September Stars

While we're on the topic of feeding, I'm still so confused about everything!! I never know what to give Ellie :-s

Today Ellies dinners and stuff went

-Breakfast - Half a cow and gate weet-a-bix biscuit with full fat milk and bit of banana mashed in with half a slice of toast. Then gave her 6oz stage 2 6 months follow on milk

- 6oz stage 2 follow on milk

- Dinner - Some broccoli, parsley sauce made with full fat milk and a bit of salmon mixed together and some cow and gate 100% fruit cocktail puree

- 6oz follow on milk

- Tea - Jar of pasta and tomato

- 6oz follow on milk

what im most concerned about is ive moved on to using the red sma formula, the one for weaning and 6 months + in the last 4 days but she doesnt seem satisfied with that? are you all still using the first infant formulas?
I'm using follow on milk I make it up in a jug with the amount he needs for the day that way I can mix it in with foods or pour it in a bottle for him. He does seem more hungry but I just make sure I give him plenty of food
What happened was I noticed 2 were faulty, so emailed 'natural Baby Shower' where i got them and they said check them all, send back the faulty to them free post and they would replace, so i did.
I emailed after a week of not hearing if they had received them or not and they mail me back yesterday saying they have gone back to Tots Bots for repair and would be with me shortly, my argument is i bought new ones, and want them right not repaired:growlmad: I am waiting to see what they say about the email i sent saying i hadn't paid for sub standard, faulty, seconds etc and expected replacements like they said not repairs...etc
I will be emailing tots bots when i know what the natural baby shower are doing about the email i sent, i am not happy about not being asked if a repair was acceptable first, or that they were not stitched properly in the first place, and so i will complain to tots bits about the nappies and mention the natural baby shower company....oh do i keep saying that!!!!
On a nicer note as for the nappy, the ones that were fine i am using and are fab :thumbup: i an exitedly:happydance: awaiting my aunties sample of a cover she is making me, as i am crap at needle craft i have begged and grovelled her into doing it for me, and sent her lots of pretty fabrics! :hugs:

Just been on the site and they have either sold out or stopped selling the pack i had, as its not there any more xx
BTP, no wonder you're not happy! They've sold you faulty nappies, so bad!! Hope you get the answer you want and deserve. xx

Thanks for all the milk/food responses ladies, I knew I could count on you all to help me out. It looks as though we're all doing a similar thing, whether breast or bottle feeding. Today I've tried to not be too hung up about it. Sam's eaten really well and had a few short but good boob feeds. I always think satisfied burp = enough milk, even if only from a couple of minutes on the boob!! He's done really well today, bless him, so I think for now I will carry on as we are with boob in the day with his food, and bottle for bed. The resources online that I looked at today also pretty much said reduce the milk down as the food's going up. He's past 7 months now, so I think the problem is more with me thinking he should be taking more milk from me, when he's probably taking the right amount. And as others have said, I am sure he would let me know if he wanted more. Thanks again ladies, you're stars! xx

Hope we're all okay tonight. xx
Urgh Btp when I had my issue I sent a photo got forwarded to totsbots emailed her it she asked for my address and sent me a new one.. Mine was a teeny bit of stitching coming away... I wouldn't buy from them again, she is obviously playing this :gun: i will send a nappy back if it's faded more than I think it should be or if the stitching looks shit... There is no way you should have to put up with that. Totsbots are a great company they should do ok. I would email totsbots being nice and saying what happened but you dont want then repaired and they will help you out :hugs:
BTP, no wonder you're not happy! They've sold you faulty nappies, so bad!! Hope you get the answer you want and deserve. xx

Thanks for all the milk/food responses ladies, I knew I could count on you all to help me out. It looks as though we're all doing a similar thing, whether breast or bottle feeding. Today I've tried to not be too hung up about it. Sam's eaten really well and had a few short but good boob feeds. I always think satisfied burp = enough milk, even if only from a couple of minutes on the boob!! He's done really well today, bless him, so I think for now I will carry on as we are with boob in the day with his food, and bottle for bed. The resources online that I looked at today also pretty much said reduce the milk down as the food's going up. He's past 7 months now, so I think the problem is more with me thinking he should be taking more milk from me, when he's probably taking the right amount. And as others have said, I am sure he would let me know if he wanted more. Thanks again ladies, you're stars! xx

Hope we're all okay tonight. xx
Asher, I just think we need reassurance that our gut instincts are right!!!

BTP, let them have it!!!

Hope has eaten loads today, weetabix for breakfast, loads of fruit for lunch and a massive bowl of mac cheese for tea!! She much prefers homemade as the odd time I have given her shop bought she has hardly touched it!! Must be my fantastic cooking lol!!!
Asher unless rosalie is comfort sucking to sleep her feeds are maybe 2mins long?

On a side note rosalie is now 18lb.... Is that about in the middle? Tabs was above 20lb at 7 months
Girls, it is sooooo a reassurance thing. Grrr I should know better, Sam's my third!!! Silly woman!! Thanks Blob, yep his feeds are short but they take more milk, more quickly, don't they, and I guess we know they don't need as much as it's no longer their only food source. I think one of my issues is how badly constipated Archie was for so long, and how medicated he had to be to get over it. I was frightened when Jack was this age too. I need to get over it!!!!

Mmmmm Becs, Mac cheese sounds good, I might make it tomorrow for the boys. I reckon Sam would love it, he's got his mum's cheesey tooth!! Yum!
Sarah, 18lbs is fab!!! I have a little fatty lol!!

Our new neighbours moved in earlier, so I will pop round at some point tomorrow and be neighbourly!!! Or as Ian would say nosey!!
Girls, it is sooooo a reassurance thing. Grrr I should know better, Sam's my third!!! Silly woman!! Thanks Blob, yep his feeds are short but they take more milk, more quickly, don't they, and I guess we know they don't need as much as it's no longer their only food source. I think one of my issues is how badly constipated Archie was for so long, and how medicated he had to be to get over it. I was frightened when Jack was this age too. I need to get over it!!!!

Mmmmm Becs, Mac cheese sounds good, I might make it tomorrow for the boys. I reckon Sam would love it, he's got his mum's cheesey tooth!! Yum!
I've been reading ladies just not getting the chance to post , I need to get in the laptop and update my pictures and stuff.

My mums house move has been taking most of our time and the worrying news that dh may be made redundant which is getting us down!

Girls however are doing great , Amelia is bottom shuffling around and is still as placid as ever Layla Is obsessed with rolling and can't stay still and is as cheeky as usual .

Food is coming along nicely it's been more traditional weaning really they have ....
Bottle between 6 and 7

Breakfast between 8 and 9 is porridge and a yoghurt each

Bottle and snacks I.e rusk or carrot crisps at 12- 1

Tea between 4-5 bowl of savoury food followed by pudding

Bottle 7-8 before bed

We are using cow and gate follow on milk
Layla has 4ozs per bottle sometimes more Amelia has 7 Ozs per bottle

I have started using asda s own action fit nappys and they are great, no smells or leaks .

I've twitered on for long enough xx
Hi girls!
Just a quick post from me!
Bum is much better this morning, so I'm going to try the workout today and take it really easy. :thumbup: Thanks for the sympathy - I was feeling very grumpy and sorry for myself! :)
Had Tobe's 6 mos vaccinations today. He did very well, but did give the nurses his Tobe the Teakettle impression. Honestly, I am surprised he doesn't shatter glass.
Anyway, he's 18 lbs 4 oz, so just over 50% for weight, can't remember his height, but he's over 75% and his ginormous head is still at 94%. Healthy, happy, plump and juicy - just as a baby ought to be. So my fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants mothering seems to be working! :)

Hope all are well. Must dash!
Thay have offered me now, if i accept the repairs, 2 packs of liners, and added the rrp £2.99 to it, which made me laugh when they know how much the nappies cost!!!!
Blob i sent a photo, they still wanted the nappys back, which is why i looked at them all and ended up finding 6!!

The first 2

Will go to tot bots now, after emailing back and suggesting what they can do with the repairs and liners! :hugs::growlmad:
Asher Tabs got bad constipation too :nope: its not nice and I have also worried loads...

BTP I would just speak to totsbots :dohh: I dont know if it helped that I'm a friend of the owner of the shop so she might have said that it was real but I dont see why they would need more than a photo really :nope:
Morning ladies...
I would be so happy unhappy with a repair BTP. Customer service these days is crap and gets right up my nose. I am one to complain if I am not happy, just persevere and I'm sure you'll get replacements hoeny.

On the feeding front, Riley doesen't feed from me much either, but I always offer the boob. More often than not he pulls away and just wants to play with my nipple!!! LOl
Oh, and Riley will not tolerate small lumps in his food- anyone else find this? Also, he won't drink from a beaker- any ideas on what to do to encourage this??

He can now crawl!!!! Slowly but surely. I am such a proud Mummy!
I am thinking he is more of a mover than a talker though as we have no words yet. I am waiting for Mama but I don't think it will be anytime soon. I am jealous of all your clever talking babies!!

Well, the weather is GORGEOUS here so I have put some washing out and just waiting for the next load. Housework to do as usual but then I think I'm going to go out and enjoy the weather whilst its here.

I hope all you ladies are well, enjoy this lovely sunny day.
Teeny - have you tried a beaker with a soft tip? They are closer to the feel of a nipple and can be a good in-between step.
Afternoon girls

Teeny have you tried a doidy cup? There was a woman at my baby group whose baby wouldn't take a bottle or a normal beaker and the nursery nurse suggested one of these:

I don't know if it worked or not, but apparently they are better for breastfed babies who won't take to beakers or bottles.

We FINALLY have a tooth! She's had 2 sitting below the gum since about 4 months, one keeps going red around the gum and I'm sure it's about to break through, but nope, we got one at the front at the bottom instead! She was really dribbly and grumpy yesterday evening and out it popped. Seems ok now it's cut through though, bless her.

I have to put on and take off several outfits this morning, as it seems she has grown overnight and nearly all of her 6-9 month clothes are too small! Her trousers all all too short and her t shirts too short as well. I've been buying bits of 9-12 stuff with what I have made from selling her 3-6, but I need more urgently!! She's already in 9-12 vests, about to go into the sleepsuits and is already in her 9-12 coat :wacko: Hope she slows down soon!! lol

Hi ladies

Sorry for my absence - had some stuff on my mind and didn't want to bore you all with it.

Please tell me I'm not the only one with a baby that isn't sleeping through the night? There is no rhyme or reason to Scarlett's night time pattern. On Sunday she slept 8pm-1am 1-15am -7am which was fantastic. Then the last two night she has been up at 11pm, 3am 5am and 7am. We've been trying to give her a bottle at night, she will take 100ml at the most, usually 75ml and then I've ended up topping her up with boob. At her 3am and 5am she wants boob which means she doesn't want it when she wakes at 7am.

Asher - I'm glad you asked about feeding schedules as I was wondering the same. How many of us are still BF? Asher, Laura, BTP, Teeny Weeny Anyone else? For those that are combination feeding with babies over 6 months, are you using Follow On Milk? When I've given Scarlett a bottle at night I've been given Aptimal Breastmilk Substitute but I wasn't sure if I should be giving Follow On?. Scarlett is using a cup - the Tommee Tippee "Tip it Up" with liptouch technology that Laura recommended. I have one for Water and I think I'm going to try some formula in it too. Scarlett will also take a Doidy cup but the Tip it Up makes less mess. At mealtimes Scarlett wants to see the food so she holds onto the bowl. Sometimes she point blank refuses to be fed with a spoon because she wants to do it herself. Most of the time I have to give food before boob, if I do it the other way around she messes about. If I give boob first she won't eat much food but if I give food first she eats all the food plus the same amount of boob as she would have had anyway. Our feeding schedule looks roughly like this at the mo.

5am ish Boob

7.30/8 Breakfast - Usually Fruit and Toast. Not keen on Weetabix or Porridge so might try Cheerio's. Any cereal recommendations?

9am ish Boob

12 Lunch - Trying to introduce more lumps but a bit hit and miss at the mo. For some reason she will eat lumpy veg but when I tried to give her fish she gagged and spat pasta stars out. The other day I gave up and gave her a cheese sandwich which she fed herself?!

1/1.30pm Boob

4pm - This is the feed she is dropping so some days she has boob, others she doesn't

5pm - Dinner usually veggies and a yoghurt.

6.30pm - Sometimes a bottle, always some boob. I've tried just giving her the bottle but she then just wakes up at 8pm wanting boob. Next week will be a test as I won't be there between 6pm-9pm so she will have no choice but to take the bottle. I suspect if I'm not in the house she'll take it fine from Daddy the little monkey.

BTP - I can't believe how useless the shop/website are being over your nappies. They are not fit for purpose so they should be replacing them not repairing them - what a cheek. I'm inclined to agree with Blob - you are right to go straight to Tots Bots. It's making me wonder whether the shop/website are trying to pull a fast one and the were "seconds" but the didn't advertise them as such?

Well I finally felt brave enough to put on a swimming costume for the first time in 4 years and took Scarlett swimming yesterday with my friend and her daughter. We had a fab time, the pool we went to hasn't been open long and the main pool isn't open yet so it was dead. There were only four of us there with our little ones. Given it was a baby pool I didn't think it was particularly warm, I would guess about 28 degrees. I'm looking forward to swimming at Center Parcs next week - the pool is 32/33 degrees. I've ordered Scarlett a Wetsuit Swim Wrap with matching swim nappy so I hope it arrives before we go on hol. It's supposed to keep them warm so they can stay in the water longer. I bought it on Ebay as it was half the price of Mothercare and Jojo Maman Bebe. Here is a link if anyone is interested:-
I'd like to take Scarlett to proper lessons but they are really expensive and we can't afford it at the moment.

Hope everyone has the same lovely sunshine we do in London today
MrsJ I wanted to take Holly to proper swimming lessons with waterbabies but they are so expensive for just half an hours lesson! I was in the pool whilst a waterbabies lesson was going on once and I thought it sooo wasn't worth the money, I do everything they do anyway minus the singing lol

I forgot to say that Holly seems to have dropped another feed over the last couple of days, she's not been wanting her lunch time bottle so now our days look like this:

8am up and 6/7oz bottle and 1 weetabix/some porridge/crumpets/toast

12.30/1pm 4oz formula in a beaker and lunch, which is various things. Today was dairylea sandwich, cucumber sticks, some avocado and a yoghurt. Also water in a beaker offered after lunch now she's having the beaker of milk with lunch.

5pm ish Tea- various things, last night was rice and mixed veg in a cheese sauce and peaches and bananas for pudding. She has what we have if it's suitable, but I had a weight watchers meal and veg last night.

8pm 8oz bottle and bed

So now she's only having 2 bottles a day and 1 4oz beaker, about 18/19oz of formula a day. She's dropped the bottles quite quickly, she only dropped the 5th after christmas, the 4th last week and now the 3rd in favour of a beaker!


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