September Stars

I've never had problems with any smells coming out of the bucket? Only get a smell when I open it up though thats expected really.

Urgh BTP your tooth sounds awful :hugs: mine is only awful when I eat anything with sugar in it :hugs:

The insert goes inside the nappy, the size Rosie will have her nappies just fold the thin side in half and put it all in :thumbup:

Ahhhh Blondie you got fitteds?

:rofl: I love all this nappy chat!! Also it is REALLY quiet Louise :wacko:
I've never had problems with any smells coming out of the bucket? Only get a smell when I open it up though thats expected really.

Urgh BTP your tooth sounds awful :hugs: mine is only awful when I eat anything with sugar in it :hugs:

The insert goes inside the nappy, the size Rosie will have her nappies just fold the thin side in half and put it all in :thumbup:

Ahhhh Blondie you got fitteds?

:rofl: I love all this nappy chat!! Also it is REALLY quiet Louise :wacko:

I got bamboozle nappies and kushies. Need wraps and liners now
Thin side?:rofl:

Well first nappy i put the insert (doh 'insert, it all seems so simple now:dohh:) on the top and forgot a liner!! She did a poo but i was hot on her heels and changed it, this time for one with the insert in and a liner on!:happydance:
I washed the liner and its spotless, came out really easy in a sink and a dot of detergent! I left the nappy as under was still dry.
So then i have change 1 properly assembled one, also pooed, and took liner off, nappy in wash bin and next one on:thumbup:
Looking good!
I do find the poppers a bit strange to size adjust, they do pop but i think i start too high at the back when i lie her on the nappy, too used to disposables!

We booked our christening venue today ! It's a lovely function room with outside space parking is a bit of an issue but hopefully be okay.

Just found out my mum has been offered a bungalow ( she cares for her brother who has downs syndrome ) she has just over a week to pack up so I'm going to be maga busy!

I agree it's been quiet in here, I have been reading today just no time to post until now 4 15 am ( Layla doesn't change ) :)

Btp tooth pain is so horrid I hope it gets sorted!

Asher I hope the bugs go away in time ! Sounds like you guys have had more than your fair share of bugs and colds this winter !

Jelly he may like the exercise thing in a week or two , mine hated the doughnut and then suddenly changed their minds !

Louise I think lilia is about the same size as Layla she is dinky too x
BTP I find the poppers on that nappy pop really easy :dohh:

:wohoo: for using the first nappy :wohoo:

I wonder how big Rosalie is? Was meant to get her weighed but got fed up of waiting for them to bugger about and walked out :blush:
Scarlett has said Mum three times this morning. *Proud Mummy* :wohoo:
Sorry...I've been away with the dreaded MIL and FOB this weekend as it was his cousins 40th and they were all excited to meet Kimi.... it was an okay weekend apart from the MIL being an interfering walking into the bedroom at 6am and demanding that we handed over 'HER' baby and not leaving her alone when she was trying to go to sleep but apart from that, quite a nice weekend!!

Kimi now weighs 14lb 1oz as had her weighed last tuesday and will be getting her weighed fortnightly just to keep an eye on her weight gain but HV said she is doing fantastic...on the 9th centile but is perfectly healthy!!!

Kimi also rolled over this weekend and now wont stop moving!!! She's constantly rolling everywhere :( its so good to see her moving but it's made me realize how she's not quite a baby anymore :( no words yet apart from the dada sound which is nice but I want MUMMY!!!

btp - hope the tooth pain gets better soon!!

reuseables - I have no idea what I'm doing with them and wouldnt like to waste money if we dont get on with them :( but i love babies in cloth nappies...think they look soooo cute!!!

MrsJ- Good girl Scarlett!!

Hugs to everyone!!!
I think lilia has been making dadada sounds today, but she has her thumb in her mouth so it could he gagaga! She is very vocal but seems to prefer pretending to talk to actualy attempting words! Well done everyone on the reusable happier! It's something I said I wanted to do when i was pregnant but didn't actualy do anything About! (sorry about spelling Am in my phone!)

Well done Scarlett!

Well it's such a gorgeous day! Been walking all day, was going to brave the seaside this afternoon but didn't get round to it, maybe tomorrow I'd it's nice again!

I'm hoping to speak to Wayne tonight, he should be settled in now and maybe will have chance to ring! Fingers crossed!

Btp you sound like you're having a bad time with your teeth, hope it gets sorted for you c

Can't remember anything else quite yet!
Just quickly!

No chemical smells this morning from nappies, so it is not her wee it is the old nappies:thumbup:
I am washing my first batch of todays and last nights, she is having a nappy free kick atm!
They have leaked up her back today, but she has been in the car seat and i think it is a bad position for a nappy, she was just wet and so i had to change her in the middle of costa coffee as they had no change facility!

back soon lap top needed xx
Hi girls

It is very quiet in here lately!! Bit of a selfish one from me, I went for my interview yesterday for the HR Admin job. It went really well and I liked the company and the people and that. I don't think I've got it though as they said they'd be making a decision and letting everyone know today, but they haven't called :( Ah well, if I haven't then I guess it wasn't meant to be. I had a ring around all the childminders in my local area yesterday just to enquire as to whether they had vacancies and NONE of them did! They'd either retired, packed it in for another reason or just had no vacancies. The place at my local nursery had gone so I thought I wouldn't be able to take the job even if I was offered, but we went to see another nursery which is a bit further out but is really nice. I much preferred it to the other one even though it was more expensive, so that was an option if I got the job. But like I say I don't think I have anyway as they haven't called when they said they would. I just want to know either way!

Just typed a long reply and lost it so will be quick

BTP can't believe costa have no facilities ours in town are the same.

Louise hope you seal to Wayne soon. I can't wait to take JJ to the seaside.I took him to my friends allotment today not quite the same lol

Mrs j yay for Scarlett is your DH keep saying dada that's what mine does hoping JJ first words will be mama :)

Emzy you might be surprised regarding the job. I know when I've recruited people it's taken ages to finally confirm usually due to having time to talk through with hr and my manager who we want for the team. Keep positive xx

What glorious weather thought JJ would sleep in his pram today but think it was too bright for him. As soon as we got back from the allotments he was fast Adler in his cot before I could even finish doing up his sleeping bag.

Feeling really anxious now to think results day tomorro
BTP, thats crap, our Costa is the same!! Bloody useless!! Glad you are getting on well with the nappies!!

Louise, hope Wayne calls!!!

Emma, fx'd on the job front!!!

Mrs J, well done Scarlett!!

YM, your MIL is a nightmare!!!

We have had a good couple of days, Hope is back to normal with sleep so she is alot happier!!! Went round to my friends who I met at baby massage yesterday, so that was lovely! Tomorrow we have baby signing!! I like to take Hope to groups but I think too many is not good! I have done lots of yummy baking this week too!!
Louise hope you got your call hun :flower:

BTP you will have to figure out the right way of putting the insert? Once you get it its easy :thumbup: I dont tend to get any leaks from my nappies only on occasion and its really random :wacko:

Emzy...fate works in really strange ways. If you believe in fate then you will get a job when its right for you to get one and same with the nursery place. For me when somethings right everything just clicks together :hugs:

Well done Scarlett can you believe where we were this time last year :shock:

Time to sleep been up baking again :cry: think I need to stop agreeing to make cakes am not enjoying it at all now :nope:
Im so jealous of all you girls and your fluffy bum babies !!! me and G have agreed not to buy anything but essentials for the next couple of months due to this stupid laptop which needs replacing and the car tax and MOT. But im going to look at free cycle, you never know what bargains you may find, and i do have some secret stash of money in paypal ; ). Im really unsure about it all as there is so many types, i saw some saying you just need to throw the liner away and reuse the inner part and no need to wash, i just dont get how that works !!!

BTP- huge hug honey, so sorry to hear your in pain. But where was the swearing !!! with what your going through i was expecting at least a S word even a F word !!! really hope you get it sorted, so many people i know have teeth problems after they have had a baby x

Emzy- sorry to hear you didnt get the call, they dont know what a big mistake they have made x
Morning girls

Blob you are right and I always think like that. I always believe everything happens for a reason and when things are right they will happen. I guess my optimism is just fading a bit now as I feel like everything's always such a struggle! What with Matt possibly being made redundant and no jobs in his field and me applying for everything under the sun and not even hearing back from most of them, I'm just starting to lose hope :cry: Things have been really strained and stressful here for a while now and I think it's just getting on top of me.

I rang the company this morning as they didn't phone me yesterday like they said they would. The lady I spoke to said they hadn't made a decision yet and they'd let me know, but they'd be sending a letter as they don't do it by phone. I asked if they didn't even call successful candidates and she said no, but I think that's weird and it seems like code for 'you've been unsuccessful but we don't want to tell you over the phone'. Having worked in recruitment for many years, I recognised it! lol So I guess it's back to the drawing board.

On a brighter note, I'm off out to get Holly some more 9-12 month stuff today. I've been selling her 3-6 stuff to make money for the next lot. She's already in some 9-12 month stuff, especially vests and will soon need babygrows so I'm going to get those today with the money I raised. I want to get her a sun hat as well so we can play outside. We played out on a blanket in the garden yesterday (see avatar pic!) but not for long as I didn't have a proper sun hat for her yet.

Sorry for the mostly downbeat post again! Hope you all have great days x
Think it's about time I should catch up! I've been very awol :dohh: how hopeless am I? (rhetorical, no need to answer and confirm :haha: )

Sorry for the Meh post the other day, I actually spent ages writing something up then felt silly. I got an evap last weekend on a clear blue test and was 4 days late for AF but then period started. Was getting very worried, then excited, then worried again. Would love another but maybe in a few years.

Everyones(not so little) babies sound like they're coming on a treat. Can't believe that Scarlett and Lila are making mum and dad noises! that's adorable. And that a lot of babies are already on the move or trying. Seen some pictures on facebook of babies ready to crawl away and Fishy's baby trying to climb out of his ring. I really can't believe that this time last year we were just recently starting our journey in to second tri and most of us didn't know wether we were having boys or girls. I found out I was expecting a little girl a week on Sunday.

Ellie hasn't shown any signs of saying anything recognisable yet and she isn't moving. She sat up quite early at 5 months on the dot but she HATES tummy time and just cries when I lay her down so I don't do it often which I probably should to encourage her. I've tried laying her on her tummy and putting toys quite close out in front of her to try and get her reaching for them or holding out my arms and saying "Come to mummy" but she gets really frustrated and....nothing! She's yet to roll over too. I really had a feeling she'd be an early crawler with her being so petite but I guess I was wrong.

Ellie was christened 12th March, it was a beautiful service and we enjoyed it so much! the after party was nice too. Here's a picture for anyone who didn't see on my facebook.

Also a picture of Ellie in her christening dress

Emzy - I hope things look up on the job front soon :hugs:

Blob - I think you need to resign from your role as designated cake maker, bribe other people in to making them and reap the benefits of cake. Mmmmm cake!

BTP - Nothing worse than tooth ache, I remember being so poorly for ages with a tooth. :thumbdown:

Will catch up more soon! must eat now....sooo hungry. Speaking of food, what's everyones babies favourite food/meals at the moment?
Blob make Nasty smelling cakes and people won't force you to offer again :). Your cakes always look good

Emzy only natural to feel down and stressed. A company would be mad not to take you on. Hope something positive happens soon xxx

SR I love the pic of Ellie she is sooooo cute. James hasn't really got a favourite meal he just scoffs anything edible in sight . Bought some more pre made stuff today as I think my homemade fruit and veg looks boring .

Good news passed my final exam, all I've got to do now is a massive experience application which will take me a good month to put together and then I can apply for membership and say I'm qualified. 8 years I've been studying, I cried this morning when I got my results it's such a bizarre feeling.

Glorious weather again Girlies today
Well done Jelly!!! That's fab you must be sooo proud of yourself :hugs:

SR lovely pics of Ellie, she is a little doll :flower:

I've applied for another job, it's a bit crap really but it's a job! It's a call centre advisor for a bathroom and kitchen company, just customer service and arranging deliveries, etc. It's a bit of a trek, 2 bus rides away for me and will mean working saturday, sunday and tuesday evening. I'd have to leave Holly with a childminder for 2 hours for the evening shift but 2 hours is nothing compared to 3 days! It's through an agency that I got work with when I was pregnant.

On the chlildminder front, I forgot to mention I went to see just about the only one in the area with vacancies yesterday. It's a lady and her husband who are both childminders and they have an assistant. They are so big and have so many children on the books, that they are a borderline nursery. I said to Matt that I wouldn't like to leave her there for 3 days as even though they were lovely, there were just too many older children for 3 of them to look after, but I wouldn't mind for just 2 hours once a week, so there might be an option. They were quite expensive as well, but for a couple of hours it wouldn't be so bad. Holly seemed to like them, whilst I chatted to the childminder she played on the floor with the assistant and had a great time.

Sooo we'll see what comes of that application. Apparently the agency are ringing me monday to let me know if they want to interview me. Argh getting sick of going for bloody interviews now lol It'd be hard working every weekend and not getting any time to spend with Matt and Holly together. Still, a jobs a job eh?

Emma, something is bound to turn up!!! Fx'd for you!!!

Sarah, I am much the same this week, been baking for Ian's work mates!! I love baking but sometimes you just need a break!!

SR, Ellie os just so cute!!

Jelly, well done on the exam!!

We went to baby signing this morning, I am pretty sure Hope's signed dog!!! We do the dog sign for Murphy at home all the time, she is also trying to do bird! Its so cute and I am so glad we go!!
Ian is upstairs bathing Hope and I can hear him signing to her on the monitor, its so cute!!
We are looking into getting a new car, we so need a practical family car!!!
S.R I love the photos, she is soooooo adorable !!and your not looking to shabby yourself chick x

Jellycat woooooooooooohoooooooooooo for passing !! x

Emzy-i also believe that things happen for a reason, you may not know what the reason is right now but i reckon you will soon x

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