September Stars

Becs, that does sound painful honey. I think I may have got myself a couple of piles! How lovely! I didn't get them from being pregnant, so I think it was pushing the little fella out. I did the same with Jack, it's so not comfortable! Good luck at the docs. x
asher- we have bathtime around 8.30 and then a bottle upstairs and into moses baskets , we have been tending to then sit and watch tv upstairs in our room with them but are starting to put the monitor on and do jobs downstairs now.

They still wake every three hours for a bottle, i see that lots of the other stars are going for longer in the night, im not sure if there is anything i can do to encourage them to go for longer?
Thanks Genies, I'd be in the same situation with the feeding. If Sam settles at 9pm he'll be ready to feed at around midnight. I've tried dream feeding him at 10.30 ish when we take him up, but it doesn't change too much, so I'm tending to just get an hour's sleep in before the midnight feed. I don't know if there's too much you can do to push the times between feeds out, it depends on how hungry they are and how big their tums are? Not sure! Any advice would be welcome!!
Bekklez and BTP gorgeous photos! BTP The newborn photos of my sister show her peeling as she was 10 days late. Holly has very dry skin just like me, so I use oilatum in her bath and the oilatum cream after that really helps. Maybe that would help Rosie's dry skin?

Louise and Becs fab weight gains!! I'm going to take Holly to baby clinic again next Wednesday to get her weighed. Last week she was 10lb 8oz and I said I can't believe some babies are born at that weight... ouch!!!

Bekklez I am still waiting for my period. I bled for 3 weeks after the birth and then like you, stopped and then started with a bit of bright red blood but that only lasted a day and was very light, so I'm not counting that as a period! I have been feeling like I'm about to start my period for a couple of days now, so I'm expecting it any day. Oh the joys!!

Holly seems a little better today, but still mega constipated. The poor love was straining and screaming in pain last night and again this morning, so we took her to the doctors. She couldn't believe they'd sent us home without any laxatives or anything and told us to give her water (we had already been doing that and it wasn't helping) so she prescribed lactulose. We gave one dose this morning and no poo all day but just given another and she's sitting on daddy's lap straining, so it may be doing something... we will see. The poor little love, I feel so bad for her!


you may think im losing the plot when i say this but it works a potty and when she is trying to go for a poo sit her on the potty or alternatively hold her against your chest facing outwards and hold her legs like she is in a sitting helps to 'open things up' and help her to go! xxx

BTP- Rosie is gorgeous :cloud9:

Louise and Becs - wow, your babies are gainging like troopers, that's good!

Sorry TMI :p ...

I was curious - When did or have any of you had a period since giving birth?
It's been 4 weeks and 4 days today since Ellie was born and I was bleeding slightly heavy for a week and since then hardly noticable and it tailed off about a week or more ago to nothing but I started having cramps and stomach aches last Thursday and it's been uncomfortable and crampy ever since, went to the loo yesterday and noticed i was bleeding, more bright red than the after birth bleeding but it went to hardly nothing again the next time i checked, now today it's still there and keeps getting a bit heavier and more red, then tailing off to like a brown sludgey type. I'm wondering if it's my period already with the cramps and everything :shrug: but before pregnancy I always had really heavy periods and bled like I was dying or something, never this light. Still the same crampy pain though.
9months just isn't long enough! :dohh:

your pics r lovely hun x

...i was going to ask a similar question...How long did everyone bleed for?

Hiya ladies!

Bekklez, gorgeous piccies! You look so well! And Ellie is lovely.

Aw Little A, bless little Amelia, she's so tiny to be having jabs! Little love! I can't believe she's rolling and giggling, so cute!

Aw Emzy I hope Holly manages to poo soon. x

Becs, Hope is doing fab with her weight gain! And Lilia too, Louise!

BTP, Rosie is gorgeous! Little stunner!!

Period wise I've had nothing! My bleeding only tailed off about a week ago, and is now nothing at all. I don't know if the breastfeeding is keeping it away. I'm off to the docs on Saturday for my 6-8 week check (and Sam's first jabs, which is horrible), so I'll mention it then. I need to get sorted on the mini-pill as DTD with condoms is soooo not comfortable and I will keep putting it off if I don't sort something.

Tomorrow is Archie's 6th birthday! I am in complete denial that he can be 6, it seems like yesterday that he was the baby I was holding, and now I've got my 3rd. Bittersweet!!

I've got a bit of a question. What do you ladies do with your babies in the evening if they are settled? Sam is feeding a lot after bathtime, then tends to settle off to sleep around 9pm. Usually we leave him in the carrycot on too of the pram, and then take him up to bed with us when we go. I am contemplating tomorrow taking him up to the bedroom when he settles to see if he sleeps for a bit longer without being disturbed by us clattering around the kitchen. What does anyone else do? I know I've had two other babies, but I can't help not being sure!! Help!

our routine at the moment is go to bed with James at 11, feed him and put him into his moses basket then off to sleep ourselves...although last night i got called heartless by df because i changed his nappy when i got into bed, and he was trying to get to sleep for work, he hasnt got a very good way with words i suppose it was a bit inconsiderate really :blush: x

My eldest is 16 now, his 16th birthday was hard for me!!
He helps me lots and does shopping and stuff with me, the other day the bloke behind the counter was going to ask age id for me as all he saw was me, the baby and my ds, assuming we were 'together' I just said he was being kind!!
The 13th Birthday is harder when it's your children, before then they seem to still be children, after you have a teenager!
Hope that 6 seems better now! :hugs:

Well the kids are all sneezing with runny noses, great, snot sucker at the ready then!

I am in a crap mood today, dh went into the boys room last night, Rosie was disturbed and it took me hours to settle her, it all blew up over my eldest who went to bed and took of his brothers duvet waking him up, he started screaming thinking it was a bad dream and woke the house up, it could all be avoided if the eldest wasn't a pain and him and dh had gone to bed not sat up on the fing x box.
Then dh moans he is tired or has had a bad night when i have been up twice with the 2 yr old as well as baby feeds, and dh is moaning!
He has gone to get my mil, so things just get sodding better, and if he thinks i am waiting on her hand and foot all day he can whistle!

Well that's me, in a foul mood and things not set to improve, least i have my little Rosie to cheer me up, she is all snuffly on my shoulder, she is so lovely!:cloud9:

:hugs: to all, hope Mummies and babies have a great day xxx
Congratulations drea, Cooper is gorgeous!!

Beautiful pic's Bekklez and babythinkpink

Emzy, poor holly, ollie couldnt go on sunday he strained and cryed all day :cry: give him water. luckly he managed on monday, think it was due to us changing his milk.
i hope the lactulose is helping her, poor lamb :hugs: xxx

regards to periods i aint got a clue, my bleeding has be starting and stopping for the past 3weeks, after i had DD i remember getting really bad tummy cramps when they started again so i guess they same will happen this time.

Asher we bath Ollie around 7ish (he has a feed afterwards) it settles him to sleep (we put him in his bouncer or swing) his bedtime feed varies from 9:30 and 11:30 but after he has it we take him upstairs and put him in his moses and we go to bed too, thats our routine.

it does vairy tho depending if his wind is bothering him sometimes he can cry for ages and his time between feeds keeps changing :wacko:

Changed Ollie's milk to cow&gate comfort and went to the dr's on monday who gave us Infant Gaviscon he's been suffering with reflux and really bad wind, the cow&gate seems to have helped a little :thumbup: but the gaviscon made his milk way to thick! even the fast flow teats didnt let the milk out enuf so we have stopped using it and gone back to using dentinox in his milk.

Things have been abit rough of late (hence ive been awol)

sounds like the cold is doing the rounds! DD is full of it and Ollie's nose is blocked a little & i also feel terrible so think i maybe coming down with it. oh the joys!

Ollie was awake from 5am this morning and wouldnt settle for 1hr and half then DD got up :dohh:

:hugs: btp give your DH a kick up the arse!

:hugs: xx xx xx
Hi girls

Well we ended up back at paediatrics again last night! After giving her the lactulose twice yesterday, nothing seemed to be happening. She then started to get worse and was screaming in pain again. I was getting all upset, the poor little thing. She then got really hot again so Matt called NHS direct to see what we should do. The GP in the morning said to take her straight back to hospital if she seemed worse at all throughout the day, but we didn't want to just seem like overly worried parents and rush straight back just for constipation! NHS direct said we should though, so Matt rang the hospital and they said we should take her back in. We got seen almost right away (probably as she was screaming the place down!!) and the doctor was lovely. He could feel that she was really backed up with hard stools and her little tummy was all swollen- it looked as though there was a fist underneath it! He poked and prodded her and was concerned that she might have an impacted bowel, but then she did a poo!! A very small hard one, but a poo none the less lol So, he sent us home with a suppository to use today (lovely!) to try and get her going again. He said that it's likely to take a few days to clear and that she will be in pain during that time, but just to comfort her as much as possible. Bless her heart, it's been horrible seeing her in so much pain! I'm just glad her bowel wasn't impacted, that would have been nasty. Anyway, so they think it was the gaviscon that made her constipated so I have stopped using it. It means that she suffers with her reflux but like I said to the doctors I'd rather try and deal with the sick than this. He said as long as she is not throwing up too much and losing weight then that's fine.

On another note, I dropped my phone yesterday and it smashed to smithereens! I was so pissed off as I use my phone so much and I only upgraded in April and have no insurance, so thought I'd have to buy another phone. I rang 3 and they let me do an early upgrade so I've gone for the HTC Desire. I had a HTC Hero but Matt has the Desire and it's fab, so I can't wait to get it tomorrow! I love getting a new phone. The buggers have tied me in to a longer contract but at least I've got a phone!

Sorry forgot to say that was a mega selfish post! I will be back later to catch up x
Emzy, sorry to hear Holly is still having a hard time with the constipation. Must be really uncomfortable for her, poor baby :( good she hasn't got an impacted bowel though and hope she's better by week end. :thumbup:

Babythinkpink - Hope you have a better night tonight

Daisy - I know loads of people use cow & Gate comfort milk and say it's like PVA glue. I've always stuck to normal milk, what are the benefits of the comfort milk?

Genies - Ellie still wakes every 3 hours for feeds too, I suppose every baby is different.

Just fed Ellie, she's been sicking up just a bit after every meal the last 4 days. She sicked up the whole lot twice the first day though. She really gulps her milk down without breathing she's so greedy so I thought getting new teats might help. Went to Tescos at 10pm last night and saw Avent bottles made to reduce colic and settle babies, so i got those and so far, touch wood, they're sooooo much better than the Tommee Tippee bottles I was using. Less milk flow all at once, slower feed and HOPEFULLY so far no sick. But it's only been less than 24 hrs so far. If these fail too I hear good things about Dr. Browns bottles so that's where I'll be heading.

Seems I was right too. I think AF is back again already. Really didnt think itd be 4weeks, thought itd take longer.

Grooving out to Jamiroqai atm. Better get food too, still havent managed to eat yet today!! :rofl:

Lilia is generally going 4-5 hours between feeds, slightly more if she has a proper sleep! She is taking 5ozs now each feed!!!

So last night we fed at about 11pm ish, and she woke up at 4.20am for her next feed which was nice! We are so lucky, she is so good, especially at night time!

Emzy, bless you and poor Holly, Lilia was constipated yesterday and the day before and I agree, it is horrible horrible horrible seeing them in pain, and straining but nothing :( We gave her an ounce of cooled boiled water and it seemed to do the trick as she went last night, although she struggled with it, and went again this morning fairly easily just as I had taken her nappy off!
We have lift off!!! We have had a loose poo! woohooo!! I never thought I'd get excited about poo lol Her tummy is still all hard and I can feel she is still very backed up, but hopefully that means the lactulose is working. We haven't had to use the suppository yet and hopefully we wont if this keeps up!

lol Louise that's typical as soon as you take off the nappy! Usually an oz of boiled water does the trick, but she must be seriously bunged up as she must have had 8oz of water and apple juice all day sunday and the same yesterday but nothing... just very wet nappies!

Bekklez we use Dr Browns bottles and they are very good. Very expensive but very good! She can't gulp the milk down with them and it takes a good 30 mins for her to take a bottle... but it means she doesn't get lots of air underneath all that milk resulting in projectile vomiting across the living room lol She still brings some up after a feed and I'm going to see what happens without the gaviscon

Sophie was just like Holly, she threw up just about every meal, she projectiled it, and the doctors just said because she was putting on weight nothing would be done, it was not til weaning she improved and even now i have to watch her or she will be sick.
She is to an extent growing out of it, but as a baby it was really upsetting for me, she was sick every feed, unsettled all the time, cried constantly and was just such hard work, because Rosie is fine with feeds she is calm, happy the opposite and it is such a difference.
It is distressing for us as parents but as long as she is gaining weight, as she weans you can introduce things she tolorates, it will prob like Sophie have a pretty narrow diet to start with til you know what she can eat and digest.
It gets easier gradually as she grows, in the meantime if she is like Sophie its worse for us to watch, and turns baby into a pretty high maintainance tot!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh im so annoyed - just wrote a hugeeeeeee message and it just deleted it when I went to post :(

I cant even remember what I wrote :(

There were personals to everyone and everything :( booooooooooo! Im sad now!

Well, everyone just so you know - I sympathise alot with all your problems that have been going on. Im sorry I cant go into personals now, but Constipation - AF worries, Dry Skin, Family troubles, feeding and bottle issues etc I remember writing about all of those!

Hope everyones having a good day

*note to self* copy message whilst replying on forums as you take so long reading through posts! Hopefully ill be back tomorrow with some personals!!

:flower: xxxx
Hi ladies

Emzy - poor Holly, so sorry you guys are having such a rough time of it. I really hope things settle down for you soon. I know how hard it is to hear them cry and watch doctor's poking them about. I cried my eyes out when they tried to put a Canula in Scarlett and took vial after vial of blood from her. Sending you lots of :hug:

Emzdreamgirl - how is the feeding going? I feel your pain, I've come so close to giving up BF so many times.

BTP - hope your day has got better x

I've just had a blank on what else I was going to say - sorry to those I've missed.

I've got some good news for a change. Scarlett has just been weighed and she has finally exceeded her birthweight - woo hoo. Now she weighs 8lb 8oz. I am so relieved! I'm glad we decided to struggle on with the BF. I was so close to giving up especially as she has been cluster feeding and having problems with her latch due to her cold. The cluster feeding has definitely increased my supply so it did it's job and I'm glad I resisted the temptation to give her a top up because it wouldn't have worked if I had. I can tell she is much more satisfied when she feeds from me now and she is obviously getting plenty as more often than not she ends up dribbling milk down her chin or has a milk moustache. I really hope we are over the worst of it now and she keeps gaining. I am taking her to the doctor shortly - she still has a poorly eye and the MW wants the GP to check it just in case it's an infection rather than common newborn disharge. I also want the GP to check her cold - I doubt he will be able to give me anything but just in case I would like her to be seen.

The last couple of nights because she's been feeling unwell I've struggled to put her in her crib - as soon as I do she wakes up. I tried swaddling her again (she didn't like it when I tried last week) when I put her down this time and it seems to have done the trick as she has been asleep for 1.5 hours in her Crib. The MW said it might be her feeling cold when I put her down or just a security thing because she is poorly. It's such a relief to put her down as carrying her about everywhere was really starting to hurt my tummy. I'm still recovering from the C-Section, I keep getting quite sharp pains in my tummy generally and occasionally a tugging pain in my scar. Anyone else that had a C-Section getting this too?? I've run out of hard-core painkillers, all I have got left is Paracetemol and Codeine and they don't really do a lot.

Hope everyone is well?

MrsJ - Olivia had a horrible weepy/gunky eye, my older sister recommended massaging the little bit of space beween the side of her eye and the side of her nose. I didnt think it would work but 36 hours later it has cleared up completely. I just gave it a quick massage at every feed. Might be worth trying.

Also I am now 33 days post csec and yep I am still getting those pains and tugging pains. I took my dogs out yesterday for the 1st time which was a killer. I asked my doctor for some more diclofenac which is helping keep the pain @ bay.

Will be back later to catch up eith everyone else. xx
Hi All,

Day was not too bad, mil coughing germs everywhere really p***ed me off, she said to dh she had a cold and he said that's ok, then said to me is it ok, I said well if it was a friend i would say no, and he said if it was a friend they wouldn't have told us.
Doesn't make it ok to cough germs over my 9 day old though, mil or not, bugs me, I hope my kids are so defensive of me when i am 40...tied to mummy's strings?

Have been to loo, not pleasant, only managed it twice in 9 days, and dreaded it, but piles as well as the stitches is no fun!!! Anyway it's done and i feel so much better for it!:dance::haha:

Well, got to get girls in bed, Rosie been so good, she is a really quiet baby, and so far sleeps, sleeps and sleeps some more, she is like my first dd, really happy little thing, and easily contented, then along came Sophie who had digestive problems and she was hard work but poor baby it was not her fault she was constantly uncomfortable, Rosie is what i expected with Sophie! She was a shock to the system!
Dh said he was tired and i must be, I just said tbh nearly 3 years of broken sleep with Sophie and i was used to it so a few extra feeds a night didn't worry me!

Time to check out fb, other thread and get girls to bed!

Night all, xx:hugs:
Evening all!!!!

Sorry for lack of personals, had a busy day!! Ian's Nan came to visit so Hope had some lovely cuddles with her Great Nan, was so nice!! I am still not pooing as normal as when I go I still feel like there is more to come out, so I have taken some syrup of figs, I figured I would rather have the runs now than feel all bunged up!!! Off to Dr's tomorrow to get some more diclofenac. We arehaving an early night again tonight!!
Hiya, just popping in to say hello! We've had a mad busy day, with Archie's birthday. Visitors and lots of them after school, and Archie and Jack have just gone up to bed pretty much. Sam is unnerving me by being asleep already. He's spark out in the carrycot, which makes me think we might have a bad night if he's asleep so early!

Emzy, glad Holly went! Yay for lactulose!

MrsJ, go Scarlett with the weight gain! Good girl and good mummy!

BTP, isn't it nice to have a "good" baby after you've had a difficult one last time. I expected us to get another Jack, and was happy when we didn't, as much as I love him!

I'm knackered! And my nipples are a bit sore again. I don't know why, but it's not pleasant at all. I think I may need to keep my eye on Sam's latch, maybe he's getting lazy. Hmmmm. Lanisoh back out I think.

Hope everyone has a good night tonight, no doubt I'll be on FB on my phone in the night to see what's going on!
Emzy- i feel so sorry for you and poor little Holly she is having to deal with so much in her first few weeks i hope she is on the mend and can go back to enjoying herself

Beklez- i agree those tommee tippee bottles are a pain i use them with amelia and she is colicy and windy , i use advent with layla and she has no problems

Laura and mrs J- sorry your still getting pains , i dont seem to be too bad , bu5 i loved the oramorph in hospital :)

got to go amelia wont settle ..... again
Morning all!!!

Bekks, those bottles are a nightmare, some of the teats don't open when you try and check the temp of the milk!!

Laura and Mrs J, ouchy!!!!

We had a good night, went to bed around 9, feeds at 1am and 5am!! I was up and showered, dressed, hair and make up done by 7.30 and had my breakfast!! Ian has made the bottles for the day so all in all a good start. I need to go into town this morning, I seriously need some new clothes, Murphy chewed a hole in a pair of my jeans and I seem to have hardly an tops, so a trip to peacocks and new look!! Also need to get some thank you cards!!

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