean, who really wants a huge stomache for 9 months :p

Here's the last pic of the Ellie inside the belly at hospital the morning of the day she was born!

And some of me and Ellie today :)


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well wee amelia had her jabs today:( she was so brave!! but i still cant beleive she is 2months old already!!

She rolled right over twice yesterday im so amazed at her!! she is giggling and smiling!! awsome!!
Little A, thats fab!!! Crikey 2 months!!

Bekks, lovely pics!!!

Emzy, hope Holly is better soon xx

Just had HV round and she weighed Hope, my little porker weighs 9lb 14oz!!! Can't believe she has put on 10oz since Thursday!!!
My belly button has popped back in today:thumbup: I am still a funny shape but getting there gradually, i am about 3 stone heavier than b4 pregnancy, and really funny about my size, but breast feeding i can feel working, not pleasant!

Just a few pics of Rosie, very dry from being late, been oiling her but she is still peeling!
Rosie Oct10 015.jpg

Rosie Oct10 027.jpg

Rosie Oct10 035.jpg
Bekk and BTP, gorgeous piccies!

Becs, what a good weight Hope is!

We had Lilia weighed today, she is now 8lb 3ozs\! We have completely missed her being 7lb! She was last weighed 2 weeks ago at 15 days old, and was 6lb 15ozs, so in 14 days she has now put on 20 ozs!
BTP- Rosie is gorgeous :cloud9:

Louise and Becs - wow, your babies are gainging like troopers, that's good!

Sorry TMI :p ...

I was curious - When did or have any of you had a period since giving birth?
It's been 4 weeks and 4 days today since Ellie was born and I was bleeding slightly heavy for a week and since then hardly noticable and it tailed off about a week or more ago to nothing but I started having cramps and stomach aches last Thursday and it's been uncomfortable and crampy ever since, went to the loo yesterday and noticed i was bleeding, more bright red than the after birth bleeding but it went to hardly nothing again the next time i checked, now today it's still there and keeps getting a bit heavier and more red, then tailing off to like a brown sludgey type. I'm wondering if it's my period already with the cramps and everything :shrug: but before pregnancy I always had really heavy periods and bled like I was dying or something, never this light. Still the same crampy pain though.
9months just isn't long enough! :dohh:
Bekklez and BTP gorgeous photos! BTP The newborn photos of my sister show her peeling as she was 10 days late. Holly has very dry skin just like me, so I use oilatum in her bath and the oilatum cream after that really helps. Maybe that would help Rosie's dry skin?

Louise and Becs fab weight gains!! I'm going to take Holly to baby clinic again next Wednesday to get her weighed. Last week she was 10lb 8oz and I said I can't believe some babies are born at that weight... ouch!!!

Bekklez I am still waiting for my period. I bled for 3 weeks after the birth and then like you, stopped and then started with a bit of bright red blood but that only lasted a day and was very light, so I'm not counting that as a period! I have been feeling like I'm about to start my period for a couple of days now, so I'm expecting it any day. Oh the joys!!

Holly seems a little better today, but still mega constipated. The poor love was straining and screaming in pain last night and again this morning, so we took her to the doctors. She couldn't believe they'd sent us home without any laxatives or anything and told us to give her water (we had already been doing that and it wasn't helping) so she prescribed lactulose. We gave one dose this morning and no poo all day but just given another and she's sitting on daddy's lap straining, so it may be doing something... we will see. The poor little love, I feel so bad for her!

BTP- Rosie is gorgeous :cloud9:

Louise and Becs - wow, your babies are gainging like troopers, that's good!

Sorry TMI :p ...

I was curious - When did or have any of you had a period since giving birth?
It's been 4 weeks and 4 days today since Ellie was born and I was bleeding slightly heavy for a week and since then hardly noticable and it tailed off about a week or more ago to nothing but I started having cramps and stomach aches last Thursday and it's been uncomfortable and crampy ever since, went to the loo yesterday and noticed i was bleeding, more bright red than the after birth bleeding but it went to hardly nothing again the next time i checked, now today it's still there and keeps getting a bit heavier and more red, then tailing off to like a brown sludgey type. I'm wondering if it's my period already with the cramps and everything :shrug: but before pregnancy I always had really heavy periods and bled like I was dying or something, never this light. Still the same crampy pain though.
9months just isn't long enough! :dohh:

Yup, sounds like the :witch: has returned to you, amazing how efficient things are! xx
Hiya ladies!

Bekklez, gorgeous piccies! You look so well! And Ellie is lovely.

Aw Little A, bless little Amelia, she's so tiny to be having jabs! Little love! I can't believe she's rolling and giggling, so cute!

Aw Emzy I hope Holly manages to poo soon. x

Becs, Hope is doing fab with her weight gain! And Lilia too, Louise!

BTP, Rosie is gorgeous! Little stunner!!

Period wise I've had nothing! My bleeding only tailed off about a week ago, and is now nothing at all. I don't know if the breastfeeding is keeping it away. I'm off to the docs on Saturday for my 6-8 week check (and Sam's first jabs, which is horrible), so I'll mention it then. I need to get sorted on the mini-pill as DTD with condoms is soooo not comfortable and I will keep putting it off if I don't sort something.

Tomorrow is Archie's 6th birthday! I am in complete denial that he can be 6, it seems like yesterday that he was the baby I was holding, and now I've got my 3rd. Bittersweet!!

I've got a bit of a question. What do you ladies do with your babies in the evening if they are settled? Sam is feeding a lot after bathtime, then tends to settle off to sleep around 9pm. Usually we leave him in the carrycot on too of the pram, and then take him up to bed with us when we go. I am contemplating tomorrow taking him up to the bedroom when he settles to see if he sleeps for a bit longer without being disturbed by us clattering around the kitchen. What does anyone else do? I know I've had two other babies, but I can't help not being sure!! Help!
BTP, Rosie os gorgeous, Hope is still a bit dry xx

Louise, thats brilliant weight gain!!

I bled for a few days then it stopped and my period came yesterday, I know its my period as I have been getting cramps and a bubbly tummy!! Its all good!! I am off for an early night, Ian is back to work tomorrow and I am going tot try and get into the Dr's and get some stronger painkillers. As I was constipated I feel things have stretched down there and as I am still healing its rather tender, paracetamol and ibuprofen are doing nothing so want to get it checked out! Ian had a look and said it looks healthy, I know its not infected, I just thing all the straining etc and over stretched things, its sore and hard to walk, tbh its more painful now than when it was done!

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