September Stars

Tw I'm going to try out cod with butternut squash and cheese sometime this week I can pm you the recipe if your interested once I'm on my computer instead of phone? Its the first time cooking a proper meal for him as I've just been doing plain veg and fruit. Decided it was time to try something new, I'm going to have some myself too ! You can freeze aswell

I have tried a few recipes but he won't touch carrotty ones! I freeze the dinners for the week and just defrost one a day. He really likes the fish ones! He has had plaice and trout. Both went down a treat! x
TW Holly's loves:

Tuna pasta bake :I just mix together cheese sauce (butter, flour, milk and grated cheese), cooked baby pasta, tuna and sweetcorn then put in an oven dish and cover with cheese and pop in the oven for 10 mins.

Cheesy pasta stars: I peel and deseed a few tomatoes, sautee them in some butter, puree them and mix with cooked baby pasta and a handfull of cheese.

Jacket potato with tuna/beans/cheese/butter

I also bought some Heinz savoury baby rice and I cook that up and mix it with any puréed veggies and some chicken or something.

Fish pie with either cod or tuna, a white sauce (like cheese sauce but without the cheese!) and some veggies topped with mashed potato.

Cheesy mashed potato or cheesy veg with dairylea.

Spaghetti bolognaise, the usual way I make it.

Chilli and rice the usual way I make it minus the chillis and chilli seasoning

Random question for you ladies, those of you whose babies are on 3 meals a day, how often do they poo?? Holly has gone from once a day when just on bottles to up to 4 times a day now she's on food!!

Emzy JJ is only on two meals a day but he poops alot more now. He used to be once a day but has gone to three tines a day. Tw I'll pm the fishy butternut recipe There's no carrots :)
Tobe has 1-2 meals per day, but we will still have a day of just BF if he is as grumpy and clingy as he has been lately with the teething.
I've been so terrible for routines with Tobes. I was a lot more regimented with Simon. It's really hard establishing a baby routine around a toddler, though.
Tobes gets a few jar purees, various porridges and then food off my plate, as long as it isn't too salty.
I tend to do mixed veg for lilia, sometimes add chicken with baby chicken stock, I made cock-a-leaky which she adores, it's just leek, chicken and potato boiled for 20 mins in some formula milk, then pureed! And my version of fish pie was just haddock poached in formula, then blended with potato, swede and carrots but you could use peas instead of carrots? I'm going to try butternut squash, peas and spinach this week!
Emzy- Ollie has 3 meals a day and has gone from doing 1 poo a day to 3 or 4.
genies James is still in with us, and dont really have plans to move him anytime soon x

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ^^^^ what she said !! I have no plans at all to move Olivia. I love having her in with us. :haha:

^^^^^ Me too, in no rush to move Rosie although i know she would sleep better i am trying to get her through that stage! I love her in with us!

No more baby plans and i advise everyone to say never say never, as i said no more after Jack then went on to have 2 and 3 then i said never say never and along came 4 and 5, and i like nice even numbers so who knows, i have 18 months b4 my age 40 deadline, unless i move the goals! :haha:

Rosie still just eating fromage frais, crunchy organics carrot sticks, cake(!) but 99% milk still, and about one poo a day!

She can say baba, dada, yaaa, she says randomly and we think is just trying to get in on the conversation! bubu, which is her brother Ben, we think 'brother' but if it is its very good! She copies noises, all the time, mimicks anything she can, i remember my eldest doing that too!

Got to go I smell that one a day poo needing a change! Oh and talking of that i asked where my nappies were today and the company told me they had gone for repair, not happy! I sent a snotty email saying i hadn't bought seconds or faulty and wouldn't accept a repair, and that i didn't think i was being unreasonable expecting them to be replaced, 6 were sent back out of 20, 3 of which were brand new, 3 had been washed.
anyway i placed the link as a good buy and nice company and now i am taking it back, not recommending them and saying beware if it looks too good it is!!

Back soon xxx:hugs:
Hope has about 3-4 poos a day!! They are really weird, like spinach some of them!!! She does eat alot of fruit and veg tho!!!
Hey girls

Hope you all had a lovely mothers day, I was out all day and when we got home i had a manic few hours getting the kids to bed as we decided to put Paiges proper cot in our room, but grant broke it, Paige was unsettled and Jake was being annoying and i felt sick.. not a good night, i didnt get to bed till 3am and paige was awake at 5, and i had to get up for work at 6am...... Great for my first day back at work. You would think after being away for 7 months my team would at least ask how the baby was, everyone else did except my team... Apparently they are upset i didnt want to be moved because now they may be moved and they dont want to be moved either, taking into account it could effect my hours and family life and they have no responsibilities like me ... rant over !!!

on the food subject, paige is on stage 2 with lumpy bits !!! and no gagging. Still not been brave enough to give her finger foods but the HV says they have been told to advise not to go down the BLW so she wasnt much help on advising me on what to do with finger foods. She also poos 2-3 times a day now...and they stink, not the nice new born poo smell...: (

BTP- did they advertise them as brand new? im sure its against the law to sell seconds or refurbs without it being stated, thats very dodgy and good on ya for writing them a letter
Evening ladies!!

Loving the food talk! I'm not the main cook in our house, but I do the baby/kids food, so inspiration is good! My latest recipes for Sam were a braised steak/mashed potato/carrot/gravy type dish, a tuna/veggie pasta sauce combo, and his favourite spinach, potato and peas. I need to try your cheese/tomato/past stars Emzy. Jelly, could you send me the cod/butternut squash recipe too please? Thanks, it sounds fab!!

Sam poos probably twice or 3 times a day now I would say. It stinks. Bless him. How can something so small make such a bad smell??!!

Boobie ladies, I have a question/concern.... Sam loves his food and is having three meals a day. He then also has his bottle of formula at bedtime, between 4 and 6 ounces usually. Boob wise, he feeds from both sides when he wakes first thing in the morning, and then feeds mid-morning, just before lunch, mid-afternoon, just before tea, then around 6pm sometimes. Apart from the first thing in the morning feed, he doesn't feed for long at all for his other feeds. I don't particularly feel as though I have lots of milk now either, although I know your boobs don't need to feel full to have milk. Sam has also started to bite a lot too, which bloomin hurts!! Jack had a full mouth of teeth when I finished feeding him, so I know I can get through it, but it's just an added issue. I suppose my question is whether he's getting enough milk now from me or whether I need to try and introduce more formula? Argh. Sorry if that was rambling, I'm sure it was!!
Claire, I think you have done so well bf this long, and the other ladies!! Are you happy with the frequency Sam is feeding? If not you could always try and give him formula in the day so he would go a little longer between feeds?? I don't know as I have always ff and Hope goes a good 4 hours between feeds!!

The Annabel Karmel book has some fab recipes in it, tomorrow I am making Hope a salmon pasta with brocolli!! She really likes new flavours, tonight she had my homemade veg lasgane!! I have started making her weetabix and porridge with full fat milk, and she still has an 8 oz bottle straight after!! I have a little section in the fridge for her full fat stuff like milk, cheese etc!!

We have walked about 6 miles today with Murphy, so I guess I shall be doing the same tomorrow!! I am off to have a look at a new car tomorrow, we have someone who wants to buy our car, we really need a family friendly car!! I am taking a c max for a test drive, my parents have one and its lovely to drive!! We have a 3 door sporty golf atm which is a fricking nightmare to get Hope in and out of the back of!! I am always hitting my sodding head!! So we have gone a for a very practical car!!
Ladyk, Yes i bought them as brand new, no talk of anything sub standard, seconds, or anything else but 6 out of 20 were not stitched at the sides properly so faulty.:growlmad:
I am pretty sure you cant just do a repair either, and certainly not without asking first, so i can refuse a repair and have them replaced, but they were not going to ask just repair! :hissy:

Asher, 6 months is a good stint, and he is on plenty of solids for nutrition, plus the formula he also takes, your milk will keep going where the demand is but it sounds like he is just taking it because it's being offered rather than really needing it!
I would replace any boobie feeds with formula and see how he goes, he may not take much at that point, so you could just phase them out in favour of his food, offer fluids, by a year he can have cows milk in a beaker or a follow on milk, but tbh if you have had enough you have done plenty and taken him to weaned so not much more you can do!
Well done you! :hugs:

Baby crying, little miss demanding, can't help but think i make her this way by constantly holding her and jumping to her every whim, but i would like some sleep now beautiful baby! :sleep:

Back soon :hugs:
Evening girls

Glad to hear the poo frequency is about right lol She goes so much and they stink!! lol

Jelly please could you send me the butternut squash and cod recipe too?

On the subject of speaking, Holly says mama or mum quite a lot now, also said dada over the last couple of days! She also says hiya and baba all the time!

LadyK how was your first day back? Sorry to hear about your rubbish team!

Asher like becs said, I think you've done so well to breastfeed for so long! I don't have much experience of it, but maybe Sam is just taking less milk because he is having more food? Is he having a lot of dairy in his diet? Holly has just dropped a bottle and now has 3 x 7 oz a day, whereas not so long ago she was on 5 x 7oz a day! The HV said she needs to be having 18-20oz of milk a day, mainly from bottles but it also includes other dairy like cheese and yoghurt. Like Becs said, are you happy with how often he feeds? Holly will now go at least 4/5 hours between feeds. I know it's very different for formula fed babies, but she has a bottle and breakfast at 8am, bottle and lunch at 12.30/1pm, tea and no bottle at 5/5.30pm and a bottle at 8pm. I think as long as you're happy with the frequency he will let you know if he is hungry! But I don't think there would be anything wrong with offering him formula during the day to make sure that he is getting everything he needs if it would make you feel better :flower: How is he at drinking out of a beaker? Perhaps you could offer some formula in a beaker as a drink with lunch? I'm going to try giving her lunchtime milk in a beaker soon as the HV suggested this should be the next bottle to drop. :flower:

I'm just watching the OBEM from tonight and it's one from when we were all pregnant! It makes me feel really emotional to think that when I was watching it before I had it all to come. When the lady came back from theatre with her new baby girl and she was just opening her eyes and blinking at the bright lights it reminded me off Holly when she was born awwww :cloud9:

Awww matt does so well :cloud9:

Louise that's mental how can she treat her children like that :(
Think he felt guilty about up and leaving in less than 48hrs :haha:

I'm kinda brooch but don't think I want another yet?

Tabs didn't get a dummy and I was up feeding her 4x a night. Rosalie pretty much only gets it at naps & in the car but she mostly only wakes for feed/snuggles. Tonight she's been awful and woken up constantly and if I'm not fast enough she just loses it :(

Asher I would say that he will be getting enough from you Hun don't worry trust your body he will tell you if he's not. Tabs was taking 1feed by one and no other milk she just wouldn't take anything. If rosalie stopped taking feeds I would just give her waterandd more yoghurt but that's me :shrug:

Rosalie will not sleep longer than 10mins tonight :cry: :hissy: I need Robin to tell me to chill my beans :lol: can hear tabs sucking her tongue :(

BTP rosie is doing so so well :thumbup:
Asher, I'm shockingly clueless about how much Tobe drinks in a day. I just boob him on demand and don't really think about it. I haven't offered formula, other than as a replacement for a BFing if I'm away and didn't get a chance to pump. I just look at my fat, happy little baby and feel pretty confident that he's getting enough?
Is Sam indicating that he isn't satisfied?
Because I wouldn't worry otherwise. Just keep on as you are doing. :thumbup:
He didn't get to be the glorious size he is without you! :)

Holy shrieking babies!
Tobe is having his afternoon meltdown again.
Criminy, that kid can scream. Not my favourite part of his personality, lately. :nope:

And I pulled a muscle in my bum doing stupid lunges in stupid P90x and I'm absolutely hobbling. It feels like I set off my sciatic nerve, too.

At least I seem to be over that mysterious bug from yesterday.
And I pulled a muscle in my bum doing stupid lunges in stupid P90x and I'm absolutely hobbling. It feels like I set off my sciatic nerve, too.

OWCH! that sounds really painful, hope it's better soon!

Just a quick one from me, popping by to say good morning all,

Funny old night with Rosie, she was unsettled, so i took her downstairs for a cuddle, she had a tiny bit of baby porridge and some boob and eventually settled, then did about 4 hours which i needed! :sleep:

I saw obem too, it is funny how its different as to when your watching it, when i first saw it i thought what a bloody fuss that woman made, but after my last labour i didn't think she was that bad!!!:haha:

Right time to go, read back over my email to nappy place, really glad i wrote it on my phone and emailed it spur of the moment as its quite stroppy, and if i had waited for the laptop i would have cooled off and been more polite, and polite was not called for here:haha:

Back later, bye for now, happy Tuesday everyone! :rain:
Sarah oh that sounds really sore :( I agree I have NO idea how much rosalie feeds, some days she feeds more and other days she might only feed a few times ha ha. But she's happy so I don't really ever think about it :shrug:

Becs Robin keeps trying to get me to sell my car :grr:

BTP what happened with the nappies? I only ever buy from shops where I know the owners so I've never had issues. Are you emailing the website or totsbots? I have a lady in totsbots email if you want it? When I had a problem with one of mine, she just sent me another one I didnt have to send them back or anything.
Sarah oh that sounds really sore :( I agree I have NO idea how much rosalie feeds, some days she feeds more and other days she might only feed a few times ha ha. But she's happy so I don't really ever think about it :shrug:

Becs Robin keeps trying to get me to sell my car :grr:

BTP what happened with the nappies? I only ever buy from shops where I know the owners so I've never had issues. Are you emailing the website or totsbots? I have a lady in totsbots email if you want it? When I had a problem with one of mine, she just sent me another one I didnt have to send them back or anything.
Boobie ladies, I have a question/concern.... Sam loves his food and is having three meals a day. He then also has his bottle of formula at bedtime, between 4 and 6 ounces usually. Boob wise, he feeds from both sides when he wakes first thing in the morning, and then feeds mid-morning, just before lunch, mid-afternoon, just before tea, then around 6pm sometimes. Apart from the first thing in the morning feed, he doesn't feed for long at all for his other feeds. I don't particularly feel as though I have lots of milk now either, although I know your boobs don't need to feel full to have milk. Sam has also started to bite a lot too, which bloomin hurts!! Jack had a full mouth of teeth when I finished feeding him, so I know I can get through it, but it's just an added issue. I suppose my question is whether he's getting enough milk now from me or whether I need to try and introduce more formula? Argh. Sorry if that was rambling, I'm sure it was!!

Olivia has 3 meals a day hun and I am still BF. At the moment our routine is like this....

7am Awake
7.30am - Breakfast (usually porridge) and maybe some jammy toast
9.30am - boob feed and 1 or 2 hour nap
12.00pm - Lunch
2.00pm - boob feed and 1 or 2 hour nap
5.00pm - Dinner and dessert
7.00pm - boob feed and bed - She often falls asleep whilst feeding.

She occasionally makes it clear that she is hungry and I have to give her an extra feed - Whilst she was ill I fed her alot more as she would only settle whilst feeding. Everyone keeps moaning at me for not cutting a feed but as she is such a slow weight gainer as it is I am reluctant to start cutting any feeds out yet. At 7 months she is now 14lbs.

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