September Stars

Louise and Emzy, its awful, I felt so guilty!! I am feeling much better today and Hope seems to be more settled so fx'd tonight will be better!!

Just had one of my friends round, was lovely to have a catch up, Hope slept the whole time!! We have one of Ian's lads coming round this evening, his girlfriend is down for the weekend she is bringing their baby, there is 4 weeks between him and Hope and she had a similar birth to me so will be nice to talk!!

Is anyone else off their food?? I seem to pick at things but not really eating much, don't seem to fancy anything!
Ooooo, I didn't know this was here! Hello Mummies! :)
Yes i am off food, my usual appitite anyway!
I am making myself eat 3 meals, chocolate is appealing again but not bothered!
Hey all,
Glad to see lots of mummies on here. :thumbup:
Talking of sleeping babies, Riley seems to be settling down quite well, he slept from 9pm to 2am which was lovely and then woke up at 6am which is when I would usually get up anyways. I really hope this carries on.

Had him weighed again yesterday and he is gaining weight well- my little chubby is now 10lb 2oz! So that was 7oz in 9 days...yay for booby juice! :haha:

Riley can be unsettled during the day but usually gets better at about 6pm. So I spend all day with the miserable bubba and Daddy gets nice happy bubba!
I can't believe how quickly these 5 weeks have gone and to think that he is growing up so quickly. We are getting more smiles and 'talking' which is great but reminds me that he is no longer newborn! Roll on the next one. lol.

Got to go, I hear crying! Hope you are all well. x
Oh my goodness I'm crap at the moment! I just can't seem to catch up or keep up! Life is hectic!

Congrats to all the new mummies! Katie, lovely to see you here! I didn't know you didn't know about it! But good to have you here now! Look at Melody in your piccie, she looks fab! Gorgeous girlie!

So both Jellycat and LadyKara have had their little ones, just MrsN to go now!

I have been attempting to follow the baby whisperer book today with Sam, and he has been defiant by nodding off all day! So much for periods of activity! He's now fast asleep, wonder what kind of night we'll have! He is looking huge!

Hope everyone's okay tonight. xx
After me saying how 'easy' Lilia is, we've had a tough few days!! She refuses to sleep point blank during the day, just having cat naps here and there, she's been grizzly and windy and varying from constipation to chicken korma nappies!
She has also fed every 3 hours today and overnight last night, I'm thinking it must be a growth spurt!

Hope everyone is well, I love looking at everyones baby pictures on FB, these september babies are all gorgeous!! Lilia is going to have such trouble with her hair when she's older, it literally sticks straight out from her head as if she has been electrocuted no matter how much I try to flatten it down!! I love it though, it's so cute!!
Aw Louise, poor Lilia! Little windy lady! I bet she'll be back to her normal self really quickly. Growth spurts are funny things! I love your pics of her and all her hair! She is such a wee cutie! x
Hey guys I can finally join u lot ... I'll post more once I'm settled but really need advice, after pains with second child.... Omg is it suppose to hurt soooo much also is it normal to get back pain after having epidural? Will all my aches and pains get worse tomorrow? Someone women on the ward were walking around with no problems at all, I'm suffering big time... Soooo sore !! Is this normal ? X
Yowza its taken me a while to get around back on here! its been 12 days since the birth of my Annika Mae S. It was an absolutely horrible 37 hour labor that ended in an emergency c-section.
Annika is doing pretty well, breastfeeding is going better than i thought it would, although it seems thats all she wants to do :haha:

I won't read back too far, since that would be 57 pages >.<

LadyK- i had 2 epidurals and 2 spinals (one of which froze me entirely - head to toe)
i found my back to be in absolute agony for quite a while, although i'm not sure if that was from them, or from the hospital bed. Tylenol barely even touched the pain for days. but it did ease off.

becs- i'm completely off my food too, i'm finding myself force feeding myself like first tri all over again :haha:

Louise- annika has a little swirl cow lick at the front of her head, she'll never have proper bangs lol
Heya everyone &#8211; Im going to catch up on the posts again &#8211; so this will be a big reply!

BEKKLEZ &#8211; your before/after pics are great =) I think we should all do something like that! See if theres a major difference in eye bags! You look lovely though
LITTLE A &#8211; wooo hooo at Amelia rolling over! Thats amazing!
BECS0375 &#8211; great weight gain for Hope! Cant believe you has such a great evening and was up and ready at half 7 in the morning! Now that is fantastic!
BABYTHINKPINK &#8211; Roxy had dry skin like that on her whole body when she was born. We used a mixture of olive oil, boots sensitive oil and johnsons baby oil. They seem to have done the trick!
LOUISE3512UK &#8211; Lilia putting on 20ozs in 14 days is immense! She must be being a good girl and eating all her food. Roxy seems to gulp her food aswell &#8211; we are also using the closer to nature bottles &#8211; maybe theres a link? We also burp her every ounce. I was thinking of getting some new bottles, but we have spent SO MUCH on the bottle attatchments etc and we had to get all new teats as we changed her milk so needed fast flow ones. Tut &#8211; why do bottles have to be so expensive?? Those pictures are GORGEOUS! Look at her amazing hair!
BEKKLEZ &#8211; I had exactly what your describing AF wise, but it has trailed off now. I keep getting the pains as if its going to come imminently but it doesn&#8217;t! So in my case I think its just everything moving back, but its definitely a possibility your periods may have returned!
EMZYWEMZY &#8211; This will sound strange &#8211; but glad to hear Holly has had a poo! Yay! Its also great you had such a good night with her the other night &#8211; its obviously making you and her very happy
ASHER - Routine wise &#8211; We put Roxy in her moses basket ater her last feed which is around 10pm. We then carry her upstairs to bed when we have finished what we are doing downstairs. We may have to re-think that soon though, as shes getting bigger, I don&#8217;t like the thought of carrying her up the stairs in the basket! I just have visions its going to break haha! We will most prob put her up to bed when she falls asleep after her last feed, and have the monitor on.
GENIESGIRL &#8211; Roxy wakes every 3 hours in the night aswell *hugs* Shes also taking on average 4ounces at a time, but she can also graze at times and can take 1 or 2 ounces and be happy.
MRSJ08 &#8211; Glad to hear about Scarletts weight gain and your confidence in your breastfeeding! In re: to when your putting her down and she starts to get unsettled &#8211; we have been putting a hot water bottle in Roxy&#8217;s bed when we give her her last feed, so when she goes in, its nice and warm &#8211; its worked really well in keeping her settled.
CARLEY22 &#8211; yay! Congratulations!!
DREA1904 &#8211; glad your feeling so happy =)
SARAHKKA &#8211; woo hoooo on Tobias&#8217;s weight gain!
DRAZIC &#8211; heya! &#61514;
TEENYWEENY &#8211; great weight gain!
LADYKARA &#8211; I don&#8217;t know whether your pains are normal but I just wanted to give a *hug* and say hope you feel better soon &#61514;
KRAKIR &#8211; congratulations and welcome!

Well we have all been happy in this household. I slept upstairs last night as the DH was on a late shift at work today. Roxy slept rather well, woke at the usual times of 1 and 5. Ooo I forgot to mention about the other night! She didn&#8217;t sleep until 4 &#8211; yes I say 4 as in the AM! She woke up at 9pm and just wouldn&#8217;t go back down &#8211; she was wide wide awake &#8211; me and the DH on the other hand were not! In the end we took her for a walk across the block and she was fast asleep! (We now know what to do if theres a next time!) It wouldn&#8217;t have mattered too much, but we couldn&#8217;t get to sleep them, and ended up sleeping at about 7am to which she awoke at half 7 wanting a bottle. We then had to go to lunch with his parents, so we were absolutely knackered! How we made it through that day I do not know! Today ive started Roxy&#8217;s routine properly, she had her bath at 9 and her bottle at 10. She is now sleeping peacefully bless her! She is meeting her great grandma and great aunt tomorrow. They haven&#8217;t been able to see her yet as they have both been terribly ill, so that should be nice! The DH is on an early shift today so ill be up in * looks at watch* 5 hours to wake everyone up! Hmmm I best get some sleep myself! Hope everyone is well! xxxxx
Welcome all new Mummies and congratulations xxxx

Louise, 3 hours is good, Hope was going every hour the other day during her growth spurt!!!

We had a good night, Hope went from 10 till 4am!! She then woke at 8am and is now asleep with Daddy in bed!! I had 2 sachets of movicol last night in the hope that it will soften and be less painful to pass!!
Today we are doing some packing and sorting out, take the dog out for a nice walk and otherwise have a chilled out day!! I really need to sort Hope's clothes out as she seems to have grown out of some more!!! I feel a shopping trip in order!!
Hey guys I can finally join u lot ... I'll post more once I'm settled but really need advice, after pains with second child.... Omg is it suppose to hurt soooo much also is it normal to get back pain after having epidural? Will all my aches and pains get worse tomorrow? Someone women on the ward were walking around with no problems at all, I'm suffering big time... Soooo sore !! Is this normal ? X

LadyK, My second baby were the worst after pains I had, bf made it worse and it passes fairly quickly.
A few days it calms, until then ask your doctor for some painkillers, they may be able to give you something stronger than paracetamol or ibroprofen, i had a tramadol supository after birth this time, and the midwife said i could ask the doctor for some if i needed them, but luckily i didn't.
The back pain/epidural I am not sure about, It was a long time ago i had an epidural, but it numbs you for so long i would think it not unusual to have some pain after, even if it is just from putting yourself in a position while you didn't feel it and hurt yourself that way.
Hope you feel better soon xxx:hugs:
Ladyk I don't know about an epidural as mine wasn't actually inserted, but the spinal block I had after gave me a sore back and that's almost the same thing. It wasn't excruciating but was sore, prob from all the poking and my back was bruised. It was ok after a couple of days. Congratulations again!! X
Evening hope everyone is well...James has been on his first bus today, popped into town to meet a friend for coffee and buy crafts to make thank you cards for all the presents we have had :) x

Ladyk i didnt have the epi 2 of my Sisters did and im sure they had back pain! hope its better soon!! xx
Evening all!!!

Lilbumpblue, glad you had a good day!! I have been writing our thank you cards, can't believe how many I have to write!!

LadyK, I only had a spinal before I had my stitches, I was just a bit achey for a couple of days, hope you feel better soon x

We have had a productive day, upstairs is nearly all packed, I even managed to cook a shepards pie for tea, Hope slept for 4 hours and its was heaven!! She is awake alot more in the day now, fx'd we have another good night!! Think I may have to up her bottles to 6oz!! Well I have to say I haven't seen a potential x factor winner yet!! Bit poor really!!
Evening all!!!

Lilbumpblue, glad you had a good day!! I have been writing our thank you cards, can't believe how many I have to write!!

LadyK, I only had a spinal before I had my stitches, I was just a bit achey for a couple of days, hope you feel better soon x

We have had a productive day, upstairs is nearly all packed, I even managed to cook a shepards pie for tea, Hope slept for 4 hours and its was heaven!! She is awake alot more in the day now, fx'd we have another good night!! Think I may have to up her bottles to 6oz!! Well I have to say I haven't seen a potential x factor winner yet!! Bit poor really!!

Im recording xfactor cos DF is playing on the xbox! :nope: ...he did have a gaming room until we turned it into James' nursery, even thou he wont sleep in there until he is about 6 months! lol xx
ive missed a couple of days good to see more ladies here

good to see you lady K

ive done bathtime and both girls are upstairs in moses baskets , we decided to sit down stairs and watch tv tonight.
they went for four hours between feeds last night a minor miracle not sure im expecting the same tonight. Amelia wore her first pair of jeans today she looked so cute, Laylas still a bit too small for hers.

As for me, my period came in the night , i swear i thought i was having a major problem it is unbeleivably heavy and still is, i hadnt given much thought to periods but have had to stock up on heavy duty towels today as im going through them like mad!

I want to watch x factor but dh is watching dr who !!
Hi ladies, me popping on really quickly as usual! I really don't know where the time goes!

LadyK, I've not had an epidural, but I reckon Babythinkpink's got something in the putting yourself in a painful position thing as well as the epidural itself! I've still got pain in my shoulder from hooking my arm around the side of the birth pool! Eek! I hope you're able to enjoy Paige and being a new mum again, and that you get some sleep tonight. I had terrible afterpains this time with Sam, like being in labour again. Lasted about 5 days and then suddenly stopped.

Go Becs with being productive! What date do you actually move? How exciting (and stressy with a little Hope to look after!)

We've had a nice day today, all in all. I went to the docs for mine and Sam's 6 week check. All is good, Sam is a big boy as we know! He is on the 99th centile for his head circ and his length, but she didn't want to weigh him. I reckon he'll be on the 99th for weight too. Big chunky boy!
So then me and all 3 little lads went to my mum's and it was nice and relaxing. We came home and then the whole family went down out for a walk with the dogs. It was so nice!

Had a lovely mummy moment before, too. Was watching X Factor when Sam was being all fussy and wanting to feed, so I stood up with him to feed, swaying along with the music. It was shit and cheesy, but so lovely to be dancing with my littlest man. <3

Watching Casualty now, then a quick chilli for supper, then dream feed the little chap, then bed!! xx

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