September Stars

Happy mothers day ladies!

I have had a busy day but had dinner cooked for me and I got a lovely card and a new cath kidston work bag which is lovely but best of all is the cuddles is the cuddles in having now from layla who has fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder and Amelia is snuggled up in her chair next to me .

Are any of the stars not in their own rooms yet? The girls are still in with us but are going into own room after our holiday in a weeks time
Happy mothers day ladies!

I have had a busy day but had dinner cooked for me and I got a lovely card and a new cath kidston work bag which is lovely but best of all is the cuddles is the cuddles in having now from layla who has fallen asleep with her head on my shoulder and Amelia is snuggled up in her chair next to me .

Are any of the stars not in their own rooms yet? The girls are still in with us but are going into own room after our holiday in a weeks time
genies James is still in with us, and dont really have plans to move him anytime soon x
Oooooo and Happy Mothers Day to everyone wether its your 1st, 10th etc etc - I hope you have all had fab days and been spoilt. xx
Happy Mothers to you all. :flower:
As with some of you others I have been reading but been very busy and so no time to post. I was also away last week at Butlins which was nice and had the usual to do when we got home...washing, cleaning, ironing etc! I have photos up on my FB if any of you want a peek!

I feel like time is passing just too quickly and I have SO much to do. We have sold our flat which means we'll be moving soon (FX'd), I have 4500 words still to write for my uni project plus extra work on top of that. Easter hols are fast approaching so I will have limited time to do anything and on top of that we are having tea with the vicar on thursday hoping to arrange a wedding for this year! I feel like I might just go :wacko:!! Lol.

Riley is growing up so fast it is scary. He is on the move now and can get around quite freely...not crawling but more like a 'seal' motion IFYWIM. He doesn't stay put and it is time for eyes in the back of my head!

Talking of babies own rooms, as soon as we move he is gong in his own room which I am secretly pleased about as I think it will help him sleep better. I talk in my sleep and I am convinced I wake him sometimes!

I am absolutely shattered and cannot remember much from all the pages I have had to catch up on, but to all of you lovely ladies..I hope you had a brilliant day and took a moment to relax and feel loved.

Is anyone TTC again yet? We are trying in about 3 months (or whenever my periods return) and it is going so quickly. I have a feeling that one of you ladies is pregnant maybe ??(Obviously I know YM is)

Oh my older sis is pregnant again at 38 and after 3 mcs and only one fallopian tube...I am sooooo happy for her.

Love to you all. xx
Happy Mother's Day Mummies!!! I have had a lovely first Mother's Day. I got a nice lie in and then Matt brought me a 'special delivery' which was Holly dressed in an 'I love Mummy' T-shirt, breakfast in bed and cards and pressies :D I got a lovely necklace, which apparently Holly picked herself by grabbing lol, a little cuddly toy and an 'I Love My Mummy' mug. Holly then put her hand straight in my cornflakes, ate my card and then covered my new cuddly toy in drool, it was perfect lol :cloud9: I've been spoilt with cups of tea and no nappy changes all day too and a lovely relaxing bath to round it all off. Holly even went to bed early tonight, was fast asleep by 7.45 which probably means an early morning for me tomorrow! lol I hope you have all had a lovely day too :flower:

Louise :hugs: it must be hard celebrating mother's day with Wayne away. It won't be long and he'll be back sweetie.

And blob :hugs: How long is Robin away for?

Genies glad your day at work went well x Holly is in her room and has been since 5 months but I still really miss her, so much so that I sleep in the bed in the nursery quite often. Sometimes I wake up in the night and just really miss her so I go and sleep in there lol I do think she sleeps so much better in her own room though, for sure. She now sleeps 8ish til 7.30/8ish every night whereas before she wouldn't settle til late and we would disturb her getting up for the toilet and Matt getting up for work, etc.

Nice to see you Apaton! How are you doing?

Teeny, you sound mega busy! Ooh exciting, a wedding this year! I know what you mean about them growing up fast, Holly is so grown up that I sometimes forget she is only 7.5 months old. Until she cries, it is easy to forget that she is only a baby!

I'm sorry if I missed anyone!

My friend has just had a baby and I'm sooo jealous! I'm incredibly broody but we are waiting til she's at least 1 before thinking about number 2 and even then we will see where we are at financially and job wise etc. But I want another one NOW!!! I keep looking at her new baby photos and thinking I WANT ONE!!! I'm just so jealous of that cloud 9 feeling you get with your newborn baby, where nothing else matters except your baby and the days/nights just merge into one big blur. I miss it :cloud9: I just loved the first couple of weeks after she was born where I spent most of my time lay on the sofa with her sleeping on my chest. I think I have forgotten all about the sleepless nights and colic LOL

Evening ladies, and Happy Mothers Day to all!! BTP, how lovely you had your first little one on Mothers Day!!! x

TW, although it scares me the thought of TTC in 3 months, I am jealous!! I can't stand the thought that Sam is our last baby, I hold out hope we'll have one more.... just not yet!

Genies, Sam moved into his own room at 6 months. I didn't want to move him, but he was in a swinging crib, and he just didn't have enough room. He's been a wee bit more wakeful since he went into the big cot, but to be honest if he wakes up I just bring him in with us, and it's lovely cos I still miss him being there next to the bed!!! I'm too soft! But Jack came in with us every night, he was a terrible sleeper, and now he sleeps all night every night in his own bed and isn't interested in our bed at all! So this time, I'm not punishing myself about it! x

Good to see you Apaton!

Blob, hope you got your text!

Louise, I saw from your FB that the boys are back with mum now, boo hiss. I take it that it all went okay apart from Nathan's spew incident? xx

Well, we've had our usual busy Sunday. Sunday's my cleaning day as it's the only day DH is home to help. I keep on top of things during the week, especially because of the dog hair, but Sunday is "wipe round, vac up" day!!! It seems that my mothers day bonus was that I had time to clean the upstairs windows. Oh the joys!! On the upside, DH had a lovely card made for me with a gorgeous poem he'd written. He does love me really!!!! We all went for our swim this afternoon, then treated the kids to a McDonalds for tea, so they had a nice treat.

Right, am off to bed. Nighty night all. xxx
Emzy, sounds like a lovely day. Matt is very thoughtful. x
Happy Mother's Day, to you UK girls!
Doesn't happen until mid-May for us! :)

Feeling really nauseous and dizzy today. I must have some sort of bug. I took a nap and skipped today's P90x fun, but it I'm not feeling much better yet. Yuck. :sick:
Hi ladies! Hope everyone has had a lovely mothers day!

As most of you will have seen on my Fb I got a lovely bunch of flowers and a balloon and a card delivered today, now I feel awful for doubting Wayne and feeling sorry for myself yesterday!

Emzy, Matt sounds so thoughtful! Loving the drooly teddy and soggy card!
Sarah sorry you don't feel 100%, hope it passes quickly!
Claire, yay for having time to clean the windows! LOL!! Glad you had a nice day with your boys x
TW wow you sound so busy at the moment! Hope you're getting some time to chill out! And yay for a house move on the cards! Lilia went into her own room during Wayne's R&R, I was completely dreading it and didn't want her to go, but bless him, he had his heart set on sorting her room out and being 'part of it' so we did it... she sleeps better although seems to wake up for dummy a few times some nights, then some nights not a peep! Putting it down to being unsettled because of teeth! And yay for Riley being on the move! Clever boy!
BTP, 17 mothers days already! So cute that your first was born on mothers day too! How lovely!
Becs, what crap that the army have to step in yet again because of strikes! It seems to be either firemen or prison! Hope he 'enjoys' his training!
Blob, did you get your text? I wish Wayne had left me an ipad! How long is he gone for?
ermmmmmmmmmmm.... I can't remember who/what else! I had to speed type that lot before I forgot!

I had a lovely day in the end, apart from having to clear up sick at 1am this morning! Bless him, it seemed to pass quite quickly. I texted their mum to tell her and to ask if she wanted me to take them home a bit early, and the answer was no thank you normal time is fine! What a caring lady. Alex was telling me that she has a new boyfriend called Mike, he bought them nike trainers. Hmmm. When we had them during waynes R&R - 3 weeks ago, she had a boyfriend called chris who took them to dickens world... so in 3 weeks, she has broken up with one bloke, met someone else, and introduced him to the kids, they talk about him staying over too... I think it's WRONG! He also said he's getting a flat screen tv and a play station 3 for his birthday... he will be 9... not bad for someone who works 12 hours a week and is on benefits, wish those of us who work for a living could afford it! Not that I think it's the best present for a 9 year old! How do you top that when they're 12, 14, 16?!

Lilia has been all smiles today, she's such a happy smiley baby! She's so talkative too, she's always making some kind of noise, be it squealing, grunting or babbling. She says dada now, and is saying it to anyone who looks twice at her! I know she probably doesn't recognise her own daddy but it doesn't mean she can choose one off the street!

Right, got to go, need to write an ebluey to Wayne and I'm shattered after a 5 hour trip to deliver the boys home!
Louise that's awful about the ever changing boyfriend, poor boys :( They must love coming to you. And Holly also sometimes wakes a million times for her dummy but sometimes not a peep since being in her own room. When she was in our room, she was next to my side of the bed with the side dropped and I think I must have just put it back in all night in my sleep. I spoke to my HV about it as it was getting a bit daft running in and out all night to put the dummy in when she wasn't even waking up fully and she said to just try leaving it a bit when she crys as she's probably just so used to it. So that's what I've been doing and it seems to be helping as she's not waking as much now. If she crys I leave it until she cries again before going in, whereas before I was just going in each time and giving her the dummy. I've taken the dummy away during the day except for naps or if she gets herself into a complete state and she's not even noticed!
Emzy, same here, Lilia only ever has her dummy for naps (if she needs it) and at bed time if she doesn't go to sleep on her bottle.. I tried for a few nights not giving it to her when she went to bed, and that worked because those nights she didn't wake at all! Just went to sleep after chatting to her mobile for a little while... but then a few nights later she got upset after I didn't give it to her and she was crying, and it wasn't the kind of crying that would end in her just going to sleep so I gave up and gave her it and haven't tried since, I should try it again I think! I also don't go straight in when she does her first whimper now, sometimes she goes back off to sleep after a few whimpers, sometimes it turns into a cry, and thats when i go in... bloody dummy!!
Rileys dummy is sometimes my saviour and sometimes my worst enemy! He has it less during the day as he is happy playing and chattering away now but I ALWAYS carry one with me! No sign of any words though except 'UP''..:wacko:
At night he just will not settle back to sleep if its fallen out though so when he really crys I have to get up and pop it back in...cue me putting it in...Riley spitting it straight back out and crying...and so on! But the last two nights I have not had a peep from him until 6am in the morning which is :thumbup:. I don't mind the 6am wake up call as I am meant to be up at that time to get everyone ready and out for the school run. Lets hope he carries on this way as he has only ever slept through 12 nights in 7 months!

I tried to sleep in today as no school run as DS is with his father, but it was time to get up as I was having my hair pulled and Riley has the worst habit of pinching me ALL the time. It seems to be his comfort thing when he feeds but it bloody hurts and I have even got small bruises! Must stop that.

Anyway ladies, must go. Got food to cook for Rileys dinner and the usual housework and getting ready for the school run later. I feel so tired though and I have a headache. Perhaps getting out in the sunshine will help.

Have a good day. xx
Louise, what a complete cowbag!!!! I agree its so wrong she changes men like we change knickers!!!! Lovely flowers and balloon!!

Sarah, hope you are feeling better!!

Emma, aww bless Matt!!!

I am so glad Hope never took to a dummy!! She went down at 7 last night and woke up at 8 this morning!!! Just took Murphy for a long walk and Hope is asleep in her buggy, so I am having a coffee, we are off to Sainsburys after lunch, how exciting!!!
thank you ladies :wave: things are good , im back at work part time. Im usually on here lurking , i love to see how all our babies are growing:cloud9:

hope you all had a lovely mothers day , i will try catch up on the thread and pop in more often, not working till Wed :wohoo: x

ETA : anyone feeling really broody :blush: i cant beleive next years september babies are comming soon :cry: 1 year 6 months till i can try again lol x
Ladies, do any of you have some good recipes for bubbas that do not have carrot! Riley just seems to hate it at the moment.
I have just made a cottage pie (kind of) dinner which will be tested out later!
His favourites are plaice florentine and cauliflower cheese. I am so uncreative that any ideas will be gtreatly received! x
Tw I'm going to try out cod with butternut squash and cheese sometime this week I can pm you the recipe if your interested once I'm on my computer instead of phone? Its the first time cooking a proper meal for him as I've just been doing plain veg and fruit. Decided it was time to try something new, I'm going to have some myself too ! You can freeze aswell

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