September Stars

:rofl: :rofl: @ Jelly

YM least he is standing by you and not being daft like his mum :dohh: I wouldnt stress though, who cares if she send the SS around they are not going to do anything :hugs:
I'm back at work tomorrow just the one day until after Easter but I'm nervous, lots of mixed feelings about it all!

Quiet today hope everyones okay x
Good luck tomorrow Genies! I bet it will fly by :flower:

Jelly LOL!!

YM I've already said to you on facebook, but your MIL is a piece of work!!

Thank you for all your well wishes on the childminding! I'm booked onto the initial course 13th and 14th August and my netmums friend is being very helpful and lovely and has swapped her shifts at work (bless her) so she can have Holly for me for the 2 sessions.

Also, my Dad has offered to give me some money to help tide me over til I get a job, so it has taken the pressure off a bit. I should be alright for a job for another month or 2 now so I'm sooo relieved. It gives me time to look for something decent to do before I can start childminding. I am sick and tired of application forms and rejections. I can't even get a job working in a shop, I applied for Next and you have to do this quiz thing online and it said I didn't have the skills to work there! Same with Beverbrooks jewellers. The agency came back about the call centre job, they were trying to arrange an interview for me but they rang this morning to say it had been filled. I can't say I was that disappointed to be honest, as it sounded really rubbish! lol I'll get something soon but at least the pressure is off a bit now. Matt is due to find out about redundancy any day now. He was meant to find out today but they 'delayed the decision' about the contracts!!! Grrr don't they realise that this is people's jobs and lives!?

Anyway, hope you're all good! Matt's got a long weekend off now so we're looking forward to spending it together. I'm going back to the docs tomorrow as I STILL don't feel healed where I tore and was stitched. I bet they try and fob me off with another cream or some dildos or something like last time LOL!

YM - Your MIL sounds like a complete bitch, no wonder you're upset/angry...I'd be livid too. I don't know how she dares intefere and make up such awful lies, but I think it'll definitely come back to bite her in the ass in the end! :growlmad:

Genies - Hope you have a good day back at work, and everything goes well!

Emzy - Hope everything goes well for you with childminding and the courses are good :thumbup: also, thank heavens for dads, eh!? my dads been helping me a bit with money since I don't have a job to go back to and nobody will give me one. Also...dildos? when did that happen!? been gone for too long :rofl:

Just made some vodka jelly shots...but I should probably just call them vodka shots. I added about half a litre of vodka in with two little sachets of sugar free jelly and a bit of water, then shared it out between about 16 shot glasses (and one little bowl) Obviously, I get the bowl tomorrow because I'll be the most awesome person there :haha:
Going to head out in to town after, celebrating my Birthday early! I'll be 22 on Mothers day :wohoo: celebrating my birthday and my first mothers day at once will be so lovely! gonna celebrate in style tomorrow though since I missed my 21st last year being pregnant ;)
SR yep thank god for Dads!! It sucks not having a job to go back to, but that's just silly me for leaving my job to go back to uni THEN getting pregnant DUH lol What were you doing before you got preg?

Hmm yeah the dildos... I went to see my doctor for the 2nd time a few weeks ago as it didn't feel like my tear had healed properly and it was still really painful. I got a different doctor the 2nd time and I don't think she really understood what I was talking about as she was going on and on about buying different dildos and trying them out (I'm not kidding!!!) and offered to prescribe me dilators... hmmm that's not really what I meant! In the end she fobbed me off with thrush cream (wtf?!) She was a crackpot so I'm going back to see another doctor tomorrow but I know for a fact she wrote on my notes last time that if the thrush cream didn't work to prescribe another cream. Errrm it's not thrush, it feels like my tear is going to burst open again you stupid woman!!! LOL
Big :hugs: YM and the SS will see what a good Mam you are and that MIL is the MIL from hell. And as the others have said its great that Luke is sticking by you.

Good Luck with the childminding Emzy I have just applied for a job in a supermarket today its very local and 17 and a half hours which is perfect for me as they will work around MIL hours at work so she can have Ollie. And yeh thank god for Dads.:haha:

SR I always make vodka jelly shots when we go out and they are always so strong but do the trick :haha: Hope you have a great birthday night out.

Hope all you ladies have a great Mothers day and for some of us first Mothers day. I probably wont be on over the weekend as we have things planned so going to be busy, so Happy Mothers Day :happydance:
Hi everyone, just quick from me as am shattered. Medals parade for one of the regiments today, not the one Wayne should be taking part in, that's in April.

Hugs to Emzy, YM and everyone else who needs them, seems there are some difficult times for many of us!

I am looking forward to having the boys this weekend but mothers day is going to be fairly bittersweet as it's my first as a mummy, not my first as a stepmum, but I won't have Wayne here to make it 'special' although it will be special spending it with my gorgeous girlie and my little men x
FB Have a nice weekend, Happy Mothers day xx

SR glad your preparing for your birthday have a great night out !

Emzy glad your feeling happier about things

GG good luck for tomorrow

Wonder how LBB has been back at work this week?

Louise - hope you manage a nice weekend with the boys xx
We are all doing well this end, trying to work out our holiday plans.Paige sat up for a few mins on her own and she had stage 2 lumpy food without gagging !! but has not learnt she has to suck her beaker to get water out of it and just chews on it

Jellycat- LMAO !!! i actually giggled reading that !!! reminds me when i was panicking we had mice in the plastic bag cupboard, turns out those biodegradable bags look like a mice had got at it when they start to biodegrade!! but i only worked this out once i was standing outside with rubber gloves and standing on some books screaming... I blame it on having a baby brain x

Louise- hugs honey, but really pleased you will have all your children with you on Sunday x

S.R- I havnt done vodka shots ever !! i feel im missing out, i may have to try making some this weekend x

YM - im going to message you, i went through the same sort of thing with my ex MIL x

Emzy- whats this about the doctors talking about dildo's? how come? and when did they start giving out dildos on the NHS ... and i cant believe im even typing this, but i need to know !! on a serious note, i hope you get some help from a doctor soon, its very annoying when you know your right but having to get doctors to agree seems very hard, my doctor reckons she knows everything and a few times i found out she doesn't and i lost confidence in her. x
Looks like it's my turn for a teething fusspot of a baby. :wacko:
Tobe has been a lot of work today.
And I need to get the house cleaned up for weekend guests arriving tomorrow, so of course he's being the neediest, clingiest, little beast of a baby, howling if I put him down for a second.
I gave him frozen blueberries in one of those little mesh feeders and that helped for a bit, but what a grouch!
And when I'm holding him, he's squirming like crazy, grabbing at everything - argh! Wretched baby!!! Behave! :baby: :growlmad:

Anyway, I'm trying to rustle up the energy to get some cleaning done. I want to climb into a hot bath and then bed. But if I do that, I will have a horrible, stressed-out day tomorrow.
Maybe if I just get the vacuuming done?
Why even bother doing that until just before they get here? It will revert to looking like a herd of muddy sheep have stampeded through the place within five minutes of me finishing the floors. Which is life with a houseful of boys. Sigh.
Anyone else ever just feel like giving up on housework?

I could kill for a glass of wine and a bath right now. No booze on the P90x diet, of course. Somehow a glass of skim milk and a hot bath doesn't have quite the same relaxation effect. :wacko:
Oh good lord, there's Tobe screaming his head off again.
I. Hate. Baby. Teeth.
Sarahkka I'm up tonight due to JJ teething, he just won't settle. Wish he realised I'm tired.

I also can't seem to get any housework done at the moment I just need a few days on my own to really blitz the place. I'm trying to pack up the Moses basket, swing and bath etc which seems to have taken me a week so far because daily chores take a precedence.

My friend has a weekly cleaner, I'm so jealous .
Emzy :rofl: sill doctor... yaay for your dad giving you money thats fab!!

YM :hugs: hope you're ok hun

GG Hope today goes well x

SR :wohoo: have a fab time!! I spent my 21st in the park with Tabs on my own :cry: my parents had gone away and Robin was working was really sad :haha:

Sarah I've been trying to figure our how to get enough cleaning done I need to scrub my floors :lol:

Well Rosalie was a bit better yesterday :wohoo: she went to bed ok wasnt still late but wasnt all the crying drama of the night before.
Emzy - Your doctor really has cracked! I wouldnt know where to put my face :haha:

Louise - :hugs: Sorry Wayne can't be with you for mothers day, but I am sure you'll have a lovely day with your little lady and men :)

LadyK - You should make some shots this weekend and try a few! oh dear...aren't I the bad influence...

Jelly and Sarahkka - Hope your babies are settling and feeling a bit better today, it's so tiring having to be up early in the morning/night again. After Ellie started settling about 2 months old it started to get really hard to wake up again if she had a bad night :(

Also Sarahkka, you have such willpower! I can go without chocolate, food and nice things, i can force myself to exercise but I cannot go without a good few drinks and a night out! that's probably pretty sad of me :haha:

Just been to sleep for an hour this afternoon...well...I went down at 1pm with Ellie after spending the morning cleaning and exercising and woke up at 2:30pm...Ellie is still asleep! I better wake her soon because she's had far too long, oopisie! I feel kinda mean because I know I won't have her tonight anyway but I don't want her nana and grandpa to have to deal with a baby who wont sleep properly :dohh:
Grants gone to golf yet again !!! im not very pleased, every week he has gone out with his work mates, i have not gone out with mine since i was pregnant !!!!

GG - hope your day went well, im back to work monday and i am shitting it !!!!

SR- expect drunken messages left on you FB page over the weekend by meeeeeee !
SR I forgot to say yesterday have a fab birthday night out!!

Blob glad Rosalie is getting better :hugs:

Hugs to all the ladies with poorly, teething babies :hugs:

I had to cancel my appointment this morning as AF arrived! That wouldn't have been pleasant!! ha ha So I made another for this time next week. Ooh good, something for me to look forward to LMAO!!

OOh and I'm now an Avon lady! Joined up to try and make some cash (although what you earn is pretty lame! lol) and I'm going knocking on doors in a bit with my catalogues!

Got a grumpy husband today, he hurt himself playing squash last night, took a blow to the ribs and he saw the doc today and she thinks he's cracked a rib or something so he's feeling sorry for himself. He's currently having a nap in our bed with Holly, it's so sweet seeing them both snoozing :cloud9:

Right, best get out with these Avon books!

I would get annoyed and say what has a dildo got to do with my stitches not being healed properly or healing with tissue scarring, and how is sex anything like using a dildo? It is not thrush so stop giving me thrush cream, and now i need to see another doctor!
I had to sort my problem out myself, actually it was a problem on embarasing bodies once, weak pelvic floor, I said to my doctor at my 6 week check i had an issue and she said ...and i quote, from a doctor, talking about pelvic floor muscles to a woman 6 weeks after birth...''that is not a post natal issue you will have to book a different appointment to see a doctor'' Now correct me if i am wrong but I thought pelvic floor was a direct result of giving birth and everything to do with the 6 week check disscusions, she was useless, she weighed Rosie wrong and i complained about her and then went on to Amazon and bought myself some aquaflex, the cones you put up to tighten your muscles, i am a bit lazy with them tbh but they did the trick, I need to persist for long term, just so i am not a tena lady by 40!!:haha:

Genies, hope all is well, doubly well! xx

Louise, hope you have a lovely weekend with your little men and little lady:hugs:

Jelly, Don't be jealous of the cleaner, who needs a tidy house anyway:shrug:

Happy birthday for the weekend sr :cake: enjoy your 21st ans 22nd birthday, I was 6months preggers on my 21st birthday so missed it too! I remember it always though because i was pregnant!(and looked like a fat blobby thing but that's another story!)

Lady k, YAY, Rosie not nearly sitting up yet, she is happy flailing arms and legs around and playing with feet still!!
Food wise with the baby led thing she is having frubes, the odd bit of cake but she squishes most of that, she sucks banana through a net bag (NUBY) and that is about it, the rest is my milk, which i am still just demand feeding, she is quite happy but i wish i could get her a bit more 'weaned' but if i do try and spoon anything in if its thicker than yog like mash, she gags on it:shrug:

Sarah, sorry to say i have a whole bottle of wine to myself of the teeny 1 glass bottles but 'drink' all the same!! If i bought a big bottle i may be tempted to drink more than the diet allows!
Our scales are totally broken and say i am about a stone lighter than i am...gotta love them!!

anyway sorry to cut this short but little miss demanding is stood on my lap aha aha aha aha ing and generally moaning so had better go, hope to b back later xxxxxx ow, that was in my ear Rosie xxxx:hugs:
well first week over with and its wasnt as bad as i thought it was going to be! :)

btp Rosie sounds just like James...who im a bit concerned with on the food front x

Kara there r some horrible people around..they sound nasty and id be tempted to file a complaint!

good luck emzy x
Man, did I have a rough night with Tobe last night.
He slept pretty well once I finally got him to sleep, but he was almost hysterical for most of the evening. Just freaking out. So unlike him. :nope:
He's calmer today. Still a little short-tempered, but calmer.

And I'm just resigned to a somewhat less tidy house than I would like for company, but... :shrug:
Evening ladies, hope we're all okay today. We seem to be knee deep in teething, fed up babies at the moment!

I'm not even going to say too much tonight, lots to say but I'm just too knackered! Busy busy days. LBB, so glad your first week back's been okay. GG, hope your day went okay, and LadyK, you know we'll all be there in spirit with you Monday. xx

Hubby's got some unexpected overtime tomorrow. I know I should be glad that a) he's willing to do it, and b) it's available now my maternity money's dropped down. But if I'm honest, I'd just rather he was around to help with the three boys..... selfish or what!!? Ah well.

Right, catch up tomorrow, let's hope we all have a good night. xx

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