September Stars

Hi ladies

Emzy - poor Holly, so sorry you guys are having such a rough time of it. I really hope things settle down for you soon. I know how hard it is to hear them cry and watch doctor's poking them about. I cried my eyes out when they tried to put a Canula in Scarlett and took vial after vial of blood from her. Sending you lots of :hug:

Emzdreamgirl - how is the feeding going? I feel your pain, I've come so close to giving up BF so many times.

BTP - hope your day has got better x

I've just had a blank on what else I was going to say - sorry to those I've missed.

I've got some good news for a change. Scarlett has just been weighed and she has finally exceeded her birthweight - woo hoo. Now she weighs 8lb 8oz. I am so relieved! I'm glad we decided to struggle on with the BF. I was so close to giving up especially as she has been cluster feeding and having problems with her latch due to her cold. The cluster feeding has definitely increased my supply so it did it's job and I'm glad I resisted the temptation to give her a top up because it wouldn't have worked if I had. I can tell she is much more satisfied when she feeds from me now and she is obviously getting plenty as more often than not she ends up dribbling milk down her chin or has a milk moustache. I really hope we are over the worst of it now and she keeps gaining. I am taking her to the doctor shortly - she still has a poorly eye and the MW wants the GP to check it just in case it's an infection rather than common newborn disharge. I also want the GP to check her cold - I doubt he will be able to give me anything but just in case I would like her to be seen.

The last couple of nights because she's been feeling unwell I've struggled to put her in her crib - as soon as I do she wakes up. I tried swaddling her again (she didn't like it when I tried last week) when I put her down this time and it seems to have done the trick as she has been asleep for 1.5 hours in her Crib. The MW said it might be her feeling cold when I put her down or just a security thing because she is poorly. It's such a relief to put her down as carrying her about everywhere was really starting to hurt my tummy. I'm still recovering from the C-Section, I keep getting quite sharp pains in my tummy generally and occasionally a tugging pain in my scar. Anyone else that had a C-Section getting this too?? I've run out of hard-core painkillers, all I have got left is Paracetemol and Codeine and they don't really do a lot.

Hope everyone is well?


Funnily enough James had a couple of nights where he wouldnt go down in his crib and i wondered if it had anything to do with me stopping taking the pain killers!?!? x
Morning girls

Well, we had a fab night last night and Holly seems much much better. After her feed yesterday evening she had a mega nappy explosion and guess what? After that we didn't have our usual colic o'clock as I call it! Usually she screams between 5/6- 9/10 every night, but last night... nothing! I gave her a bath a bit earlier than usual (due to the nappy explosion) and then she slept from 7pm til 11pm, had her feed half asleep then I put her down in her cot and she slept from midnight til 7 this morning!! She stirred a bit at 5am, so I just popped her dummy back in and she went back to sleep. I could get used to this! You watch, she'll be awake all night tonight now! lol Thing is, I was awake from 5am thinking she was going to wake for a feed, but she didn't! Hope she keeps this up. This morning she has been like a different baby, happy, smiling and content. We had a bit of a play and then she had her 2nd feed and has gone down for a nap. It's fab!

Not long now and all the September mummies will be in here (and a few of us imposters from August and October lol). Lovely to be back all together again!

can i just ask again how many oz/ml your little ones are taking? ive got two very different girls and Layla is content with her 3-4 ozs , she is a reall grazer and wont take a lot in one go very often, Amelia is starting to seem hungry and clears 4ozs in seconds , ive been looking at the formula box and there doesnt seem to be instruction for 5oz so it means jumping to 6ozs?
Am i making any sense :) i dont want to overfeed her but i also dont want her to be hungry obviously x
Genies, Lilia is taking about 5ozs each feed.. we are using SMA gold and it says 5 scoops for 5 ozs, I don't know about anything else!

For the last 24 hours or so Lilia seems to be having trouble with wind! I don't know if it's linked to the constipation although that 'seems' to have settled down a bit now? She seems to gulp down her feeds really fast, and although we wind her every couple of ounces, she is crying now when we stop to wind her which she didn't use to do. SHe is also bringing quite a lot back up for the first 20-30 mins after her feeds!

We use the tommee tippee closer to nature bottles too and I'm not convinced theyre really any good! A few of you have mentioned them... anyone changed bottles and found anything better?

BTW Emzy, so glad to hear Holly is have a better day! I admire you for your perseverance and positivity, it must have been a really tough few weeks for you xx
ahhhhhh i cant believe im here!!! a parent..... its insane!!!!
Carley!! Yay!!!!!!

Genies, Hope is doing 5oz every 4 hours, sometimes she wants 6oz so we just adjust accordingly! We are using Aptamil hungry baby!!

Went to the Dr's, he has given me some movical to get my bowels going again and some stronger pain killers, naproxen. Fx'd it works, I hate feeling like I am still bunged up after I have been, I am only getting out little pellets and its so sore to pass as I am swollen inside!! The joys of it all!! Ian has gone out for his leaving do so its just me and Hope, she is currently asleep in her swinging chair. Gonna do some retail therapy online tonight, I feel a big next delivery coming!! On another note we got our removal sorted today and we move next Friday!!! So let the packing commence!!!!!!
ooooo yey we're talking about poo!!! mines weird... still dark green and hard to get out.... hmmmmm
Hey ladies, Thanks for all the lovely coments:) Hope you are all doing well, Im ok, got half my staples out today, rest tomorrow! cant believe Cooper is 1 week old, Bit concerned about him today, he is quite unsettled and not pood since yesterday about 11ish, any of your lo's been the same? Im the bloomin same mind you!!

Im still feeling pretty rotten aswell, iron levels just not picking up, thats after transfusion on Sat and triple iron therapy my haemoglobin has only went up to 66, Mason is playing up a bit aswell, so not helping how im feeling, dont wanna keep shouting at him but i cant let him away with everything just because I dont want him feeling left out!!

I am however just loving being a new mummy this time, hoping this keeps up:)
thanks for the replies i have got a bigger bottle for Amelia out for tonight and put 6ozs in abd try it after her bath and see how much she takes to see if that will settle her and sleep for a bit longer, Layla wont take more yet.
Unfortunatly i have a cupboard full of new tommee tippe bottles and i dont want to spend out on more unless i have too as i said Layla has avent and i would recommend them ( i use two different types so i know whos bottle is whos) .

had a chiled day just went for our afternoon walk as usual , i love being out pushing my buggy anyone else feel like that? What buggys does everyone have and are they as good as you expected?
Genies Holly is on 5oz every 4 ish hours. I've just started increasing the bottles to 6oz as she is draining the 5oz ones, but not taking any more just yet. I'm sure she'll start taking 6oz before long though.

Louise I didn't like the closer to nature bottles and switched to Dr Brown's as she was gulping down feeds and too much air was going down. The Dr Brown's ones are pricey, but really good. It means she takes a good half an hour to finish a feed but not much air gets in and so less wind and sick!

Carley yay you're here! How are you and your little man doing?

Becs glad they are sorting you out to get you moving again! I'm still taking my iron tablets and so I'm still a bit bunged up lol I might stop taking them soon as I've been taking them for 8 weeks now.

Holly is sleeping and I'm hoping for another good night tonight! Fingers crossed! She's had 3 nappy explosions today, the first of which really seemed to bother her and she cried and looked in pain for a while, but then was really settled for the rest of the day. I gave her a bath and she pooed in the bath as well, so she's well and truly unblocked now lol Now I'm worried about her going too much and getting dehydrated! If it's not one thing it's another eh?!

Oh and genies I love going out with Holly in the pram. We don't drive to take her everywhere in her pram! We have the icandy cherry and I love it although I am starting to wonder how long she'll be in the carry cot. It's meant to be until 6 months, but she's nearly filling it already! She might be in the seat before we know it x
Quick one from me tonight! Nice to hear from Carley and Drea! Yay for being new mummies! I still feel like a new mummy, even though Sam is my third!

We are still having some crappy nights, where he seems to be feeding every 2 and a half hours like in the day. I was chatting to a mum at school today whose littlest baby is 12 weeks old. With her first baby she used the Baby Whisperer book, but didn't with her 2nd. Now with this one, she is using the book again and little one is sleeping and eating really really well. She's also breastfeeding, so she brought me the book at pick up time. I have tried a couple of the things in it so far, and Sam is sleeping soundly for the moment. I am going to read and digest some more tomorrow!!

Be back tomorrow for a a proper chat hopefully. xx
hi everyone! :hi:
Sorry I haven't posted in days.
Just too much going on and not enough energy when I do have time!

Quick Toby update from me:
I had a follow-up appointment at the BF clinic yesterday. Toby is BFing really well now, but the doctor has me back to using a nipple shield on the right boob because he is really chomping down on that one, still. He's done some damage with those hard little gums! Hopefully, the shield will protect me and help him improve his latch. And the drugs she has me on for vasodilation and vascular regeneration can do their work and improve my milk production and flow in that boob, which will negate Toby chomping down so hard to try to get milk out, etc.
But the best proof that it's all working?
He's gained really well!!!! Almost exclusively on my milk! Hurrah! I feel so much better about all of that. What a difference it makes to have a good doctor sort all the problems out.
Anyway, he is 9 lbs 3 oz. now, so great weight gain from last week. I'm pumping between feeds to top him up and occasionally using a bottle of formula when I need a break. It's good.

And I've found a local playgroup twice a week to take Simon to, so he's happy, too!

Hope everyone is well!
Emzy so glad Holly is finally sorted in the pooing department xx

Well done Sarah x

Cant remember anything else sorry ladies, im just so tired tonight...James had a feed at 7am i then got up with DF at 730am saw him off work and went back up bed to James who was sleeping soundly...and i just couldnt get back to sleep grrrrr xxx
Hi all! Just wanted to share some recent pictures of Lilia.... she has so much hair, but the past week or so it has gone from lying fairly flat, to completely sticking up in all directions!! It's like sonic the hedgehog hair... so cute!IMG00118-20101003-1733.jpg



Louise they are gorgeous pics!!!

Hope just wouldn't settle last night, she had 3 bottles in about 4 hours, then slept from 11pm til 5am then she wouldn't go back t sleep til 6am!! I ended up crying, and I said that I feel I am not good enough for her, Ian got really upset too. I feel so silly for being so negative and crying, she was just so restless the whole time he was out last night, nothing I did settled her. But nevermind, no one said it was going to be easy!!
Ahh becs it's hard when they are like that! It's so easy to blame yourself on difficult days isn't it.. I had an evening like that when Lilia was 2/3 weeks old, funnily enough her daddy was out that evening too! She wouldn't settle, I didn't know if she was hungry, windy, tired or what! It makes you doubt yourself but it's normal..

We had a funny night last night actually, Lilia was fed at 1am, then 4am, and then again at 8.30! She hasn't gone such short times between feeds for ages! Usually we are 5 ish hours plus during the night, it was a bit of a shock to the system! (Especially to DH as he was due to do the night feed and I think he thought he'd be able to sleep a bit longer!)
Aw becs I know that feeling. Holly is having a very unsettled day and I can't put her down to get anything done. I couldn't stop her crying and I felt all upset. I sometimes feel like "I give up!" But then feel guilty for feeling like that!

Lovely pics Louise, her hair is so cute!
Hi All,

First visit here today, had friends round this morning, then the health visitor did her first visit.

I hate to say it when some Mummies are getting no sleep, but 6 hours!!! Rosie settled about 11pm and woke at 5 something for her next feed, :thumbup:

She is a good baby, and it is such pot luck! Sophie was a nightmare, i didn't get more that an hour b4 being disturbed, but Rosie is just the opposite!

Got to go Sophie fallen over xx

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