September Stars

Right looks like no sleep fir me tonight JJ temperature is still a problem so stripped him off, cold towels, opened window , calpol and ibuprofen. Problem is I can't put him down as within 5 minutes he cries distressed. Spent most of tonight singing/talking and rocking. It's hard work when they get bigger

Really hope he settles soon and keeps low temp
Aww poor you and poor JJ. There have been some nasty bugs doing the rounds recently hasn't there. X
Aww poor you and poor JJ. There have been some nasty bugs doing the rounds recently hasn't there. X

It's so hard when they can't tell you what's wrong. He stopped crying at about 4 this morning I've never seen him like it before. At least he hasn't got that nasty stomach bug that's really nasty

Temp this morning is raised but not too high like last night. Just given him some more calpol.
Hi guys,

Im in a right tiz about going back to work. Im due back on 9th May and have a childminder sorted but I have the following issues.

1.Before i left work we had no offical manager for the part of the company i work in and therefore I structured the day supervised the staff etc and now we have a new manager and he has been working with the girl that has been coveriing me since he started. When i started my job three years ago the subcompany I work for had only just started and I set up all procedures and basically 'started' the company, and now I am concerned that I will have to go back to work and prove myself to the new guy!

2. My husband is self employed and works a good wage. Two of my friends are not going back to work and (i shouldnt know this) but I know that their partners dont earn as much as matt. Therefore Im getting frustrated as I know that they are probably thinking that we are really skint and I HAVE to go back to work. ONe of them has been reportedly saying that she couldnt bear to go back to work (cue me feeling guilty) and the other girl is lucky enough to rent from her parents therefore doesnt need to have the extra income.

3. I submitted my work hours to work the other day - and I said I wanted to work 35 hours instead on 40 (still a lot in my opinion!) changing my hours from 8-5 monday to friday and 8 to 2.30 on a friday (40 hours) to 9 to 5pm and then 9 to 2.30 on a friday. But he has queried it and said do I want to make up the other time on a friday till 5 (early close but office is till kinda open to a few staff). Im a bt annoyed and so I queried this with one of my friends who was the financial directr and has just left the company and she said they need good reason to reject my hours).
So now I have to decide whether I stick to my guns or whether to give in and do 40. The phone lines close at 2pm on a friday so It will have no impact on the customers.

4. Matt says we just need to get past our holiday and then past christmas andd then I can leave my job. He wants to have a bit of money saved so that we are a bit more comfortable (he is a contractor so even though he has 6-12 month contracts he wants us too have the money put aside). He would rather live comfortably and me go back to work rather than having enough money and me loooking after Ellie.
I cant get a part time job really because then I would earn less per hour and I couldnt afford the childcare. Both grandparents live 150+ miles away and so there is just us and we have no help at all really.

I really just needed too get this off my chest.......I feeel guilt for leaving ellie, annoyed that i have to prove myself at work and compromise...annoyed at Matt for wanting us to have 'comfortable amount of money' when he earns enough for two people.

Oa lighter note, Ellie has got a tooth through now and another starting to break through and she can roll from front to back now and sit up for a little bit! Woop!

Going to go back and catch up on the last weeks posts now.
Fish and chips -Thats a lot of teeth! Ellie got her first one last week at 5months exactly and has one more poking its way through. I was sooo happy i screamed through to matt and bounced around the house lol! Ellie has also rolled over front to back but only just last week and hasnt really done it since. She will try to crawl when she is on her front though although she just ends up pushing her head along the floor!

Boony - I have come off of facebook. Not because of pictures, but for a totally unrelated reason buuuuuutt I am happy that there are now not pictures of ellie over the internet. If the grandparents want them then i email a few over and then they normally post one or two on Facebook for the rest of the family to see. Soo there are limited pictures. Dont let it affect the amount of pics you take otherwise you will regret it when they get older. Facebook is evil though!! lol

Genies girl - Feel your pain regarding going back to work. Wish i could doo part time...sniff sniff

Teeny - Thats a very good weight! I think Ellie was 17lb 8 two weeks ago and just coming up to 5 months. Time is flying isnt it!

Emz - Horrah for the dummy (i said i wouldnt but its a saviour!). Dummy in, eyes roll back and five minutes later a nice half hour nap! its great!
yay 1 of my pictures has been taken down and Tarrons auntie is moaning shes been reported so hopefully they'll all be down by tomorrow. My MIL is not happy though i've had 3 texts and 2 phone calls (none answered i was busy!) asking to speak to tarron and asking him to ring her she wasnt happy when i said hes working till 10! Well sorry for working shifts eh?

Oh hang on a min, that's called something....yes...TOUGH! xx:hugs:
oh emz you poor thing, i work in a nursery and the children have such a fab time and do things you would never dream of doing at home lol and cant say this for all nurseries but they are very well cared for the way we would want our own children cared for. James will be coming to my nursery which makes it a bit easier. Dont let your so called friends put you down thats just awful! X
oh emz you poor thing, i work in a nursery and the children have such a fab time and do things you would never dream of doing at home lol and cant say this for all nurseries but they are very well cared for the way we would want our own children cared for. James will be coming to my nursery which makes it a bit easier. Dont let your so called friends put you down thats just awful! X

That sounds like a perfect mix for you. Ellie is going to a childminder and the childminder is always out on trips etc with other minders so I know she will be ok, i guess I am more worried about what other people think (plus i will miss ellie obviously!) plus work is being a pain in the arse
emz - i had considered coming off facebook but i know if i do that she'll keep posting up photos but i wont be able to do anything about it. I still take plenty of pictures of him i just dont put them on facebook.

BTP - that made me laugh and i thought the exact same thing last night!

Well when DH got home he rang her and you wont believe what she said!! She said she was annoyed that we'd gone straight to facebook without asking her to take them down! Ok so we must have imagined texting on friday night asking and recieving a reply saying you'll take one down and not the others grrr!!! Then when Tarron said 'well are you going to take the rest down' she said 'no i dont have time' well then dont moan when facebook do then!!! We tried explaining about googling Jaydens name and a picture comes up on a random website taken from FILs photobucket but she refused to go on google and check it! Then she had the cheek to say 'i dont want to fall out over this!' i was fuming by this point anyway she refused to say anything more about it and put the phone down.

THEN we get a text message from a number we dont recognise that was sent to my old number which is now Tarrons number, we can only assume its from his auntie or one of her kids or husband or something saying 'you're pathetic, you know that' which Tarron laughed at until he realised it was aimed at me because they think thats my number so now hes fuming saying 'they can say it me but they dont talk to my wife like that!'

Then we went to bed and i had a quick check of facebook and my phone and they have started to take down more pictures but i'm guessing the rest wont be done until tonight when america goes back to work lol

Oh MIL also said she could always delete us both from facebook and then we wouldnt have this problem i hope she does then i'll never have to see her again lol
On the subject of going back to work I'm very lucky that my husband earns enough to support us all. I cant imagine going back to work whilst tyler is this young but i guess if i had to then i would.

I tried going to Uni when Jayden was 1. We werent entitled to any help with childcare though and i couldnt leave him so i decided not to and i will hopefully go once my 3 are all at school.

I used to be a childminder though but theres not much call for it around here because the raf nursery is so cheap and theres so many other childminders.
Emz it's a stressful time thinking about work . I also have a new boss who I feel I will need to prove myself too as he's only known me to be a pain in the arse due to pregnancy and maternity and cover issues.

Personally I think stick to your guns if you can do the work in reduced hours then do it, they can't say no unless legitimate reason. I think once we are back to work it will start becoming easier. I have to agree with Lbb I think nursery can offer James more than what I coul on a daily basis regarding different types of play etc and they have a garden for him to run around in whereas our house has a small garden not equipped with little ones.

Big hugs xx
i dont have the best garden either jelly! :o( x

well iv just been given a bumbo for James for free just got to collect it from the next street but...its pink! Would you use it? I thought really he will only use it for a couple of months probably! X
:hi: ladies

LBB - yeah use the Bumbo - Scarlett is starting to grow out of her's already (due mostly to her chunky thighs) so I wouldn't worry about the colour. You will only be using it in the house anyway.

Boony - glad the pics are coming down

Emzdreamgirl - *hugs* I'm sorry you are having such a tough time with the work thing. I can completely understand where you are coming from with your new boss. Personally I would stick to your guns on the hours because they really do have to come up with a very convincing reason to refuse and it's not as if you are requesting part-time hours. Might be worth mentioning the European 38hour Working Directive too, seeing as they are asking you to work 2 hours more than is technically legal? Going back to work in my old job isn't an option for me despite the fact that I was earning 3 times what DH is earning. The fashion industry simply won't accept part-time working and I'm not prepared to travel to India and China for weeks at a time and leave Scarlett. It's not possible to do the job without the travel element. The upshot of this is that we are struggling financially with little hope of it improving in the short term. I've gone from buying what I want when I want and doing my food shopping in Waitrose to making every penny count. And do you know what? I actually enjoy it and appreciate little things that I used to take for granted. The mortgage is a constant worry but at least we still have a roof over our heads which is more than a lot of people do in the current climate. I'm not saying I don't wish that we had more money and that I don't dream of winning the lottery but at the same time I honestly believe that you can't have everything unless you are very lucky. If you really don't want to go back and think you can survive on your DH's salary - why don't you draw up a budget and identify some areas that you could save on to show him that you can cope? Perhaps if you do that he might re-consider? You know what men are like they need to see things in black and white.

Jellycat - poor James, I hope he is feeling better now?

F&C - :hi: havent' spoken to you for a while. Hurrah for teeth, Harry is doing well. We are doing lots of teething and have been since 12 weeks but still none have come through!

I bought Scarlett a Peppa Pig Swimsuit today in preparation for our first trip to the pool :thumbup: Has anyone used swim nappies yet and if so what brand do you recommend? I hate the thought of getting into a costume myself but I really don't want her to miss out so I'm going to have to be brave and do it. I bought myself a "Next" swimsuit on Ebay so I'll just have to hope that it fits. I bought a size bigger than my dress size in the hope it will be able to accommodate my enormous breast feeding boobs :rofl:
Boony, That next needed more direct management and simply a f**k off would have done that reply!!! Crazy people!!:wacko:
Sorry just popping on and off here, still in pain, owwwwwwch:cry:

All ok, babies, children, husband etc

Looking forward to romantic weekend break, nothing is gonna spoil it, i will be guzzling paracetamol but hopefully it will keep improving, which it is slightly!

Really got to go, sorry rubbish catch up will be back asap I promise!!
:hi: ladies

LBB - yeah use the Bumbo - Scarlett is starting to grow out of her's already (due mostly to her chunky thighs) so I wouldn't worry about the colour. You will only be using it in the house anyway.

Boony - glad the pics are coming down

Emzdreamgirl - *hugs* I'm sorry you are having such a tough time with the work thing. I can completely understand where you are coming from with your new boss. Personally I would stick to your guns on the hours because they really do have to come up with a very convincing reason to refuse and it's not as if you are requesting part-time hours. Might be worth mentioning the European 38hour Working Directive too, seeing as they are asking you to work 2 hours more than is technically legal? Going back to work in my old job isn't an option for me despite the fact that I was earning 3 times what DH is earning. The fashion industry simply won't accept part-time working and I'm not prepared to travel to India and China for weeks at a time and leave Scarlett. It's not possible to do the job without the travel element. The upshot of this is that we are struggling financially with little hope of it improving in the short term. I've gone from buying what I want when I want and doing my food shopping in Waitrose to making every penny count. And do you know what? I actually enjoy it and appreciate little things that I used to take for granted. The mortgage is a constant worry but at least we still have a roof over our heads which is more than a lot of people do in the current climate. I'm not saying I don't wish that we had more money and that I don't dream of winning the lottery but at the same time I honestly believe that you can't have everything unless you are very lucky. If you really don't want to go back and think you can survive on your DH's salary - why don't you draw up a budget and identify some areas that you could save on to show him that you can cope? Perhaps if you do that he might re-consider? You know what men are like they need to see things in black and white.

Jellycat - poor James, I hope he is feeling better now?

F&C - :hi: havent' spoken to you for a while. Hurrah for teeth, Harry is doing well. We are doing lots of teething and have been since 12 weeks but still none have come through!

I bought Scarlett a Peppa Pig Swimsuit today in preparation for our first trip to the pool :thumbup: Has anyone used swim nappies yet and if so what brand do you recommend? I hate the thought of getting into a costume myself but I really don't want her to miss out so I'm going to have to be brave and do it. I bought myself a "Next" swimsuit on Ebay so I'll just have to hope that it fits. I bought a size bigger than my dress size in the hope it will be able to accommodate my enormous breast feeding boobs :rofl:

I would love to put a proposal to him, but Im not sure if he will agree to it. He has spreadsheets full of money plans for the next two years (he is very OCD on that subject and so I would be showing him what he already knows!) but my argument is that we don't need to live 'comfortably' we just need enough to get by.

Boony-in my opinion DH also earns enough to support the three of us, but I feel guilty proposing it to him, don't want him to think im just getting out of work! The frustrating thing is he earns more in one week than i do in a month but because he is a contractor his opinion is that if he is out of work then we need to have money put aside so that we will be ok.

Im going to have a long chat when he getshome tonight and sort something out.

Thanks girls. Im gonna try and get on here every evening when I do my daily email etc checks.
Lilbump Deffinatly use it I like the girls to be surrounded by all colours our bumbos are blue and green if that makes you feel better :)

I have skim read need to pop back in a minute , I've got a bug and need to catch up on housework I only managed dealing with the girls today and didn't tidy up but now it's bothering me !
Evening all xx

Boony so glad the pics are down!!!

Sorry not been around much, been busy!!!!

I am so glad I don't have to worry about going back to work or finding a job!! I know I am lucky that Ian has a good job and earns more than enough to support us. I feel for you ladies going back, I couldn't imagine leaving Hope at nursery. I will be putting her in to daycare when she is 18 months old, just to get her used to it for pre school!!
well turns out not all the pics are down theres a few down off my MIL but still loads there and theres none down from anyone elses but they've all had emails saying they've been reported so i have no idea whats going on and you cant contact facebook to ask because they dont have a email address!! really pissed off now!!!!!!!
Oh no boony what a nightmare! It's so wrong that they have gone against your wishes in the first place !

I'm tucked up in bed now we said we would watch tv in bed and what's he watching the bloody football and he doesn't support who's playing either !!

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