September Stars

I'm still BFing exclusively. Tobe only gets formula in an "emergency" (ie I've got to run off somewhere and didn't get a chance to pump).
And Tobe is up a couple of times a night. It was less noticeable when he was still in our bed. I'd just roll over and stick my boob in him and go back to sleep. Now that I've put him in the crib in our room, I'm more aware of him needing his nightly drinks. Still too sleepy to actually notice the wake times, though. If he has a pattern, I have no idea what it is. Did I mention what a very casual mother I am to my second child? :)
I really would not worry about overfeeding with breastmilk or get too concerned about how much solid food Scarlett is getting. It really is about the big picture. Is she gaining well? Lots of energy and interest in the world around her? No signs of dehydration? Then just offer both breastmilk and solids and let her decide how much of each.
If you were planning to wean her or if she was underweight or something, then I'd be more concerned about getting a certain amount of each into her.
:shrug: That's me and my slapdash parenting!
Actually, on second thought - the milk stuff (breast or formula) is probably more important than any fruit or veg purees (if you are prioritizing at feeds). Protein is the most essential thing at this age for growth.
I'm pretty much on demand boobing with Tobe and he's huge. He generally wolfs down food when it's offered, but I'd say he still gets most of his nutrition from breastmilk.

I keep meaning to enroll Simon in swim classes, but I am glad that I didn't before now. Like the others, I think I would have been paying for activities that I can do myself. I am hesitant to put Simon in anything very structured yet. He doesn't have the attention span. I am using a free storytime program at the library to introduce him slowly to "classroom manners" - listening to the teacher, following the activities, etc. I think it would have been throwing money away to have done music or art classes or anything else like that at this age.
Every kid is different, though. Simon is a very energetic boy. A quieter, more focused kid might get a lot out of a class at age two. Simon does really well with one on one and physical activities.
The point is - I think you get more out of those classes later on. Scarlett isn't missing out, as long as you do lots of activities with her and a few friends her own age.
Thanks for all the comments, I have emailed them saying a repair is not acceptable, and i did not buy seconds so why should i accept them back? I said a few packs of liners was little compensation for the service, and the half a dozen nappies being faulty in the first place, or being half a dozen nappies down on what i should have.
I will contact Tots Bots too but atm i have no time, will try and do it later as i feel really strongly how bad they were, and than how bad the service on top has been! The actual nappies that were ok are great and i am really pleased with them, so it's a real shame:growlmad:

I have started giving Rosie more foods now, and helping her with what she likes, she gets really exited at some things, if she sees a organics carrot stick she goes dotty, waving her arms and legs about!
I am only trying to get more into her as the hv said iron drops in breast milk after 6 months and offered vitamin drops which if i can avoid by increased foods I will.
We are still bf on demand, and i offer a breakfast, dinner and tea foods as well as the boob after, this has only been the last few days and she is getting exited at seeing foods already!

As for beaker drinking it is quite difficult with bf babies, a few tips!
If baby can see what its for its better so get a good old fashioned leaky cup like a tommee tippie and drip a bit into their mouth so they can see what its for, another one i found worked b4 but not tried with Rosie yet is get a drink with a straw and squeeze a bit into baby's mouth, again the feeing the drink can encourage a suck and then an understanding for taking juices/water/fluid!
I am bf enough not to offer anything else atm, and she really hates anything else!
Rosie gags on anything really, except yoghurt!! She is getting better, and the organics carrot sticks are working to encourage her to nibble at something, can recommend those, they say from 7 months but disolve really easily.

Little miss kicking laptop now so best be off, oh and we have no rhyme or reason to sleep either, last night it was every hour or less she was up, i have tried everything, cant work out why she has gone from a 4-7 hour a night baby to a less than an hour at a time!:shrug:
I am totally bloody knackered:sleep:
How can i resist her though???
Teeny I used the doidy cup with tabs she refused everything... She didn't understand to suck?

Emzy yaaay for the teeth :wohoo:

I'm still exclusively BF :) fed tab till she self weaned and going to do the same this time. Rosalie still feeds lots but not for a long time and no pattern to it.
Rosalie has been sleeping badly, think it's a phase and just need to grin and bear it :hugs: I pretty much agree with Sarah I just go with the flow I never think about how much she's getting I just figure that so long as she's happy and not dehydrated.

Aww we go swimming every week it's good fun rosalie goes mad for it. Tomorrow there is a huge blow up assault course thing there tabs is going to freak!! :)

Btp well done :thumbup: sounds fab totsbots were great with me. I only just started to give rosalie a bit if juice because she finds it so exiting :) rosalie won't touch anything mushed up she only eats what I do :wacko:
BTP- Ollie loves the Organics carrot sticks to he gets real excited when I get them out he also loves the apple rice cakes I think they might be Organics too but Ollie is greedy and will eat absolutley anything put in front of him.
Evening ladies!!!

YAY for teeth!!!

BTP thats brilliant, well done you!!!

Hope is deffo eating more and more each day, her portion sizes are going up but she still loves her milk!! Her favourite breakfast is weetabix with mashed banana, although its a flippin nightmare to get off!! Sets like concrete!! She has a sweet tooth and loves cakes!! Its weird but she seems to be more settled at night when Ian isn't here!! Maybe its his snoring!!
Evening ladies, a quick one from me tonight. I love love love all this food talk. It's inspiring and reassuring at the same time. And I feel so much better about the BFing. Sam's done great again today, and I have enjoyed the feeds, and so's he. Nice big burps at the end of them, and job's a good 'un!

Jelly, I've not had the recipe, could you PM it me again hun please? Thanks. xx

BTP, the whole nappy situation's a right bugger!! I hope it all gets sorted for you.

I love hearing how all our babies are so different. They're all of a similar age but have so many different likes and dislikes! Proper little people they are!

We've had a busy old day today. The usual school stuff, then we all went for a walk down the Vale, which is our local country park which just happens to be a 10 minute walk away. So it was me, DH, all 3 boys (big ones on bikes) and the 2 dogs. It was a long walk, but a good one. Archie did well on his bike, Jack not so well on his, and Sam had a little snooze in the pram. Lovely. Nice sunshine. I love it when we have a couple of hours out with no chores or anything, as a little family. Warms my heart it does!

Hope everyone's okay tonight! I see on FB that Olivia (LauraK) and the twins are still up and being cheeky! Hope they all settle soon!! x
Thanks for your responses ladies - it's good to know I'm not the only one still BF and up in the night. I've had a couple of negative comments about the fact that I'm still BF at baby group and also a few "oh, you are still feeding her she's over 6 months" type comments so I was starting to question whether I should be weaning her off the boob. I feel better about it now and am going to try and keep going for the time being.

We have had major tears over teeth tonight - poor thing I just wish one would come through she's been teething since she was 10 weeks old! I finally managed to settle her at 9pm and now she is zonked out. I am going to try the Organix Carrot Sticks. We have the Apple and Cinnamon Rice cakes and Scarlett ate one for the first time tonight. It's like she suddenly worked out how to eat it after a week or so of trying. I'm trying to give her things to feed herself at each meal as she is really keen. A lot of the time it ends up on the floor rather than in her tummy but it makes her happy. I've been giving her rusks to chew too, even though the HV's expressly forbid them. I don't believe for a minute that they practice what they preach with their own children!

They are asleep now Thankyou Asher, Layla has only just gone she will still be up in the night though!

Amelia is a organic carrot stick fan too she loves them!

We tried those munch bunch yoghurts in the shape of s strawberry tonight I thought they be great on the go as you just guide them in no spoon and they went crazy loved them so much, I didn't think anything could best s petit filous for them but these did :)
Ahh MrsJ08 ignore them they are just ignorant if they think that stopping BF after 6 months is what you do :dohh: It pisses me off the World health Organisation recomends BF until TWO!!! Doesnt mean we have to :lol: but people thinking oh you're meant to start stopping them at 6 months uh no! :grr: :grr: (mini rant over just get very grumpy at people who dont know what they are talking about then passing their crap information and opinions on others)

Becs I take Rosalie's clothes off and rinse them in the sink to get it off and then dump them in the basket :thumbup:

GG I really hope you got some sleep and everyone else who has waking babies :hugs: :hugs: Rosalie is HOPE is coming through it got more sleep last night.

Where is everyone?!? Quiet in here!

Blob I rinse Holly's clothes in the sink as well, they get all sorts stuck to them lol I've also started doing a separate hot wash for bibs and muslins as they weren't coming out clean with all the food stains!!

Poor Holly, I feel so sorry for her with her teeth! She didn't seem bothered about it yesterday but she woke up at 4am and cried sort of in her sleep all the way til about 6.30am. I went in the nursery and took her in the bed in there with me and cuddled her and she slept more soundly from about 6.30 til 8 when she woke up and gave me a smile followed by more crying! The tooth has come through a bit more today and is soo sharp. So I've dosed her up today, alternating calpol and nurofen for children and also using teething gel.

Got my fingers crossed for Matt today, he's got an interview for an internal job! He still doesn't know what's happening with redundancy, they keep delaying the decision! So annoying!

Looks like we're in for some nice weather for the weekend! Anyone got any plans?

It gets me angry when people have views over something which has nothing to do with them, In most countries they BF much much longer !!! its people like that which make women feel awful for wanting to breast feed past 6 months... I totally admire those breast feed after the 6 month mark.

Paige rolled over for the first time today, it happend in front of everyone at baby and toddler group, front to back.... She did it as i was explaining to one of the mums how she hasnt rolled over yet and im worried, just as i said it she rolled on to her back !!! everyone clapped, i was so happy !!! i managed to film her third roll for Grant to see.

Work is shit!! excuse my french but its the only way to describe it but it pays the bills, just got to get on with it, at least i get to go to the loo and get a full hour to eat my food !!! the actual work is much easier than being at home looking after a baby, just a shame the people i work with are more childish than my 13 year old son !!

Afraid i dont get much time to give personals any more, hope you are all well.
Hi Ladies!

I'm not on this thread often, as with the time difference it's sometimes hard to keep up. My LO is also a September Star....can't believe how fast the time has gone.

Quick question for you LO is VERY active...he has been army crawling for weeks now, loves to roll everywhere and is into everything. The one thing he hasn't been doing a lot of is 'baby talking'. He is a pretty quiet but busy little man. He has found his 'screech' and will say 'Oh' but other than that and blowing raspberries he doesn't babble at all. Just wondering if anyone's lo is similar?
Tobe doesn't do a whole lot of babbling, either. He makes lots of sounds, but not the baba dada stuff. With a loud and opinionated older brother around, I am wondering if Tobe is waiting until he can get a word in edgewise? :)
It's definitely nothing to worry about, though. Sounds like your little guy is way ahead on the physical stuff.
I can't believe how different my two boys are, let alone other babies.
Jayden babbled loads of sounds like dada mama etc when he was a baby but didnt actually talk for ages he still doesnt say many things now and hes 2 and a half! Its nothing to worry about they all catch up with each other eventually.

Tyler on the other hand doesnt babble at all he screams and screeches though and i'm sure thats because its the only noise he can do that makes him louder than his brother!!
Maybe that's it! I also have a 17 year old daughter who LOVES to talk!
Rosie babbles most of the time, unless she is tired and sucking her fingers and then she hums!

She loves frubes and can do them herself, i keep meaning to freeze them, i expect they will be nice when she is teething.

Totally taken over by the girls last night, Sophie slept in with me and so dh had to move into the spare bed!! Sophie wants to sleep on Daddy's side of the bed, and takes up much less space than him so it was nice! We have decided we need a family size bed!
got to go, 3 yr old falling asleep after her bath, emergency nappy and placement in bed required!!!
Back later xx

Right i am back, just a quick addition!

I intend to feed for as long as Rosie wants to, i have fed the others up to 10 months except Sophie which was 6 months as she was milk intollorant, the others at 10 months seemed to get frustrated and push away, or just get upset, so i stopped as i think my supply was reduced. I think with Rosie I have left later with the weaning as she is self weaning other than the odd spoon i help her with if she really struggles! She tends to stuff food in anyway but i give her a spoon to hold and chew on and dip in food, anyway all in all she is still taking more bf than the others so i hope i can feed to a year, and i would only be guided by her as to when i stop, although i am not keen when they can ask for it!

The nappies are on their way, 6 new nappies, not repaired, at bloody last! Tots Bots just said the baby shower people had good customer care and were sorry for the fault which was their responsibility and would send me nappy liners and a sample of washing powder:dohh:what is it with bloody, sodding nappy liners that they all want to chuck them my f***ing way?? I don't need them, on my Mums advice i use a mans size tissue and they are much better, they don't wrinkle up they are still flushable and catch more poo than a liner, and they are available in every supermarket! So blob looks like your getting some liners hun!!:haha: (if u use them, use a man size tissue and u wont!!)

Got to go again,:growlmad: my dh has had the rest of his tattoo's done today, she took less time on one and he is not as pleased with it, it needs more work, and a bit of a letter adding, so i say call her, and he wants me to, i mean wtf? His tatoo, she did it and i am the one bloody calling, i think if we didn't do things nothing would get done at all, husbands. who would have them????:shrug:

Sorry for rubbish catch up,

Lady k, :hugs::hugs: for work, sorry its shit babe xx:hugs::hugs:

Evening girlies!

BTP, glad you've won in the nappy war!! Well done you. Am loving Rosie loving frubes!! Fab! Hope Sophie went off okay with the emergency sleep plan. Bless!! And grrrrr at DH wanting you to sort his stuff out. x

Kara I'm sorry work's not going so well. How many hours a week do you work? x

Good to see you Shwhattam! Like the other lovely ladies have said, I wouldn't worry too much about the babbling thing. Mostly, Sam sucks his thumb and smiles or cries!! A couple of times a day we get "da da da" but not consistently, and usually when he's fed up and wants cuddling. We're nowhere near a babble with meaning.

By the way BTP, I love your man size tissue idea!! I use tots bots liners on a roll which were on offer in Tesco a couple of months ago. They're fine, but don't do lots! I've had a couple of escaped poos today. Well, not me personally, but you know what I mean!!!

Not a bad day here today, the usual rush around! Sam's been a pretty good lad really. And now it's time for bed! x
BTP, well done on the nappies!!!

Kara, sorry your work is so shit xx

Shwattham good to see you!!!

Evening Claire!!

We have had a busy day, last session of baby signing till May!! Couple of 4 mile walks!! I am pooped, Hope has been a little star, I could watch her play and chat away all day!! She has started waving when we say hello and wave, its well cute!! I am really looking forward to Ian coming home tomorrow, I have had a few moments with my PND this week, Murphy is good but trying to fit everything in has been rather challenging for me as I like everything just right!! I have a meds review next week so I might see if I need to up my dose as I don't feel like what I am on is enough, its working but I am still having episodes as I call them. albeit not as frequent but they are still there and I still get not very nice thoughts and feelings!! Lets face it I am nuts, lock me up now!!!
Kara so sorry work is so crap! Are you sure you can't make and sell your sculptures full time? X

Layla and Amelia don't make babble noises as much as some babies I know , they say nothing recognisable or repetitive yet .

Blob how are you doing with Robin being away ?

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