September Stars

Wow go Hope! I wish there was baby signing round here, I would have loved to have taken Lilia!!

Emzy, fingers crossed you get something soon... as the others said, everything happens for a reason...

Many congratulations jelly on passing your exam!! You must be so happy, you need to celebrate!

SR How cute is Ellie! And if I may say so, you're looking a yummy mummy!!

Blob, hand your notice in on the cake making!!! It's no good if you're not enjoying it anymore!!

Well I missed Waynes call yesterday because I was out, so I stayed in all day today and..... no call! How bloody typical!! Most likely he'll call tomorrow when I'm at the supermarket!

I feel I've barely been here since wayne came home, I think it's because I tend to check FB on my phone rather than sit on the laptop, although I should use the computer because wayne might come on messenger at some point and I'd feel doubly bad if I missed him on there too!!

Lilia wants to be on her feet so badly!! If she's sitting facing me, if I put my hands out she grabs on and can pull herself to her feet and then she gives it all the googoo gagaga goi gois because she's chuffed! Earlier on, I sat in front of her and she grabbed at my top and tried to pull herself up that way!!! Didn't work though! Determined little character she is!
Just a very quick hello!

SR,Lovely pics of the christening, what a pretty little girl! And lookin good Mummy!

Emzy, something will turn up, life has ways of everything being for a reason :hugs:

Jelly, i felt relief when i graduated, but surprisingly not like it was a big thing, i thought i would feel something other than relief! The achievement was pretty huge with children, marriage and divorce during study :shrug:
Very well done hun:hugs:

My toothache is odd, it comes and goes, from nothing, i am in agony then back to nothing:shrug:

The nappies do seem to leak but i think i need to place the pad better, and do the poppers up, the leak is at the back, got to go, internet going to shut down, dodgy internet box!!!!!!!!
Thank you everyone, you are all right, it will all work out for the best in the end. Thank you for listening to me moan :hugs:

Louise Holly is like that too, always wants to be up on her feet. You should see her, Matt holds her hands above her head and she runs around after the cat. They were running around the garden earlier, so so cute! I said it won't be long til she's up and walking on her own. I need to get her some proper shoes though as the baby shoes are no good and are getting wrecked!!

I'm seriously looking into becoming a childminder... I thought about it ages ago when I first had Holly, but when I looked into it I saw that there were loads of childminders within a mile of my house so didn't do it, but having tried calling them all, they have all moved, given it up or retired so there is literally only 2 left in my area and a few on the outskirts, but they all have no vacancies! So it got me thinking maybe I should have done it after all... then I thought we'll why don't I do it now? Apparently you have to go to an introductory meeting thing, then do a short course, then register with ofsted and then you're away. I believe it typically takes between 6 months to a year to become registered then once you're registered you can start working as a childminder and then if you want to, you can continue studying for a higher level qualification. So tomorrow I'm going to try and book onto the next introductory meeting thing, where they sign you up to the course. I would absolutely love to look after children as my job, but I had already dismissed it as I thought there was more to it than that and it'd take too long, but there's no reason I can't do it around working part time I don't think, so we'll see! There's definitely a demand for it in my area so I think there would be some work for me! It's worth looking into anyway :)

Becs - Baby signing sounds really fun and educational. My OH was talking about baby singing a few weeks ago and how it'd be good to teach Ellie. It's cute that Hope can sign Dog, maybe her first word will be "Murphy" :haha:

Louise - It's so typical to recieve calls while out but then when you wait in never get anything :dohh: Hopefully you two get chance to talk very soon and catch eachother at the right time.

Jelly - Congrats again on passing your test, must be a weight off your mind and you must be very proud :D

Thanks everyone for the compliments on Ellie and myself. I've been busting my butt at the gym this week to lose the final stone or two that needs to go before I'm at my ideal BMI/weight. I havent lost any pounds in a few weeks now which is really frustrating since Ive been eating so well and was doing my exercise DVDs every night. So this week I went to the gym 3 times and I've never been before. This has been my routine..

20min jogging treadmill
25min brisk walking treadmill
15min crosstrainer
13min bike

So if I don't lose a pound this week I'm gonna be stamping :haha:
SR that's so fab that you've lost so much! I'm totally stuck at a 1 Stone 11lbs loss... won't budge any further! I need to incorporate more exercise really. I do so much walking but I need to do some 'proper' exercise too... I'm just always so knackered!!!
1st 11lbs is a great loss! it'll budge soon. As for exercise...I do enjoy it...kind of...but I'd rather not have to do it :haha:

Matts Blog is really funny by the way, just read the Yazoo post. Think my OH is wondering what I'm laughing at.

Bed time for me I think, I'm knackered!'ll be bed time soon. I have to put the washing away first :(
Ok I am back!!

Emzy, go for it hun, my friend did it when her 2nd baby was born, he is 11 now, and she is thriving and a brilliant popular childminder!
It is a lovely job, and you can do lots of lovely things with the children, and include yours in the same variety of activities.
It is hard work, but rewarding to work from home, and with your own children, good luck, hope you enjoy the meeting and its something you could do! :thumbup::hugs:

SR, I am really struggling to get past my target, i want to get into about a 5lb comfort zone, which for me would be 8st, i am currently 8st 12lb and just cant find the last push to loose what i want, I think next week i am going to get my trainers on and do a few laps of the park, it only take s about 20 mins and i think the kids will have to cope without me for that time!
Well done to you for being so focused and you look fab xx:hugs:

Well the nappy thing is going ok, had a bit of a set back in that i have been out last 2 days and not been able to change her as often as they need, so they have leaked, so nappy change has meant cloths change too.
Then tonight i was sorting out the washing and one has split a seam, so i looked at the others not yet used and found another one split, which is not good one in first cycle one not even used:nope:
Have emailed company, hope they sort it out!

Going to face book now then bed, what a bit of an early one if i can!!


Rosie doing red nose day. (what on earth is that on my nose!)
Jelly big congratulations love xx

Emzy your the second person today ive heard thinking about childminding, go for it I'm sure you be fab!

Louise hope you get a call tomorrow !

Sr you and little lady are looking fab!

Btp your poor toothache it must be driving you crazy!

We went to toddler group today it's very sweet , I'm struggling a little with the
Both sitting on my lap for singing but some nice people offer to help me
Well finished making all my cakes PHEW!! All are good but I feel so ill smelling all the rum in my sisters cake :sick:

SR :cloud9: how gorgeous are your photos!! Also you looking gooooood :thumbup: wish i could arse myself to try and lose weight. I know it will be gone by the time she's about 1 :rofl:

What car are you looking at Becs? Robin keeps trying to get me to sell mine for a merc :cry: :cry: but I want my car.

:wohoo: Jelly well done you!!

Emzy I would totally go for it :thumbup:

BTP I seem to get leaks with that nappy so its my last resort nappy :dohh: It doesnt seem to be tight enough on the elastic and the poppers keep popping so its bigger around her legs than its meant to be. But Rosalie is almost always in baby legs so if her nappy leaks its hardly anything that I would need to change. Dont worry it will figure out soon!!
Hi everyone! :hi:
Sorry I've been incommunicado. Just got really busy again.
I can't even remember when I posted last, but quick catch up:

Husband and I have started the evil evil painful miserable agonizing P90x workout. This is the one where you do a different workout everyday for 90 days and they are all very intense and led by this hyperactive maniac fitness trainer complete with the requisite fake tan and endless vocabulary of cliches. I swear to god if that musclehead tells me to "do my best and forget the rest" one more effin' time (while I'm whimpering on the pull-up bar), I will dive into the television set and spend the rest of the workout beating him to death with a barbell.
Anyway, here's me in 90 days? :bodyb:
Four done, 86 left to go. Sob sob sob.
Every muscle in my body is screaming, but I have to admit that I feel really good doing something so intense. I'm a jellyroll at the moment, so shedding flab and gaining muscle will be really exciting.

Speaking of jelly...
Jelly CONGRATS!!! :yipee: Eight years of schooling almost at a close? That is something to celebrate, for sure! Well done, lady! :)

btp - :hugs: I am so sorry that you are still suffering with that tooth, you poor thing. That sounds so miserable. I was just at the dentist today for my cleaning, and I have a couple of really sensitive places that just about have me on the ceiling when the hygienist hits them with the scaler. I can't imagine having the sort of pain you are going through. :(

Blob - I had my wisdom teeth all done at once when I was around 21 (?). I went to an oral surgeon. He was excellent. I was a little sore, but really, it was very straightforward. And dentistry just keeps getting easier, I think. I'm finding the new techniques for fillings less and less painful, as the years go by. I bet the wisdom teeth extractions are even quicker and easier now then they were 14 years ago!

Okay, got to go do another vomitous workout.
If you don't hear from me for a few days, I've either keeled over and died while doing push-ups or I'm too sore to even type.
I swear to god if that musclehead tells me to "do my best and forget the rest" one more effin' time (while I'm whimpering on the pull-up bar), I will dive into the television set and spend the rest of the workout beating him to death with a barbell.

Emzy- I have thought about doing childminding so many times as I used to work in a nursery and love looking after kids and there is no childminders near me and the closest nursery is 20min in the car so would be great. Its always in the back of mind whether I should do it or not as I am looking for work at the min to and am not willing to put Ollie in a nursery so I may think about doing it. But you should go for it, its so rewarding looking after children.
SR- Love the photos Ellie is so cute. And your looking great keep up the good work. I have lost 6lb in the first 2 weeks of doing dieting and 30 day shred so am so pleased with myself.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. We have a busy one got OH cousins wedding tomorrow and they are also getting there daughter who is a month younger than Ollie christened on the same day which I find a bit odd but each to their own I suppose. And also got another christening on Sunday then OH's birthday on Monday so very busy for us.
Why do babies just KNOW things :dohh: the only day I stay at home in the week is the only day Rosalie thinks she should not nap in the morning !!!
Why do babies just KNOW things :dohh: the only day I stay at home in the week is the only day Rosalie thinks she should not nap in the morning !!!

I was thinking the same thing about James it's like they have a sixth sense
:lol: Rosalie has now woken up twice she normally sleeps from 10-1 for her morning nap :dohh:
Oh yes it's the same sense as when they are all quiet and then start the minute you sit down to eat :)
That's why i don't eat until she's gone to bed!! And you're not allowed to whinge if you normally get 3 hours in a morning!! WOW!!! Lilia didn't even do that when she was tiny... she is getting better though, morning naps are generally about 30 mins now yay! Long enough to have a bite to eat and put the living room back to normal, before she wakes up and turns it into a tip again!!!
Hi ladies

Well I'm sitting in the living room eating toast and Scarlett is asleep in her cot (as opposed to my arms or our bed) for the first time since 11.30pm on Wednesday night. Most of you are on my facebook so know I've had a poorly little girl on my hands. I am hoping and praying that we are over the worst of it now as she hasn't had any diarrohea since 3am (think it's been caused by Calpol) and after hitting a peak of 39.3 her temperature is back to normal. The last time she was sick was yesterday at 4.30pm and she ate some Apple and Banana Puree for lunch. It's so sad, she's definitely lost some weight, I can see it in her little face. I really hope that she manages to sleep in her cot tonight and we can start getting back to normal. We were supposed to go to my step-sister's on Sunday as her little boy is one today. Unfortunately he has Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease so DH has put his foot down and said we aren't risking it. I definitely don't want Scarlett catching it but I also don't want her kids catching what Scarlett has. We are all going on Holiday together to Center Parcs in 2 weeks so we will catch up with them then.

SR - lovely to hear from you and Ellie's looks lovely in her Christening photo's

Emzy - the childminding sounds like a great plan for you. Via Toy Library I have come across a lot of childminders and the truth is I've only met two that I would leave Scarlett with. I definitely think there is always a market for good ones.

Jelly - well done on passing your exams

BTP - hope your tooth is better

Well done to all the ladies that have lost weight. I haven't and really need to find some motivation. I'm hoping I'll find some as Breastfeeding reduces and I'm not so hungry all the time.

Have a good weekend everyone...

p.s Blob -I'm going to have to look into these Babylegs you talk about

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