September Stars

fishy James has been like that, last night was awful! Think he had tummy ache thou as he only did lil marks in his nappy until about 330pm when he had 2 mega nappies...he has been having formula again and im thinking it isnt agreeing with him!

Kara im back at work tomorrow :o( doing 3 days for 3 weeks then fulltime! :( X
Mrs J to could have been describing Harry. I have been wondering if it could also be down to a growth spurts. I hope we get our old Harry back soon as this one is getting on my nerves!

Jayne sorry to hear James is at it too. It's about time you got your gorgeous little boy back too. X
Mrs J to could have been describing Harry. I have been wondering if it could also be down to a growth spurts. I hope we get our old Harry back soon as this one is getting on my nerves!

Jayne sorry to hear James is at it too. It's about time you got your gorgeous little boy back too. X
Hi ladies!

Thank you for your support once again!! Feel a little better today. It's the first medals parade on Thursday, will be hard as one of the guys who was killed should be there receiving his, instead it will be his mum :( The next medals parade, the one where Wayne should be receiving his, is the 21st April. It's nice but a bit strange to see so many blokes around, an unbelievable amount of daddies picked their kids up from school today!!

Blob, Wayne comes home 10th June ish, so it will have been 6 months and 3 weeks he'll have been gone, and he has 6 weeks leave which will cover my time back at work .. he gets home on a sunday and I'm at work on the monday!! (Although I'm going to see take that in cardiff on the tuesday so might have to say i need a few days at home with wayne.. when in reality we'll be driving to minehead, I'll leave him with his parents while i go back to taunton and get the train to cardiff with his sisters woop woop!!) Then we're moving to Maidstone in July and he'll have his summer leave, I'll be ready to boot h im back into work by September!!! Our problem is that the Maidstone lot are dut to go out to Afghan the following April... he shouldn't have to go as they're supposed to have 18 months off tour BUT he can sign a disclaimer and go... means that as soon as he's back to work after his post tour leave, he'd be on pre deployment training again! Argh! I don't think he will do it though! Obviously there's a chance they could go to Libya, it wouldn't matter if they're only just back from Afghan as it's not counted as an operational tour, effectively they 'could' go to Libya 6 weeks after coming back from Aghan, and be there for 6 months!!

Anyway enough of that.
Fishy sorry to hear harry is being a little trying at the moment! I've been having awful trouble getting Lilia to go to sleep during the day... She won't go to sleep in her cot for naps, refuses point blank, so I have to get her to sleep then transfer her... sometimes works! The last few days I have just had to pop her in her pushchair and go for walks at nap time because i can't get her to sleep any other way!

Happy 6 months and 7 months to Rosie, Amelia and Layla! Lilia will be 7 months next week, it's scary how fast it's going!

Hugs to ladies returning to work this week/next week... I'm dreading it and I'm only going back for 6/7 weeks, but it's full time and long days.. I have to leave at 7.15am and wouldn't be home till 6pm :(

I can't remember what else was said sorry xx
Evening all!!

How are we all? I am watching OBEM, its the last one!! I am so glad I haven't got to think about going back to work!!

Fishy, Hope has been rather unsettled at night which is really unlike her, she goes down then wakes up in the night and won't go back in again so she comes in with us, I don't mind but I am sure she isn't 100%, she has a snotty nose and her teeth are playing her up so I think this might be the issue!! I am just shocked at how much room a 6 month old baby takes up and we have a bloody king size bed!!!

I really can't remember what else I was going to say!!!

Louise, you know I am here for you, fellow army wife and all that!!!
Lilbump sorry your back at work tomorrow, what time do you have to start ?
I'm back on Friday but just that day and then start back after Easter !

Sorry also to hear there are some unsettled babys hope they get better soon, it's great isn't it you get them settled and then there's a cold or teeth or growth spurt and they change !
I have been told that i now havnt been moved so i have had to spend all day doing my years shifts, Im soooooooooooo upset over it, i have to go back to my old team.

We are looking into a holiday, i want to go to butlins but everyone laughs at me when i say that, just think it will be good for Jake, and evening entertainment for us, my parents will be coming but dad refuses to go so looking at cottages devon way...

F&C- Paige has become a nightmare at bed time, is tired but will not sleep !! just cries x
Jelly- have you explained to hubby about our plan !! how dare he try to change Im enjoying not being pregnant at the moment, but if i was told i could skip the pregnancy and just be given my baby i would have a couple here already x

LBB- hope your day back goes well honey, ill be thinking of you x

Louise- how awful ! you get him back thinking he is here for a while and they send him off again, i hope it doesnt come to that x
Fishy JJ was similar for a couple of weeks when he was I'll. Now he's back to his old ways of sleeping through etc. Only time he cries now us when I put him in his bouncer.

Louise I didn't realise the schedule would be so compacted. I live 2 min drive away from the barracks and i used to always see all the boys out running in the mornings on my way to work.

Lady k if I could miss the whole pregnancy thing that would be great. I hated being pregnant and the first few weeks post natalof stitches and swollen ankles bleuuuggghhh . Don't worry I'm still waiting for 2012 :)

GG watching obem tonight made me realise how great it was you got so far in the pregnancy and that both Amelia and Layla were such fantastic weights. I still can't imagine how uncomfortable you must of felt near the end

Lbb good luck for your first day back at work xx
Thanks Becs! Kara, I do too!!!

Kara, how do you feel about being back with your old team? That's not good that they said they'd changed you and now they haven't!

Becs, I'm looking forward to July, finish work for a good old while (as long as we can learn to live by just Wayne's wage!) We're lucky he earns a really decent wage although he will be losing his parachute pay (as he is a para..or...has his 'wings' as he would say ((they're very precious about their wings... if I dare wear one of his tops that has wings on I get in trouble..I'm allowed to wear ones with pegasus on though, shh!)) he gets an extra £5 per day .. I think it's £5... not sure! But he will lose this at Maidstone as it's not a parachute regt, plus he will have wear a black beret instead of his maroon one... he's very upset about that!!! LOL!!! But I have a fab wage too, and losing nigh on £30k a year is going to be a big shock to the system! I think I might do some private piano/vocal/brass tuition to earn some extra funds!

Actually, when he spoke to me yesterday he said they are going to do handshakes for searchers.... I don't know if this is definate yet or not... but as you all know he's part of the countAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! sorry! Bloody bird just landed on my laptop and scared the bejeeeesus out of me!!
Sorry.... yes he's part of the counter IED taskforce, and they are having such a large number of casualties, they were going to offer search pay like they do para pay... but apparently now they are doing a retention thing where if someone has passed the search course and then goes on to do a tour, they get a one off payment of £7K.... which sounds good to me!!!! Apparently it's because loads of people are failing it on purpose because they don't want to go out and do it because it's so dangerous!

I've gone off on one, sorry ladies! I do this!

My heart is still racing bloody bird!
OOohh Jelly I didn't realise how close you were going to be! We have been allocated a house on the camp! Barbados terrace...wish it was actually barbados though!! hee hee!! If you're that close we can be brew buddies!
AHH!!! Chatty ladies!!!

Louise - I wish I could make all of the men out there come home now so you can all be reunited :( big :hugs:

Happy 6 & 7 months to all the babies...i cant remember who was reaching them tho (sorry)

Hugs to everyone going back to work...I cant imagine leaving Kimi yet...and although I know I will have to once Pip is born...I'm glad I'm able to lavish all this attention on her now :)

BIT OF A SAD NOTE!!! :nope:

Luke finally agreed to call it quits today and has moved out...he left me with Kimi altho his mum went mad and told him I was unable to cope and basically slagged me off and told Luke she was going to call social on me...well Luke told me he told her if she did do that then she would never see Kimi again but I told him until she was big enough to confront me and say this to my face...then her visits with Kimi would be restricted...

She also told Luke that grandparents have more rights than fathers??? Anyone know anything on this???

as you all know he's part of the countAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! sorry! Bloody bird just landed on my laptop and scared the bejeeeesus out of me!!

My heart is still racing bloody bird!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Louise, you are hilarious. :rofl:

I was nursing Tobe and laughed so hard when I read that that he pulled of the nipple and gave me a very stern look before getting back to business.
Why thank you Sarah.... he doesn't normally come close, apart from the occasional dive bomb on his way from one curtain pole to the other one! (But that's usually only if he's a bit cross! He is back in his cage now, but I must have upset him somehow... his cage is behind the sofa I'm on and he's currently flicking his food at me... naughty boy.

YM.. sorry to hear Luke has moved out, how do you feel about it? It's good that he defended you in front of his mum though even though you've split up. Grandparents do have rights, yes, but they don't have more rights than fathers... although they'd have to go through the same process to get access to the child as a father would if the mother of the baby denied it.. through courts etc. We know all this as we've been on the receiving end of it far too many times! Waynes ex stopped him seeing the kids for 3 months at one point, and told the cafcass officer in court that she hoped the court would rule that he couldn't have access to them! The cafcass officer looked at her and said 'I really think you should think about what you just said as I wouldn't want to write down on this report that you want to deny your children the right to see their own father.... that shut her up!!!

Speaking of which... did I tell you all that I got a text this week saying the boys would like to visit me this weekend?! The weekend of mothers day?!!!!!?!?! Thats a turn up isn't it!! It's her birthday on the saturday so I expect she asked the birthday fairy for a kid free weekend! That or she needs a rest, long story but while wayne was home on R&R he had a 4 hour long conversation with her on the phone whilst the eldest, Alex, was kicking off because she decided out of the blue that he was no longer allowed his nintendo DS in bed...(!) yes you read correctly!! It went as far as him punching and spitting at his little brother, running in and out of the house, and twice he went downstairs and picked up knives....yes....knives... where has he learnt this? From the bloody 18 certificate games she lets him play! This happened between 8pm and midnight on a school night. Wayne rang the next day and said he thought that it needed sorting once and for all, her answer was that he was being melodramatic and Alex wasn't that bad.... and...get this.... she promised him at breakfast that morning that he could have his DS when he got in from school because he went to bed like a good boy in the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Supernanny eat your heart out!! By the way... this is the mildest mannered, politest, happiest 8 year old you would ever meet! It's like Jekyll and Hyde, he's just not that kind of child here... she's a terrible excuse for a mum!!

Sorry done it again! Anyway, that's me having the boys this weekend woop woop!
Sorry selfish post but little Ben has been saying dada all day but have been trying to trainhim to say mama then he just laughs at me like I have told him a great joke!!!! Xx
Morning ladies!!!!

Louise, hope that bloody bird isn't flying around!!!! Ian has been looking into possible postings, if things go to plan he will pick up his WO next year so we will be on the move, the bloody posting he wants is in sodding Bristol, we would be put up in a private let tho so I guess it has its upside!!! We manage fine on one wage, I guess its just a case of cutting your cloth accordingly, Ian actually said he is glad I am not going back to work, he would rather I be at home as Hope's constant than her go to minders etc, I guess it wouldn't be so bad if we had men with normal jobs!!! It looks like he will be covering the prison strike in a couple of weeks too!!

Hope is so snotty, its streaming out of her bless her!!! I better get my Mothers Day cards today, so I best go and get a shower!! House is all done and washing out so its just me to get ready!!!
Blimen hec Louise. It must really worry you both about what they are being exposed to by their own mother. Is there still talk about you and Wayne becoming the primary care providers?

Ym, sorry to hear that things have definitely ended with Luke. I take it you are still on good terms? His mum sounds like a right piece of work. You would think she has forgotten that you are Kimi's mother not her. How is your pregnancy going? This stress can't be doing you any favours.

It sounds like a few stars have regressed a little with their sleep due to illness. I have had to let Harry cry it out on a couple of occasions which I have always tried not to do but I had no choice. Nothing else was working and I can't have him only sleeping on me all the time. Fingers crossed he goes back to his lovely self soon.
YM :hugs: FOB mother seems like a right piece of work she's just trying to scare him :grr: He of course has more rights than his mother if his name is on the birth certificate. Sounds like you and FOB have quite a good break up which will make things so much better :hugs: Just ignore her and remind him to ignore her also.

Blondie :lol: thats really cute

Louise :nope: it sounds really sad with the boys I hope you guys get them in the end.... I bet it is that she wants some peace to have her hangover and sleep in. Though if she's as bad as you say I bet she'll FB about how sad she is that her boys are not with her on mothersday :dohh:
:hugs: Big hugs to Louise and YM.

Selfish post really Ollie is 7month today time has flew by and also he said Mam at the weekend and then on OH's birthday yesterday he said Dad which was a good present for him he is growing to quick he is not my tiny baby no more.
YM- sorry honey to hear he has moved out, I dont think grandparents have as much rights as the dads, i dont think they have any legal right to see their grandchildren unless in certain circumstances when the child is in danger but its not easy for them. I wouldnt worry honey, my ex mother in law called social services and the benefits agency telling them lies but it got so bad i had to go to the police as it was classed as harassment she is banned from seeing Jake and she is also banned from seeing her other grandchild who is due next month, the women is a bitch !!!! xx

Firstbean- I hate the fact she isnt my newborn anymore but i do love each new stage, only way to get around this is to have many more babies : ) xx

Louise- great news your having the boys this weekend, shame their real mum seems such a cow x
Happy 7 months Ollie xx

Ym, I know its crap! Grandparents have no rights whatsoever, unmarried fathers have little rights which is why justice for fathers exists!
If you are friends and everything is good between you then you can loosely agree how much input he has and contact etc, it is up to him to involve his mother in that time is doesn't have to come out of your time or be anything to do with you if you don't want it to be.
Don't agree anything legally while things are good between you if you think there is a possibility things could turn sour and you may change your mind, for example agree in writing through a legal channel that he can have the children o a regular basis and then he starts seeing someone else and a child comes back saying she is their Mummy (for example) You would then obviously want the contact to be changed or at least want to take him up on the new gf but if you have already agreed then you cant stop him seeing the children, so be aware that although you are getting on now, when other parties become involved, either you or him, things can change, so tread with caution, only agree verbally for now, and let him sort out his mother who has no rights at all.:hugs:
Sorry for your split i hope you are feeling ok :hugs:

Louise, a bird, how strange, would have frightened the life out of me too!! Big Hugs on the hubby front, really couldn't cope with the distance:nope::hugs::hugs:

Was up last night with Rosie, then Sophie woke, so had a right bed full! Sophie did go back to hers, and eventually after a nappy change some medicine a boob full of milk, lits of cuddles and singing winnie the pooh a million times over Rosie did get back to sleep! She has a nasty cough and lots of rubbish on her chest, so keeps coughing and sicking up loads of slimy stuff, yuck!
She was all trembly today, poor baby.
I went back to the dentist after the pain all got too much again and she has said she will start the root canal work on me this week,n she has cleaned some of it out and re packed it so for now its ok, but she said it wont last and needs the root filled, she put a needle up each of the 3 roots and two are dead....the other hurt so she has to put a needle up that one to put the anesthetic in...REALLY not looking forward to Thursday:nope:

Going to get dh's tattooed today, he has been gobby for years now about getting his children's names on him, but made excuses, so I booked him in! He is getting the girls on each arm and his son somewhere else, like back or arm, he has already got a dog on each shoulder and one on an upper arm but they don't really show much tbh unless his top is off, but the girls names will show as they are going on inner lower arms, which although i am not a great lover of all tats i do like some and names is one i like!
Will prob put pics on fb during the course of this week!

Happy 7 months to the girls genies, goes so fast and they seem so big now! As i remember they were each more than Rosie weighed at birth, so yes you did amazingly well! :hugs:

Sorry I have not done a great catch up, and not thanked a few posts that needed thanking, as i just scooted through intending to go back! :dohh:
Just blame lack of sleep!

Happy day everyone, byeeeeeeeeeee for now xxx:hugs:

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